Discuss Numbers 26

  • GiGi on Numbers 26 - 1 year ago

    In this chapter YHWH again calls for a census of the people of this generation that will enter the promised land. Moses and Eleazar (the High Priest now since Aaron died) were tasked to number the tribes. This is why this book of the Bible is named "Numbers".

    All of the tribes of Israel were numbered. The total was quite close to the same total that came out of Egypt and who died in the wilderness due to their grumbling. Think of all that death in just 40 years. So much rebellion and murmuring by parents and grandparents of this present generation cost a great loss of life. Yet now, as they are on the edge of entering the promised land, God has sustained the nation and replenished the population to the same level as how many left Egypt.

    All tribes but Levites were to receive an allotment of land decided by God through the throwing of lots (perhaps a die or dice).

    God guided whatever was thrown down to divide up the land justly.

    Moses and Aaron had taken the census at Sinai at the Lord's command and this time Moses and Aaron's son, Eleazar, numbered the people at the Lord's command. God has His reasons for calling for such a census both times. Perhaps this time it was for several reasons:

    To determine the size of the allotment of land commensurate with the size of the tribe.

    To determine the size of the army that would soon battle many peoples that YHWH would drive out of the land as they followed His command.

    To show the nation the goodness of YHWH in building the nation up once again before entering the land.

    It was only the sons that were listed here, with the exception of a few daughters.

    The chapter notes how all of the generation that had come out of Egypt had died, with the exception of Moses, Caleb, and Joshua. Only Joshua and Caleb will enter the land with this new generation. Moses will die beforehand as God had said he would.

    The Levites did not receive land allotments because they are the priestly tribe.
  • TammyC - In Reply on Numbers 26 - 1 year ago
    Jude 1:7

    "Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."

    Genesis 19

    4But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter:

    5And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.

    I think they were known to be completely wicked in all manner
  • GIGI - In Reply on Numbers 26 - 1 year ago
    Agreed Rick,

    Many say that we are in the very last of days. Maybe we and maybe we are not. Throughout the church age people have thought that surely we are in the last of days when times have been really bad. But Jesus did not return in their lifetime.

    It may be this generation that will witness His glorious return to bring an end to evil and resurrect and change believers. And so, we need to stay prepared and ready for this. But also, we need to "work while it is day" in that we are to do what we can with the time we have to try to improve our communities and country and world as we are able to do. It may be another 200 or even 2000 years before Jesus returns. So, what type of world do we want to work for in regards for our children and grandchildren and on down the line of descendants. The forefathers of our nation had a "long" vision for the United States and crafted a constitution that has stood strong for several centuries.

    But we really do not know what the future holds for. We do know how it all ends. But in the mean time, we are to live out our 70-80 years of life with integrity, strength of conviction, hope and faith in the future God has designed for us, and love for the people in our immediate sphere and also for those across the globe and around the world.
  • Rick Colombe - In Reply on Numbers 26 - 1 year ago
    Hi Gigi. Thank you for responding to my post. I continue to pray for our nation, such that it will return to being that "beacon of light" to the world. There is evil within our nation that only God can deal a death blow, and I pray He shows us favor by stopping this evil "power grab". Also, that God will give us wisdom and a discerning spirit during these troubling times. Only the Father knows the time and hour of Christ's return, so our place is to be ready.!!! Thank you again for sharing your heart Gigi
  • GIGI - In Reply on Numbers 26 - 1 year ago
    Yes, Rick Christians worldwide should indeed pray for their country governments, and leaders. For the U.S,, (of which I am a citizen) we should be praying for justice to be rightly served and that those governing will do so wisely, honestly, and for the benefit of those they represent according to our constitution. We can certainly pray for God to set aright all of that which has been corrupted and used to oppress certain groups of people. We can pray for God to transform the hearts of millions in our country to believe in Jesus and follow His ways. We can pray for God to take corrupt governing officials out of office. We can pray for God to grant protection and deliverance for His people in our country from harmful government practices and the results of these legislative actions that diminish our constitutional rights. We can pray that God will keep us free to share the gospel openly with others and cause us to be strong and bold in the face of resistance to our free expression of religious faith.

    We do not know what the immediate future holds in our countries. We can depend on God in every circumstance. We can also believe that God can turn what seems like hopeless circumstances around for His good and ours. As American citizens we can continue to pray for God's blessing to return to our country, for God to stir up people's hearts through a true revival. We can pray for God to make this country a great country and beacon of light to the world once again.

    All is not lost in our countries. God can still do great and might things to reverse the wicked trends that we are experiencing. We should pray with faith for this and not give up on our requests made to God. The United States has the resources to alleviate so much need and suffering in our world. May God bless us with bountiful harvests and wise management of resources so we can bless our own citizens and also those across the world in need.
  • Jimbob - In Reply on Numbers 26 - 1 year ago
    Rick Colombe I think its to late to pray for God to show this Nation favor. God has shown us favor, we have been Blessed as a Nation for more than 200 years since this once great Country became a Nation. The Word of God will be fulfilled as it is written. I believe this Nation to be mystery Babylon whose power will be taken away, it will be taken down in the Lastdays to make way for the rise of the anti-christ, which will be soon! God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for sexual perversions, look at what this Nation is allowing today, and not just allowing but pushing it on everybody whether they agree with it or not. We are living the Lastdays now and it doesn't look like things will get any better according to the Word of God. Be strong in your Faith, trust in Jesus Christ, He will not forsake those who put their trust in Him. God Bless.
  • Rick Colombe on Numbers 26 - 1 year ago
    Good morning everyone Today is March 30,2023. Yesterday marks a crucial day in the United States, as the present administration has allowed a former President to be indicted on fabricated charges. This action could very well mark the end of our free nation, and usher in Marxism. Please pray that God will show us favor, and stop this evil before it destroys everything good about our nation. Thank you.
  • Chris - In Reply on Joshua 4 - 1 year ago
    Hello Navitalai. To be able to give you an exact number of the children of Israel who crossed the Jordan River into the Land of Canaan, would be impossible, as that total figure is not given, especially when we consider including the women as well.

    So, to give you my guesstimate: the total number of Israelite men twenty years of age & older, who were able to go to war were registered by tribe, (excluding the tribe of Levi), was 601,730 ( Numbers 26:2,51). The tribe of Levi was excluded from this number because the land was divided among the other tribes as part of their heritage entitlement. The Levites were registered separately since no land was given them.

    Then in Numbers 26:62 the total number of male Levites one month of age & older is given as 23,000 males. Now assuming there were approximately as many women among this tribe, the number of the tribe of Levi would rise to about 46,000. Therefore, adding up the 601,730 and the 46,000, I estimate there were about 648,000 people of twenty years or more.

    Now keeping in mind that the Israelites of twenty years of age & under were not registered (except for the male Levites), one can estimate that at least a third of the total amount (approx. 224,000) should be added to the eleven tribes. And then we add another half of the 601,730 for the women of the eleven tribes might come to 300,000 women.

    Therefore, we get a rough total of 1.2 million people who crossed over to the Promised Land. Though, I've seen figures upto 2 million quoted - but all these numbers are only approximate from the information we have in the Bible.

    I couldn't answer the second part of your question as there are too many unknowns & variables involved. The crossing of the Jordan River could have been done in a few days or up to a month, depending on the river's width at point of crossing towards Jericho, the marching formation of the people, times of rest, etc.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Mark 15 - 2 years ago
    There was 1st a Priesthood in: Genesis 14:18,

    Another priesthood established after 400+ yrs of captivity of Israel in Egypt. Established in Exodus 28:1, described & defined & detailed in; Exodus 28, Ex. 29, Ex. 30, Ex. 31, Ex. 35, Ex. 38, Ex. 39, Ex. 40, Leviticus 1, note the Name, Aaron being in the Levi lineage= Exodus 2:1, Numbers 26:59, if you want to study the laws of the Priesthood all the chapters of Leviticus, I recommend.

    Numbers 3:1-45, clarified who was allowed to be in the Priesthood. Note: Numbers 3:32, Numbers 4, breaks down duties of each family, within that tribe, separated by GOD specifically, Numbers 3:12-13, Numbers 3:41, Deuteronomy also describe the duties. This continued through the book of Joshua. King David & king Solomon, re-established the Levitical Priests; 1Chronicles 6:10, then again at the return of the Babylonian captivity re-established by Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai, & all Israel that returned.

    Therefore by these recorded accounts it appears the priesthood that existed during the moment your referring to in Mark 15, were traditional heirs of the priesthood as established, in Exodus. Respected & upheld by Jesus himself= Matthew 8:4, Mark 1:44, Luke 5:14,

    Please read Isaiah 53, Zechariah 13:6, John 18:35,

    Interestingly in: Luke 1:5, Luke 2, Hebrews 5, Hebrews 6, Jesus Our High Priest.

    They swayed Pilate, Matthew 27:24, Mark 15:15, Luke 23:4-23, John 19:8-15, yet GOD ordained it & Christ allowed it, John 10:17,

    I find it useful to read & study many Books of the Bible to answer my questions within one part of another Book.

    Hopefully these are helpful & fully answer your questions
  • T Levis - In Reply on Matthew 17 - 2 years ago
    1Timothy 5:8, please read 1Timothy 5, for context, it's not just talking about immediate family but providing for Aunts.

    Titus 1:7, 1Corinthians 4:2, Luke 19, Luke 12, Matthew 25,

    Matthew 27:35, John 19:24, Psalms 22:18, Mark 15:24, Luke 23:34, Joel 3:3, Obediah 1:11, Nahum 3:10, Esther 3:7-15, Esther 9:24,

    Leviticus 16:8-10, Numbers 26:55,56, Numbers 33:54, Numbers 34:13, Jonah 1:7, Acts 1:26,

    Proverbs 16:33, Proverbs 18:18, Luke 1:9,
  • T Levis - In Reply on Numbers 14 - 2 years ago
    Please also read : Numbers 13:30, Numbers 14, Numbers 26:65, Numbers 32:8-13, Deuteronomy 1, Joshua 14:6-15,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Casting Lots in the Bible - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The practice of casting lots is mentioned seventy times in the Old Testament and seven times in the New Testament. In spite of the many references to casting lots in the Old Testament, nothing is known about the actual lots themselves. They could have been sticks of various lengths, flat stones like coins, or some kind of dice; but their exact nature is unknown. The closest modern practice to casting lots is likely flipping a coin.

    The practice of casting lots occurs most often in connection with the division of the land under Joshua (Joshua chapters 14-21), a procedure that God instructed the Israelites on several times in the book of Numbers ( Numbers 26:55; 33:54; 34:13; 36:2). God allowed the Israelites to cast lots in order to determine His will for a given situation ( Joshua 18:6-10; 1 Chronicles 24:5,31). Various offices and functions in the temple were also determined by lot ( 1 Chronicles 24:5, 31; 25:8-9; 26:13-14). The sailors on Jonah's ship ( Jonah 1:7) also cast lots to determine who had brought God's wrath upon their ship. The eleven apostles cast lots to determine who would replace Judas ( Acts 1:26). Casting lots eventually became a game people played and made wagers on. This is seen in the Roman soldiers casting lots for Jesus' garments ( Matthew 27:35).

    The New Testament nowhere instructs Christians to use a method similar to casting lots to help with decision-making. Now that we have the completed Word of God, as well as the indwelling Holy Spirit to guide us, there is no reason to be using games of chance to make decisions. The Word, the Spirit, and prayer are sufficient for discerning God's will today-not casting lots, rolling dice, or flipping a coin.

    Mishael: people ought always seek the Lord for answers to problems and decisions. Sometimes, NO answer is the answer. Be sure your question is a Godly one. also, God appointed prophets to speak the answer of the Lord: do this or do that. Today: we pray.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on 2 Esdras 8 - 2 years ago
    Alan F. Portelli,

    I appreciate your exactness. I have understood it to mean what you've stated. With emphasis on "few''. With a cross reference to Matthew 22:14. Matthew 20:16, Numbers 26:54, Luke 13:23-24, Matthew 7:14,22,23,

    Romans 5:19 with "many" referred to in like manner: because scripture says 'all' Romans 3:23,

    Romans 2:12,

    Perhaps the word "many" is used to help us understand the magnitude of people and striking contrast to the emphasis on the word "few" as opposed to a translation of "all" would it seem impossible or less significant per the reader?

    Hopefully this is helpful.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Revelation 7 - 2 years ago
    Here are scriptures, hopefully these are helpful :

    Genesis 49:16-18, Judges 18:1-31, 1 Kings 12:30, Amos 8:14, 2 Chronicles 16:4, 1 Kings 15:20, Jeremiah 8:14-17, * Deuteronomy 29:1-29,

    Replaced by Manasseh, * Genesis 48:1-6, Numbers 26:28, Psalms 77:15,
  • Stanjett on Numbers 26 - 4 years ago
    And the sons of Issachar Tola, and Phuvah, and Job, Is this the same Job as the book of Job?
  • BSP on Numbers 26 - 6 years ago
    Verses 10 and 11: The sons of Korah did not join their father in rebellion and it saved their lives. Loyalty to family should never be greater than loyalty to Jehovah God.
  • Joyce Joseph on Numbers 26 - 7 years ago
    April, I know I am a bit late but Aaron died at the top of Mt Hor. Numbers 20:28
  • April on Numbers 26 - 7 years ago
    It would be intersting to have seen what Israel looked like before, because now Israel is across the Globe, I mean how did Earth look before we were all concieved kind of thing, I notice it didnt mention Aaron dying, verses 59-61, just his 2 sons. I wonder if God has ever wept, hes repented for the exsistence of man before, Jesus wept, but I guess its a flesh thing?, God can get angry and jealous.
  • Tosin on Numbers 26 - 12 years ago
    God stuck to his words regarding re presentatives of ten tribes children of Israel because they demonstrated lack of faith at Jericho when they were instructed to go and spy Jericho.

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