Discuss Numbers 31 Page 2

  • Patty on Numbers 31 - 11 years ago
    I was asking myself the same q why did these girls kept alive and taken to the camp, n? other q these girls seeing the way that there fore parents and congragation worshiping false Baal Pe,or,s contaminate other girls in the camp with their false god,s? that,s why God was angry at what they did? since they ,re already there, God gave them a chance to know the real God?
  • Julian Adams on Numbers 31 - 11 years ago
    I suppose Numbers 31 is justification for doing to another human being or people just about anything a human mind can imagine so long as it's done "for the Lord".
  • Guy on Numbers 31 - 11 years ago
    What exactly is a "heave offering"?
  • Evans Achieng on Numbers 31 - 11 years ago
    This is not human sacrifice. Remember all the first-borns were 'offered' to The Lord. They were later redeemed by animals. The same applies to these girls.
  • Sally on Numbers 31 - 11 years ago
    As far as I can understand, Moses is told to give 16 young virgin girls to Eleazar as a heave offering to God, this seems like human sacrifice, and I am quite shocked, why would the bible say that if it were not true?
  • Anyasteph on Numbers 31 - 12 years ago
    The Lord dosent want the midiante to replanish again by commanding moses to kill all the male and all the women that had known man by lying with them. But why did they brought back those things in vs 50 which the Lord was angry to Aaron?
  • Lorraine.h on Numbers 31 - 12 years ago
    The simple answer is because it was the adult males and promiscuous females that led the children of Israel astray. They kept only the virgin, juvenile, and younger females alive because they could be absorbed into the congregation, as men of that time had total control of the females of their families.

    The female children did not inherit and were really considered a property of their fathers or husbands. A female becomes part of the people she marries into.

    The male children would always be considered Midianites, as evidenced by the practice of passing the inheritance on to the male offspring - the future warriors, etc. If the male children were to grow up and they were to marry any female of the children of Israel, then those females would become a Midianite by marriage.
  • Sean on Numbers 31 - 12 years ago
    Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.

    18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

    anybody able to justify this?....

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