Discuss Nahum 2

  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 5 months ago
    Concluding remarks on priority levels of scripture

    As we look through the less important facts and figures of the Bible on the surface or face value; we begin to see how it ties into the primary themes; applications; doctrines and ultimately the whole grand scheme God is "staging" throughout human history to the inevitable "finale" when He returns to set things straight. In a way it is like a screen play the way God's plans end up. The difference; of course is that it is very real; not a feigned comedy or tragedy such as the Greeks liked to perform with masks either smiling or frowning to elicit a response. We all are involved in a life and death struggle; with ourselves; and related to our physical lives and spiritual "essense" as it were. This; of course is just an analogy; and a poor one in that we shouldn't see God as the "puppet master" behind the scenes or a Wizard of Oz type madman behind the stage controlling the set. (We'll leave that performance to Satan himself who likes to control the set while he himself is chained into a controlled area).

    Also; I will admit for myself that I often think of familiar surroundings and situations when reading the Bible; having only seen pictures and a few videos of the Holy land and obviously not living 2000 or more years ago. This may be what we would call a secondary theme; that of people living an agrarian life where one's ox or donkey was of great importance; where women were in general no better off than slaves; where horrible tortures were not really considered abnormal and where people travelled a LOT more slowly than today. There can be misinterpretations such as Nahum 2:4 in regards to some deeper meaning to chariots jostling as representing cars in urban settings today. Nonetheless; Solomon stated that there was "nothing new under the sun" ( Ecclesiastes 1:9). Sin and rebellion haven't gone away; they may have found new ways to more quickly satisfy these carnal desires but are always present.
  • ELB - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago


    Psalms 91:13 Thou (Christ, the old lion) shall tread upon the (young) lion (man) and the adder (the devil, man), the young lion (man) and the dragon (the devil, man) shall thou trample under feet (of Christ, the old lion).

    Nahum 2:11 Where is the dwelling of the (young) lions (man), and the feedingplace of the young lions (man), where the (old) lion (Christ), even the old lion (Christ) walked, and the (old) lion's whelp (the young lion, man), and none made them (the young lion, man) afraid.

    Job 4:10 The roaring of the (old) lion (Christ), and the voice of the fierce (old) lion (Christ), and the teeth of the young lions (man), are broken,

    Job 4:11 The old lion (Christ) perisheth for lack of prey (when Christ subdues man, the young lions, under him), and the stout (old) lion's (Christ) whelps (young lions, man) are scattered abroad.

    Genesis 49:9 (the tribe, children of) Judah are a (old) lion's (Christ) whelp (young lions, men), from the prey (devouring the young lions) Thou (old lion, Christ) art gone up, he (Christ) stooped down, he (Christ) crouched as a (old) lion, and as a (old) lion (Christ) who shall arouse him (the old lion, Christ).

    God Bless YOU!
  • Bible fan on Nahum 2 - 5 years ago
    compare this with joel chapter 2 - much of the same thing is being said except Joel mentions that if we repent there's a chance of being spared destruction - in Nahum - there's no 'if we repent' mentioned - it's as if in Joel we're given a chance, and in Nahum, we've blown our chance - every message has a limit of time...too late means too late
  • Paul may on Nahum 2 - 6 years ago
    I ve always been fascinated by this verse. He was surely talking about these days.
  • BSP on Nahum 2 - 6 years ago
    This chapter gives a detailed account of what would befall Ninevites for their wickedness.
  • Haile on Nahum 2 - 7 years ago
    It is a surprise to see on verse 4 about the chariots with torches...The Lord has already show Nahum the exact Cars but Nahum couldn't describe it since there is nothing of cars in his time.So he described it by his own understanding.Amazing!
  • Norm on 2 Thessalonians 2 - 9 years ago
    To all of my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus: That man of sin, the son of perdition, has been revealed to us by the Holy Spirit of God. The same is Lucifer Isaiah 14:8 thru 15 and the Assyrian Isaiah 10:5 and Isaiah 14:25 . The same is the great dragon, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world Revelation 12:9 . The same is the lion Job 4:10, Job 38:39, Psalms 22:21, Psalms 91:13, Jeremiah 4:7, Jeremiah 25:38, Amos 3:8, Nahum 2:11, Nahum 2:12, 2 Timothy 4:17 and 1 Peter 5:8 . The same was involved in the 2005 Cedar Revolution in Lebanon Isaiah 14:8 . The same speaks very softly in his interviews see Job 41:3 yet the mighty of the world are terrified of him, and rightly so, to the point of urinating their pants Job 41:25 . The same was born in Damascus on 11 September 1965. His last name in Arabic means "the lion". Pray to our Father in heaven, in the name of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST, that we may be found worthy to escape this evil! May the Lord JESUS be glorified. Amen
  • Louis Mwayera on Nahum 2:4 - 10 years ago
    He saw into this day that vision is today we take for granted.
  • Clement Baptiste on Nahum 2:4 - 11 years ago
    I do not think that what Nahum saw was for his time,i believe these chariots in broad places are
    cars on our highways but the prophet could only
    speak in his language of his day.
  • Anayo on Nahum 2 - 12 years ago
    Look at verse 3 and 4, it seems that Nahum is talking about our present time, chariots shall be with flaming torches, that’s cars jostling against one another in a broad street in a very high speed. Are we not seeing today in our highways and streets?
  • Robin land on Nahum 2:7 - 12 years ago
    I had a dream i was sitting on a hill with alot of people (i mean alot) it was a beautiful day really green grass and I heard what was like THUNDER it was walking and all of a sudden a path was clear and all i saw was a HUGE foot and a voice that sounded like THUNDER YELL NAHUM....it was so loud it woke me up...
  • Carol on Nahum 2 - 12 years ago
    wow this seemed liked utter annihilation

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