Discuss Micah 5

  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Page 2. Ronald

    True, we may not conclusively know the Form He took in Heaven, whether as the Word within God's Person (just as the Spirit in God was sent out), or as another Form outside of God yet closely connected to Him. The issue here is, whether Jesus existed (in some Form) prior to His appearing on Earth. If not, what do we do with such verses as given here? Can we really reinterpret them in any other way? Is that even possible? And we could add Micah 5:2 (a coming Ruler not going forth from Bethlehem, but from eternity), John 3:13 (Who was in Heaven, coming down from Heaven), John 6:38 (come from Heaven), John 8:56-58 (Jesus existed even before Abraham), Philippians 2:5-11 (His equality with God, but laid it aside to come & serve man), & Hebrews 1:1-3 (through Jesus God made the worlds).

    I've understood your comments on Jesus' Life & Death as per His earthly sojourn. But unless we can understand Who this Jesus really is (i.e. whether a Creation of God to fulfil His Plans on Earth, or God Himself, He Who was from the beginning), then the substance of this Mystery can never be resolved. That is why textual examination is so important, especially when we can see other Scriptures that confirm our understanding. I apologize for not referring to your other comments (e.g. the soul/spirit, firstborn, etc), but wanted to keep this short & focus on Jesus before His appearance on Earth. GBU.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Astrawind,

    If I may, you said you are focusing more on your faith which is great, praise God. Your question are angel numbers real? I will add are witches real, are demons real are mediums, horoscopes, etc. The answer is yes, but we are not supposed to deal with them. Angel numbers are a part of numerology, they may appear in the most ordinary places, these digits usually grab our attention, and even if for only a moment they evoke a sense of wonder, like sugar to an ant.

    The danger is they can open doors to things that at first seem good and harmless but are like drugs, harmless at first but when the fangs sink in, it's over.

    Leviticus 19:31 Leviticus 20:27 1 Chronicles 10:13 Micah 5:12 Acts 19:18-19 Galatians 5:20 Revelation 21:8.

    These are just a few verses you can find many more. If we put our faith outside of God, we are on dangerous ground. Numerology goes way back. The Babylonian Cube, it was a system of worship using numbers adding 1+2+3+ up to 36 = 666. they had it on an amulet they wore to protect them. It would be hard to explain it in this short reply.

    There are things in this world that look as pretty and sweet as cotton candy but are more ravenous than you can imagine, Believe me.

    I hope this helps and that you don't take it as coming from a fruitcake, but it is out of love, dark things are out there that you do not want to come across.

    God bless you.

  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Carleton,

    Thank you, brother, I know I differ in this fervently held belief from most, and not believing it is offensive to many. I just would like to share just a little of my understanding of where I am on this, I know many will disagree.

    We cannot deny the divinity of Christ, He came forth from the Father. Do I believe Jesus was created? NO. Do I believe the Son of God began at Bethlehem, at His birth? NO. If we look at Micah 5:2 at the prophecy of His birth Micah says He will come forth, the Hebrew word yatsa means to go or come out.

    "Whose goings forth have been from old, from everlasting." The Hebrew word for everlasting is olam means long duration, antiquity, futurity, and days of eternity.

    Jesus came forth and was the Son of God before creation as we see He is the beginning of creation all came through Him and for Him, Rev. 3:14 Colossians 1:16. Jesus is the only begotten Son of God who came forth from the Father, (came out of) not created. Does Jesus confirm this, John, 7:29 John 8:42 John 16:27 John 17:8?

    My understanding is Jesus is the literal Son of God, truly begotten of the Father. Jesus came out from God, His true Son, of the same matter, and divinity as the Father with divine inheritance, John 5:26 John 6:57 Heb. 1:4, not a title as a part of God. God truly gave His true only begotten Son John 3:16.

    As the Gospel of Jesus tells us, all who believeth that Jesus is truly the only begotten Son of God. My understanding is if I do not believe Jesus is truly the Son of God I deny Him. That brings in 1 John 2:22 if I say Jesus is God, I deny that there is a Father and a Son.

    Just a little and thank you again for your caring reply, you do not have to reply I just wanted to tell just a little.

    God bless,

  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago
    You worked hard above to make the Word of GOD to fit your theory, but actually you've fallen into contradictions.There are lies mixed with the Word of GOD, unfortunately.

    First, Revelation was written around 65 years after JESUS' ascension. GOD gave unto Him the sealed book to break the seven seals and showing unto His servants things which should shortly come to pass in future times, so JESUS meant the things should happen exclusively in future times.

    Second, don't you perceive or at least even in last case to think that the theory you have learned linking the BIRTH of JESUS to the sealed book of GOD with seven seals, which GOD gave to JESUS to broke them only and only 65 years after His ascention, it is A RIDICULOUS and false and devilish THEORY? There are many inventions interpretatives. Be careful.

    'Ronald' SAID: (between quotation)

    1- "We know the dragon is Satan because scripture says":

    RIGHT, the Scripture is the Truth. But we have an interesting detail to analyze: in this current time of Apocalypse the Dragon has 7 heads, and 10 horns, and a TAIL. Notice that when JESUS was born, the Dragon still had not this body as a whole, understand? To say the man child is JESUS, it is fake.

    'Ronald' SAID: (between quotation)

    2 - "The scripture is clear this STARTS BEFORE Jesus was born"

    (FAKE, Scripture refers not to JESUS. In fact, the man child is another person,not JESUS.

    3- "the dragon was going to devour the child as soon as it was born."

    (RIGHT, but you believed in lie, the mother of the man child, who you imagine to be JESUS in this time of Apocalypse, she is not Mary,and JESUS would not have two mothers, for sure).

    4- "We see this effort of Satan when King Herod ordered not only the killing of all the children in Bethlehem".

    (Herod didn't know JESUS already was in Egypt, but the red Dragon knew that JESUS was not in Israel.What Satan could do was to kill all the children in Bethlehem, the place where JESUS born by prophecy- Micah 5:2.Take a look
  • Pierre1939 - 1 year ago
    Lemme just say that there is a 2 nd Child that comes out of Christ Loins....When he breathe on them they were impregnated for the 2 nd Child the H.G.....Which are the Children of PROMISE....Solomon was the 2 nd Child that came out of Davids loins....But Jesus is telling us there is a greater then Solomon HERE....Which is the H.G. the Child of Promise....The early Church was precious in the eyes of the lord....But he had to give them up till the woman gives birth ..... Micah 5:3...They were a great army but they all died out and they were scattered.....But 4 times in John 6 Jesus says he wd raise them up and gather them again in the last day....They were an Israel of God the early CHURCH . Ezekiel 37:3....Can these dry bones live....Hear ye dry bones the words of the lord.....That New Covenant the LIVING WORDS THE BOOK IN THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER.....That Jesus wrote with his own blood....And ye shall live..My words are spirit and life..Not paper and ink ...Thats y Jesus said I am the light of the world but the night comes (a time of spiritual darkness) when no man can work....The last 2 k yrs have been such a time of darkness...Lover and friend has thou put far from me and my aquaintence into DARKNESS....As Isaiah said Darkness will cover the earth and gross darkness the ppl....Even the big mega Churches are filled with darkness and desolation...Preaching gain is godliness and Money is ministry....Paul said from such turn away....

    ......But back to Bathsheba who loss her 1 st Child b/c she had a husband Uriah.....The early Chuch had a husband which was the law....Thats y Paul is saying...You are dead to the law by the body of Christ that you should be married to another and bring forth fruit unto God which is the H.G. the Child of Promise... Romans 7:4....But Bathsheba travailed a 2 nd time for the Child of Promise Solomon....My lil Children of whom i travail IN BIRTH AGAIN a 2 nd time thus a 2 nd Child which is the H.G. that Child that comes out of Christ loins.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    This question could be handled on a case by case basis. Clearly; if we are to look at Micah 5:2-4 we see the birthplace of the Messiah and we know it was fulfilled on His first coming. There are others such as Revelation 19 in Armageddon which clearly hasn't happened yet.

    Most prophecies; however have at least a dual fulfillment or there are near and far implications in the same passage. Such is the case when Christ read from the scroll from Isaiah 61 he stopped after verse 1. Verse 2 talks about the vengeance of God which is tied into His second coming. Therefore many of His own people didn't recognize who He was because they were looking at prophecies of His Messianic Millennial reign rather than the purpose of atonement and death before the Resurrection into glory.

    This "near and far" application is one complexity; another is what applies only to covenental promises for the nation of Israel; what applies to the church alone and what has some dual application. Galatians 3:28 shows how Jew and Gentile are incorporated into the church; and verses such as Galatians 3:7 show how not all Israel are true Israel but only the remnant believers. The church basically IS the true Israel as are the subset of Abraham's seed that are believers.

    I find the best rule is to see what scriptures are mentioned in Acts in particular as applying to the church in the deepest sense of the meaning. That is the only way to understand the deepest or final meaning to certain prophecies. What we can't do is make the error of making all prophecy figurative that doesn't fit into our doctrinal picture; or dismissing the covenants that were promised to Israel. That is a subject perhaps for another commentary.

    Perhaps an individual application would be from Romans 8:30. It isn't a prophecy as traditionally labeled; but the time frame of predestination guarantees that those who are saved will eventually be glorified after sanctification. All prophecy shows God's certain plans.
  • Pierre1939 - In Reply on Malachi 4 - 1 year ago
    Gi Gi Its the Anointing that teaches us all things....1 st John 2 :27...Which is the gift of the H.G. That Living word....How many times have i tried to tells you this ....Thats y Jesus was saying search the Scriptures ( the written word) in them you think you have eternal life...But it is them that testifies of me....That new Covenant in his blood...Thats y we have a zillion different Churches on almost every corner....Thats y 1 Cor.3:6 is telling us God has made us able ministers of this New Covenant not of the letter but of the spirit...The Letter is a killer but in the spirit there is life....As my words are Spirit and life...That Book in the right hand of the father is that NEW COVENANT that our lord has written with his own blood....There is no eternal life in written words....If Eternal life were in the written word...That OLD covenant Then Jesus shed his blood in vain and the Cross was just foolishness....Thats y Churchanity is dead simply b/c there is no eternal life in the written words...And thats y God gave up on them Micah 5:3...Till the woman is in birth pains Rev.12 :5...The Kingdom does not come till the woman is in birth pains....Thats y Jesus said i have a greater witness then that of John....Which is the H.G the living word that resulted from his blood @ Calvary ...That New Covenant in his blood.... 2 Cor. 3:6..God has made us able ministers of that New Covenant not of the written word that old covenant for the written word is a killer but the new covenant is a life giving spirit....Which is that ANOINTING that teaches ALL things....Not a CERTAIN LANGUAGE BUT OF HIS SPIRIT THE H.G. that N.C....Gi Gi its best to let God teach us not mankind...which is the ANOINTING, Mans teaching just results in divisions....There are probable over 30,000 different Churches in AMERICA...All b/c they think that eternal life is in the wrtten word...They don't understand that we are in a New COVENANT...And its only the anointing that can teach all things...the H.G...
  • Pierre1939 - In Reply on 1 John 1 - 1 year ago
    Kathy GBU ....Lemme mention some thing about what Jesus did at Calvary...Jesus said if i be lifted up i will draw ALL men unto me...Thats what the Cross was for ppl like this young man that was in bondage to something or other....any sinner...While we were yet sinners Christ DIED for us..Thats all inclusive...Our conduct has nothin to do with it...Its what Jesus did at Calvary that the father sees.... Romans 10:20 kjv....I was found of them that sought me not and made manifest unto them that asked not after me...This N.C. at Calvary is all inclusive....I will KNOW them ALL from the least to the greatest and they shall no more teach know the lord for they shall all know me... Jeremiah 31:34....Remember Jesus said i come to set the captive free....I come not to destroy mens lives but to save mens lives

    ...... Titus 3:57.....Not by works of righteousness which we have done but by his mercy and regeneration of the H.G. that we are saved....Its not about us....When Jesus said it finished there are no more works we can do to obtain salvation....The H.G. is the gift of God....To humanity....God so loved the world....But we have to wait for his book to be opened b/f the Kingdom can come....The Kingdom is not here just yet...Remember God told Daniel do thy way Daniel till the words of book that is sealed is opened... Daniel 12 :8 kjv....That N.C. in his blood....I am the light of the world but the nite comes when no man can work...But Micah 5:3 tells us that God was gonna give them up till the woman is in travail and birth pains....And Rev. 12 :10 kjv says that NOW IS COME Salvation and THE KINGDOM of our lord and his Christ...etc...But plz note the kingdom does not come till the book is opened and the woman gives birth to the Children of the Kingdom....Unless you receive the Kingdom as lil Child you will in no wise enter there in....But not to worry as Jeremiah 30:6 Jeremiah sees all all all men in travail and birth pains...A time of Jacobs trouble which is an Israel of God .
  • Nacol1900 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hiya Chris GBU....But i disagree, its prophetic of the great falling away....That is not broken till the woman births the man child....(till she that is in travail has given birth)....Plz note the Kingdom does not come till the woman gives birth....Remember Joel says how do the priests and the ministers do mourn....The New Covenant was cut off for 2 k yrs...For the new wine has been cut off... Joel 1:13....And Paul said that after my death shall grivious wolves enter in not sparing the flock.... Micah 5:3 is prophetic of that great falling away....But as with all prophecy there is always other things mixed in....But these things are hid from the wise and prudent but revealed unto babes....The woman giving birth in Rev 12 :10.... Micah 5:4....Now shall he be great unto the ends of the earth....Thats when his kingdom comes after the woman gives birth....Thats when the remnant of his brethren returns to Humanity...The bride....

    Micah 5:3...Therefore shall he give them up....( the great falling away)....But this great falling away is broken when the woman gives birth...She brought forth a man child that is gonna rule all nations....Which is the contents of the book in the fathers right hand...That book of life....Remember Jesus said unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in....The whole world is in mourning simply b/c the New Covenant was cut off for 2 k yrs....Lover and friend has thou put far from me and mine aqaintence into darkness....I am the light of the world but the night comes when no man can work....The great falling away....The day of the lord cannot come till that great falling away....But that day is broken when the woman gives birth to the man child ....Rev.12 :10....NOW is come salvation and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ....Not until now when the woman gives birth....The seed of the sower is the living word yielding a baby Christ the Children of PROMISE...She brought forth a man child.GBU
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Nacol1900. Micah 5:2,3, is a prophecy concerning Bethlehem, that out of her would come Israel's Messiah. But till His Coming, God would send Judah into exile (v3), & at the end of it, the Messiah would be born, as from the woman, Mary, who was pained to give birth. Nothing at all in Micah refers to the Church - all focussed on Israel, their plight, the Messiah, & their future restoration.
  • Nacol1900 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Chris according to Micah 5:3 he wd give them up ( the Church ) until the woman is in travail and birth pains....There fore shall he give them till she that is in travail has given birth... Rev 12:5 ...After the book is opened in Rev 5:1 then she travails in child birth....The manchild being that spirit of truth that is gonna rule all nations....But he ( the manchild ) has to be born in us that hears the words of the book....The words of the book are seeds of the sower....Thats y they sing a new song after the book is opened...Simply b/c the book is the New Covenant...That book of life from the blood of the lamb

    .....Lover and friend has thou put far from me and mine aquaintence into darkness..... Psalms 88:18....Thats the Church....I am the light of the world but the night comes when noman can work....No real Church possible till the book is opened....As the last 2 k yrs have been a time of darkness...Darkness will cover the earth and gross darkness the ppl....Isaiah.....But as God told Elijah he wd always have a remnant....Thus i believe there is always a church somewhere....Where 2 or three are gathered there am i in the midst..So i believe in my heart there will always be a shadow of a church somewheres....But the Kingdom will not come till the woman is in travail for the Children of PROMISE The H.G.....As God is gonna pour out of his spirit on all flesh which are his living words....The contents of that book of life. in the fathers right hand...But Micah 5 :3 has been fulfilled he gave them up for a season 2 k yrs ...Which is that great falling away....Notice that natural israel became a nation again after 2 k yrs....But the Israel of God has not appeared just yet....Simply b/c the woman has not given birth just yet....which are spirits an Israel of God....Plz note that the Kingdom has not come yet....and cannot come till the manchild the H.G. has been born in humanity....I will pour out of my Spirit on ALL FLESH....Thus the manchild the H.G. That NEW Covenant.
  • Alex1900 - 2 years ago
    Lemme just ramble a bit.... Mark 8:22....Remember the blind man cd not see clearly under the 1st anointing....The blindman is the Church that cannot see clearly under early Church Doctrine...Thats y there are so many different Churches on every corner....None of them cd see clearly under early Church doctrine...Even Paul says we see like thru a glass darkly....The early Church was the same they cd not see clearly...Paul writes i hear there are divisions among you....Simply b/c they cd not see clearly UNDER EARLY Church Doctrine....We all need that 2 nd anointing....My lil Children of whom i travail IN BIRTH AGAIN A 2ND TIME....in birth til Christ is formed in you...It was not till the 2 nd coming when the woman gives birth to THE MANCHILD the Kingdom Gal 4 :19 ....Thats y there is so much confusion in this room no body can see clearly under the written word....The lesser light....The H.G. as the manchild that is gonna rule all nations is the living word the greater light...Remember the 2 nd wine was the best wine on the 3 rd day...But the blindman saw clearly under the 2 nd anointing....The 2 nd coming...When God will pour out of his spirit on ALL FLESH....The gift of the H.G....Which is that lil Child that is gonna rule all nations....The Kingdom does not come till the woman births the Children... Micah 5:3...The Kingdom does not come till the woman births the manchld.. REV 12 :5

    Even Bathsheba had to travail a 2 nd time b/f...The great king Solomon was born...The Granson who God wanted to build the temple...Not David the son but Solomon the Granson...Which is the H.G. The 3 rd person that is gonna build his temple in our hearts and minds....As our bodies are the temple of God under the H.G. this New Covenant. in his blood ...And Jesus tells us a greater then Solomon is here..Impling a greater temple will be built under this new covenant in our hearts and minds ...via the H.G. That Child of Promise...Our new hearts and new spirits are the New Heaven n Earth.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Thirsty4Wisdom.

    I agree with what you stated.

    "Do I need to get baptized along with trusting in Jesus to be saved?

    Yes, by the Holy Spirit, not by water:"

    Let's look upon another quote of yours concerning those who which the law was given. "Israel."

    In Matthew 15:24 Jesus said "I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel".

    This was not an outright rejection of the Gentiles.

    "Moments later, He heals the woman's daughter" but this was a fulfillment of prophecy, a setting of priorities, and a test of the woman's faith.

    In Jeremiah 50:6, God calls Israel His people and "lost sheep."

    The Messiah, spoken of throughout the Old Testament, was seen as the one who would gather these "lost sheep"

    Ezekiel 34:23-24 Micah 5:4-5.

    When Jesus presented Himself as a shepherd to Israel, He was claiming to be the fulfillment of Messianic prophecy

    Mark 6:34, 14:27. John 10:11-16.

    He is simply connecting His presence with God's purpose in Old Testament history. Christ was "born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law"

    Galatians 4:4-5.

    John the baptist was his forerunner who came in the office of Elisha to prepare the way. Malachi 4:4-6.

    This was the baptism of John.

    Acts 19:4. "This baptism was only for Israel." John was preparing the way!

    Christ has not yet given charge to his disciples to go out to the ends of the earth to "IDENTIFY/BAPTIZE" the Gentiles with the gathered sheep of Israel.

    In-fact he didn't send them until AFTER he died on the cross and rose from the dead to atone for the sins of the whole world.

    All the offerings and ordinances was a foreshadow of things to come.

    Colossians 2:13-17.

    Hebrews 10:1-10.

    God bless and

  • Alex1939 - 2 years ago
    Alex1939...The reason Jesus has to know us is b/c we have to be bornagain of his incorruptible seed...even by the words of God that New Covenant IN HIS BLOOD...My lil Children of whom i travail in birth till Christ is formed in you...Thats y he has to know us so that Christ might be formed in us...Truth is the sower of that good seed is Christ the Bridegroom...Thats y he is saying whosoever receiveth one such child in my name receiveth me...And that good seed are the words of God...And he that soweth that good seed is Christ the son of man...The bridegroom...It all goes back to the great Promise when God swore by his very self that Christ wd be multiplied as the stars of heaven...Thus the need for a sower and his seed but it had to be a heavenly seed ...As we have borne the the image of the earthy we must also bear the image of the heavenly...Which is the H.G. the multiplication of very God as Jesus said to whom the word came ( his seed ) it made them Gods...And the scripture cannot be broken...When he breathe on them he was propagating very God which was the H.G. That Child of PROMISE...Which is Spirit as that which is born of the spirt is spirit...As God is spirit..Remember Jesus said the good seed are the Children of the Kingdom.

    But she halted...As Micah 5:3 said he wd give them up till the woman is in travail and birth pains...Then the remnant of his brethren will come and be a sign to Israel and the world...We are still in that time of desolation when no man can work...Jesus said i am the light of the world but the night comes when no man can work...While the bridegroom tarried they all slumbered and slept..But on the 3 rd day he made a New Wine which was better then the 1st wine...Which is when that book is opened on the last day as God told Daniel...Thats when Jeremiah saw all men in travail and birth pains... Jeremiah 30:6...For the babes and sucklings that are able to worship God with a perfect praise.Which are the words of the book...The Womans Children
  • Alex1939 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    alex1939...Hiya Giannis good question about the latter rain...In the time of Noah, God sent the rain and it flooded this whole earth...Only 8 persons were saved..But in this last day God is gonna pour out of his Spirit on all flesh...Its gona be a spritual flood of his Spirit on all of humanity...Anybody not in the Ark was loss...But now the Ark is the H.G. the Kingdom of God..The blood of the lamb...That New Covenant...Abide in me and i in you...KNOWLEDGE is gonna cover the earth as the waters cover the seas and this knowledge is an intimacy as Jesus said he wants to KNOW US..Thus we will birth a New heart and a New Spirit which is our Ark the H.G. the Kingdom...This is a flood of the latter rain of his Spirit...As Isaiah says its gona cover the Earth as the waters cover the seas...Inclusive of everybody...If i be lifted up i will draw ALL MEN unto me...

    ....The former Rain was the early Church at Pentacost...But it was very moderate...As Micah 5:3 said he wd give them up till the woman is in travail and birth pains,..The early Church was all in parts, But Paul says when that which is perfect is come that ( latter rain) As Joel says he was gonna pour out of his spirit on all flesh, thats the latter rain at the last day when the book is opened that is in the fathers right hand...The Words of that book are the seeds of the sower that is gonna be planted, the seeds of God in the hearts of every person...Resulting in a birth of Christ in every person..When Jeremiah saw all men in travail and birth pains thats indicative of all the world being bornagain of that incorruptible seed THE WORD ...Which is the WATER OF THE WORD ( THE WORDS OF THAT BOOK OF LIFE ) That latter rain doctrine..I will pour out of my Spirit on ALL FLESH...That spiritual rain of life...Its gonna effect the whole family everybody, Even your sons and daughters are gonna prophesy...

    .....The fruit of the earth from this latter rain are the babes and sucklings ..She brought forth a manchild the H.G.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    Hi Louis.

    Here is just a few of many.

    Genesis 3:15. And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and ( HER SEED;) it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise ( HIS HEEL.)

    Genesis 22:18.

    Genesis 49:10.

    The Passover Lamb of God ( Exodus 12:1-28)

    Leviticus teaches the way to God is by sacrifice. JESUS!

    Leviticus 17:11. For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.

    In the book of Leviticus you see a portrait of Christ and his work on the cross. When studying it.

    It does well to go back and forward to new testament and present Christ. Especially Hebrews, That picture will paint itself.

    Deuteronomy 18:15.

    Psalms 22.

    Isaiah 7:14.

    Isaiah 9:6-7.

    Micah 5:2.

    Daniel 9:25-26.

    Malachi 3:1.

    I hope this helps.

    God bless.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello One Eighty,

    I believe that the truth of Jesus Christ is that He is both God and Man in one Person, so the truth of who He truly is involves a human nature with a body (which He still has in heaven-He rose bodily and ascended to heaven bodily). A person is not a human without a body, soul, and spirit. The truth of Jesus also involves His Deity as the eternal Son of God whom the Father sent to become human, God in human flesh. The Son of God existed eternally with the Father prior to the Incarnation. See John chapter 1 and Micah 5:2 and Isaiah 90:2. He did not cease to be God when He was incarnated since God cannot ever cease to exist, rather He added humanity to His divinity, possessing two natures (human and divine) in one person.

    The humanity of Jesus Christ, Son of God, had a beginning at conception, but His Deity is eternal, from everlasting to everlasting, just as the Father is eternal in the same way. Just as the Spirit is in the same way. I believe that Jesus Christ, the son of God and the Son of Man was 100% human equally 100% God, that in him are two natures that are not mixed to form a third type of nature. These two natures are distinct, yet unified in Him.

    I believe that Jesus as the God/Man is the perfect Person to bring us to God, the Father, the perfect mediator between God and Man. A human being, even if perfect, could never bring Himself to God let alone anyone else, only God can effect this communion between Himself and His creatures. And only a human who lives a perfect life can be the spotless sacrifice for the sins of the world. And also, only God can be the priceless sacrifice that can take on the sins of the whole world and the fullness of God's wrath for sin as well as forgive sins. So, Jesus, as our Savior is God and man and only in such a way is He fully able to wrought salvation for all who believe in Him in Spirit and in Truth.

    This is most certainly what I believe along with millions upon millions of Christians before me.
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Kimberly Jesus spoke of a time coming when no man cd work....When he said i am the light of the world but the NIGHT cometh when no man cd work....And Isaiah also mentions this spiritual darkness coming that wd cover the the earth... Isaiah 60:2....Darkness will cover the earth and gross darkness the ppl.....This abomination of desolation began with the great falling away of the early Church.... Micah 5:3 said he was gonna give them up...till the woman goes into birth pains....The last 2 k yrs have been nothing but wars and rumors of wars...and senseless killings around the world....6.5 million Jews died in Hitlers death camps....All the churches have been DESOLATE even the big mega Churches are beyond desolation....No amount of prayer cd stop the horrors that has been going on in this world and the CHURCHES THE LAST 2 K YRS....Joel saw it and said how does the priest and the Ministers do mourn for the new wine ( the new covenant ) that has been cut off....B/C joy is withered away from the sons of man....Joel saw this great falling away.....But Joel said the time is coming when God was gonna pour out his spirit on all flesh in Joel 2 :28 kjv....Satan is now in the pulpits....Standing in the Holy Places....Our Ministers and pastors and Evangelists are now in love with dollars....And materialistic things....and the honor that comes from man....And I also am the chiefest of sinners ....Lord have mercy on me a sinner...But God has given me sight beyond sight...GBU KIM
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Hello, I don't think Mishael checks this comment section. l read your question, I will give you my opinion, an example I went through & scriptures I find relevant. Hopefully these are all helpful.

    1st if we're personally bothered in our spirit about something it may be the HOLY Spirit telling us it's wrong. Ephesians 4:30, John 14:23-26, 1Corinthians 2:10-16,

    2nd if we're doubtful, is that also indication it's wrong? Romans 14:22-23, scripture in context, whole chapter: Romans 14,

    3rd, is this were loving GOD, hating your ._.__ comes in? Are we willing to serve GOD over love of family? Luke 14:26,

    4th, Luke 14:27, not being a cross you put in your pocket, around your neck or on the wall: Micah 5:12,13, Deuteronomy 18:9-14, Nahum 1:14, Deuteronomy 4:14-20, Deuteronomy 4:23-25, I even have personal conviction about wearing a cross, since I accepted JESUS as my Savior at young age. Something just bothered me inside about it spiritually. Even though some were special "Christian" gifts. & many people wear them.

    5th, One day recently, I saw a "Christian" bookstore selling crucifixion nails as jewelry. I cringed. Then I thought if someone was killed, raised again from the grave; would that person eagerly embrace another that had the weapon or thing that tortured & caused the pain & death, hung around their neck? or would they feel multiple emotions triggered by it? I thought of someone wearing a pill, bullet, ect. of a loved one, in resemblance, remembrance.

    Luke 14,

    6th, sometimes we're an example to others, in these matters set before us as tests. 1Corinthians 10:13,14, James 1:12, 2Corinthians 3:2,

    Hopefully helpful
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    I feel there is a significant detail that is possibly a detail that the LORD wants to show you. You may want to independent research about lions. I would be interested in what you find relating to what the LORD shows you!

    Psalms 91, lions Psalms 91:13,

    1st I must thank you, Thanks for bringing me back to this Psalms it's Powerful & encouraging!

    Hear are more scriptures on lions within the scripture. Several of GOD's people were delivered from lions.

    I understand it to mean, any lion just incase we question "what about a young one". Here's a scripture about "._._.an old lion,who shall rouse him up?' Genesis 49:9,

    Young lion : Numbers 23:24,

    these also mention a difference between: Job 4:8-21, Job 28:8, Job 38:39, Psalms 17:12, Isaiah 30:6, Isaiah 31:4,

    Ezekiel 19:3, Amos 3:4, Micah 5:8,

    Victory from lions : Judges 14, 1Samuel 17:34,36, 2Timothy 4:17, Daniel 6,

    But also used against a Prophet that disobeyed GOD's specific orders : 1Kings 13,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Slue. According to the Hebrew, the word given for 1 Samuel 1:1, is 'Ephrathi'. So the KJV is correct is stating Ephrathite. 'Ephrathi' is the word used for a descendant of Ephraim (one of Joseph's sons), but is now an inhabitant of Ephrath. These people were called Ephrathites.

    Now, Ephrath is a word sometimes connected to Bethlehem ( Micah 5:2 (prophecy of our Lord's Birthplace); Ruth 1:2; 1 Samuel 17:12), as Ephrath was a nearby city to Bethlehem. Some believe that Ephrath was an ancient Canaanite name & Bethlehem was the Jewish name.
  • JC SERVANT - In Reply - 3 years ago
    The phrases "Son of man" and "Son of God" are used for Jesus Christ to refer to His humanity and deity. The message of scripture was that Jesus Christ was both God and man. What follows below is a fuller explanation of both terms.

    "Son of Man" has messianic overtones and refers to person of human descendent. It refers to the Messiah who would born of a virgin ( Genesis 3:15; Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; Micah 5:2). It is a title of the Messiah, who is Jesus Christ.

    Son of Man - New Testament

    The phrase "Son of Man" occurs 88 times in the New Testament and only four times outside of the gospels. In the New Testament, the term has additional meaning. It still refers to a human, but it is also a title for Jesus Christ. Jesus was the ultimate human. He was God in human flesh.

    In summary, when "Son of Man" is used as a title it refers to the humanity of Jesus Christ and "Son of God" refers to the deity of Christ. Both terms were used of Christ because He was man, and He was God. "Son of Man" also referred to the Messiah. The Jews understood the meaning of these terms. Today, we focus in on the word "son" and sometimes are not aware that both expressions had special meanings.

    Together, they mean that Jesus was completely man and He was completely God. He was the God-man. He was the eternal, holy God who came in human flesh. Without being a man, He could not have died. If He was not God, He would have been a sinner. But as the God-man, He was the sinless man - the perfect sacrifice - a sinless sacrifice for our sins. He returned to life and ascended back to heaven. Praise the Lord!
  • Chris - In Reply on Psalms 149 - 3 years ago
    Hello Beverly. Psalm 149 is of unknown authorship & is essentially a call to praise God. It was probably used as a hymn by Israel, in not only offering praise (vv1-4), but also a victory song of triumph over their enemies (vv5-9). However, these latter verses prophetically look forward when all nations will be subjugated when their Messiah, Jesus Christ returns, setting up the (millennial) kingdom. For this, you can refer to Isaiah 54:11-17 and Micah 5:4-15. However, Christ did return to be their Sacrifice for sins, but they rejected Him as Messiah & there will be a day coming when they will mourn, seeing the One Whom they killed ( Revelation 1:7).
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Please read:

    Jeremiah 9:23-25, Zephaniah 1:9,

    Promise of punishment to Hebrews if they did not reform; Leviticus 26:23-25, Amos 3:2,

    GOD's punishment; Jeremiah 44:13, Hosea 12:2,

    Ezekiel 25:14,17, Jeremiah 51:11,36,37, Psalms 94:1, Jeremiah 50:15,18, Luke 21:22, Isaiah 63:4, Micah 5:15, Isaiah 61:2, Psalms 149:7, Jeremiah 11:20, Isaiah 47:3, Isaiah 34:6-9, Psalms 99:6-9, Ezekiel 25:12,

    Isaiah 59:16-21, redemption & recompense, Jeremiah 51:6, Jeremiah 30:20, Zephaniah 1:8,

    2 Thessalonians 6-9, Hope of GOD's recompense, it is "righteouss" Isaiah 35:4,

    Romans 12:19, Hebrews 10:28-31, Deuteronomy 32:35,

    Jude 1:5-7,

    Nahum 1:2, ''GOD is furious"
  • Adam - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Rick,

    I'd keep reading. Seek the truth and open yourself to learn who God really is and what He will reveal to you. Pray for wisdom and understanding. I wouldn't stop after one section and make conclusions before you take the entire context of the Bible into account. There are logical explanations for your questions.

    For your food question if you continued reading you would have naturally found Acts 10. There is much more info in the New Testament about what law applies today, because there is moral law, civil law, and ceremonial law. The latter two were specific to Israelites. You would also read a verse like this: Matthew 5:17-20

    Regarding your other questions you would eventually read verses like these:

    1 John 5:7-8

    John 1:1

    Genesis 1:26

    Genesis 11:6-7

    John 10:30

    John 8:19

    Philippians 2:5-8

    2 Corinthians 5:19

    John 1:3

    Matthew 28:19

    1 Peter 1:2

    2 Corinthians 13:14

    Deuteronomy 6:4

    John 14:10

    John 20:28

    1 John 2:22-24

    Isaiah 7:14

    Matthew 1:23-25

    Hebrews 1:8

    Isaiah 44:6

    John 1:18

    Some OT prophesy of Jesus to come:

    Isaiah 7:14

    Psalms 72:9-10

    Micah 5:2

    Numbers 24:17

    Genesis 22:18

    God bless...
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on Genesis 19 - 3 years ago
    Jocelynne Bell,

    Only the Father knows the day Jesus will return, Mark 13:32, we are told to watch Matthew 25:13. How do we know Jesus died in the first place, we look back, God said 100s of years before it would happen. Isaiah 7:14 Scripture points to how he will be born, and also to one of the names given to Christ: Immanuel, Matthew 1:23. Micah 5:2 This scripture tells where He will be born and from what tribe, which was Judah, Matthew 2:5 Luke 2:4.

    Psalm 22:7-8 This scripture tells how they will ridicule Him, Matthew 27:40-43. Psalm 22:16-18 the same refers to the actual crucifixion of Christ, Matthew 27:35,39,41,49. Isaiah 53:5 tells they will pierce Him for our transgressions, and by his wounds, we are healed, John 19:34.

    I could list more scripture that was written 100s of years before that is clear that it was Jesus our savior that was told of before and what would happen to Him, and we can be sure He will return the same way as He ascended Acts 1:10-11 Revelation 1:7

    God bless and have faith; If prophecy told it would happen 100s of years before and it happened have no doubt it is true. He is coming back and will set the kingdom upon the earth.

  • T. Levis - In Reply on Genesis 8 - 3 years ago
    I've had it explained to me that it was finished when Noah finished it, "that GOD couldn't move until Noah finished it" that "GOD's timing isn't man's timing. He waits sometimes for completion of events not like world thinks". That significance is amazing to consider. Genesis 6:22,

    Daniel 7:22, Galatians 4:22, Ecclesiastes 3:1-17, Daniel 7:25, Exodus 9:16-19, Hebrews 9:8-10, Psalms 105:17-19, Micah 5:2-4, seems to be significant even in future Luke 16:16,

    Hope that's helpful
  • GRACE_ambassador {ChrisE} - 3 years ago
    Precious Bob, ONE verse does not make Sound Doctrine, Correct?:

    "JESUS Said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM."

    ( John 8:58)

    IF JESUS is not THE "I AM" {ETERNALLY Existing One} Of ( Exodus 3:14), then please advise "Exactly WHO" is HE?

    1) a created non-angel being son of God"? 2) Michael the archangel? 3) a pro-created human only son of God? 4) JW's idea of a-little-g god in the NWT Jn 1:1? And, Exactly HOW do Any of "these" FORGIVE sin, NOT "Being God Almighty"?

    Is it not Infinitely Better to Adhere to ALL "Inspired" Scripture ( 2 Timothy 3:16-17), and Compare Scriptures With THEMSELVES" With The Help Of our Blessed Teacher, God, The Holy Spirit ( 1 Corinthians 2:13), Correct? ie:

    WHO Is "The EVERLASTING/ETERNAL God, With No Beginning Of Days!"?:

    "But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the

    thousands of Judah, yet out of thee Shall HE Come Forth Unto ME That

    Is To Be Ruler In Israel; Whose Goings Forth Have Been From Of Old,

    From EVERLASTING." ( Micah 5:2)

    "Without father, without mother, without descent, having NEITHER BEGINNING OF DAYS, Nor end of life; But Made Like Unto The SON Of God;.." ( Hebrews 7:3)

    "JESUS CHRIST, The SAME yesterday, and to day, and for ever." ( Hebrews 13:8)


    "Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever THOU Hadst Formed the earth and the world, Even from Everlasting To Everlasting, THOU Art God." ( Psalm 90:2)

    "I Said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not That I AM [He], ye shall die in your sins." ( John 8:24)

    "Now I tell you before it come, that, when it is come to pass, ye may believe That I AM [He]." ( John 13:19)

    If you only read KJV, then you know the translators supplied the Extra [bracketed] words, Correct? Thus, JESUS, The SON Of God, The Father, Did, In BIBLICAL Fact, Say "That I AM!" Correct?

    Please be Enlightened, Enriched, Exhorted, Encouraged, And EDIFIED, In:

    The Great "I AM" JESUS CHRIST!
  • Dianne - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Randall Hi Nimrod is only mentioned 4 times in Gods word Gen. 10: Gen10:9 1 Chronicles 1:10 and Micah 5:6, the first 3 deal with genealogy and all three state that he was a mighty hunter before the lord, as shared before the word nimrod means rebel and the word mighty means defiant, this guy was absolute evil in the face pf God. His name is not written in

    the book of revelation but spiritually what He represented is. He was basically a male Jezebel, have you ever heard someone called nimrod or a female jezebel its not a compliment. Look him up in secular history he's a sick puppy also do not know how he died. Hope this answers both questions. God Bless
  • Chris - In Reply on Deuteronomy 18 - 4 years ago
    That's a great question Danae. It is one that has brought on many discussions & ideas over the years.

    My belief is this: you're right that Mary & Joseph were ordinary human beings, though of course special as they were selected by God to bring forth His Son into the World. And in their humanity, they, like us, were born with a sin nature passed onto us from our first parents. And they would have sinned as well, though some would teach that they (specifically Mary) did not, since they were in every respect human as we are.

    So why wouldn't baby Jesus also receive a sin nature like all of us? I see it this way: neither Mary or Joseph contributed to the conception of the babe. That is, Joseph certainly wasn't the father & Mary did not contribute her ovum to this conception. The Bible says in Luke 1:35, "And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God."

    I understand this verse to say that God, by His Spirit overshadowed Mary & placed this Holy Seed (one entirely from God without human intervention) into Mary's womb. So this Seed had not the nature that is passed down through mankind - it is a pure & Holy Seed. So couldn't God just zap Jesus onto the Earth & avoid all this human involvement? Well, the Scriptures speak of this Holy One coming, Who would be the Messiah, born in humanity ( 2 Samuel 7:12,13; Isaiah 7:14; Micah 5:2), so Jesus was born in fulfilment of all Scriptures, even the Sacrifices which spoke about His redemptive work. Yet, Jesus' Birth was without a sin nature so that He could ultimately be the Perfect Spotless Sacrifice for mankind. So Jesus was tempted of Satan ( Matthew 4:1-11), not to commit sin since He had no sin nature, but Satan wanted to cause the sin nature to be a part of Jesus, just as he did to Adam & Eve. But Jesus resisted this attempt & remained pure ( Hebrews 4:15).

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