Thou, even thou, art LORD alone thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, What does the words Lord alone thous hast made... " mean. It says ALONE.
It is such a relief to me, when having done wrong, I am forgiven. I recall times when I have been caught speeding and the Officer grants me grace, sends me off with a warning to be more careful, and pardons me. Taking this to a higher level, my sins put the Son of God on the cross and to think that He died to pay my penalty and granting me favor in the sight of justice is mercy unfathomable. I am a ward of grace and mercy for which I am eternally thankful. Praise be to Him for His pardoning grace - such unselfish forgiveness is unknown among men.
anon, God wants us to confess the sin or sins to Him so He can hear us tell them to Him, but also that we can hear them also ! He delights in hearing His children confess their sin and repenting !
In this chapter, I am humbled by The Almighty Father's love, patience, compassion, forgiveness, long-suffering, and Justice. He never gives up on His anointed and children; eventhough we hurt His Spirit when we lost our way in sin. He is Holy and Righteous. I worship Him for who He is! The I Am that I AM, The Same yesterday, today and for ever more, Ancient of Days, and the Provider for all people. Omnipotent, Omniscience, and Omnipresent God! What a mighty God we serve!!!
I am a newly saved Christian. My whole life I have been around the church but I had no faith, until recently. Anon., I think that when we confess ourselves to the Lord we allow the Holy Spirit to come back into our lives in the forms including living in godly standards. I have been very blessed with a wonderful wife who kept praying for me.
I think that this verse is explained by Deuteronomy 29:5 and Nehemiah 9:21. Shoes were for their daily walk. They would have all that they needed to succeed and prosper in life, and they would have enough strength to handle all that they would encounter in the days of their life.
May the Lord help us to be faithful.