vs. 3 speaks of the meekness of Moses. This small glimpse into the character of Moses is very telling. He was humbled by God in those years after fleeing from Pharoah to Midian. (From being the top man to Pharoah to being a refugee from him). He was humbled when he became a shepherd tending flocks in Midian. He was humbled when God appeared to him in the burning bush. He was humbled when God called him to stand before Pharoah demanding in the name of the LORD that Pharoah let God's people go. He was humbled through the encounters with the LORD on Mt. Sinai. He was humbled through all the years of leading the Israelites through the desert according to the way the LORD directed them with the pillar of fire and clouds. And above all, He was humbled by the calling of being the prophet of the LORD and both hearing directly from God and in being tasked with speaking the words of God to the people.
Since it was Miriam who was struck by God with leprosy, perhaps she was the one who started the murmuring and Aaron joined in with her. Aaron asked Moses to intercede for Miriam, and he did. Here Aaron understood that it was Moses who was the intercessor and not himself. Moses was the one who spoke face to face with the LORD, not himself.
Moses spoke to God to heal Miriam. God replied that Miriam will go through the ritual of the law for leprosy by being sent out from among the people for seven days. God could have healed Miriam right away. But He must have wanted to press the point of the consequences of rebelliousness are separation from God and His people.
After seven days the people were then led forward on their journey. They traveled from Hazeroth to the wilderness of Paran.
This chapter starts out with the account of Miriam and Aaron murmuring against Moses. It seems that they spoke against the fact that Moses had married a woman. (Ethiopian) It is unclear if this is speaking of Zipporah, the Midianite woman Moses wed while in Midian after fleeing from Pharoah or of another wife Moses may have married while in Pharoah's court or perhaps from among the mixed multitude that came with the Israelites out of Egypt. So it is unclear if this passage is referring to Zipporah or to another wife of Moses. Either way, Miriam and Aaron murmured among the people concerning this wife. They did not come straight to Moses with their complaint, but spoke behind his back about this foreign wife. We do not know what the complaint about this wife entailed. Was it because she was a foreign wife or because Moses was influenced by this wife or was it something about this wife's personality that Miriam and Aaron had difficulty with. We don't know the details.
Also, Miriam and Aaron questioned if God only spoke through Moses but also by them. Were they jealous of Moses' special standing with God? Were they desirous of having such a close relationship with God as Moses had? The text does not make it very clear. However God was aware of their murmuring and called Moses, Aaron, and Miriam to the entrance to the tent of meeting. Did they think that God would not be aware of what they were speaking and thinking concerning Moses? They were going to soon find out.
When they came to the entrance, the presence of the Lord appeared and God confronted Miriam and Aaron about their sin. Addressing Miriam and Aaron, the Lord tells them that He chooses the prophet among them (who was Moses) and will make Himself know to him in a vision and speak to him in a dream (vs. 6)
Verse 7 says that Moses is not called in such ways, because Moses is faithful and God speaks with Moses as one would speak to another face to face.. continued
Aaron was given to Moses as his "mouthpiece" so to speak after his many protests on not being a man of learned speech and such in Exodus 4:10. Moses tested God quite a bit with his trepidation which was a side affect of being the most humble man alive (See Numbers 12:3). This caused Aaron to be a thorn in his side. There were two ways to approach the masses; with dogged determination to God's will as Moses demonstrated; and to acquiesce to their pleas. We see a similar pattern with the sacrifice made the wrong way by Saul in 1 Samuel 13:9. Ultimately; Saul was shown to have a rebellious self seeking life that went away from true worship of God; in this verse he was also trying to placate people ignoring God's methodology to his own peril. That was one step away from idolotry.
Aaron's sin was basically equivalent to a death penalty; breaking the 1st commandment; and with the sexual things implied many other things deserving such an end such as is indicated in verses 6 and 25. Poor Moses had to go another 40 days fasting after his first fast; and acted as intercessor then and several other times when God wanted to destroy the whole lot of the exiles and start anew. In the end only Caleb and Joshua from that generation survived; all the rest that made it into the Promised Land were the children of the original families that came out of Egypt.
Moses also had to deal with Miriam when she made a fuss about his Ethiopian wife in Numbers 12:10. Aaron could have been more proactive in dealing with it before her leprosy came as punishment.
This should serve as a warning to all; especially when a great spiritual victory has just happened such as a genuine move of God. Rebellion is as witchcraft ( 1 Samuel 15:23); and stems from the same root of corruption. This is why we can't just proclaim we are Christians without evidence of trust in God; fear of the Lord and other such good fruit being evident. We also must choose God over popular opinions.
Verse 7 of the Psalm indicates a place otherwise known as "Kadesh barnea". Apparently there was an incident in the Book of Numbers as well which could have been a separate occasion. It is likely that Moses had to provide water for the multitude on many occasions-if not in such a spectacular fashion. In any case, Moses struck the rock twice ( Exodus 17:6); disobeying the command to only strike it once. Whether due to anger and frustration or careless disobedience the result was that it was held as sin and ultimately was a reason that he could not enter the Promised Land. ( Deut. 32:51-52).
Notice that the promises of provision in verse 10 and again in verse 16 were predicated on the requirement of verses 8-9; namely that there would be no worship of other gods. That basically boiled down the reasons for being bagged down for a whole generation in the desert; as well as rebellions later when they could have taken over the pagan nations much more quickly and completely.
This passage of scripture should give us pause if we are in a position of authority in the church today. Clearly; those teaching the Word are held to a higher standard ( James 3:1).
God is longsuffering and patient; and also alone can truly have righteous indignation. Moses was said to be meek above all who dwelled upon the earth. ( Numbers 12:3). Yet this one sin had lasting repercussions. Today; of course wwe see error in the other direction where there is no fear of the Lord as well as appreciation of Him being a jealous God. Error is not only permitted but taught in many cases. James 1:8 warns of a double minded man being unstable in all his ways; and the preceding verse shows that he should expect nothing from the Lord.
Interestingly the Bible many times records things not with years & dates. It's actually genius because rulers have changed calendars multiple times, even the Hebrew "Jewish" calendar, but when records say as Haggai 1:1 "in the second year of king Darius' historical documents will still be reliable & relatable. Please see: Daniel 5:31, Daniel 11:1, Daniel 6, Ezra 4:5,24, Please note the significance of the 2nd year of Darius. The work on the house of GOD stopped until "the second year of the reign of Darius king of Persia" Ezra 5:5,6,7, Ezra 6:1,12,13,14,15, here in Ezra 6:14, it even references Haggai, & Zechariah, Zechariah 1, again "the second year of Darius"
Part 2= the Word of the LORD came by Haggai the prophet= GOD spoke to Haggai. A prophet = Numbers 12:6, Deuteronomy 18:15,18, Jeremiah 28:9,
Part 3: after GOD spoke to Haggai; Haggai then spoke the 'word' to Zerubbabel & Joshua.
The Bible many times will direct a prophet to specific people like Nathan to King David: 2Samuel 12:1,
Part 4: Many times the Bible will clarify by lineage who someone is because names are common. So "Joshua the son of Josedech, the high priest" is clearly not mistaken for Joshua from the Book of Joshua. Also positions are clarified for I believe the same reason. Also see Nehemiah 12:22,
5th part, then it reads._.._"saying" It's now going to specify what GOD spoke, in the verses to follow._._
Isaiah 44:9 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
They that make a graven image are all of them vanity; and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses; they see not, nor know; that they may be ashamed.
1 Chronicles 19:5 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
Then there went certain, and told David how the men were served. And he sent to meet them: for the men were greatly ashamed. And the king said, Tarry at Jericho until your beards be grown, and then return.
Judges 3:25 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
And they tarried till they were ashamed: and, behold, he opened not the doors of the parlour; therefore they took a key, and opened them: and, behold, their lord was fallen down dead on the earth.
Psalms 69:6 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
Let not them that wait on thee, O Lord GOD of hosts, be ashamed for my sake: let not those that seek thee be confounded for my sake, O God of Israel.
Jeremiah 15:9 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
She that hath borne seven languisheth: she hath given up the ghost; her sun is gone down while it was yet day: she hath been ashamed and confounded: and the residue of them will I deliver to the sword before their enemies, saith the LORD.
Numbers 12:14 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
And the LORD said unto Moses, If her father had but spit in her face, should she not be ashamed seven days? let her be shut out from the camp seven days, and after that let her be received in again.
Zechariah 9:5 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
Ashkelon shall see it, and fear; Gaza also shall see it, and be very sorrowful, and Ekron; for her expectation shall be ashamed; and the king shall perish from Gaza, and Ashkelon shall not be inhabited.
The serpent on the pole; which indeed with the medical institution represents healing and is also tied in with occult practice is on a surface level appearing to indeed represent this. It foreshadowed Christ; who was to become a curse for us (as anyone hung on a tree was considered accursed; and because He took on the wrath of God for our sake). It was also not established to worship the imagery; but to be looked upon. It could possibly be compared in some way to the Cherubim placed in the Temple; angels or any image was never to be worshipped; but it was a representation of the way angels faced God in heaven. It was also in a broad sense for anyone who was to look upon it; which is unlike a coveted object that individuals would be seduced with. It was not harboring anything that was pleasant to look upon and therefore it would seem the intent was to help people realize that their own hearts were also filled with abominations and vile things. It brings to mind somewhat the fatal wound (head wound) of the serpent mentioned in Gen. 3:15. Perhaps in some sense it reminds us that we have to be "crucified with Christ"-in any event; since He was said to take our infirmities on Himself as Isaiah predicted; that alleviated the plague at the time.
I see that both of your questions are about firstborn. I was always under the assumption that it was the firstborn child of mothers who were still giving birth (in other words just children) that died; of human and animal offspring. I suppose that could be conjecture on my part. Pharoah was kind of the last standout in a way; it doesn't appear that in the Exodus he personally went all the way out into the Red Sea and perished with the rest of his army.
As to the second question; you will find that repeated with Jacob and Esau as well. I am not aware of a firstborn son having a scriptural demand; but a cultural one as to obtaining the greatest blessings. Apparently Reuben and Manasseh had the same thing happen to them. God did a lot to turn things around from what was accepted as tradition; He looks on the hearts of men not outward appearances. He brings blessings and curses in regard to many things such as childbirth; results of war; food resources and other things based on obedience or disobedience. He has used women to prophesy in Judges (in that case to demonstrate that the victor in Sisera would be a woman) and Deborah and other women to prophesy and praise God. He has used children such as Samuel to rebuke the evil house of Eli and his sons (which God asked him to do the FIRST time he heard His voice audibly). He has used a donkey to rebuke a madman prophet Baalam who was able to see an angel of God which the man couldn't detect. He chose a sheepherder to be the King of Israel; the last of all the sons who his father had to be prompted to appear. And the ceremonial laws were preempted by the Divinity of Christ; who is the "Lord of the Sabbath" ( Mark 2:27-28). God is not a respecter of persons ( Romans 2:11). There is even a verse where women who didn't have male relatives asked for part of the inheritance ( Numbers 27:2-7). And one where those who ridiculed Moses Ethiopian wife were dealt with ( Numbers 12:1). Bible culture shock!
This chapter once again demonstrates as in earlier chapters with Abraham that the Lord takes a marriage covenant seriously as the "marriage bed is undefiled" ( Hebrews 13:4). The fact that this woman was Ethiopian is even more intriguing (verse 1). It is likely with intermarriage of course that Israelites would have assimilated with other nations and would have a more Middle East complexion. Obviously; Moses' wife may have had a much more African dark skinned appearance. Another issue they may have had is that they considered their nationality somehow superior as to the traditional place where the true God was worshipped. It is clear from historical records and even recent years with migration back to Israel that indeed Jews have one major population residing in Ethiopia.
In any event; Moses' character and unique relationship with the Lord was brought forth to Miriam and Aaron. The assail on his character and the marriage covenant was once again; as threatened in Genesis to those who had been told Abraham's wife was his sister were at risk of being cursed. In this case; AMONG His people leprosy broke out on Miriam. Aaron was the chief priest and it should also be noted in verse 9 and 10 that the Lord departed from the tabernacle; hence He was no longer there to guide the comings and goings. As always;
Moses interceded and she only had to remain outside the camp in this condition for seven days.
This passage of scripture once again shows how quickly pride can cause a fall. No one is immune if we are not careful. Praise God for His faithfulness that He ever intercedes for us in heaven as our High Priest. ( Hebrews 7:25; 4:14; etc)
Genesis 37:5-11, Genesis 40:5-22, Genesis 41, Deuteronomy 13:1-4, Job 7:14, Jeremiah 29:8, sometimes dreams come because of movies we watched, "you caused to be dreamed" Ecclesiastes 5:3,
Genesis 20:3, Numbers 12:6, Jeremiah 23:28, Matthew 1:20, Matthew 2:12,13,19,22, Books of Daniel 2, 4, 7, Matthew 27:19,
You stated: " The problem I've encountered with most self-identified Christians on this site is they may read the Scripture, but they do not study it, and the few who do study it, don't rightly divide it."
Aren't you making a broad brush stroke of judgment on some people here that you really don't even know? You don't know who studies, how they study, and how long they have studied the Bible etc. etc.
A very important scripture:
Matthew 7:1
"Judge not, that ye be not judged."
You seem to me, to fancy yourself as a biblical Expert and Teacher. If so, I will share a few additional scripture that may help you along the way. Jesus and Moses were two of the greatest people who ever lived. Both were chosen by God to be distributors/teachers of His law.
Surely we should seek to be like these men.
Numbers 12:3
"(Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.)"
Matthew 11:29
"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."
Lastly, I've only been on this site for a short time, but as far as I know, this is a Bible discussion site available to all people wishing to discuss Bible topics and to communicate and pray along with fellow Christians. There will be many disagreements regarding Bible interpretation, but most people here, including myself hope to increase our knowledge, and grow closer to God.
I pray that the scripture that I've shared with you will be helpful in some way to you.
Numbers 1210 Lesson on Racism in the Church - In Reply - 3 years ago
This one verse has gotten me out of numerous situations, to get into trouble with loose thinking and loose speaking. Memorize this one:
Philippians 4:8
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, THINK on these things."
Wesleys Commentary from this website: Numbers 12:10
From the tabernacle - Not from the whole tabernacle, but from that part, whither it was come, to that part which was directly over the mercy-seat, where it constantly abode. Leprous - She, and not Aaron, either because SHE WAS CHIEF in the transgression or because God would not have his worship interrupted or dishonoured, which it must have been if Aaron had been leprous. (White). This kind of leprosy was the most virulent and incurable of all. It is true, when the leprosy began in a particular part, and thence spread itself over all the flesh by degrees, and at last made it all white, that was an evidence of the cure of the leprosy, Lev 13:12-13. But it was otherwise when one was suddenly smitten with this universal whiteness.
Comment: The issue was Moses' wife had dark skin. This was racism and this teaches us what God thinks about it.
Something to ponder on: All colors came from Adam. One man. Eve was made from Adams rib. To rail about color is to get in Gods face. His opinion is always Right. The only RULE he gave us, is: do not marry an unbeliever.
Hi Barry sorry to correct you once more but Moses father in law was Jethro, and yes he did tell Moses to set up leaders to help him judge the people, and the most serious matters Moses would judge, On a side note this would be similar to what most democratic nations have as a judicial system today. While reading your comment I realized that I had forgotten that Moses was also married to an Ethiopian woman, so thank you for reminding me. GB
Exodus 18:1 "When Jethro, the priest of Midian, Moses' father in law, heard of all that God had done for Moses, and for Israel his people, and that the LORD had brought Israel out of Egypt;" Exodus 18:2 "Then Jethro, Moses' father in law, took Zipporah, Moses' wife, after he had sent her back," Exodus 18:21 "Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:"
Numbers 12:1 "And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman."
Can you check your reference again? I also looked at Numbers & there are instances where God is written on its own without using LORD: Numbers 12:13, 14:2, 15:40, 16:9,22, etc.
Interestingly, authors sometimes use the 'third person' rather than the 'first person' nouns or pronouns. We can see it in Numbers 12:1-4 when Moses uses it in his writing. Also, John 13:23, John was speaking about himself as the "disciple whom Jesus loved". Jeremiah 1:1: "The words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah" but in Jeremiah 2:1, he says "the Word of the Lord came to me". And Paul in 2 Corinthians 2:2, "I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago", referring to himself.
So, it's not unusual for authors to write in the first or third person, but the reason they do it can be varied. Maybe, they prefer that style, or to keep the focus on another in some special context, or even to avoid being too forward in their writing by using the first person pronoun. And then again, these same authors can revert to the first person elsewhere, so we can't judge them without knowing their purpose for doing so but as long as we can understand & appreciate the message they gave.
Joel 2:28 - And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
Acts 2:17 - And it shall come to pass IN THE LAST DAYS, SAITH GOD, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
Numbers 12:6 - And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.
Proverbs 29:18 - Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
Daniel 1:17 - As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.
Amos 3:7 - Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his SECRET unto his SERVANTS the prophets.
1 John 4:1 - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
>> Top 2 verses say almost the same thing except in Acts it says Thus saith GOD. So if a prophet speaks Thus Saith The Lord; that had better of been from God and not the pizza you ate at 3am. God speaks to us by the Holy Spirit (which is the Spirit of Jesus).
He speaks and then we repeat; word for word. Write it down and date it.
I've found that the Book of Daniel goes forward and skips backward again. We have to hear the Holy Spirit teach that Book.
I tell you the truth brother when you don't have your mind, soul, heart, on Jesus you will start living in the flesh moving away from Jesus you can always come back repent your sins and receive grace. Bless you .
If the Holy Spirit is convicting you in the heart; you haven't become apostate yet.
You need to repent of your wandering and rededicate your Life to Jesus. John 17
Pray this prayer if this is what you seek? It's best to run to, 1 John 1:9 to confess things as soon as they happen.
It means return to your first love when you First met Jesus. The scripture is in Revelation 2:4
Just compare your life today to those first days when you asked Jesus to come in your heart. You read your Bible. You asked the Holy Spirit to help you understand what you have read. He's your Teacher, and the Spirit of Jesus; your Comforter; your Convictor when you make mistakes, your Helper. He's here for you.
Just pray this prayer to return to your first Love:
Lord, after what I've read today, I don't want to allow any spirit of compromise in my life! I now understand that the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, (Revelation), is compromise with the world. Lord, I don't want to live with one foot in the church and another foot in the world. I want to break free completely from the world and its influence so I can give myself completely to Your cause! I want to be holy, to live in a way that pleases You, and to experience Your power in my life. Today I am renewing my commitment to You all over again! I turn from the world, and I am running to You!
Even Old Testament people's married people of lighter or darker skin shades. Moses and Abraham did. Moses when he was soon to die, sent his wife back to her fathers home.
Moses's sister Miriam, protested his wife's color. God gave her a dose of leprosy. He took it off later.
I'm sure Joseph's wife, who was Egyptian may have had darker skin because of the brutal sun there.
Be ye not unequally yoked together with UNBELIEVERS, for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light (GOD), with (SATAN) darkness?
Comment: Clearly God does not want Believers to marry Unbelievers.
All through the Old Testament (read in Joshua)... God told them to go in the Promised Land and run off or kill the idol worshippers. We see in Nehemiah, the Israelites sent their idol worshipping wives and the children away.
What God cares about is Believers being prevented by the Unbelieving, to attend Church and Worship God; raise their children to believe in God too. Read through Deuteronomy: the blessings and the curses.
NOTHING is said about race or color. You'd be wise to discover what prospective spouses believe. It is very difficult and naive to teach your kids: do as I say, not as you see me do. As soon as they're old enough, they'll do what they've learned in the home.
God is only trying to save us from heartache and confused kids by going against that scripture.
Unbelievers can be many things: mixed religions, mixed up morals, lax attitude about drugs, alcohol, yelling, physical or mental abuse to impose "obedience" on the Christian, refusal to pray at meals, etc.
Our current culture has crossed over into something that is beyond God to fix. We know what is right; we just don't do it. He's going to let us reap the whirlwind.
Repent means to change your mind and walk with God. Vote for chaos or vote for God. He'll get us through. I'm sure. Are you?
Hello, there's no law from God about races intermarrying so I don't know where this thought even comes from. Why assume it's wrong?
Much of the hate and talk about racism in our world is from confirmation bias that the media amplifies to brainwash everyone about. There was slavery all over the world and the country that led to abolish it is still being demonized even though only a minority of wealthy people were the true owners of a certain political party and all of them are dead. But the other countries continue to have slavery even today are somehow ignored. Why? All races have been slaves and all races have been slave traders, unlike what the media tells people. People don't blame the today's Germans for WWII or the Japanese for WWII, because it wasn't them specifically who did it, yet, people continue to want to blame people alive today who have a certain skin pigment for all moral injustices of the past. If someone looks up the definition of racism it matches that last statement. So, people are incentivized to want to be oppressed to gain certain political capital- so much so that people even stage fake hate crimes. Some countries have many black billionaires and multimillionaires with them dominating professional sports and genras of music. Satan is alive and he wants everyone to feel divided and to think everything the media says is true and he wants you to blame others for things based on the color of their skin. That's evil.
WRA-- in reply to Unequally Yoked on Numbers 12 - 4 years ago
Is it a sin to have a mixed marriage between black and white People? I believe there are millions of Black Believers in the world also millions of White Believers. So, What is the answer that the question is seeking. I think its maybe. How to get beyond the problem of racial issues. With these two people groups. John 13:34-35. The Lord speaks of a new commandment he is bringing to Love your fellow man. In this chapter Jesus washes the disciples feet. He lets them know that what he was doing they would understand later. I say If they were to have foot washing services in your church as they are here in Jesus day, would you wash a black persons feet or a white persons feet? I believe he was showing how seriously he takes loving our fellowman. He says He is greater that we are and he is setting an example of how far love can go. and Should go. I would really ask myself, Would I? Could I? If asked or pushed how would I feel. How would I behave. Its flippant to say I love everybody and wish well for all which shows my love of all mankind? but is this true?
This verse says, ...we have not separated ourselves from the people of the land, doing according to their abominations. The land was an unclean land filled with the filthiness of the people doing abominations. These verses lists over 8 tribes here and nowhere does it say that these people are all black. Nore is the problem listed as a Racial one. The Issue is one of Sin. If we look at the book of Numbers 12:1, we see, what I believe to be God's opinion of Inter-Racial Marriage.
Here is another scripture I would look at in this matter. Deuteronomy 4:2, Proverbs 30:6 and Revelations 22:19. The Lord himself says in John 13:34-35. The Lord speaks of Love for one another to include people not to exclude a people group for skin color that they had no part in choosing for themselves.
Christian, Do not be 'unequally yoked' to an UNBELIEVER. Search or google that.
The Bible says NOTHING about mixed race marriages. The "cultural issues" may doom the marriage tho. We are not to leave our faith and be converted to the others beliefs.
It could send the Christian into unbelief and apostasy; which is a road that leads to hell.
If you blaspheme the Holy Spirit And recant on your salvation through Jesus.
"(Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.)" Numbers 12:3 KJV
Even though Moses struck the rock twice he remained true to the original Covenant.
Exodus 19:4
Idolatry followed the first Covenant of God with the people that were led out of darkness on eagle's wings within 40 days.
Part 2
..as one would speak to another close friend.
vs. 3 speaks of the meekness of Moses. This small glimpse into the character of Moses is very telling. He was humbled by God in those years after fleeing from Pharoah to Midian. (From being the top man to Pharoah to being a refugee from him). He was humbled when he became a shepherd tending flocks in Midian. He was humbled when God appeared to him in the burning bush. He was humbled when God called him to stand before Pharoah demanding in the name of the LORD that Pharoah let God's people go. He was humbled through the encounters with the LORD on Mt. Sinai. He was humbled through all the years of leading the Israelites through the desert according to the way the LORD directed them with the pillar of fire and clouds. And above all, He was humbled by the calling of being the prophet of the LORD and both hearing directly from God and in being tasked with speaking the words of God to the people.
Since it was Miriam who was struck by God with leprosy, perhaps she was the one who started the murmuring and Aaron joined in with her. Aaron asked Moses to intercede for Miriam, and he did. Here Aaron understood that it was Moses who was the intercessor and not himself. Moses was the one who spoke face to face with the LORD, not himself.
Moses spoke to God to heal Miriam. God replied that Miriam will go through the ritual of the law for leprosy by being sent out from among the people for seven days. God could have healed Miriam right away. But He must have wanted to press the point of the consequences of rebelliousness are separation from God and His people.
After seven days the people were then led forward on their journey. They traveled from Hazeroth to the wilderness of Paran.
This chapter starts out with the account of Miriam and Aaron murmuring against Moses. It seems that they spoke against the fact that Moses had married a woman. (Ethiopian) It is unclear if this is speaking of Zipporah, the Midianite woman Moses wed while in Midian after fleeing from Pharoah or of another wife Moses may have married while in Pharoah's court or perhaps from among the mixed multitude that came with the Israelites out of Egypt. So it is unclear if this passage is referring to Zipporah or to another wife of Moses. Either way, Miriam and Aaron murmured among the people concerning this wife. They did not come straight to Moses with their complaint, but spoke behind his back about this foreign wife. We do not know what the complaint about this wife entailed. Was it because she was a foreign wife or because Moses was influenced by this wife or was it something about this wife's personality that Miriam and Aaron had difficulty with. We don't know the details.
Also, Miriam and Aaron questioned if God only spoke through Moses but also by them. Were they jealous of Moses' special standing with God? Were they desirous of having such a close relationship with God as Moses had? The text does not make it very clear. However God was aware of their murmuring and called Moses, Aaron, and Miriam to the entrance to the tent of meeting. Did they think that God would not be aware of what they were speaking and thinking concerning Moses? They were going to soon find out.
When they came to the entrance, the presence of the Lord appeared and God confronted Miriam and Aaron about their sin. Addressing Miriam and Aaron, the Lord tells them that He chooses the prophet among them (who was Moses) and will make Himself know to him in a vision and speak to him in a dream (vs. 6)
Verse 7 says that Moses is not called in such ways, because Moses is faithful and God speaks with Moses as one would speak to another face to face.. continued
Aaron's sin was basically equivalent to a death penalty; breaking the 1st commandment; and with the sexual things implied many other things deserving such an end such as is indicated in verses 6 and 25. Poor Moses had to go another 40 days fasting after his first fast; and acted as intercessor then and several other times when God wanted to destroy the whole lot of the exiles and start anew. In the end only Caleb and Joshua from that generation survived; all the rest that made it into the Promised Land were the children of the original families that came out of Egypt.
Moses also had to deal with Miriam when she made a fuss about his Ethiopian wife in Numbers 12:10. Aaron could have been more proactive in dealing with it before her leprosy came as punishment.
This should serve as a warning to all; especially when a great spiritual victory has just happened such as a genuine move of God. Rebellion is as witchcraft ( 1 Samuel 15:23); and stems from the same root of corruption. This is why we can't just proclaim we are Christians without evidence of trust in God; fear of the Lord and other such good fruit being evident. We also must choose God over popular opinions.
Verse 7 of the Psalm indicates a place otherwise known as "Kadesh barnea". Apparently there was an incident in the Book of Numbers as well which could have been a separate occasion. It is likely that Moses had to provide water for the multitude on many occasions-if not in such a spectacular fashion. In any case, Moses struck the rock twice ( Exodus 17:6); disobeying the command to only strike it once. Whether due to anger and frustration or careless disobedience the result was that it was held as sin and ultimately was a reason that he could not enter the Promised Land. ( Deut. 32:51-52).
Notice that the promises of provision in verse 10 and again in verse 16 were predicated on the requirement of verses 8-9; namely that there would be no worship of other gods. That basically boiled down the reasons for being bagged down for a whole generation in the desert; as well as rebellions later when they could have taken over the pagan nations much more quickly and completely.
This passage of scripture should give us pause if we are in a position of authority in the church today. Clearly; those teaching the Word are held to a higher standard ( James 3:1).
God is longsuffering and patient; and also alone can truly have righteous indignation. Moses was said to be meek above all who dwelled upon the earth. ( Numbers 12:3). Yet this one sin had lasting repercussions. Today; of course wwe see error in the other direction where there is no fear of the Lord as well as appreciation of Him being a jealous God. Error is not only permitted but taught in many cases. James 1:8 warns of a double minded man being unstable in all his ways; and the preceding verse shows that he should expect nothing from the Lord.
Deuteronomy 13:1-5,
Acts 21:10, yes Acts 2:18, Joel 2:27,28,29
Hopefully these are helpful
Numbers 12:6-8,
Hopefully these are helpful
Moses was married to an Ethiopian black woman.
Numbers 12:1
"And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman."
Mose's siblings were punished by God for their rebuke of Moses.
Haggai 1:1,
Interestingly the Bible many times records things not with years & dates. It's actually genius because rulers have changed calendars multiple times, even the Hebrew "Jewish" calendar, but when records say as Haggai 1:1 "in the second year of king Darius' historical documents will still be reliable & relatable. Please see: Daniel 5:31, Daniel 11:1, Daniel 6, Ezra 4:5,24, Please note the significance of the 2nd year of Darius. The work on the house of GOD stopped until "the second year of the reign of Darius king of Persia" Ezra 5:5,6,7, Ezra 6:1,12,13,14,15, here in Ezra 6:14, it even references Haggai, & Zechariah, Zechariah 1, again "the second year of Darius"
Part 2= the Word of the LORD came by Haggai the prophet= GOD spoke to Haggai. A prophet = Numbers 12:6, Deuteronomy 18:15,18, Jeremiah 28:9,
Part 3: after GOD spoke to Haggai; Haggai then spoke the 'word' to Zerubbabel & Joshua.
The Bible many times will direct a prophet to specific people like Nathan to King David: 2Samuel 12:1,
Part 4: Many times the Bible will clarify by lineage who someone is because names are common. So "Joshua the son of Josedech, the high priest" is clearly not mistaken for Joshua from the Book of Joshua. Also positions are clarified for I believe the same reason. Also see Nehemiah 12:22,
5th part, then it reads._.._"saying" It's now going to specify what GOD spoke, in the verses to follow._._
I hope these are helpful
They that make a graven image are all of them vanity; and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses; they see not, nor know; that they may be ashamed.
1 Chronicles 19:5 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
Then there went certain, and told David how the men were served. And he sent to meet them: for the men were greatly ashamed. And the king said, Tarry at Jericho until your beards be grown, and then return.
Judges 3:25 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
And they tarried till they were ashamed: and, behold, he opened not the doors of the parlour; therefore they took a key, and opened them: and, behold, their lord was fallen down dead on the earth.
Psalms 69:6 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
Let not them that wait on thee, O Lord GOD of hosts, be ashamed for my sake: let not those that seek thee be confounded for my sake, O God of Israel.
Jeremiah 15:9 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
She that hath borne seven languisheth: she hath given up the ghost; her sun is gone down while it was yet day: she hath been ashamed and confounded: and the residue of them will I deliver to the sword before their enemies, saith the LORD.
Numbers 12:14 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
And the LORD said unto Moses, If her father had but spit in her face, should she not be ashamed seven days? let her be shut out from the camp seven days, and after that let her be received in again.
Zechariah 9:5 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
Ashkelon shall see it, and fear; Gaza also shall see it, and be very sorrowful, and Ekron; for her expectation shall be ashamed; and the king shall perish from Gaza, and Ashkelon shall not be inhabited.
Thank you for enlightening me on a controversial topic. Makes perfect sense when viewed beyond the surface.
As to the second question; you will find that repeated with Jacob and Esau as well. I am not aware of a firstborn son having a scriptural demand; but a cultural one as to obtaining the greatest blessings. Apparently Reuben and Manasseh had the same thing happen to them. God did a lot to turn things around from what was accepted as tradition; He looks on the hearts of men not outward appearances. He brings blessings and curses in regard to many things such as childbirth; results of war; food resources and other things based on obedience or disobedience. He has used women to prophesy in Judges (in that case to demonstrate that the victor in Sisera would be a woman) and Deborah and other women to prophesy and praise God. He has used children such as Samuel to rebuke the evil house of Eli and his sons (which God asked him to do the FIRST time he heard His voice audibly). He has used a donkey to rebuke a madman prophet Baalam who was able to see an angel of God which the man couldn't detect. He chose a sheepherder to be the King of Israel; the last of all the sons who his father had to be prompted to appear. And the ceremonial laws were preempted by the Divinity of Christ; who is the "Lord of the Sabbath" ( Mark 2:27-28). God is not a respecter of persons ( Romans 2:11). There is even a verse where women who didn't have male relatives asked for part of the inheritance ( Numbers 27:2-7). And one where those who ridiculed Moses Ethiopian wife were dealt with ( Numbers 12:1). Bible culture shock!
In any event; Moses' character and unique relationship with the Lord was brought forth to Miriam and Aaron. The assail on his character and the marriage covenant was once again; as threatened in Genesis to those who had been told Abraham's wife was his sister were at risk of being cursed. In this case; AMONG His people leprosy broke out on Miriam. Aaron was the chief priest and it should also be noted in verse 9 and 10 that the Lord departed from the tabernacle; hence He was no longer there to guide the comings and goings. As always;
Moses interceded and she only had to remain outside the camp in this condition for seven days.
This passage of scripture once again shows how quickly pride can cause a fall. No one is immune if we are not careful. Praise God for His faithfulness that He ever intercedes for us in heaven as our High Priest. ( Hebrews 7:25; 4:14; etc)
Genesis 20:3, Numbers 12:6, Jeremiah 23:28, Matthew 1:20, Matthew 2:12,13,19,22, Books of Daniel 2, 4, 7, Matthew 27:19,
Acts 2:17
Hopefully these are helpful
You stated: " The problem I've encountered with most self-identified Christians on this site is they may read the Scripture, but they do not study it, and the few who do study it, don't rightly divide it."
Aren't you making a broad brush stroke of judgment on some people here that you really don't even know? You don't know who studies, how they study, and how long they have studied the Bible etc. etc.
A very important scripture:
Matthew 7:1
"Judge not, that ye be not judged."
You seem to me, to fancy yourself as a biblical Expert and Teacher. If so, I will share a few additional scripture that may help you along the way. Jesus and Moses were two of the greatest people who ever lived. Both were chosen by God to be distributors/teachers of His law.
Surely we should seek to be like these men.
Numbers 12:3
"(Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.)"
Matthew 11:29
"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."
Lastly, I've only been on this site for a short time, but as far as I know, this is a Bible discussion site available to all people wishing to discuss Bible topics and to communicate and pray along with fellow Christians. There will be many disagreements regarding Bible interpretation, but most people here, including myself hope to increase our knowledge, and grow closer to God.
I pray that the scripture that I've shared with you will be helpful in some way to you.
God Bless.
Philippians 4:8
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, THINK on these things."
Wesleys Commentary from this website: Numbers 12:10
From the tabernacle - Not from the whole tabernacle, but from that part, whither it was come, to that part which was directly over the mercy-seat, where it constantly abode. Leprous - She, and not Aaron, either because SHE WAS CHIEF in the transgression or because God would not have his worship interrupted or dishonoured, which it must have been if Aaron had been leprous. (White). This kind of leprosy was the most virulent and incurable of all. It is true, when the leprosy began in a particular part, and thence spread itself over all the flesh by degrees, and at last made it all white, that was an evidence of the cure of the leprosy, Lev 13:12-13. But it was otherwise when one was suddenly smitten with this universal whiteness.
Comment: The issue was Moses' wife had dark skin. This was racism and this teaches us what God thinks about it.
Something to ponder on: All colors came from Adam. One man. Eve was made from Adams rib. To rail about color is to get in Gods face. His opinion is always Right. The only RULE he gave us, is: do not marry an unbeliever.
Exodus 18:1 "When Jethro, the priest of Midian, Moses' father in law, heard of all that God had done for Moses, and for Israel his people, and that the LORD had brought Israel out of Egypt;" Exodus 18:2 "Then Jethro, Moses' father in law, took Zipporah, Moses' wife, after he had sent her back," Exodus 18:21 "Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:"
Numbers 12:1 "And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman."
So, it's not unusual for authors to write in the first or third person, but the reason they do it can be varied. Maybe, they prefer that style, or to keep the focus on another in some special context, or even to avoid being too forward in their writing by using the first person pronoun. And then again, these same authors can revert to the first person elsewhere, so we can't judge them without knowing their purpose for doing so but as long as we can understand & appreciate the message they gave.
It's one you have to read slow with the Commentary. Bible verses related to Dreams And Visions:
Joel 2:28 - And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
Acts 2:17 - And it shall come to pass IN THE LAST DAYS, SAITH GOD, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
Numbers 12:6 - And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.
Proverbs 29:18 - Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
Daniel 1:17 - As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.
Amos 3:7 - Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his SECRET unto his SERVANTS the prophets.
1 John 4:1 - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
>> Top 2 verses say almost the same thing except in Acts it says Thus saith GOD. So if a prophet speaks Thus Saith The Lord; that had better of been from God and not the pizza you ate at 3am. God speaks to us by the Holy Spirit (which is the Spirit of Jesus).
He speaks and then we repeat; word for word. Write it down and date it.
I've found that the Book of Daniel goes forward and skips backward again. We have to hear the Holy Spirit teach that Book.
You need to repent of your wandering and rededicate your Life to Jesus. John 17
Pray this prayer if this is what you seek? It's best to run to, 1 John 1:9 to confess things as soon as they happen.
It means return to your first love when you First met Jesus. The scripture is in Revelation 2:4
Just compare your life today to those first days when you asked Jesus to come in your heart. You read your Bible. You asked the Holy Spirit to help you understand what you have read. He's your Teacher, and the Spirit of Jesus; your Comforter; your Convictor when you make mistakes, your Helper. He's here for you.
Just pray this prayer to return to your first Love:
Lord, after what I've read today, I don't want to allow any spirit of compromise in my life! I now understand that the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, (Revelation), is compromise with the world. Lord, I don't want to live with one foot in the church and another foot in the world. I want to break free completely from the world and its influence so I can give myself completely to Your cause! I want to be holy, to live in a way that pleases You, and to experience Your power in my life. Today I am renewing my commitment to You all over again! I turn from the world, and I am running to You!
I pray this in Jesus' Name!
1 John 1:9
Hebrews 12:1-7
Be strong.
Moses's sister Miriam, protested his wife's color. God gave her a dose of leprosy. He took it off later.
I'm sure Joseph's wife, who was Egyptian may have had darker skin because of the brutal sun there.
Be ye not unequally yoked together with UNBELIEVERS, for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light (GOD), with (SATAN) darkness?
Comment: Clearly God does not want Believers to marry Unbelievers.
All through the Old Testament (read in Joshua)... God told them to go in the Promised Land and run off or kill the idol worshippers. We see in Nehemiah, the Israelites sent their idol worshipping wives and the children away.
What God cares about is Believers being prevented by the Unbelieving, to attend Church and Worship God; raise their children to believe in God too. Read through Deuteronomy: the blessings and the curses.
NOTHING is said about race or color. You'd be wise to discover what prospective spouses believe. It is very difficult and naive to teach your kids: do as I say, not as you see me do. As soon as they're old enough, they'll do what they've learned in the home.
God is only trying to save us from heartache and confused kids by going against that scripture.
Unbelievers can be many things: mixed religions, mixed up morals, lax attitude about drugs, alcohol, yelling, physical or mental abuse to impose "obedience" on the Christian, refusal to pray at meals, etc.
Our current culture has crossed over into something that is beyond God to fix. We know what is right; we just don't do it. He's going to let us reap the whirlwind.
Repent means to change your mind and walk with God. Vote for chaos or vote for God. He'll get us through. I'm sure. Are you?
Hope this clears it up? M.
Much of the hate and talk about racism in our world is from confirmation bias that the media amplifies to brainwash everyone about. There was slavery all over the world and the country that led to abolish it is still being demonized even though only a minority of wealthy people were the true owners of a certain political party and all of them are dead. But the other countries continue to have slavery even today are somehow ignored. Why? All races have been slaves and all races have been slave traders, unlike what the media tells people. People don't blame the today's Germans for WWII or the Japanese for WWII, because it wasn't them specifically who did it, yet, people continue to want to blame people alive today who have a certain skin pigment for all moral injustices of the past. If someone looks up the definition of racism it matches that last statement. So, people are incentivized to want to be oppressed to gain certain political capital- so much so that people even stage fake hate crimes. Some countries have many black billionaires and multimillionaires with them dominating professional sports and genras of music. Satan is alive and he wants everyone to feel divided and to think everything the media says is true and he wants you to blame others for things based on the color of their skin. That's evil.
Here is another scripture I would look at in this matter. Deuteronomy 4:2, Proverbs 30:6 and Revelations 22:19. The Lord himself says in John 13:34-35. The Lord speaks of Love for one another to include people not to exclude a people group for skin color that they had no part in choosing for themselves.
The Bible says NOTHING about mixed race marriages. The "cultural issues" may doom the marriage tho. We are not to leave our faith and be converted to the others beliefs.
It could send the Christian into unbelief and apostasy; which is a road that leads to hell.
If you blaspheme the Holy Spirit And recant on your salvation through Jesus.
Consider that, before pleasures of the flesh.