Discuss Numbers 1

  • RichFairhurst on Genesis 15 - 1 year ago
    Most commentaries online take the 4th generation mentioned in Genesis 15:16 as just another way of describing the same span of 400 years (or 430 years) that the nation of Israel spent in Egypt which is covered in Genesis 15:12-14. This cannot be the case.

    Genesis 15:16 answers Abraham's question in Genesis 15:8 about how he would know God would cause his seed to inherit the land God had brought him out of Ur to see that Abram was standing on in Hebron. The thought of asking God about when his seed would leave Egypt had nothing to do with Abrams question in Genesis 15:8, since he knew nothing about his seed going to Egypt until God revealed His plan in Genesis 15:12-14.

    Numbers 14:13-25 shows that God made the Israelites wander in the wilderness according to Moses word, which specifically acknowledged God's right to visit the iniquity of the fathers upon the 3rd and 4th generations. The 1st generation that left Egypt punished as the fathers was 20 years old at the census in Numbers 1:1-54. The 2nd generation was their children who were born in Egypt and seen God's wonders, but who could not enter God's promised land until 40 years of wandering with their fathers had passed. That generation spent a maximum of 40 years of their years in military service wandering in the wilderness.

    The 3rd generation would be born over the first 20 years in the wilderness and would spend a maximum of 20 years of their military service wandering in the wilderness. The 4th generation was born in the last 20 years in the wilderness and first served in the army after entering the promised land. The 5th generation spent no time in the wilderness and began entering the army 20 years into Joshua's campaign.

    Caleb was promised Hebron when he was 85 years old, which was 5 years after Israel left the wilderness. Caleb was from the tribe of Judah, the first tribe to gain its inheritance, and he obtained Hebron before he turned 100, the age he would be 20 years into Joshua's campaign.
  • GiGi on Numbers 1 - 2 years ago
    Numbers Chapter 1 cont...

    We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses of those who have gone before us. This should encourage us greatly especially knowing that so many suffered persecution and martyrdom. We know that God will make us strong when facing "giants" and evil works of those who wish to do away with us. But God is in control. We should always remember this, because the Israelites forgot this again and again; God was patient and long suffering towards them, but we should not be as those who "shrink back", but be ready to press on and into whatever God has set before us, as the Israelites were being prepard to do.
  • GiGi on Numbers 1 - 2 years ago
    Numbers Ch. 1 cont..

    The Levites were to be in charge of the tabernacle: all of its furnishings, all of the ceremonial duties, protection of the tabernacle. They were to encamp around the tabernacle to safeguard the other Israelites. They had this job for a lifetime.

    We, too, are princes and priests at once. So, not only are we to be numbered among those who "take the kingdom" as the Israelites were to take the land promise; we are to do what God asks of us to advance bring the Gospel to those who need it, war in prayer for those who need it, teach those who are new to the faith the content of our faith and practice, nurture believers onward to maturity, and fight the good fight of faith. As priests, we have the privilege of sitting at the feet of Jesus (our tabernacle) adoring Him and serving Him in worship, praise, and living by the Spirit.

    The Israelites were told to take all the land that God had promised to them. They were to drive out the of the peoples, destroy them in battle and in the streets: men, women, and children. These heathen peoples were to have no place in that which God had promised to His chosen elect children. In the same way, no wicked, unbelieving rebel against God will have any place in what He has promised those He has chosen to live with Him eternally. God fought for the Israelites. He fought for all of us on the cross at Calvary. He won the victory for the Israelites, and He has won the victory for us who believe.

    The Israelites were to war with the heathen of the land of promise; we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with all of the evil powers: Satan and the other fallen angels. God has given us spiritual armor to fight this spiritual battle. But just as He gave victory over victory over the heathen to the Israelites, He gives the same kind of victory to overcome ever spiritual battle we face.

    God asked that the Israelites be numbered. This must have encouraged them when they realized how large their army was.

  • GiGi on Numbers 1 - 2 years ago

    In this first chapter God asks Moses and Aaron to take a census of the Israelites to determine the population of battle-aged men.

    This was in the beginning of the second year since leaving Egypt. They had left Egypt on the day of Passover in the first month of Abib. So, this would be one year later plus one month. In our calendar it would be April. God chose the leaders from each tribe who would be as a prince or representative of their tribe. The total of battle-aged men was 603,000. So, if you include Levites, women and children under 20 (which they most likely had many from each family) there was perhaps 3 million people or more.

    They had gone into Egypt 70 in total, and now have left a great multitude as God had promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

    When Jesus left the increase of the church to the apostles after He ascended, there were the 12 and at least 500 disciples (As Paul says that Jesus appeared to 500 all at once after He resurrected). After Peter began preaching after Pentecost, the church was added to by 1000's at a time. Through the work of the apostles over their lifetime, the number of believers multiplied quickly, just as God multiplied the Israelites. And in the centuries since Pentecost, million upon millions have been added to the church through faith.

    The SEED of Abraham (Jesus) produced a people of God (all believers from the beginning of the world up until the last Gentile is saved along with the remnant of Israel, is more numerous than the natural descendants of Abraham. When the last person to be saved comes to Christ by the working of God, then Jesus will return, and the peoples of the world who have died will be resurrected, and all of mankind will be judged. Then the saints will receive their eternal inheritance and the wicked unbelievers will receive eternal punishment.

  • Chris - In Reply on Numbers 1 - 2 years ago
    Hello Cindy. Those references you are looking for are: Song of Solomon 2:1 and Matthew 6:31-34.
  • Cindy gordon on Numbers 1 - 2 years ago
    where in the bible dose talk about the lilies of the vally and worrie not where you go or what you eat or drink or ware or live
  • T Levis - In Reply on Amos 3 - 2 years ago
    Here are scriptures you can study, 1st asking for wisdom: James 1:5, Exodus 25, Exodus 26, Exodus 27, Exodus 29, Exodus 30, Exodus 35, Exodus 36, Exodus 38, Exodus 37:25,26, Exodus 38:2, - Exodus 40, Leviticus 1, Leviticus 3, Leviticus 4, - Leviticus 12, - Leviticus 16:33, - Leviticus 26, Numbers 1:53, Numbers 3, - Numbers 4:23, ( Luke 3:23 ) Luke 4:30, Numbers 4, Leviticus 16:18, = Hebrews 8, Hebrews 9, Hebrews 10,

    1Kings 6, 1Kings 7, 2Kings 11, 2Chronicles 3, 2Chronicles 4, Ezra 3, Isaiah 6, Ezekiel 41, Zechariah 6:12,13, Revelation 11, Mark 15, Matthew 27:51, Matthew 27, Psalms 118:27,

    Mark 11, Luke 1,

    Revelation 21:22,

    Hopefully these are all helpful in your study & search for answers
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Numbers 1:49, Isaiah 10:21, I believe there are multiple places actually, 2Kings 19:30

    In my spirit I felt the numbering of Israel was also, that may be why; even Joab who helped kill Urriah, 2Samuel 11:14-24, killed King David's son 2Samuel 18:14-17, took vengeance by killing others while going in for a hug, 2Samuel 20:9,10, 2Samuel 3:26-27 even that guy; feared GOD more than King David & refused to "number Levi ...." 1Chronicles 21:1-8,
  • Bj - In Reply on Numbers 1 - 2 years ago
    I agree it's so good to have contact with other believers this way May our Great Lord bless you all
  • Jessie on Numbers 1 - 2 years ago
    Hi my name is jessie and thank you guys who made this bible website, it is great and i can rate that over than a 5 star
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Romans 8 - 3 years ago
    Numbers 1:49,
  • Richard D. Fairhurst - In Reply - 3 years ago
    I would amend my commentary to say that a great-grandson (4th generation) of the 1st generation adult counted in the census of Numbers 1:1-54 may have had to have been born at the latest 25 years after that census only if Hebron was conquered ( Joshua 15:13-19) immediately after it was given as an inheritance to Caleb in Joshua 14:6-15. That would allow that great grandson (4th generation) to be counted in the army that took Hebron. Any time delay between Joshua 14:6-15 and Joshua 15:13-19 increases the likelihood that a great grandson was born (my previous comments assumed a 5 year delay between Joshua 14 and Joshua 15, but I grant that may not have occurred). So here are the generation requirements under the worst case scenario with the shortest allowance of time:

    1st generation: A member of the army counted in Numbers 1:1-54 any age greater than 20 years old.

    2nd generation: A son of the 1st generation that was not counted in the army in Numbers 1:1-54. As long as he turned 20 the day after the census.

    3rd generation: A grandson born to a 2nd generation son who was old enough to have a 4th generation son (great grandson) born to him prior to the 25th year after the census in Numbers 1:1-54.

    4th generation: A great grandson born to the 3rd generation at least 1 day prior to the 25th year after the census in Numbers 1:1-54.

    The average ages of the 2nd generation and 3rd generation on the day that their son was born would have been no more than 22 1/2 years to meet these requirements. This is not unreasonable given that the slaves in Egypt clearly had a fast birth rate driven by having children at young ages and the fact that marrying in the first year of military service delayed entry into the army by a year which was an incentive for bearing children before they turned 22.
  • Richard D. Fairhurst - 3 years ago
    I agree that Genesis 15:13-14 was fulfilled when Israel left Eygpt in Exodus 12:36, but I believe that verse 16 was not fulfilled until Judges 1:20 when Hebron was taken. In order for the 4th generation to "come back here" they had to reach Hebron where Abraham heard these words ( Genesis 14:13). Because the Amorites had just fought as Abraham's allies God would not judge them until the 4th generation after the Exodus was ready to fight them. If any 1st generation freed Israelite man that perished in the wilderness begat a son that turned 20 and begat his grandson shortly after the army census in Numbers 1:20 in turn begat his great grandson prior to the 30th year in the wilderness than a great grandson of the 1st Exodus generation fighters would have reached fighting age when Hebron was taken. Abraham was being comforted that he would die in peace and not have to witness the judgment of his allies. God delay judgment of their sins by Abraham's descendants to recognize their part in the victory Abraham had just won for his nephew Lot.

    This interpretation also shows that the wilderness wandering was actually a mercy to Abraham that allowed God time to raise an army that was far more worthy of victory over Abraham's allies descendants only after God allowed the full measure of their sins to show that their descendants judgement was just. That 1st generation unbelieving army of Exodus slaves that tested God 10 times and shrank back from fighting was unworthy in God's sight of judging the sins of Abraham's Amorite allies descendants and would have been unworthy of victory over them in Abraham's sight as well.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Brother Chris.

    Reading those articles one would wonder if those Pastoring in the 19th century perhaps should have been exempt or held back from military duties and remain overseeing the Church similar to the way the Lord dealt with Israel.

    Numbers 1:45-50.

    Tho the Church may not be directly instructed aa tho Israel but there are subtle principles in scriptures such as

    2 Timothy 2:4. that may suggest. perhaps exemptions for Pasrors.

    I believe there's virtue to Gods order and structure in the way he do things therefore there's consequences when we deviates from it.

    It's interesting in 1 Timothy 2:13. Paul mentions "For Adam was first formed, then Eve." You would say ok well that settles it. but then he goes on with verse 14. "And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." He seems to give more reason. Could this be a picture of her influence and our partiality when it comes to women? If Adam wasn't deceived why take of the fruit? We have to ask ourselves didn't Adam know better and what would we have done. There may be more to this than just

    hierarchy, ( not saying he didn't set up hierarchy) there may be reasons besides that. just as it's a reason man can't pastor a church without the Holyspirit.

    I'm just fishing but if this is even close, then our partial and passiveness towards women would be as big as the issue as an seductive woman if she's in error.

    Perhaps if anyone else could have been around to offer Adam that fruit just maybe he wouldn't have taken it.

    I believe as in the Gospels woman has an equal role in the church, but Gods order ordained should never be broken.

    God bless.
  • Sacha - In Reply on Numbers 1 - 3 years ago
    Johnny ,hi ,strictly speaking any one who considers themselves a Christian should never ever use violence to any one else ,Jesus is our example and we are supposed to follow him and do as we know he would do in every situation . Also ,i live in england but first and foremost i am a Christian ,God is my King ,im only english because i was born here of english parents ,i actually belong to God . I am also imperfect and dont know what i would do if faced with a violent person who wanted to hurt me or some one i love . Thankfully there is forgiveness with God . I hope i never am put to the test in that way ,also you too Johnny ,keep yourself out of potentially dangerous situations and away from people who seek to provoke confrontation ,stay safe and be cool ,Jesus doesnt want you getting hurt or into trouble !
  • Johnny on Numbers 1 - 3 years ago
    I believe this is God teaching us to be ready to defend ourselves from those who wish to do evil upon us. Yes, the Commandments say not to kill, but it also says to not Covet other peoples things and such. So, the invaders are also sinners because they chose to covet against the nation for their resources and such. So, really the invaders are in the wrong as well. I'm pretty sure God would understanding especially if your nation tried to defend itself first by words (diplomacy) rather than fighting. Although, when your nation is threatened by those who wish to destroy you, you would be willing to fight as well. That isn't to say fighting is good, but rather it is to say you'd do what you must to survive.

    Then again if possible you should always defend yourselves with words rather than violence. Violence solves nothing, in fact violence only ever creates more violence. Take the war on terror for example. America has been a war on terror for TWENTY YEARS and COUNTING...
  • Jerry Gibson on Numbers 1:50 - 4 years ago
    What is the tabernacle of testimony?
  • Chris - In Reply on Numbers 1:47 - 4 years ago
    That is correct Joanne. God had instructed Moses to number the men from twenty yrs of age & above, to have each tribes leaders appointed & be in readiness for war as God had instructed them to conquer the nations before them & to possess the land that God had given them for their inheritance. You can read about the commencement of this thrust into these heathen, idolatrous lands in the book of Joshua.
  • Joanne on Numbers 1:47 - 4 years ago
    Was Moses getting a poll of all the men twenty one and above to prepare for war?
  • Mina on Numbers 1 - 4 years ago
    I think even from the very beginning, God knew that mankind (we,the people) will try to do what is evil in their heart. Preparing the Israelites for present danger, for example in this case,battle or war. It is important as chosen people of God to have a designated army for the protection of each and every tribe. After all, they were in bondage by Egyptians for a very long time. As we all know, there are other nations already roaming in the earth, and in order for them to get to the promise land, they will have to go through a lot of them. Remember, the Giants.

    Applying it to our present time, America, for example have different branch of the military. We have the Air Force, Army, Navy, and Coast Guards-It is also for the protection of our country. Not to go to war per say,but to protect us from the foreign or domestic threats.
  • Bob Hilt - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 4 years ago
    Barry I am sorry to hear about that. I do believe the Bible teaches the age of accountability is 20 years old.

    Exodus 30:14 Every one that passeth among them that are numbered, from twenty years old and above, shall give an offering unto the LORD.

    One was not required to offer a sacrifice for oneself till they were 20 years old. otherwise the Father was offering on behalf of the family. in other words under the headship of the family.

    Numbers 1:3 From twenty years old and upward, all that are able to go forth to war in Israel: thou and Aaron shall number them by their armies.

    A male was not to be drafted into the army until they were 20 years old. Not considered an adult till then.

    Numbers 1:18 And they assembled all the congregation together on the first day of the second month, and they declared their pedigrees after their families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, by their polls.

    A census of the adults was not reckoned until they were 20.

    I am of the opinion that she shall grow up in the 1,000 reign of Christ after the tribulation and given a chance to accept or reject the Lord. After all in the kingdom believers do not marry as Jesus said in:

    Matthew 22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.

    Yet there are children in the kingdom.

    Isaiah Chapter 11:6 The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

    7 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

    8 And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den.

    until a Lion can eat straw this has not happened, yet there is a sucking child there, so where do they come from?

    Aborted kids?
  • Bob Hilt - In Reply on 1 Samuel 17:38 - 4 years ago
    Most everyone considers David a child when he confronted Goliath. However the age of the draft for war in Israel was 20 years old. Numbers 1:3 From twenty years old and upward, all that are able to go forth to war in Israel: thou and Aaron shall number them by their armies.

    David could have been up to 19 years old when he faced goliath and that is hardly a child.

    1 Samuel 17:42 And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained him: for he was but a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance. Look up Ruddy sometime. 19 is still considered a youth. not sure how old David was, but not necessarily a little boy.
  • Kookie on Numbers 1 - 5 years ago
    I have a question where did it say that there was killing?
  • Kookie on Numbers 1 - 5 years ago
    This is greatttttt
  • Walter - In Reply on Numbers 1 - 5 years ago
    God's word says no, it won't.
  • Pat H - In Reply on Numbers 1 - 5 years ago
    Stanjett, no you are not wrong to be against killing, . Men are evil. That is why we must read God'S word. He wants all mankind to repent and accept Jesus as their Savior,be baptized and lift up and be an entirely new person in our hearts and minds. The only way we can do this is to love God and read his word. God gave his only son to take all sin of man! Jesus saves! He died for our sins.
  • Stanjett - In Reply on Numbers 1 - 5 years ago
    So, I'm wrong because I'm against killing? And for peace with all peoples.
  • Church - In Reply on Numbers 1 - 5 years ago
    war will stop when Jesus comes back
  • Pat H. - In Reply on Numbers 1 - 5 years ago
    Stanjett, Not to be rude, but I have noticed your remark before about "lets go kill some people" I don't know if you are trying to disrespect God's word or not, because you never explain your answer. If that is the case, I among many will pray to that you understand God's word in your heart. God wanted his people to be ready for battle. Men, not God, start all wars this is the devils work.
  • Stanjett on Numbers 1 - 5 years ago
    Oh My. Now it starts. Lets go kill some folk and chase them off their land. War, war and more war. Will it ever stop?

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