Discuss Matthew 6 Page 31

  • Tom on Matthew 6:24 - 12 years ago
    When we do not place God first in our lives, when we do not allow his spirit to rule our thoughts, when we do not apply his word to every choice we make, what are we truly seeking? Seek first the kingdom of God and all this will be added to you. It amazes me how far the world has fallen away, just look around, pride everywhere, entertainment has taken over every aspect of our lives, our idol is the life we live in this flesh. God says love this life and you will lose life, well then the vast majority alive today are dead, and do not even know it. It like a spiders web consisting of every facet of life, all based on the all mighty dollar, the holly wood industry calls it being creative, aka talented, same with the music industry, sports too with their hall of fame, all being paid astronomical amounts of money, and we call them STARS. No one considers themselves lost because they are rich, but just how rich are they? What do you think Jesus thinks about everything I have mentioned? The world is spinning out of control, people really have no concept of what a treasure is, being rich is, FOR WHAT DOES IT PROFIT A MAN (OR WOMAN) IF HE(OR SHE) GAINS THE WHOLE WORLD BUT LOSES HIS SOUL?
  • CHARLES-MILLER WABENO on Exodus 16 - 12 years ago
    This whole chapter reminds me of Matthew 6:34 "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." God didn't want them to worry about anything for He is in control; but unfortunately, Israel didn't listen to God. Likewise, we also, sometime do the same thing. We murmur, we complain. We have to put our trust in God for He knows what is going to happen tomorrow.
  • Biodun Williams on Malachi 3 - 12 years ago
    The gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth, to the Jew first and also to the Greek, for therein the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written the just shall live by faith. When it refers to the just, that talks about those that have, genuinely and truly given their lives to Jesus Christ, so that He can become, their LORD and Saviour, Romans 1:16, 17. Interestingly, Paul the apostle was not ashamed of it, and hence, we should not be ashamed of it either. And therefore, with reference to the issue of payment of tithe and giving of offering, these are doctrines that the New Testament dispensation approves- and because it is in the Old Testament does not mean it should be discarded. The Word says: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes Him should not perish, but have eternal life, John 3:16. It also says: As many as received Him, He has then given the power to become sons of God, even those who believe in His name, John 1:12. When you believe the Word of God and diligently act upon it, the power of the Holy Spirit will comes upon you. Have you not heard it when it says: Seek ye First the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all other things shall be added unto you? Matthew 6:33. God is the covenant keeping God, hence when God’s Word is received , believed and acted upon, based on the law of love, God has no option but to honour His part of the covenant. That means, when God’s dictates are put in place, all argument ceases and that is because of God’s integrity, and the infallibility of the Holy Writ.
  • Valerie on Matthew 6:33 - 12 years ago
    It is a powerful scripture that if we walked in it as Christians we would have less to worry about, it’s simple. As we dwell in his presence he takes care of all we need; isn’t that awesome…
  • Biodun Williams on Proverbs 5 - 12 years ago
    Proverbs 5 starts with a great and strong admonition that we should give, so to speak, committed and concentrated attention to the Word of God- and that refers to His Wisdom ( Psalms 37:4 John 15:7). But why such recommendation? It is because God‘s love is always instructional, corrective, inspiring; and as matter of fact encouraging. And in this Proverbs 5;1, Solomon, through the Wisdom of God, places great emphasis on obedience, and that is with regard to, giving attention to God’s Word. You see, the truth; God's Word, is filled with His love, truth, graciousness, peace, mercy and loving kindness. And when we give attention and plenty of time to the dictates of the Word of God, gossips, rumours, backbiting, innuendos and lies that others dish out won’t affect us. John 1:12, You see, he that loves the LORD and daily feeds and honour His Word, is hidden in Christ who is hidden in God. It is a mystery and yet it is real. Therefore, Proverbs 5 contains so much, as it encourages towards righteousness, godliness and holiness; and also warns individual Christians against immorality. When the truth of God Word is honoured, blessings become the norm ( 1 John 5:4). In other words it becomes a daily occurrence in the lives of the practitioners of the dictates of the Holy Writ, the Word of God. And with that comes genuine prosperity. It therefore connotes that the warnings against immorality are highly important for the true believer, so that the substances and such things that he carries, does not depart and flee into others habitation. And that is because the things of the Holy Spirit are not compatible with the arm of the flesh. Therefore, the reason for such strong warning and admonition, the implication of this, is that we give unwavering attention to the Word of God, and to really reflect on it and not on immorality. The more attention and time we give to meditating on the Word of God, the more intimate we become with the Holy Spirit; and the more the blessing and revelation He will pour upon us. In fact because the Kingdom of God is already inside whoever truly loves and believes God and His Word through the person of Jesus Christ, then investing committed attention to His Word and the practice of it cannot but result in outpouring of the blessings and favours of the Almighty God upon such individuals, ( Matthew 6:10; Luke 17:21, Romans 6:16). God has placed ministry gifts within the Body of Christ that we can learn from- and that is beside personal study of His Word. And therefore, it is wise to take advantage of such favours, and ministrations. And when the right type of attitude is put in place in that direction, that would result in practical righteousness, as we conduct ourselves, humbly and genuinely in line with the Word of God. In Deuteronomy 28:14, it talks about the blessings of obedience- while the other part of it talks about the curse of disobedience. When you read through it you cannot but marvel no matter who you are. And therefore the importance of taking on board God's dictates saturates and fills our being and then puts it in our mouths, as we conduct our lives in righteousness. We also declare it toward sanctification and purification, and that is because we are the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ. However, we must never forget that, all these are only for whosoever trusts and obeys; for you can't be wiser that your belief system. Hence the importance and relevance of genuine and committed obedience towards the dictates of the Holy Writ; for it has to be to you according to THE level of your dependency on God. That means devotion, humility and consecration.
  • Jay on Luke 11 - 12 years ago
    Regarding this prayer in Luke 11:2-
    1. There has been and continues to be a great err by pastor's in referring to this prayer as the lord's prayer;
    2. This is the disciples prayer in reference to the kingdom of heaven that Jesus was prepared to usher in during his early ministry, but was rejected by his people, the Jews ( John 1:11-14);
    3. Now this kingdom will be ushered in after the 2nd advent called the millennial reign of Christ. Jesus stated in verse 2 when ye pray (ye=disciples);
    4. Jesus never had to ask for forgiveness of trespasses or sins.
    This prayer is also found in Matthew 6:9-13.
  • Renee on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    The book of Matthew is very detailed, he clearly understood the teachings of Jesus Christ.
  • Getachew Abdu on Matthew 6:33 - 12 years ago
    Simple, but unchangeable principle for blessing. If we want to be blessed, we should seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness first.
  • Anonymous on Matthew 6:33 - 12 years ago
    In whatever we do, we need the presence Of GOD.
  • Apostle c odinlo on Matthew 6:33 - 12 years ago
    When you are addicted to God, then the blessing of God will be focused on you.
  • Mmakau on Matthew 6:33 - 12 years ago
    As we become the doers of the word but not only the hearers, God Blessings are endless.
  • Biodun Williams on Proverbs 4 - 12 years ago
    God's wisdom has Fatherly instructions, corrections, admonitions, information and guidance in them. As a matter of divine fact, His Wisdom originates from a heart of love, mercy, and compassion that are beyond human comprehension. Therefore, they are meant to stir you and I, as it were, into the favours and strength of God. And because God is God, and there is none compared to Him, it means that He can't lie. Hence, it is worthwhile and wise to give concentrated attention to His Word. God's Word is His Wisdom and His wisdom are His dictates, and they are meant for the good of whoever believes ( 2 Corinthians 12:9; Hebrews 4:16). Truthfully speaking, the fact that God does not do evil, but that He only does what is good and right, should encourage whoever cares to listen, to plunge into His truths, and also into His wisdom- and that must be through Jesus Christ, and also through the Holy Spirit, the Eternal Spirit ( 1 Corinthians 5:10; 2 Corinthians 3:5). The nuggets of truths, in this Proverbs 4, like others, are godlike precepts and instructions that are incomparable, good and right for the human soul, and for the spirit man, the hidden man of the heart, - and that mainly refers to the recreated human spirit. They are facets of biblical truths that are encouraging and also excellent for the godly type of life that many are craving and thirsting for ( Psalms 1:1-3, Psalms 37:4; Ephesians 1:17). Interestingly, depending perhaps on what background, a Christian comes from, the fact is that for the really genuine and committed type of Christian, a time will or must come that he will come into the knowledge that this God of Israel, the Father of our LORD Jesus Christ deserves to be magnified, glorified and worshipped; for there is none like Him ( John 4:23; 1 Peter 1:25). Thus, the place of wisdom, in the lives of whoever desires and dares to love and honour the Living God ( John 1:12; 3:16). He is, all that matters- and when you and I key into His love and faithfulness, He will do great wonders through us to the glory of His name. In view of these and many other things vis a vis the Word of God, wisdom dictates that we give ourselves committedly unto the LORD, and to His Word ( Matthew 6:33,34). There are challenges upon challenges that confront us, as individuals, and that is why, these truths and instructions, as contained in Proverbs, and throughout the pages of the Holy Writ, demand that we be faithfully committed to them. Remember, we have been accepted, into the family of the Beloved, and that refers to Jesus Christ ( John 17:3; Romans 8: 15; Ephesians 2:18; Galatians 4:16,1; Hebrews 9:14; 1 John 4:3; 5:13). And that is where the grace of God comes on board; His grace is more than sufficient ( 1 Corinthians 15:10; 2 Corinthians 3:5; 2 Corinthians 12:9). God has abilities no matter what task or assignment He has called you and I for. When you commit yourself to God's dictates and function in line with them, Angels will go on assignment for you ( John 15:7; James 4:16.). There are levels and degrees of encounters with God, that we can't get into except through daily obedience and practical submission to the Word of God. In fact there is nothing, as far as I know that can surpass what God has given. He has given Jesus Christ, who is referred to biblically, as the Wisdom of God, - and that is for the salvation and redemption of humanity. And when you belong to Him through the agency of the new birth, you automatically become joint heirs with Him. And with that you are sorted if you know how to walk or function in love, and then take advantage of what He has given through Christ Jesus, the Saviour of the World. The essence of these is that we should give attention to wisdom, embrace it, reflect upon it, and practice it. God's instructions and precepts demands heartfelt obedience ( Psalm 119:6; John 14:15; John 15:120; 1 Corinthians 7:19; 1 Peter 1:25; 1 John 5:3). It says whatever you do in word and deed, do it heartily as unto the LORD. Hence, in the things of the Spirit, and that refers to the Holy Spirit, high level of commitment should be the norm, and that is because God cannot lie, - and His Word is forever infallible ( John 1:1-14; Hebrews 4). Truly, God is forever trustworthy.
  • Mas on Isaiah 45 - 12 years ago
    1 John 1:5 says “This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” So God is not the author of bad things.
    But as people in the Old Testament had very little knowledge Satan, who is the author of evil, they attributed all; and the good, and the bad to God. And that is a Figure of Speech (way of expressing an idea that may be different from its literal meaning). And the Figure of Speech is called Idiom of Permission.
    That Idiom is found in places like Matthew 6:13 where it says “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.‘’ Which would literally mean God may lead us into temptation; which the Bible denies God would do in James 1:13, as it says “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:”
    In fact the devil is responsible for all evil, and Jesus Christ made him known to the public (Church), Colossians 2:15. Satan can no more hide.
    God bless you.
  • Jay on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    On verse 33-, The only way to inherit the Kingdom of God is to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Not just to know of him, but to know him intimately, Romans 10:9-13; John 3:1-7.
  • Ericonda on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    It is interesting to note that the Kingdom of God MUST be sought alongside with righteousness, before we think of receiving TRUE blessings from God, Matthew 6:33. Meaning, seeking the Kingdom of God without righteousness amounts to VANITY.
  • Symen tjeerdsma on Matthew 6:9 - 12 years ago
    That prayer is a very powerful statements and very important to us that our Father needs us to pray in order to give us strength and love so that we rebuke the devil in Jesus name and show the people that we as Christians love them also by our influences and our attitudes toward them. WE can't do ourselves but through the holy spirit our helpers which is Jesus Christ our Savior while we live on this planet earth. Our prayer to God our Father is a way of communication between us and will bring results. Our flesh and blood will not reveal except the holy spirits which is our sincere hearts of Love to Him daily.
  • Preye on Matthew 6:33 - 12 years ago
    The message of the verse is explaining about our spiritual foundation. There are so many Christian beliefs as regarding the right path to success in life, and to make heaven. Matthew 6:33 tells us that without the kingdom of God whatever we achieve in life is worthless, because the most important riches in life is to inherit God's kingdom. Once we inherit God's kingdom, then we will find fulfillment in all our endeavors.
  • Jay on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    Verse 33, the kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom and by placing Jesus first in all that we do and say, God the father will make sure that all our earthly needs are provided ( Philippians 4:19). Verse 22, we must control what we allow ourselves to view because the eye is like a camera and anything we view will be imprinted on our memories. Be careful little eye, about what you see!
  • GVO on Matthew 6:33 - 12 years ago
    The truth that needs grace from GOD to follow nevertheless, even in little things, we can see that it is the truth and the way to get good things from GOD.
  • Ceazar on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    It means if you are going to be charitable... do it in a hush manner, don’t try and get acceptable to the world for your charity. Just know God will bless you abundantly.
  • Paulokorie on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t go to the church to pray, or we should not go to the street to preach the gospel and pray after the preaching, but we trust in God and not to be ashamed of His gospel. But you don’t have to tell him all your problems because he knows you more than you knew yourself. So why complaining?
  • B on Matthew 6:22 - 12 years ago
    I believe it to be the pineal gland in the geometric center of the brain.
  • Olaniyan Akinyemi on Matthew 6:33 - 12 years ago
    In all thing will should put God first. Let God be first
  • André on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    It is imperative that you know your limits, and learn to be moderate or even indifferent with food when you are replete.
    Of course no one can ignore hi/her limits, not even children, to the largest extent; when they are replete, they will stop. But there are moments when we are not alert, or simply not willing to obey our bodies’ signals. That’s where we are caught.
    So it is most about will than about knowledge.
    The Bible says, ‘’Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil,...’’ We must be sober (moderate), which is not being anxious. It is a choice I believe you successfully make.
    God bless you.
  • Shingie on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    Let our words be few when we come to God. Let our prayers be straight to the point, and let us know that God hears us when we pray according to His will.
  • Jeanne nelson on Matthew 6:25 - 12 years ago
    Can this be applied to overcome my compulsive food obsession, and guilt, and ultimately overeating. I am constantly worrying about everything I eat "Is this bad? Is this good? Am I bad if I eat this?" I want to have God show me how to "take no thought" I want freedom to seek Him first.
  • Elibariki on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    God is teaching all believers the manner in which the true worship is to be conducted. 1. Secrecy in worship and prayer. Jesus knew exactly what was in the hearts of many professed believers of that time, many demanded men's appreciation that they were God follower while in their hearts were fully of boost and self exaltation. When we talk of worship we mean prayers and giving, this giving is including tithe and offering many Christian today do not adhere to this teaching which is of GOD! VERSE 6 of Matthew ....for they love to pray standing in the synagogue and in the corners of street that they may be seen of men. As the return of the LORD is near many Christian shall depart from the cherished truth of the bible and reject the warning of our Lord, nowadays giving is no more of love to our creator but of homage and respect to our pastors and men of this dying planet, CHURCHES sometimes do mention names of offering givers in their local churches something which is contrary to the teaching of the LORD! we are in an impending judgment for we have ignored the sacred truth and teaching of the coming Lord, may be Jesus preserve his holly Ghost in our days so that we remnant of the final days be humble and fearful to our creator. Amen
  • Tim adedeji on Matthew 6:8 - 12 years ago
    I think when we pray, we should ask God for spirit of knowledge to be able to know what we need, because sometimes what we want is not what we need, if have the spirit of God in you, that same spirit will lead you to put your prayer perfectly before our father in heaven. I think when praying pray in secret, point what you need and continue thanking and praising for answering your prayer, when your prayer has been answered use the blessing wisely so as to remain permanent---Amen
  • Wayne Fisher on Matthew 6:24 - 12 years ago
    Brilliant pointing out of mankind’s PSYCHE. I am in HE and He in me.
  • GRAHAM on Matthew 6:7 - 12 years ago
    I love, you can really bring conviction to a Catholic, Pentecostal or Muslim and show them that God is not impressed by repetition of words, mantras, and even gibbets, and even with this wonderful verse so many are confused on the issue, may Jesus work in your life John 3:30 - HE must Increase, And I Must Decrease , .......THE ELVENTH HOUR IS AT HAND

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