Dear "Javion", remember that Jesus sat for three days in the wilderness and was tempted by the evil one. Luke 4:1-13 He did not eat or drink. (When we experience persecution in our day. We go to psychiatrists and supervisors).
To you is my advice. Spend 3 days of your life fasting and praying to the Lord. It will help you much, and others will be saved. Why? Because Jesus said so.
Luke 10:1-12
Matthew 9:14-17
Nothing is too difficult for us, we have with us the Holy Spirit, Jesus loves you and yours, i love you in Christ and pray.
Some preach fasting as a command because Jesus said "when, thou fastest" Matthew 6:16-21,
Sometimes people & Church congregations fast for closeness with GOD, to feel HIS presence, & clarity on direction from GOD: Matthew 9:15, Mark 2:19,20, Luke 5:34,35, Ezra 8:21,23, Nehemiah 1:4, Nehemiah 1, (in context.), Daniel 9:2-3, 2Corinthians 6:4,5
Fasting & prayer to help deliver people from sin, addiction, mental illness, demonic oppression, Matthew 17:21, (context) Matthew 17:14-21, Mark 9:17-29,
1Samuel 7:3
1Corinthians 7:3-5,
Fasting for deliverance: 2Chronicles 20:1-30, Esther 4:3,16, in context: Esther 3:8-15, - Esther 4, Daniel 6:12-23, Joel 1:14, Joel 2:12,
Fasting in repentance, sometimes even after GOD's judgement : 1Samuel 7:2-17, 2Samuel 12:7-23, (do you think it was easier to except it because he was fasting? While others were perplexed?) 1Kings 21, note 1Kings 21:27-29, Jonah 3:5-10, Joel 2:15,
Also Isaiah 58,
Jesus fasted an extreme fast: Matthew 4:2,
When it says in: Matthew 10:8, Luke 10:9, Mark 16:17-18, can we do these things without fasting?
I believe there are too many scriptures about power in fasting, direction, deliverance & repentance to think lightly of.
Fasting is submission, Romans 13:7, Luke 20:25, Matthew 17:25-26,
I agree no one should raise children under those conditions if possible. But let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to their only companion. Matthew 9:18
Jesus is powerful enough to make exceptions to whomever He wants, but He didn't say all thieves on crosses from now on will instantly go to heaven, or all criminals will go to heaven instantly upon death, or everyone death row will automatically go to heaven, or all Christians will go to heaven, or that all people will go to heaven instantly upon death. No, He only said to the one person next to Him that he's be in "paradise." The other thief didn't receive this.
Secondly, paradise could be a different place than heaven. Some think it may be a place for souls to wait until Jesus's return and judgment then salvation. That would make more logical sense, because Jesus said the dead will rise at that time to meet Jesus in the air then be judged. It doesn't make sense for anyone to skip judgment and go to heaven when they haven't even been judged yet, only to go back to earth in their body and repeat the process. The Bible says "all will be judged" on a particular day.
I personally believe what the Bible says in these verses:
Daniel 12:2, Job 14:12, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Corinthians 15:18-20, Matthew 9:24.
Matthew 4:23, Matthew 9:35, Luke 9:1,2,11, 1Corinthians 12, Psalms 6:2, Matthew 10:1,8, Mark 9:23, Mark 9:14-29, Mark 16:17-18,
I have also noticed the Laws given Moses in Deuteronomy, Leviticus, etc. about what GOD said not to eat many of those proven to causes of health problems. I know someone that changed diet & cured her diabetes.
In Matthew 9:35-38, we have the teaching of the harvest. In Verses 37 and 38, Jesus says to His disciples, "The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest."
First of all we have the condition of the harvest. Jesus said to His disciples that the harvest truly is plenteous. Notice the condition of the harvest? It is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Now when it comes to the harvest, it is not just reaping the harvest. It is the entire process, the planting, the watering, and the reaping of the harvest. But there's not enough workers.
But notice verse 38. This is the command concerning the Harvest: (Pray), and that is a command in the Greek. We are commanded to pray therefore the Lord of the harvest that He will send forth laborers into His harvest.
Did you catch that? We are to pray that He sends them out! The best I could do in proper representation of Jesus Christ and His word is to say to someone that God's kingdom work is going on here on the earth, and is the Lord sending you? You see, we can't volunteer! The Lord has to send out the harvesters. It is not an appeal for volunteers. It is praying to the Lord that He sends people.
Witnessing Christ to others is such an awesome experience but the Lord does not put a guilt trip on anyone because they are not getting out there or meeting a quota. I can only speak for myself. I have witnessed Christ to others and it is such a blessing when the Lord presents those opportunities for me to do so. But if He's not leading me to witness, in other words, if His Spirit is not in it, my labor is in vain.
Please read: Isaiah 26:19, Ezekiel 37:12,13, Matthew 27:50-54,
John 12:1, Romans 8, Matthew 9:18-25, Matthew 11:5, Matthew 28, Mark 9:9, Luke 24:46, John 2:22, John 5:19-29, = Matthew 25:31-46, John 11:25, John 11:39-53, John 12:9, Romans 14:9, 1Peter 4, Revelation 1:5-8,
Matthew 3-7, Matthew 5, Matthew 5:20, Matthew 9:10-13, Matthew 9:14-17, Matthew 9:27-34, Matthew 12:14, Matthew 12, Matthew 15, Matthew 16, Matthew 16:6,12, Matthew 19:3, * Matthew 21, Matthew 22, Matthew 22:15, it appears they were wrongfully referring to the book of Tobet, in 1611 version, Tobit 3:7,8, Matthew 22:29,
* Matthew 23:2, whole chapter Matthew 23, Matthew 27:62,
Matthew 23:13,14,
Mark 2:16, Mark 2, Mark 3:1-6, Mark 7:1-23, Mark 8:11,15, Mark 10:2, Mark 12:13,
Luke 5:17-39, Luke 6:2-11, Luke 7:29-50, Luke 11:37-54, Luke 12:1, Luke 12:31, Luke 14:1-24, Luke 14, Luke 16:14-31, Luke 16, Luke 19:35-39,
John 1:19-34, John 3:1-21, John 7:28-32, John 7:43-53, John 8:3-22, John 9, John 9:15,16, John 11:37-57, John 12:19, John 12:42, John 18:3,
Acts 15, Acts 23,
Hopefully these are helpful in your study, I included several Chapters to read next to verses, to read within context, for better understanding
This morning I thought more on Lazarus & the parable of Lazarus, in thinking about it: maybe the parable/story was also about how the "Rich" in scriptural knowledge, not sharing or helping while Lazarus had "wounds the dogs would._." alone in his suffering, while the other had historical words of hope, healing, redemption, deliverance.
Just thinking: even though Lazarus in real life may not have been financially poor, his sister had been tormented by 7 demons, in front of the ' religious ' for they judged her openly, Lazarus who dwelt with his sister/s suffered.
Jesus walks in, delivers, redeems, forgives, restores & teaches GOD's words. Mark 16:9, Luke 5:17, Luke 5:29-32, Mark 2:14-17, Matthew 9:10-13, Luke 8:2, Mark 16:9,
John 11:2, John 12:1-11, Luke 7:36-50, Luke 8:2, believing Mary to be Mary Madgelene, & reading John 11:2, (as the only time Jesus feet were anointed with oil, & wiped by a Mary's hair)
Luke 16, interestingly in the Parable/story the "rich" man cried "Father Abraham, have mercy._.._" & "if they hear not Moses an the Prophets._."
I'm sure there's been many others in the past too if you do an advanced search for it.
The Bible says when we die we will enter a state to await Jesus's return then will face judgment all together. It's called judgment day. Matthew 12:36, Hebrews 9:27. There's no verse saying you get to skip this, and nothing saying you go to heaven then go back to earth into your body, only to go back to judgment after you've already been in heaven.
Daniel 12:2
Job 14:12
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
1 Corinthians 15:18-20
Matthew 9:24
Those who believe in instant heaven involves misinterpreting 2 key verses: 1. Misquoting Paul when he said he'd "rather" be in heaven (those sleeping in the grave haven't necessarily departed from their old bodies yet anyway), 2. Thief on cross when Jesus said that day he'd be in "paradise". Most ignore all the other verses above saying we will await Jesus's return, then have a day of judgment. God bless.
Anti666 JustisRighteous FastWatchPray WeAreDust on Matthew 9 - 2 years ago
The most accurate version of this verse is found in Luke chapter 5 verses 33 to 39. We are dust, which is written in Genesis chapter 2 verse 7. Fasting is not eating or drinking, and if you fast, you will increase your own dust and become how the Most High (Psalms chapter 91 verse 1) made you. We were lied to that fasting is not eating, but drinking, by the satanic elites (mostly Jewish, Jew ish because the Jew ish are not Israelites, which is written in Revelation chapter 2 verse 9, and Revelation chapter 3 verse 9), who lowered the dust of the Earth for thousands of years.
Just recently GOD revealed somethings even deeper about that moment. I'm glad you're discussing so I can share it. In Leviticus 12, Leviticus 15:19-33, Leviticus 21:3, I think it's amazing Jesus called her "daughter" making her faith the (close kinship) also: Luke 8:43-48, Matthew 9:20-22, Galatians 3:26,
Also understanding that her touching him could have had the uncleanness, if He were not the High Priest that makes atonement. Hebrews 2:17, Hebrews 4:14,15,
Hebrews 5:5-10, Hebrews 6:20, Hebrews 7:11, even though; Luke 1, shows His family was of that bloodline, Luke 1:5-37,
Also notable Jesus garment was without seams as the Priestly garment: John 19:23,24, Exodus 28:32, Exodus 29:23, 1Samuel 2:18,19,
Deity is the only explanation for all that He was and all that He did.
(1) He was pre-existent with the Father. "The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made" ( John 1:2, 3, KJV). (Also see John 17:5 and Colossians 1:17.)
(2) He is the Son of God.
His enemies admitted: "He...said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God" ( John 5:18, KJV).
Peter confessed: "And we believe and are sure that thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God" ( John 6:69, KJV).
Jesus affirmed: "I and my Father are one" ( John 10:30, NIV).
(3) He was sinless, as only God can be.
Jesus challenged His enemies: "Which of you convinceth me of sin?" ( John 8:46, KJV).
Peter testified: "...Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example that ye should follow his steps: who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth" ( 1 Peter 2:21, 22, KJV).
Paul stated: "For he...made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him" ( 2 Corinthians 5:21, KJV).
(4) He forgives sin, as only God can.
The Scribes said: "Who can forgive sins but God only?" ( Mark 2:7, KJV).
Jesus said: "But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins..." ( Matthew 9:6, KJV). (Also see John 8:11.)
Peter wrote: "Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed" ( 1 Peter 2:24, KJV).
(5) He performed miraculous works.
He healed the sick: Matthew 8:9-13; Luke 4:31-44; 5:12-15; John 4:43 to 5:16; and other references.
He fed the hungry: John 6; Mark 8, etc.
He raised the dead: Luke 7:11-18; John 11:1-46.
Jesus Christ Became Man:
"And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us...full of grace and truth" ( John 1:14, KJV). (See also Philippians 2:7, 8.)
According to Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the KJV Bible there are three variant Greek words translated devils.
The root word in his Greek dictionary of the New Testament is:
Transliteration daimn (Key)
Pronunciation dah'-ee-mown
Part of Speech masculine/feminine noun
Root Word (Etymology) From daio (to distribute fortunes)
a daemon or super-natural spirit (of a bad nature); - devil.
Matthew 8:31; Mark 5:12; Revelation 16:14; Revelation 18:2.
Transliteration daimonizomai (Key)
Pronunciation dahee-mon-id'-zom-ahee
Part of Speech verb
Root Word (Etymology) Middle voice from (G1142)
to be exercised by a daemon;-have a (be vexed with, be possessed with) devil (-s).
Matthew 4:24; Matthew 8:16; Matthew 8:28; Mark 1:32; Luke 4:36
Transliteration daimonion (Key)
Pronunciation dahee-mon'-ee-on
Part of Speech neuter noun
Root Word (Etymology) Neuter of a derivative of (G1142)
a demonic being; by extension a diety:-devil, god.
Matthew 7:22; Matthew 9:34; Matthew 10:8; Matthew 12:24,27,28; Mark 1:34,39; Mark 3:15,22; Mark 6:13; Mark 9:38; Mark 16:9,17; Luke 4:41; Luke 8:2,27,30,33,35,38; Luke 9:1,49; Luke 10:17; Luke 12:15,18,19,20; Luke 13:32; 1 Corinthians 10:20-21; 1 Timothy 4:1; James 2:19; Revelation 9:20.
demon - The Modern English word demon derives from the Middle English demon: from medieval Latin demon, from Latin daemon, from Greek daimn 'deity, genius'; in demon; also from Latin daemonium 'lesser or evil spirit', from Greek daemonion, diminutive of daimn.
devils - The Modern English word devil derives from the Middle English devel, from the Old English dofol, that in turn represents an early Germanic borrowing of the Latin diabolus.
The KJV translation is not a word for word or uniquely and infallible inspired representation of the Greek New Testament, and we should be cautious in choosing which English words in it we want to make our hills to die on without first consulting the Greek.
Faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ is the story of a life time! Not only yours but Christ's life! When you read the stories of the disciple's, the stories of healing, raising the dead, you will also see and hear that "some doubted". Doubting is the opposite of faith. It is that thing that will prevent you from growing in the faith. One of the major misconceptions is that once we are saved, the love of God will just come naturally! Instead what will happen is that you will see yourself in a different light. The light of the Savior, when He forgives you unendingly. We cannot do the will of God, nor keep the laws of God! When we come to this realization, we come to the soul reason why Jesus came. One thing is absolute!
FAITH IS THE KEY! It may come and it will try and leave you, but you must have faith!
Faith in the resurrection and life of Jesus Christ. This means reading His words everyday. Stay away from the book writers who say they have a better way. Reading GODS word is all you will need to see again, hear again, walk again , live again , in and through the forgiveness of sin , found only in the shed blood of Jesus Christ! May God bless you in YOUR walk with Jesus. God created you for just this reason, a witness unto the truth! Repent and be baptized
I''m a Christian raised by Christian parents. I have a problem with faith. I know that God is able to do all things, but when it comes to me, I don't know how to deal with faith for myself. Your thoughts, please. Thank you.
Genesis 6:5-8, Genesis 6:11-13, Genesis 6:19-21, yet HE preserved life. Genesis 9:9-17, John 3:15-16,
You don't need to look far to see disregard for life of babies, abortion kills millions & who spares a single child from it? Spade & nueter goes on constantly of animals destroying seed before reproduction. Crimes, injustice, lies, greed etc. If it was so wicked & coucorrupt then? I don't want to imagine. )=
Psalms 139, Psalms 111, Matthew 9:26, Matthew 14:14, Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24, Revelation 7:16-17,
PAGE 2__EFFECTIVE SOUL WINNING - In Reply - 3 years ago
PART 2 of 2
An effective soul-winner has a selfless attitude.
Paul reminded the believers of Corinth that they were to "do everything for the glory of God" ( 1 Cor. 10:31). Evidently, the Corinthians liked to boast about themselves. They considered their favorite preacher to be better than all the rest (1:12-13). They wanted to be known as the most tolerant of sexual freedom (5:1-2). They desired to have the flashiest or most mysterious spiritual gifts (12:4-11).
Paul sought to correct the Corinthians' arrogance by reminding them that the gospel's essence was to love God with all one's heart and love one's neighbor as oneself. In other words, "God first; others second; and me last."
An effective soul-winner presents a Christlike example. This fourth quality really is a combination and summary of the other three qualities. In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul exhorted Christians to imitate him as he in turn imitated Christ. In other words, the best way to win over a lost person to faith in Christ is TO LET THEM SEE Christ in you. Christ said that He came into the world not to be served but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many.
He called people to FOLLOW HIM as disciples-people who committed themselves body and soul to Him as Lord. He challenged them to deny self, take up the cross, and FOLLOW HIM.
Whether we prefer to call ourselves soul-winners or disciple-makers, the Lord Jesus Christ expects us to be about the business of living out the gospel consistently and doing everything we can to introduce others to Him.
1 COR. 9:19-27; 10:31-33; 11:1
Matthew 9:37-38
Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;
Pray ye therefore the LORD OF THE HARVEST that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.
Jeremiah 8:20
The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.
Witnessing and sharing Christ with others is a good thing but we should never be put under any guilt trip for not getting out there trying to reach people.
Jesus said in Matthew 9:37-38 that the harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.
First of all we have the condition of the harvest. Jesus said to His disciples that the harvest truly is plenteous. Notice the condition of the harvest? It is plenteous but the laborers are few.
Now when it comes to the harvest, it is not just reaping the harvest. It is the entire process, the planting, the watering, the reaping of the harvest, but there is not enough workers.
But notice verse 38. This is the command concerning the Harvest. Pray, and that is a command in the Greek. You pray therefore the Lord of the harvest that He will send forth laborers into his harvest.
Did you catch that? We are to pray that He sends them out!
The best answer I can give in proper representation of Jesus Christ and His word is to say to you that God's work, God's kingdom work is going on here on the earth, and is the Lord sending you?
You can't volunteer to go witness. The Lord has to send out the harvesters, not people. It's not an appeal for volunteers. It is praying to the Lord that He sends people. The Lord is the one who sends us, otherwise, if He's not in it, our labor is in vain.
That's what we are to do, pray that He will send them. Pray that He will send us. He may send you. If the Lord is leading a person to witness, they should do so. If His Spirit is not persuading you to go, don't go. If the Lord is not leading you, He will not guilt you.
No one can come to the Father unless He draws Him first ( John 6:44). His sheep hear His voice ( John 10:27). I recommend that you read this book in particular to understand election. The god of this world has blinded the minds of men who don't believe ( 2 Cor. 4:4). Parables were hidden from the Pharisees; and only the Holy Spirit could reveal that Jesus was the Son of God ( Matthew 16:17). Once again the Father was the one who did the revealing.
The only unforgiveable sin was blasphemy of the Holy Spirit ( Matthew 12:31-32). This related to people seeing Christ's miracles and attributing them to Beezlebub (or Satan). Most people would when they saw His miracles think that he was a prophet; or good man as Peter indicated the general response was earlier when Christ asked who men thought He was. This is much like looking at the Sermon on the Mount and all those who Christ declared blessed and thinking somehow a person could be virtuous by doing a bunch of good works alone. Many are called; few are chosen ( Matthew 22:14). Satan of course will do many signs and wonders in Revelation 13 through the false prophet to draw men to worship the Antichrist. There are many evil spirits that are deceiving men today. When Christ did miracles; he would ask people at times to go back to the leaders to confirm the healing was genuine and be officially declared "clean".
Jesus asked the Pharisees which was harder; forgiving sins or healing ( Matthew 9:5). Jesus indeed did healings without preaching salvation many times; but he would say go and sin no more lest something worse happens to you to a man paralyzed most of his life ( John 5:14). This can be seen also with the woman about to be stoned ( John 8:11). In this; we can see that the Presence of the Holy Spirit Christ draws all men (that He has called and chosen) to Himself.
This is also true in Acts; the Apostles didn't beg to get more converts; people said what must I do to be saved ( Acts 16:30).
All Christians need to heed the bible when it comes to proving to an unbeliever of GOD/Jesus Christ existence in this universal.
Let this be your warning.. (It is not your problem, Jesus didn't do it so why should you step into those shoes) Stop trying to fill a void that is not possible to fill. Everyone is not GOD's children.
Jesus requires Faith to Do/Move/Be/Humble/Surrender,etc.
Here are bible verses to back that up.
Matthew 4: 2-4
And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred.
3And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.
4But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God (Satan is asking for proof)
Matthew 5:16
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 9:27-29
crying, and saying, Thou Son of David, have mercy on us.
28And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea, Lord.
29Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you.
Matthew 11:3-6
And said unto him, Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?
4Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see:
5The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.
6And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.
So you see.. Jesus only needs you to do the job, that he asked all of us to do.
1. Follow the 10 Commandments
2. Believe in Jesus Christ
2. Have Faith
3. Do the work
Your Job to an unbeliever is only to tell them about Christ and be prepared to explain in detail why you believe.
Was Christ's faith always needed? No. A good example is the woman with the issue of blood. She said to herself, "If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed." Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you." And from that hour the woman was healed ( Matthew 9:21-22). She had faith, she had determination, and she pushed through the crowd and claimed her healing by her faith. Notice the sequence. Jesus first said, "your faith has healed you", and then she was healed.
To you is my advice. Spend 3 days of your life fasting and praying to the Lord. It will help you much, and others will be saved. Why? Because Jesus said so.
Luke 10:1-12
Matthew 9:14-17
Nothing is too difficult for us, we have with us the Holy Spirit, Jesus loves you and yours, i love you in Christ and pray.
Stay strong in the word of God.
Sometimes people & Church congregations fast for closeness with GOD, to feel HIS presence, & clarity on direction from GOD: Matthew 9:15, Mark 2:19,20, Luke 5:34,35, Ezra 8:21,23, Nehemiah 1:4, Nehemiah 1, (in context.), Daniel 9:2-3, 2Corinthians 6:4,5
Fasting & prayer to help deliver people from sin, addiction, mental illness, demonic oppression, Matthew 17:21, (context) Matthew 17:14-21, Mark 9:17-29,
1Samuel 7:3
1Corinthians 7:3-5,
Fasting for deliverance: 2Chronicles 20:1-30, Esther 4:3,16, in context: Esther 3:8-15, - Esther 4, Daniel 6:12-23, Joel 1:14, Joel 2:12,
Fasting in repentance, sometimes even after GOD's judgement : 1Samuel 7:2-17, 2Samuel 12:7-23, (do you think it was easier to except it because he was fasting? While others were perplexed?) 1Kings 21, note 1Kings 21:27-29, Jonah 3:5-10, Joel 2:15,
Also Isaiah 58,
Jesus fasted an extreme fast: Matthew 4:2,
When it says in: Matthew 10:8, Luke 10:9, Mark 16:17-18, can we do these things without fasting?
I believe there are too many scriptures about power in fasting, direction, deliverance & repentance to think lightly of.
Fasting is submission, Romans 13:7, Luke 20:25, Matthew 17:25-26,
Hopefully these are helpful
Matthew 9:38; John 17:20,21; Acts 26:18; Romans 10:1; 1 Timothy 2:1-4.
Matthew 9:12
Hebrews 4:16
Secondly, paradise could be a different place than heaven. Some think it may be a place for souls to wait until Jesus's return and judgment then salvation. That would make more logical sense, because Jesus said the dead will rise at that time to meet Jesus in the air then be judged. It doesn't make sense for anyone to skip judgment and go to heaven when they haven't even been judged yet, only to go back to earth in their body and repeat the process. The Bible says "all will be judged" on a particular day.
I personally believe what the Bible says in these verses:
Daniel 12:2, Job 14:12, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Corinthians 15:18-20, Matthew 9:24.
2Chronicles 7:14, 1Peter 3:12, humble ourselves, turn from evil, 1Timothy 2:8, James 5:10-12,
Even when things look impossible keep praying: Isaiah 38:1-9, Matthew 9:29, Matthew 17:14-21, Matthew 7:7-8, Luke 11:9-13, Acts 12:5-18, James 5:13-20
Never give up
Psalms 37, 1Thessalonians 5:17, James 5:16,
I have also noticed the Laws given Moses in Deuteronomy, Leviticus, etc. about what GOD said not to eat many of those proven to causes of health problems. I know someone that changed diet & cured her diabetes.
Hopefully this is helpful
In Matthew 9:35-38, we have the teaching of the harvest. In Verses 37 and 38, Jesus says to His disciples, "The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest."
First of all we have the condition of the harvest. Jesus said to His disciples that the harvest truly is plenteous. Notice the condition of the harvest? It is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Now when it comes to the harvest, it is not just reaping the harvest. It is the entire process, the planting, the watering, and the reaping of the harvest. But there's not enough workers.
But notice verse 38. This is the command concerning the Harvest: (Pray), and that is a command in the Greek. We are commanded to pray therefore the Lord of the harvest that He will send forth laborers into His harvest.
Did you catch that? We are to pray that He sends them out! The best I could do in proper representation of Jesus Christ and His word is to say to someone that God's kingdom work is going on here on the earth, and is the Lord sending you? You see, we can't volunteer! The Lord has to send out the harvesters. It is not an appeal for volunteers. It is praying to the Lord that He sends people.
Witnessing Christ to others is such an awesome experience but the Lord does not put a guilt trip on anyone because they are not getting out there or meeting a quota. I can only speak for myself. I have witnessed Christ to others and it is such a blessing when the Lord presents those opportunities for me to do so. But if He's not leading me to witness, in other words, if His Spirit is not in it, my labor is in vain.
John 12:1, Romans 8, Matthew 9:18-25, Matthew 11:5, Matthew 28, Mark 9:9, Luke 24:46, John 2:22, John 5:19-29, = Matthew 25:31-46, John 11:25, John 11:39-53, John 12:9, Romans 14:9, 1Peter 4, Revelation 1:5-8,
Revelation 20,
Ephesians 5,
Hopefully these are helpful
Matthew 5:20, Matthew 7, Matthew 8:10,12, Matthew 23, Matthew 25:31-46, note also Matthew 23:34-36, * Matthew 21:23-46,
Matthew 9:34, Matthew 11:12, Matthew 12:25, Matthew 13:57, Isaiah 53,
Exodus 19:6, 1Samuel 13:13,14, 1Samuel 15:28,
the promise made to David 2Samuel 7:12-17, 1Kings 9:5, 1Chronicles 22:9,10, 1Chronicles 28:7, Isaiah 9:7,
1Samuel 13:13,14, 1Kings 11:11-14, the Bible has in the past shown how GOD will reject those who reject HIM.
Psalms 22:18,
Hopefully these are helpful
Matthew 3-7, Matthew 5, Matthew 5:20, Matthew 9:10-13, Matthew 9:14-17, Matthew 9:27-34, Matthew 12:14, Matthew 12, Matthew 15, Matthew 16, Matthew 16:6,12, Matthew 19:3, * Matthew 21, Matthew 22, Matthew 22:15, it appears they were wrongfully referring to the book of Tobet, in 1611 version, Tobit 3:7,8, Matthew 22:29,
* Matthew 23:2, whole chapter Matthew 23, Matthew 27:62,
Matthew 23:13,14,
Mark 2:16, Mark 2, Mark 3:1-6, Mark 7:1-23, Mark 8:11,15, Mark 10:2, Mark 12:13,
Luke 5:17-39, Luke 6:2-11, Luke 7:29-50, Luke 11:37-54, Luke 12:1, Luke 12:31, Luke 14:1-24, Luke 14, Luke 16:14-31, Luke 16, Luke 19:35-39,
John 1:19-34, John 3:1-21, John 7:28-32, John 7:43-53, John 8:3-22, John 9, John 9:15,16, John 11:37-57, John 12:19, John 12:42, John 18:3,
Acts 15, Acts 23,
Hopefully these are helpful in your study, I included several Chapters to read next to verses, to read within context, for better understanding
Just thinking: even though Lazarus in real life may not have been financially poor, his sister had been tormented by 7 demons, in front of the ' religious ' for they judged her openly, Lazarus who dwelt with his sister/s suffered.
Jesus walks in, delivers, redeems, forgives, restores & teaches GOD's words. Mark 16:9, Luke 5:17, Luke 5:29-32, Mark 2:14-17, Matthew 9:10-13, Luke 8:2, Mark 16:9,
John 11:2, John 12:1-11, Luke 7:36-50, Luke 8:2, believing Mary to be Mary Madgelene, & reading John 11:2, (as the only time Jesus feet were anointed with oil, & wiped by a Mary's hair)
Luke 16, interestingly in the Parable/story the "rich" man cried "Father Abraham, have mercy._.._" & "if they hear not Moses an the Prophets._."
John 11, & John 12,
There was just a discussion related to this:
I'm sure there's been many others in the past too if you do an advanced search for it.
The Bible says when we die we will enter a state to await Jesus's return then will face judgment all together. It's called judgment day. Matthew 12:36, Hebrews 9:27. There's no verse saying you get to skip this, and nothing saying you go to heaven then go back to earth into your body, only to go back to judgment after you've already been in heaven.
Daniel 12:2
Job 14:12
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
1 Corinthians 15:18-20
Matthew 9:24
Those who believe in instant heaven involves misinterpreting 2 key verses: 1. Misquoting Paul when he said he'd "rather" be in heaven (those sleeping in the grave haven't necessarily departed from their old bodies yet anyway), 2. Thief on cross when Jesus said that day he'd be in "paradise". Most ignore all the other verses above saying we will await Jesus's return, then have a day of judgment. God bless.
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
Jesus gave us the Lords Prayer as a frame so we could fit our daily prayers into each verse. He starts the prayer__OUR FATHER
So that's what I pray personally. Respectfully I say In Jesus Name at the end.
Then I pray Luke 4:18-19, and follow with Matthew 9:37-38; that I might be anointed and sent; that day.
Mark 5:25-34,
Just recently GOD revealed somethings even deeper about that moment. I'm glad you're discussing so I can share it. In Leviticus 12, Leviticus 15:19-33, Leviticus 21:3, I think it's amazing Jesus called her "daughter" making her faith the (close kinship) also: Luke 8:43-48, Matthew 9:20-22, Galatians 3:26,
Also understanding that her touching him could have had the uncleanness, if He were not the High Priest that makes atonement. Hebrews 2:17, Hebrews 4:14,15,
Hebrews 5:5-10, Hebrews 6:20, Hebrews 7:11, even though; Luke 1, shows His family was of that bloodline, Luke 1:5-37,
Also notable Jesus garment was without seams as the Priestly garment: John 19:23,24, Exodus 28:32, Exodus 29:23, 1Samuel 2:18,19,
Deity is the only explanation for all that He was and all that He did.
(1) He was pre-existent with the Father. "The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made" ( John 1:2, 3, KJV). (Also see John 17:5 and Colossians 1:17.)
(2) He is the Son of God.
His enemies admitted: "He...said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God" ( John 5:18, KJV).
Peter confessed: "And we believe and are sure that thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God" ( John 6:69, KJV).
Jesus affirmed: "I and my Father are one" ( John 10:30, NIV).
(3) He was sinless, as only God can be.
Jesus challenged His enemies: "Which of you convinceth me of sin?" ( John 8:46, KJV).
Peter testified: "...Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example that ye should follow his steps: who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth" ( 1 Peter 2:21, 22, KJV).
Paul stated: "For he...made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him" ( 2 Corinthians 5:21, KJV).
(4) He forgives sin, as only God can.
The Scribes said: "Who can forgive sins but God only?" ( Mark 2:7, KJV).
Jesus said: "But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins..." ( Matthew 9:6, KJV). (Also see John 8:11.)
Peter wrote: "Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed" ( 1 Peter 2:24, KJV).
(5) He performed miraculous works.
He healed the sick: Matthew 8:9-13; Luke 4:31-44; 5:12-15; John 4:43 to 5:16; and other references.
He fed the hungry: John 6; Mark 8, etc.
He raised the dead: Luke 7:11-18; John 11:1-46.
Jesus Christ Became Man:
"And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us...full of grace and truth" ( John 1:14, KJV). (See also Philippians 2:7, 8.)
The root word in his Greek dictionary of the New Testament is:
Transliteration daimn (Key)
Pronunciation dah'-ee-mown
Part of Speech masculine/feminine noun
Root Word (Etymology) From daio (to distribute fortunes)
a daemon or super-natural spirit (of a bad nature); - devil.
Matthew 8:31; Mark 5:12; Revelation 16:14; Revelation 18:2.
Transliteration daimonizomai (Key)
Pronunciation dahee-mon-id'-zom-ahee
Part of Speech verb
Root Word (Etymology) Middle voice from (G1142)
to be exercised by a daemon;-have a (be vexed with, be possessed with) devil (-s).
Matthew 4:24; Matthew 8:16; Matthew 8:28; Mark 1:32; Luke 4:36
Transliteration daimonion (Key)
Pronunciation dahee-mon'-ee-on
Part of Speech neuter noun
Root Word (Etymology) Neuter of a derivative of (G1142)
a demonic being; by extension a diety:-devil, god.
Matthew 7:22; Matthew 9:34; Matthew 10:8; Matthew 12:24,27,28; Mark 1:34,39; Mark 3:15,22; Mark 6:13; Mark 9:38; Mark 16:9,17; Luke 4:41; Luke 8:2,27,30,33,35,38; Luke 9:1,49; Luke 10:17; Luke 12:15,18,19,20; Luke 13:32; 1 Corinthians 10:20-21; 1 Timothy 4:1; James 2:19; Revelation 9:20.
demon - The Modern English word demon derives from the Middle English demon: from medieval Latin demon, from Latin daemon, from Greek daimn 'deity, genius'; in demon; also from Latin daemonium 'lesser or evil spirit', from Greek daemonion, diminutive of daimn.
devils - The Modern English word devil derives from the Middle English devel, from the Old English dofol, that in turn represents an early Germanic borrowing of the Latin diabolus.
The KJV translation is not a word for word or uniquely and infallible inspired representation of the Greek New Testament, and we should be cautious in choosing which English words in it we want to make our hills to die on without first consulting the Greek.
FAITH IS THE KEY! It may come and it will try and leave you, but you must have faith!
Faith in the resurrection and life of Jesus Christ. This means reading His words everyday. Stay away from the book writers who say they have a better way. Reading GODS word is all you will need to see again, hear again, walk again , live again , in and through the forgiveness of sin , found only in the shed blood of Jesus Christ! May God bless you in YOUR walk with Jesus. God created you for just this reason, a witness unto the truth! Repent and be baptized
You don't need to look far to see disregard for life of babies, abortion kills millions & who spares a single child from it? Spade & nueter goes on constantly of animals destroying seed before reproduction. Crimes, injustice, lies, greed etc. If it was so wicked & coucorrupt then? I don't want to imagine. )=
Psalms 139, Psalms 111, Matthew 9:26, Matthew 14:14, Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24, Revelation 7:16-17,
An effective soul-winner has a selfless attitude.
Paul reminded the believers of Corinth that they were to "do everything for the glory of God" ( 1 Cor. 10:31). Evidently, the Corinthians liked to boast about themselves. They considered their favorite preacher to be better than all the rest (1:12-13). They wanted to be known as the most tolerant of sexual freedom (5:1-2). They desired to have the flashiest or most mysterious spiritual gifts (12:4-11).
Paul sought to correct the Corinthians' arrogance by reminding them that the gospel's essence was to love God with all one's heart and love one's neighbor as oneself. In other words, "God first; others second; and me last."
An effective soul-winner presents a Christlike example. This fourth quality really is a combination and summary of the other three qualities. In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul exhorted Christians to imitate him as he in turn imitated Christ. In other words, the best way to win over a lost person to faith in Christ is TO LET THEM SEE Christ in you. Christ said that He came into the world not to be served but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many.
He called people to FOLLOW HIM as disciples-people who committed themselves body and soul to Him as Lord. He challenged them to deny self, take up the cross, and FOLLOW HIM.
Whether we prefer to call ourselves soul-winners or disciple-makers, the Lord Jesus Christ expects us to be about the business of living out the gospel consistently and doing everything we can to introduce others to Him.
1 COR. 9:19-27; 10:31-33; 11:1
Matthew 9:37-38
Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;
Pray ye therefore the LORD OF THE HARVEST that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.
Jeremiah 8:20
The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.
Ask the Holy Spirit to bring the Harvest to you.
Witnessing and sharing Christ with others is a good thing but we should never be put under any guilt trip for not getting out there trying to reach people.
Jesus said in Matthew 9:37-38 that the harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.
First of all we have the condition of the harvest. Jesus said to His disciples that the harvest truly is plenteous. Notice the condition of the harvest? It is plenteous but the laborers are few.
Now when it comes to the harvest, it is not just reaping the harvest. It is the entire process, the planting, the watering, the reaping of the harvest, but there is not enough workers.
But notice verse 38. This is the command concerning the Harvest. Pray, and that is a command in the Greek. You pray therefore the Lord of the harvest that He will send forth laborers into his harvest.
Did you catch that? We are to pray that He sends them out!
The best answer I can give in proper representation of Jesus Christ and His word is to say to you that God's work, God's kingdom work is going on here on the earth, and is the Lord sending you?
You can't volunteer to go witness. The Lord has to send out the harvesters, not people. It's not an appeal for volunteers. It is praying to the Lord that He sends people. The Lord is the one who sends us, otherwise, if He's not in it, our labor is in vain.
That's what we are to do, pray that He will send them. Pray that He will send us. He may send you. If the Lord is leading a person to witness, they should do so. If His Spirit is not persuading you to go, don't go. If the Lord is not leading you, He will not guilt you.
The only unforgiveable sin was blasphemy of the Holy Spirit ( Matthew 12:31-32). This related to people seeing Christ's miracles and attributing them to Beezlebub (or Satan). Most people would when they saw His miracles think that he was a prophet; or good man as Peter indicated the general response was earlier when Christ asked who men thought He was. This is much like looking at the Sermon on the Mount and all those who Christ declared blessed and thinking somehow a person could be virtuous by doing a bunch of good works alone. Many are called; few are chosen ( Matthew 22:14). Satan of course will do many signs and wonders in Revelation 13 through the false prophet to draw men to worship the Antichrist. There are many evil spirits that are deceiving men today. When Christ did miracles; he would ask people at times to go back to the leaders to confirm the healing was genuine and be officially declared "clean".
Jesus asked the Pharisees which was harder; forgiving sins or healing ( Matthew 9:5). Jesus indeed did healings without preaching salvation many times; but he would say go and sin no more lest something worse happens to you to a man paralyzed most of his life ( John 5:14). This can be seen also with the woman about to be stoned ( John 8:11). In this; we can see that the Presence of the Holy Spirit Christ draws all men (that He has called and chosen) to Himself.
This is also true in Acts; the Apostles didn't beg to get more converts; people said what must I do to be saved ( Acts 16:30).
All Christians need to heed the bible when it comes to proving to an unbeliever of GOD/Jesus Christ existence in this universal.
Let this be your warning.. (It is not your problem, Jesus didn't do it so why should you step into those shoes) Stop trying to fill a void that is not possible to fill. Everyone is not GOD's children.
Jesus requires Faith to Do/Move/Be/Humble/Surrender,etc.
Here are bible verses to back that up.
Matthew 4: 2-4
And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred.
3And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.
4But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God (Satan is asking for proof)
Matthew 5:16
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 9:27-29
crying, and saying, Thou Son of David, have mercy on us.
28And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea, Lord.
29Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you.
Matthew 11:3-6
And said unto him, Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?
4Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see:
5The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.
6And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.
So you see.. Jesus only needs you to do the job, that he asked all of us to do.
1. Follow the 10 Commandments
2. Believe in Jesus Christ
2. Have Faith
3. Do the work
Your Job to an unbeliever is only to tell them about Christ and be prepared to explain in detail why you believe.
All else is vanity.
2 Chronicles 20:1-4, Ezra 8:21-22, Esther 3: , Esther 4:1,3,7,8,11,14,16, Isaiah 58:6-14, Jeremiah 36:7-10, Joel 1:12-15, Joel 2:15,
Jonah 3:3-6,
Matthew 6:16-18, Matthew 9:14-15, Mark 2:18-20, Luke 5:33-35,