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I don't know of any place in the bible that says that. There are several places however that tell us that we are to forgive our enemies. Also, forgiveness does go both ways. Here are a few verses that might help you out:
Luke 17:3-4
Matthew 18:21-22
Matthew 18:15
Matthew 6:14-15
Ephesians 4:32
Matthew 6:9-13 gives us the principles of prayer. This is known as the "Lord's Prayer" theologically, but in reality it is called the Disciples Prayer because Jesus is teaching the disciples to pray.
The real Lord's Prayer is found in John Chapter 17 where Jesus prayed in intercession for His people to the Father. That is the real Lord's Prayer. It is His prayer. This is the prayer for the Disciples in Matthew Chapter 6.
There is another version in Luke 11:2-4, but it is a different presentation from what we have in Matthew. In Luke there are no Hebraisms because Luke's Gospel was written to the Gentiles.
For instance the first one is "Our Father, which art in heaven." Luke, even in the oldest manuscripts, it is just "Our Father." There is no phrase, in heaven.
So basically, Jesus again taught the same principles, but one in Jewish form and one in Greek form. And so you can see that it was not used as a formula for reciting, where everybody gets up and says the same prayer all the time every week. It is not a formula prayer!
But there are principles that Jesus laid down to teach us. He says, you want to know how to pray? Here is what you do. And there are three parts. But again, this is not the Lord's Prayer in Matthew. The Lord was not praying. He was teaching the principles of prayer to His disciples.
a. Idolatry in the Bible is committed when a person or people group create an idol to become a representative of the True God, and fall down to worship the idol. There is another form of idolatry when a person raises another person to such a high level that he/she becomes all that is time & mind consuming. We might find that not only in religious circles but also in the secular (e.g. pop culture). If Israel as a people or nation is worshipped or is representative of God, then that would be idolatry, but I know not of any instance of that happening. Or, if you're referring to the prominence we might given to Israel as a nation, then that is so because Israel was important to God then, as it is now, & will be in the future. But this is biblical fact not idolatry.
b. When Jesus came to Earth, He came in to usher in the New Covenant of God (that which was ratified through His Sacrifice for the sins of mankind). I don't recall Jesus ever condemning the idolatry performed by those people or nations described in the Old Testament, since Jesus' Coming & Ministry was primarily to the Jewish people. Yet, He did make reference to things that can be idolatrous to them, such as the story of the rich man ( Luke 18:18-23), where his wealth was his idol (he put it first before loving & serving God). Or Matthew 6:24, where one cannot serve God & mammon (Gk. mamonas = riches, possessions, property; Jesus is asking, 'Who is your god?' 'Is it the offerings of the world (idolatry), or God Himself?' In Jesus' Day, the Jews didn't keep idols of wood or stone to worship, but idolatry of other things were rampant, just as it is today, where we have found other things to take the place of God to try & satisfy our inner longings & questions. The Romans (rulers at that time) of course, had many gods, including the Caesar whom they deified.
Please consider reflecting on these Bible scriptures and chapters Psalms 46, Psalms 91, Psalms 139, Matthew 6:33-34, Romans 12, 2 Timothy 2:1, and Ephesians 6:12-20 and 1 Chronicles 4:9-10.
John 19
I'm a less is more person and keep it simple --anything opposite of this evil world/satan. I would start with; truth, obedience, Jesus's first/second commandment, faith, prayers, your relationship with God, Christ, and Holy Spirit....humility and trust, our pure heart. This is where our treasures are. Plus, we don't need to brag about them or tell others --God knows.
God meant for us to keep it simple and follow. We all need encouragement, but if we ask all these things in here --the Holy Spirit will show us and reveal. Nothing will ever replace God's word; He wants that relationship with us and us to seek.
Exodus 22:21-27, Exodus 23:1-12, Deuteronomy 24:12-15, Psalms 14:6, Matthew 25:31-46, Psalms 41:1, Psalms 82:3,4, Psalms 112:9, Proverbs 14:31, Proverbs 21:13, Matthew 19:21, Mark 10:21, Luke 14:13,14, Luke 18:22, 2Corinthians 9:9,
Proverbs 13:7,
Hopefully helpful
Jesus said, lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. How much emphasis do we put on working hard and laying up for ourselves, for our retirement, and for everything here on the earth, and we bypass the spiritual things of God? We can go through serious financial struggles and cry out to God, but do we realize that God will do that at times when our dependency is on the world's means? It does not say it is wrong to have things. But if our dependency is on them, then we have a problem!
Matthew 6:21 says, "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." The Jews used to have a phrase, "Wherever you are at all times is where you treasure is, and that is where your heart is going to be."
Paul speaks in 1 Corinthians 13:13 that there are three things that remain (abide) (continue forever): faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love. So I think this is a good start to laying up our treasure in heaven. Pray for God to grow these in your life. Above all this, those who believe in Jesus receive the treasure of eternal life in heaven. Jesus said that this is eternal life, that they (believers) may know God (the Father) and Jesus, His Son. John 17:3.
Also, participating with the Holy Spirit to share the Gospel and bring others into Jesus' eternal kingdom by faith is laying up the treasure of people redeemed by Him through your testimony and example of faith.
Matthew 6: 20. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
Please help me... What means can I lay up for myself treasures in heaven?
Thank you.
Please consider reflecting on these scriptures: 2 Corinthians 12: 7-10, Psalms 46:1-2, John 16:33, Matthew 6:33-34, Psalms 121, Psalms 91.
Please consider reflecting on 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, Psalms 91, Psalms 62, Philippians 4, and Matthew 6:33-34.
Here are a few scriptures for, Fasting & prayer: Matthew 6:5-18, Mark 11:22-26, Luke 11:2-4, Luke 11:9-13,
Luke 18:10-17, Isaiah 58, Matthew 17:14-21, Mark 9:25-29,
Hopefully these are helpful
Just look at: Luke 1, Genesis 17, Genesis 21:1-7,
Lord does not mean God. If Thomas said that to Jesus in the previous verse, it should be taken in metaphorical sense and not actual. I cannot accept Jesus as Son of God nor God for the following reason .1. Matthew 24:36
No one knows about that day or hour, not even the Son, but the Father only.
Here Jesus makes a distinction between what he knows and what the Father knows.
2. Matthew 26:39
My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me, yet not as I will, but as Thou will.
Jesus' will is likewise autonomous from God's Will. Jesus is seeking acquiescence to God's will.
3. John 5:26
For as the Father has life in Himself, so he has granted the Son to have life in himself.
Jesus received his life from God. God received his life from no one. He is eternally self-existent.
4. John 5:30
By myself, I can do nothing: I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who has sent me.
Jesus says, "by myself, I can do nothing." This indicates that Jesus is relying upon his own relationship with God. He is not trying to "please myself" but rather is seeking to "please the one who sent me."
5. John 5:19
The Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees the Father doing, because whatever the Father does, the Son does also.
Jesus declares that he is following a pattern laid down by God. He is expressing obedience to God.
7. John 14:28
The Father is greater than I.
This is another strong statement that makes a distinction between Jesus and God.
8. Matthew 6:9
Our Father, which art in Heaven.
He didn't pray, Our Father, which art standing right here!"
9. Matthew 27:46
My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Inconceivable if he is God the Creator.
Space does not permit to write more.
Proverbs 4:18-27, Deuteronomy 4:4-9, Joshua 22:5,
1Peter 1:6-25,
Matthew 13:15-43, Nahum 1:3-15, Jude 1:20-25,
Trust GOD!
Lake Mead has dried maybe to expose the evils & cleanse it. Many have prayed for years for truth exposure & crimes solved. Didn't you know there are springs of water all around that area, even going into Death Valley? & a natural underground water Basin, that flows into parts of California. Trust GOD as we see HIM work out HIS mighty will. Stop looking to anything else as your sources. Also there are several methods of cleaning sea water into drinking water, even used in Space for Astronaut survival. Huntington Beach California wanted to implement during 2016-2018, but illegal immigrant votes in the area stopped the process with petition. Many also continued to waste water, disregarding most laws, opened my eyes to what "lawlessness" is. And lawless men & women in high positions, protecting their lawlessness. GOD is Faithful 1Thessalonians 5:15-24, pray & let GOD have HIS way, trust GOD for righteous discipline, HIS Justice, HIS righteous judgement & HIS faithful provisions. Romans 12:17-21, Psalms 78:20, Psalms 147:9, Matthew 6:8,9,10,11,12,13, for they know not what they do & that they trouble their own souls: Proverbs 11:17-19,
Hopefully these are helpful & encouraging
Since Lucifer from his inception had musical skills inherent in his makeup; and undoubtably had a high position of authority and leadership in that realm; he was given for those who would seek for those who would seek worldly aspirations over God. The verse Matthew 6:5 shows those who "have their reward" in this life as a result of pride who no doubt are inspired by Satan's self made mindset in empty religious rituals.
Man has to acknowledge not just that they are sinners but they are following "their father the devil." ( John 8:44-45). We are all slaves to the god of this world ( 2 Cor. 4:4) prior to regeneration. The end times in Revelation merely bring to the visible realm and to the forefront what already has been happening to influence man since the fall.
Clearly the world governments; all religions apart from the true faith INCLUDING and especially those with false Christs are part of this godless kingdom.
Sometimes people & Church congregations fast for closeness with GOD, to feel HIS presence, & clarity on direction from GOD: Matthew 9:15, Mark 2:19,20, Luke 5:34,35, Ezra 8:21,23, Nehemiah 1:4, Nehemiah 1, (in context.), Daniel 9:2-3, 2Corinthians 6:4,5
Fasting & prayer to help deliver people from sin, addiction, mental illness, demonic oppression, Matthew 17:21, (context) Matthew 17:14-21, Mark 9:17-29,
1Samuel 7:3
1Corinthians 7:3-5,
Fasting for deliverance: 2Chronicles 20:1-30, Esther 4:3,16, in context: Esther 3:8-15, - Esther 4, Daniel 6:12-23, Joel 1:14, Joel 2:12,
Fasting in repentance, sometimes even after GOD's judgement : 1Samuel 7:2-17, 2Samuel 12:7-23, (do you think it was easier to except it because he was fasting? While others were perplexed?) 1Kings 21, note 1Kings 21:27-29, Jonah 3:5-10, Joel 2:15,
Also Isaiah 58,
Jesus fasted an extreme fast: Matthew 4:2,
When it says in: Matthew 10:8, Luke 10:9, Mark 16:17-18, can we do these things without fasting?
I believe there are too many scriptures about power in fasting, direction, deliverance & repentance to think lightly of.
Fasting is submission, Romans 13:7, Luke 20:25, Matthew 17:25-26,
Hopefully these are helpful
1 Timothy 2:5
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
Also see Matthew 6:9-13 on how Jesus prayed.
I start of a prayer by addressing our Heavenly Father, Dear God, ...
And ending off, In Jesus' name (our mediator)
Honestly, I've had answered prayer in very immediate dangerous situations, just crying "GOD, help me" possibly even just "GOD" it's possibly because GOD knows if we love Jesus. Romans 8:27,
Hopefully these are helpful
However wisdom may teach us not to stay around it. Matthew 10:23, Matthew 2:13-16,
James 1:5,
Hopefully these are helpful
Please consider suggesting this scriptures for them to read and prayer through: 1 Chronicles 4:10, Psalms 91, Isaiah 41: 10-13, Proverbs 16: 2-4, Matthew 6:33-34, John 16:33, Philippians 4:12-13.
Here is what I have learned about Matthew 6:22. Matthew 6:19-23 have to be taken together to get the context of what it is saying in Verse 22. This section of scripture has to do with the correct understanding of wealth. Please keep in mind that Jesus is speaking to the Jews, the Hebrew people. He tells them in Matthew 6:21, "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." The Jews used to have a phrase, "Wherever you are at all times is where you treasure is, and that is where your heart is going to be."
In Matthew 6:22-23, Jesus talks about the eye. He said the light of the body is the eye: and therefore if your eye is single, the whole body is full of light. But if the eye is evil, the whole body shall be full of darkness. Therefore if the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness.
What in the world is He talking about? Well, a Jewish person would have understood this. Here's what that means from a Hebrew standpoint: First of all the word "single" has to do with focus, for the good eye is a generous person. The bad eye is a stingy person (in the eyes of the Jews).
So if you have a good eye, and you are generous, then your focus is right. If you have a bad or corrupt eye, you are stingy and your focus is in the wrong place. That's how the Jews would have understood this.
I've understood it as watching dark things, allowing unholy images inside, instead turn away. Matthew 6:22-23,
Mark 9:47, Matthew 18:9, Luke 11:34-36, also seems to emphasise purity in what we see, choices. Mark 7:20-23, Matthew 20:15, it's used as harsh judgement, possibly seeing through judgemental eyes. Also Luke 6:42,
Hope this is helpful