Discuss Matthew 6 Page 34

  • Anonymous on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago

    Verses 31 and 32 should be understood in the context established by the verses before and after them. We all vocalize to God our condition of "little faith" when our prayers are focused on material/carnal things(v.25 thru 30). We should talk to him about the more weighty matters of our subjection to his rule so as to obtain "his righteousness"(v.33)in our lives. I'm not saying not to mention our concerns for various perceived needs of this life. After all, as our Lord instructed, we do ask for our daily bread. We also petition God for help as we experience our helplessness in situations which arise. Much the way Peter prayed, "help Lord" when he followed the Lord Jesus's invitation to walk on the water with him, and began to sink.

    In light of your admission to daily repetition of the apostles prayer and Lords prayer, I think you should re-read v.7. In verse 9 when the Lord instructs on how to pray, he says, " After this manner therefore pray ye". It is an outline of how we should pray and the points we should be mindful of as we speak with God. Prayer is a conversation with God. You should review your understanding of whom it is you are talking to and then truthfully tell him what is on your heart/mind. God does answer prayers, the hard thing, in my experience, is hearing him. I will tell you that I hear him as thoughts pop into my mind with insight and clarity, regarding an issue or situation I have brought before him. Most often this is not at the time I am in actual prayer and sometimes many days or weeks later. That could be just the way he deals with me and with others it could be different.

    I hope these thoughts help you. I will pray for you to grow in your prayer life.
  • Harry on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    I would like clarification of Matthew ch 6 verse 31 & 32, I start my nightly prayer with the appostiles creed, followed by the lords prayer and then my personal prayer which is usually the same each night, so am i praying the wrong way?
  • Mary on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    Forgive men their trespasses (verse 15). This is so important. Because unforgiveness puts a wedge between you and that person and you and God. Unforgiveness eventually breds roots of bitterness. So, if anyone out there is harboring unforgivenss in their heart - forgive, move on, Life is too short. God forgave you, now you forgive.
  • Bethany on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    "In earth" means this natural body. It is made from the dust of the earth. It is earthly. To let God's will be done in earth means you subject yourself to God: serve the Lord & obey his commandments.
  • ISABEL on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    We need acknowledge clear perception of truth that our LORD JESUS loves us and understanding
    the practice and action in daily prayer with him, for him, by him and in him. Faith is a START!
  • Mild Bill on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago

    "Bread" means daily sustenance, or, since "man does not live by bread alone", it could also mean that we are asking for a daily portion of God's word, or, since, as Jesus said,"I am the Bread of Life", it could mean that we ask for a daily portion of knowing more of Jesus. You pick.

    "Lead us not into temptation", Involves the testing of a believer. 1Cor.10:13 tells us that with the temptation comes an escape. Can we hear God and follow him?

    When it comes to giving to God, remember the widows mite. It was the greater of the offerings because it was sacrificial and from the heart.

    Churches are full of sinners not yet perfected, however, Paul has admonished," forsake not the gathering of yourselves together". Some are young in the faith, some are underfed, some are still growing in the knowledge of Christ, regardless of the position/office or standing they have of man.

    Take care that you are not siding with the "accuser of the brethren".
  • David Westfall on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    forgive my first comments. I should've proof read it before I send it. NOW! Verse 10 why does it say in earth and not on earth. Verse 11. what does "bread" mean in daily bread. Verse 12. what does debts mean in forgive us our debts. Verse 13. what does it mean lead us not into temptation.
  • David Westfall on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    Matthew 6 Verse 10. why does it say "in earth" and not "on earth" in this part of the lords prayer. and verse 11 and 12. what does it mean this dya give us our daily bread and forgive us our debts. and verse 13 " lead us not into temptation" is it not the devil who leads into righteous behaviour?
  • A believer on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    I wonder now.. After having read scripture myself, without Pastor or bible study teacher to guide me, why I find so many things that are wrongly done in the name of God.
    In the scripture above it clearly says that prayer is to be done in private, even using a closet for maximum solitude. It also clearly says to give alms (offerings) in private as well. Since this is in the BIBLE, I believe it is true. Why then do churches compell the congregation to get up and pray out loud another man's prayer? Why do churches pass an offering plate in public view? These things are both wrong.
    I hope others among you who read these scriptures will pray for discernment that you will not be improperly led. I will always remember the feeling of shame that I could not give as much as other people at a wealthy church I used to attend. I still remember Pastor led prayers, promising God things that were not in my own heart.
    I urge all to break free and follow the word of God, not a man. If anyone teaches what is not written, they are wrong and leading us astray.
  • Maria on Matthew 6:33 - 14 years ago
    We should defnintely seek the Kingdom of God first and foremost. If we walk with him in righteousness then all things will be given to us but we have to walk in faith with Him always.
  • Lance on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    What a blessing to know that the Creator of this entire universe know every struggle of my life and will carry me! Oh, for grace to love You more!!
  • Pan on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    I feel bad for your step son. I hope he finds the treasure of God that is set right before him abundantly in his life. We are all selfish to the point ofbeing blind sometimes. How gratetful we are now knowing what our Lord Jesus has shown us.
  • Nickol johnson on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    Don't put all your time a energy toward material things and stress your self over them. Just Pray and seek God and all these things will be taken care of.
  • CATHERINE on Matthew 6:33 - 14 years ago
  • Marsha Campbell-Earle on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    My 18 stepson went to his grandmother because of selfishness and took his XBOX 360 AND PLAYSTATION 3,by the time he went back to the car while unloading everything was stolen from him.All he cared about was his XBOX I was so sad for him but Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
  • Pam on Matthew 6 - 15 years ago
    this commentary was beautifully written to explain the scripture regarding the needs ofour souls, and how through prayer, we can obtain God's daily provision which stregthens us and provides fulfillment. As I mentioned yesterday,I really like the way this is presented, and even after the commentary is read, I have a chance to further reflect by sharing. I am happy at the humbelness and openess offered in this invitation.
    Specifically, I was guided by your illustration of our daily bread.

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