Discuss Matthew 7 Page 31

  • William barnes on Matthew 7:23 - 9 years ago
    I think jesus is saying if u dont ask him for forgivness and do repent he will not know u, THIS IS WHY WE GOTTA ASK HIM INTO OUR HEART. AM I RIGHT? Remember john 3:16
  • Lillian Eno on Matthew 7 - 9 years ago
    Knock and the door will be opened ! I have knocked! Knock,knock!
  • Loretta Buckhanan on Matthew 7:6 - 9 years ago
    Give not that which is holy unto the dogs,neither cast you your pearls before swine there may be problems in the Church, as Verses 1 through 5 proclaim, but still, the church is never to reach out into the world, i.e., "dogs, " for help in order to solve it 's internal disputes ,lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you no help will be coming from the world, but rather destruction. we are to take our problems to the Lord,obeying His Word, concerning disputes . Ref Mat.18:15-17 .
  • MockingBird on Matthew 7:7 - 9 years ago
    You must ask according to the word of God. God will not give you anything that will turn you away from Him . He will back off and let you get what you want but He may not be in it. You cannot gamble with God . Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above , and cometh down from the Father of lights , with whom there is no variableness , neither shadow of turning.
  • Robert of springfield on Matthew 7:6 - 9 years ago
    My take is that Jesus was concerned that we would be wasting our precious time and energy fooling around with the wasted. Jesus was clear in his preference instead in helping those that truly need our help. He realized that our resources in our lives are limited. Money. Health. Time. Energy.
  • John Madden on Matthew 7:21 - 9 years ago
    this verse does not promote works for salvation ,but rather the fruits of false teachers and false believers are evident talking is as far as their profession gets.every body talking about heaven dosn't mean they're going ,doing and being in the will of god is good evidence of,true faith.who ever has my commands and does them is the one who loves me,,
  • Nkrumah mark on Matthew 7:7 - 9 years ago
    I love this verse.
  • CJ on Matthew 7:14 - 9 years ago
    This scripture means that you must not be lead into the ways of destruction and sin, worldly desires. That sinful way is many and not Gods way. If you go that way you will not be living Gods purpose for you. He will not be happy with you and you will not really be happy either but it is easy. It is much harder but fulfilling to reject the sin that is in your heart that is not good and does not go with him. So we must let go of these ways and follow the straight path! If someone has trouble with it they need to read the bible, the scriptures that counteract the lie that is leading you astray also if you pray for God to help you he will. It does not mean that you will not go to heaven you will if you believe in Jesus. Hallelujah! You will live a righteous life if you follow the narrow way.
  • Insight 777 on Matthew 7 - 9 years ago
    Verses 15 and 16, wolves, thorns and thistles cause bodily injury. Beware of men that claim to be religious but are false prophets that will physically harm you to express their beliefs. God is love, not hate. Teach the words of God peacefully, with patience and understanding. " Put on then, as God 's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness, and patience...forgiving each other. " - Colossians 3.12-13
  • Insight 777 on Matthew 7 - 9 years ago
    Verse 6, 2 different lessons, one spiritual- not to convert your righteous beliefs that are holy to a false religion, symbolized as a dog. Dogs are loyal yet loyalty to falsehood is wrong. And one physical lesson- pearls are items of monetary value so do not give your money to a corrupt banking system, a swine, or risk them stealing your finances and destroying your plans for a better future.
  • Brandon saulter on Matthew 7:14 - 9 years ago
    I think people just need to do the right thing. Help your family and friends and stay out of trouble. Go to church and pray and help any one you can and stay positive.
  • M on Matthew 7 - 9 years ago
    do not cast your pearl before swines, God word is to valuable to give to someone that does not want to hear the word of GOD and does LOVE HIM and is more concern about the the things of the world than their soul.
  • Andrea on Matthew 7 - 9 years ago
    Swine can mean anyone who has different nature than yourself and shows heart is not spiritual. Friends,relatives etc.
  • Allen E. Carter on Matthew 7:14 - 10 years ago
    Acts 10:10, acts 11:5, acts 22:18 Peter fell into a TRANCE and had spiritual vision. Numbers 4:4 16 Balaam falling in a TRANCE even with his eyes open, seeing the Almighty. Psalms 46:10 Be still and know that I am God means your mind by meditation,stopping the carnal thought until you enter into a TRANCE . The Webster definition for TRANCE is a narrow passage, a narrow pathway A NARROW GATE I hope this helps all of you. It 's God 's way or no way at all.
  • Loraine Scott on Matthew 7 - 10 years ago
    Very refreshing and words of wisdom! Amen love this Chapter
  • The other 50% on Matthew 7:1 - 10 years ago
    Something in me gets very upset when people say we are not supposed to judge each other. Paul said to judge sexual immoral professing believers and not to eat with them, so they return to the right path. Jesus said to judge people by their fruits, evil or good. These are only two of many examples. I believe this part of scripture is about two things: hypocrisy and helping. Jesus says we should not try to cast sin out of our buddy 's life without first casting it out of our own, or we won 't see clearly what is going on in our brother 's life. The Greek word for "cast " being to deliberately hurl. My journal entry yesterday regarding this very verse says: Deliberately hurl sin from your own life, THEN you are qualified to help deliberately hurl sin from other 's lives. God you are awesome, wise and have common sense.
  • Anonymous on Matthew 7:23 - 10 years ago
    Love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself
  • Jerry on Matthew 7:6 - 10 years ago
    I tend to go with the idea that he was referring to those who having been once enlightened to the Word of God and have now rejected it, are not to again share the precious Word with them again. Seems logical since this scripture was preceded by instructions on judgement not to be imposed on others, at your peril. The Bible also speaks of a group not to be prayed for. There is no contradiction in the Word. I suggest the two groups of people referred to are the same, valid today as then.
  • Saint Lynn on Matthew 7:12 - 10 years ago
    Very important for a Christian!It seems people only keep for themselves and amass great wealth for themselves only!That camel can never go thru the eye of a needle.Too many are doing wrong fail to see there own selfness.Honesty is God 's TRUTH! You steal you do not have any integerity!Reprend them.You can never make a wrong right.Who has ruined the Golden Rule of life?Say "NO " to any corruption!
  • Motdaugrnds on Matthew 7 - 10 years ago
    I think we need to be careful here and make sure we are delivering God 's Word as He intended. Let me give you an example: Years ago when I was eager to learn specifics about The Ten Commandments, I would ask MANY people to explain them to me. I was so very EAGER to learn yet the ministers, elders others I asked would use THEIR OWN WORDS to explain these commandments to me. As each did this, my heart would tell me something was wrong with the explanation, though I did not know what. These people attempting to help me were doing so believing they were doing the best they could and that I was simply not willing to learn. Some even told me this. Then one day an evangelist came to our home to visit my mother-in-law. He was from Iran where he had been doing God 's work. This evangelist spent over two hours with me answering every question I had yet each of his answers was directing me to the Scriptures. Not once did this evangelist use his own words to interpret what I was reading in the Scriptures. He let the Scripture interpret itself! I LEARNED! Weeks later I discovered this evangelist had not even remembered our conversation but had only remembered arriving at my home and leaving my home. This tells me that we, as teachers of God 's Word, need to teach in a way those we are instructing can hear and understand. I, myself, needed to hear the Scripture interpret its own without man injecting interpretations. I suspect there are others who need this type of instruction as well.
  • Reinarudo Watanabe on Matthew 7 - 10 years ago
    MATTHEW 7:24-25 COMMENTS 2 7 2015 9:00 PM Truely, if we only can stand and build our faith unto our Lord Jesus, even if we suffer difficulties we will not fall out. As written in ACTS 14:22 2 TIM. 3:12. God bless us through our Lord Jesus Christ, A-men.
  • Frenz on Matthew 7 - 10 years ago
    I will choose this verse! Mathew 7:6 Spiritually speaking for me what it says here is everytime we share God 's Word to the losts and their response is negative and sometimes it leads to discussion and furtheremore it leads to argument that it is not the will of God to continue sharing God 's words to this people.Meaning they donot believe the Word of God, neither the goodness of God in their life, and possible to become anger while discussing each knowledge about God 's word. So i suggest to stop the argument and tell them we are here to force you to believe and force you tio be converted, we are here because God commanded us to share with you who is God and why God became man the man Christ the one true God and eternal life 1 John 5:20 And that God really manifested himself for our salvation 1 Timothy 3:16. Godbless us all
  • MockingBird on Matthew 7:6 - 10 years ago
    Jesus revered to the lost world : those that are without Christ : Not born again : as dogs. Yuk !!! I believe that God is saying here that what you and God have shared personally is not to be given out to the lost of the world. Even what God has required of you to do and give to Him. It is none of there business. We are only to tell the dogs : lost of the world what God has provided for them through Jesus Christ : That is that they do not have to go to hell and they can be saved through Jesus Christ . They only need to know they have a loving God that will save them and upon receiving Him that God will love them through all they face down the road. When I first got saved , this confused me to. But I think I have a better understanding now. Still have a lot to see in these words : I will never stop learning.
  • C O'H on Matthew 7 - 10 years ago
    Here are my two pence on this chapter. Here goes, Lord Jesus is warning his disciples about hypocrisy, how they are not to say one thing and do another and about the means by which they might recognise 'false ' disciples. There are perhaps more likely are other things that can be gathered but that 's what I get from it. Hope this is helpful, it 'd be great to hear what you think.
  • David Bumgarner on Matthew 7:23 - 10 years ago
    I believe it means exactly what it states, People who believe they are saved because they want to be saved but they are unwilling to REPENT, therefore they are NEVER given power by God to sanctification, justification and hence no glorification, they love the world. Not God creator of the world.
  • BK on Matthew 7:21 - 10 years ago
    Matthew 7:21 is one of those versus that believers turn into a works righteousness concept when in reality it 's the exact opposite. To do the will of the Father is to believe on the Son John 6:29,40
  • Sandra on Matthew 7:15 - 10 years ago
    beware of wolfs in sheeps clothing they are phonies that is a warning from the lord becareful they are up to their ugly tricks being used by satan.
  • Osmo on Matthew 7:11 - 10 years ago
    This verse means God wants to prosper us. Why then does traditional Christianity deny it? He wants to prosper and heal us, and what father wouldn '? Whey did religion remove all the good stuff that God has for us anyway? When did all that begin? Why didn 't Martin Luther bring in all the promises of God when he broke away from the Catholic church? I am a Lutheran on paper but rarely do they bring up healing in the church services. Now people are turning to teachers that appropriate everything God wants to give them, and that is how it should be.
  • QueenBEE Lynnie on Matthew 7 - 10 years ago
    I was studying Matthew 7 this morning and paused to listen to the Holy Spirit and a thought came in my mind to Google Matthew 7. And so I did. I came across your study and Praise God it was so helpful in understanding what I was studying. Bottom Line - JESUS is is the NARROW WAY. JESUS is the SOLID ROCK FOUNDATION. Thank you and God Bless your site.
  • QueenBEE Lynnie on Matthew 7 - 10 years ago
    I was studying Matthew 7 this morning and paused to listen to the Holy Spirit and a thought came in my mind to Google Matthew 7. And so I did. I came across your study and Praise God it was so helpful in understanding what I was studying. Bottom Line - JESUS is is the NARROW WAY. JESUS is the SOLID ROCK FOUNDATION. Thank you and God Bless your site.

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