Discuss Numbers 12 Page 2

  • Sherman Johnson on Numbers 12:13 - 4 years ago
    Is it's sin for mix marriage between black and white. If so what verves in the Bible does it say so
  • Carl Ramsey on Numbers 12:1 - 4 years ago
    Why have I never heard a single preacher use this scripture? People thinking it's wrong to mix neednto hear it dontcha think
  • Chris - In Reply on Numbers 12 - 4 years ago
    Patricia, if you're referring to the matter in Numbers 12:1 ff, then verses 1 & 2 refer to Aaron's & Miriam's objection to Moses' marriage to an Ethiopian woman & God's prophetic use of their brother Moses, instead of them. Or at least, that they too should be able to give prophecy to the children of Israel. We don't know exactly how this all started or the level of anger & objection they raised against Moses, but it was apparently severe enough for the temporal punishment of Miriam (with leprosy) for her sin. I've always wondered why Aaron wasn't also punished at that time. Maybe because Miriam was the instigator of this sin, as well as Aaron being the High Priest, which position shielded him from God's Anger.
  • Patricia g Balla on Numbers 12 - 4 years ago
    Yes why did God punish her ??? I thought he told us to stay with our people ??? Like he told Samson ???? I have always believed that !
  • Bro dan - In Reply on Numbers 12 - 5 years ago
    out of the abundance of the heart the unruly tongue speaketh so think before you lip or else consider the same tongue we use to give god praise es how then shall we choose to curse think twice the next time god bless
  • LEE on Numbers 12 - 6 years ago
    we are all GOD creation and we are fearfully and wonderfully made irrespective of your colour or race with exception of same sex marriage. when GOD created the world HE saw that all HIS creation was perfect, so let respect and treat each other right and avoid offending GOD by our speech action etc. May the good LORD show us mercy and help us live according to HIS will.
  • BSP on Numbers 12 - 7 years ago
    Verse 1: It seems as if Miriam and Aaron had a bit of prejudice against Moses' wife Zipporah. They needed to root that out of their heart in order to maintain the peace and show love.
  • A disciple on John 5 - 7 years ago
    Insight; Numbers 12:8 "With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches; and the similitude of the LORD shall he behold: wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?" Deuteronomy 34:10-12 Moses came not to the son's of Israel in his own name; but in the Name of I AM..."TELL THEM, I AM HATH SENT ME UNTO YOU." Moses was the meekest man on earth!
  • Anne on Numbers 12 - 7 years ago
    Psalm 105:15 admonishes 'do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm'..
  • April on Numbers 12 - 7 years ago
    I think that ultimitly GOD is the judge over all, it is he who will deal with judgement, and I feel it wasn't anyone's place to try an handle anything unless the LORD have commanded them to do so, when we make judgements due to anything other then what is just, we ourselves are technically sinning, this isn't a verse, just my opinion, from previous chapters to now,and 2 mention all the whining
  • We as Christians should not allow ourselves to be carried away with the familiar on Numbers 12 - 8 years ago
    Comment* What happened to Mariam was a result of her let down to God's anointed. We should avoid it.
  • Myling on Numbers 12 - 8 years ago
    I have learned some powerful truths concerning criticizing God's decisions. I repent of any criticism of God"s anointed in thought or otherwise. Praise God for correction into righteousness
  • Marty on Numbers 12:3 - 9 years ago
    Jesus was also meek ,but he drove the moneychangers out of the temple with a scourge of cords poured out the money and overthrew the tables
  • Clyde Garrett on Numbers 12 - 9 years ago
    I believe that God is not against different races marrying unless of course they are of the same sex.
  • Bro John on Numbers 12 - 10 years ago
    its interesting to me you cite Numbers 12:1 as a verse that teaches against interracial marriage, where Miriam and Aaron speak against Moses for marrying a Cushite black woman . But in the very same chapter we see Miriam is stricken with leprosy by God for being critical of Moses and his marriage? Not sure that 's a great verse to make your case.
  • Pam on Numbers 12:6 - 10 years ago
    Zack, ask God for the interpretation of your dream, as Joseph proclaimed, interpretation of these dreams comes from God. Ask him, He 'll tell you. God bless.
  • Jose' on Numbers 12 - 10 years ago
    We need to stop murmuring and see the inner beaty in people. God sees what 's on the inside not out. We are to quick to judge people of diffreant races but each one of us has a special gift that God has given us. But most of the time we are stuck or trapped by things of this world.
  • Kenny BATTLE on Numbers 12 - 10 years ago
    I think Miriam was of color just a lighter shade. When she complained of the Ethiopian God took away all her color.
  • Kathy on Numbers 12 - 10 years ago
    I think the story is to remind us that God created all colors of people. By Miriam condemning Moses marrying an Ethiopian woman, who we know must have been black as night, she in turn was struck 'white as snow ' put out for 7 days. God kinda turned the tables on her to see how it feels to be of different skin.
  • KIMBA JOHN GABRIEL on Numbers 12:3 - 10 years ago
  • Margaret on Numbers 12 - 10 years ago
    We musthumble ourselves and be obedient to Almighty God Our Holy Father of righteousness.
  • Anonymous on Numbers 12 - 10 years ago
    interceed for others when they have wronged you
  • Gift on Numbers 12 - 10 years ago
    this chapter is trying to scode us not to be envious of those whom the grace of God is upon them genuily we shud doubt the annointing of God he decid to use who he pleases always pray asking God to use you can be the moses or elijah of your day or generation if your way pleases God pray for the Grace of God and his annointing
  • Barbara b on Numbers 12 - 11 years ago
    Numbers 12 We are all God children meaning that he is against hatred ,racism. God gave Moses a charge to gather 2 of every animal etc. From this, different nations was create. Moses sons had children and there children had children. This is why the world is so beautiful. God is awesome in everything he does.
  • BABS on Numbers 12:3 - 11 years ago
    Moses was noted for his meekness as nobody has ever disproved because he was a complete humble man.
  • Faith Opnga on Numbers 12 - 12 years ago
    We should not speak ill of the servants of God and their families if we do God will place His curse upon you and the same will not only affect you but family members, community and nations. Servants of the Most High God MUST be respected.
  • Sparkle on Numbers 12 - 12 years ago
    Zac's comment about verse 6 on 9/25/2011, 7:49am...

    What a beautiful experience. I do not interpret dreams or vision but you did not just have a dream, you had a divine intervention. Maybe something troubling was happening in you physical life. I cannot give any explanation but I remember quite recently feeling what I call "being touched by an angel" I will encourage you to continue believing and serving God, because your experience is a special one. God Bless
  • Shirl on Numbers 12 - 12 years ago
    Reference (Chpt 12)

    I pray for us all to remember,when we are given
    his grace time and time again please say thank
    you. I believe if it is said from your heart,
    it is one of his greatest joys. I am so glad to
    have found this available network for bible
    discussion. God Bless.
  • Kyle on Numbers 12 - 13 years ago
    Zac I had similar experinces in 98' and tried to push them aside and return to the secular world. 13 yrs later they have returned, I get a sixth sense on many matters and have a difficult time understanding what is all evolving. I read Proverbs 6 which states to keep a low profile, it is difficult because those that are desperately looking for hope know who you are as well as those that wish you harm.
  • Zac on Numbers 12 - 13 years ago
    It's possible that you had a brief episode of the messiah complex. Common amongst believers of all faiths, who feel that they specifically have been chosen by their god to do his will. It might also just have been a dream.

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