Discuss Matthew 7 Page 33

  • MockingBird on Matthew 7:1 - 10 years ago
    I looked the word up in the Greek Bible dictionary. To judge a thing there is a separation select Choose to determine To consider think account .To pass sentence on a thing. Judge not that ye be not judged.
  • Caitlyn on Matthew 7:18 - 10 years ago
    I love this verse. I love reading the book of Matthew.I think the book of Matthew is AMAZING!I am doing Bible Quiz!!
  • Caitlyn on Matthew 7 - 10 years ago
    i am memoring the whole chapter of matthew 7 and 6.I love th lord s word
  • Caitlyn on Matthew 7:29 - 10 years ago
    i love this verse.i am glad i am memorizing this!
  • Don west on Matthew 7:1 - 10 years ago
    judge not that that ye may not be judged. romans 7 1
  • Moses Njenga on Matthew 7:12 - 10 years ago
    Whatever you do to people will eventually come back to you, sow love, mercy, compassion etc. and GOD in HIS faithfullness will see that you won 't lack all that. That has been the message from the beginning
  • MockingBird on Matthew 7:12 - 10 years ago
    How I want to be treated is how I should treat others . I am not to expect from those to return the same unto me . God will repay me in the way that He sees fit. I will get a return but not as I think I should get the return for the good I do. Now if I want to be treated in a bad way all I have to do is treat others in a bad way. I most assuredly will get a return on that also . God will return to me all that I dish out !!! I am to Love others as I want to be loved and I love me very much to be honest !!!
  • Blessed on Matthew 7 - 10 years ago
  • Ar on Matthew 7 - 10 years ago
    To Joshua Math chapter 7 verse 14 remark we are saved by the Grace see John chapter 1 verse 17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
  • Joshua mbugua on Matthew 7:14 - 10 years ago
    the fact that Jesus died on the cross does not exempt us from the law. There cannever be freedom without law even Adam had been given law in the Eden. Hebrew says that bcause of change of priesthood it was necessary for the law to be change. It was changed to produce greater holiness than the one produced by the law of Moses.
  • JaySun on Matthew 7:1 - 10 years ago
    "Judge not, lest ye be judged. " Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. Be careful what you think and feel and project outward into the world from what is inside your thoughts, heart and mind because the world will become that in which you desire most. As human beings, our power is immense, limitless and all pervading just as the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit 's. Our compassionate brother Jesus Christ forewarned us of what we keep in our hearts and minds and the assessments and judgements we make about our life and the lives of others for our world around will become a direct reflection and manifestation of those judgements that we keep in our hearts and minds. Judge not lest ye be judged, except for Jesus...he can judge though right? Now why would Jesus warn us "judge not lest ye be judged, " if he himself was and is judging us by all of our thoughts, feeling and actions? It would be quite hypocritical for our Lord and Savior to be not practicing what he preached. Feel the words, try not to interpret them. Feel the Love, not analyze the hate.
  • Tebogo on Matthew 7:7 - 10 years ago
    What ever u ask u need believe and. Have. Faith that is. Done before. Seeing it and what ever u seek u shall find. If u are right with God cause he knows our heart and when u knock. The door shall be opened because. He is the only one who can open doors that are closed in our life
  • Rocko on Matthew 7:23 - 10 years ago
    No, he wasn 't talking about Muslims, considering the religion of Islam was not yet established. He was talking about those who claim or even believe they act on behalf of the Lord but by their actions do the opposite. Matthew speaks of those who will ask God to recognize the good works they have done in his name, but they are told to depart because they work iniquity. Iniquity means evil, wickedness. One may believe one is doing His work, but if you spread hatred and anger and sow dissension, you are not. There are countless examples of people who believe they act in God 's name but whose actions are inconsistent with the Gospel. By their fruits shall ye know them.
  • Philip on Matthew 7 - 10 years ago
    Matt.ch.7 1 5..Amazing verses. God 's word rings true always and the Holy Spirit convicts those who are true believers. This is especially true in this are of my own life. It is alot easier to see what someone else is doing wrong and we are quick with a solution to their problem, but often times miss the problems in our own life.
  • Kathy on Matthew 7:1 - 10 years ago
    Never take Scripture out of context. Scripture interprets Scripture. Most folks have misjudged what the Scripture is actually saying and have totally missed the point. In fact, they exalt their own opinions above the Word of God. Never take Scripture out of context without knowing what it is really talking about.
  • Robynna fisher on Matthew 7 - 10 years ago
    If we continue in sin we bring upon seld destruction death...But if we abide in Christ Jesus word and love one another..etc we please God..and grow in all via the Holy spirit...also sharing the Word to the lost..planting the seed of life where ever possible..even when rejected or ridiculed etc..do it unto the Glory to the Lord..and walk away..dust off feet..love what is pure and what glorifies God..hate evil but not the person..and pray for one another in love..also study the Word daily..it teaches and speaks directly to our minds..all truth concerning everything..we ought to know..amazingly so!!Thank you father God..amen
  • Thomas Ellis on Matthew 7:20 - 10 years ago
    When he said this, Jesus was addressing the question of how to distinguish between authentic and false prophets. To put it another way, He was providing a fool proof litmus test for evaluating others ' belief systems we judge them not by the words they use even if they claim "I have been saved " or "I believe... " but rather by the way in which their beliefs whatever they may be manifest themselves in their conduct in the world, and the effects they have on others. "Fruits " GK karpon means the same as "fruition " you can evaluate another person 's belief system only by whether or not their actions have a beneficial and inspiring effect on others around them whether they are kind, decent, and helpful, or self righteous, mean spirited, and oppressive.
  • Charles yarbrough on Matthew 7 - 10 years ago
    ask and it will be givin to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be opened to you. what if you sought to obey all these words in the sermon on the mount. if you seek for that very good thing than you will stand in time of testing parable of the weeds luke 8
  • Beka on Matthew 7:13 - 10 years ago
    What does this mean though? I at first thought Jesus was refering to Himself the gate to heaven and the sheep fold but it seems to be preceded by descriptions of actions, like beware false profits. I am really confused?
  • Rick Parker on Matthew 7 - 10 years ago
    Verse 13 I don 't know what the accepted interpretation of this is, but it seems to me he is saying that while the few will find life, the many will be destroyed. With over seven billion of us on this planet, we are the many.
  • MARY SMITH on Matthew 7:6 - 10 years ago
  • Sharon daniel on Matthew 7:23 - 10 years ago
    In other words, to hear Him say to us on "that day " "Well done thy good and faithful servant. " I has to do the will of our Father 100 ? This leaves no room for error, and it scares me. I have been reading and trying to live it, but, I 'm still weak, I 'm human. I am not wanting to hear Him tell me to depart from me, I never knew you " Of course, I, like most want to hear Him say, "well done, thy good and faithful servant. " I guess He wants us to continue striving for the mark, continuing to shed of sin the crud of this world and to put on our "New man. "
  • Makini on Matthew 7:6 - 10 years ago
    the emphasis of dogs and swine turning again to rend you is emphasis of being attacked trying to help someone who does not want it and in turn shows their disapproval by doing such. The mindset is "Just save your breath and strength lest you lose it by wasting it. " Things that are not wasted are used for the good, therefore there is profit in not wasting and the lack thereof when you waste. you have no fruit with those who do not have a desire to hear the things of God. There is no return on that investment in other words. Don 't put your money there lest your account becomes depleted.
  • Anon on Matthew 7:13 - 10 years ago
    Why would the broad road to destruction need a gate on it? All of Adam 's children are born onto that road to destruction. Romans 5 12,18
  • Sharon epps on Matthew 7 - 10 years ago
    amen i am trying to walk this walk everyday i pray that god give me everything to stay inline with him amen.
  • SevenaSmilers on Matthew 7:7 - 10 years ago
    Always Ask, seek and knock the door of God 's kingdom. Believe me he will always be their for your help.
  • BSP on Matthew 7:24 - 10 years ago
    This verse shows the importance of not only reading the Bible and hearing the message, but also applying what we read in our personal lives.
  • Tml on Matthew 7:14 - 10 years ago
    Narrow is just that false reachings, half truths, and easy living may be how we interpret Salvation? For me only I sinned even though I were a Christian. Repentance for me was difficult and came later in life. I was not living by God 's Word, but though I was doing well holding on to certain verses and selecting to stand on certain believes that gave the most comfornt in my times of need. Perhaps I 've been on the wide road even though I called myself a Christian and have not lived the way God explains.
  • Ray Underwood on Matthew 7:12 - 10 years ago
    this is synonomous with Love thy neighbor as thy self in The Ten Commandments
  • Charity on Matthew 7:13 - 10 years ago
    This verse just makes me scared about how wonderful the kingdom of God is our God is real

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