Discuss Numbers 4

  • Star1964 on Numbers 4:13 - 1 year ago
    Was anyone ever curious to keep track of the number of people there was in each house? Called to service?
  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Brother Spencer,

    Amen! John's ministry was to baptize with water, and as you said, a baptism of repentance for the Jews to turn from Judaism, and identify themselves with Jesus as their Messiah. Jesus' ministry was (and still is) to baptize people with His Spirit.

    Matthew 3:15 answers the question as to why would John have to do this, and why would Jesus let John baptize Him?

    Notice it says becomes "us" to fulfill all righteousness.

    It is the fulfillment of Exodus 29:4, to fulfill all righteousness! There are three things that is very interesting about Jesus' coming.

    Remember at 30 years of age, that is the age of the priesthood. According to Numbers 4:30, it was 30 years of age.

    The priest had to go through a MIKVEH, a baptism. They had to be baptized from head to toe. The washing, or the MIKVEH of the priesthood is in Exodus 29:4.

    But what's interesting is that Moses was supposed to do the baptizing! That is interesting because here is John the baptizer standing there and Jesus says this is for "us" to fulfill all righteousness.

    And so John is stepping in the place of Moses and baptizing Jesus for the priesthood. The anointing of the priesthood is in Exodus 29:7. They were anointed with oil.

    Jesus was 30 years of age, and in order for Him to officially (according to the law) enter into His priesthood according to the Jews, He would have to be baptized.

    It was all according to Jewish law, and they "fulfilled all righteousness." A Jew could not say from that point forward that Jesus can't tell them the truth about the kingdom of heaven because He has never gone through the official ceremony for a priest, because Jesus did.

    This was why Jesus went through the Mikveh. He needed to repent, and it wasn't to set an example for us. It was to fulfill all righteousness. According to Jewish law, His ministry would have been illegitimate if He did not go through the ceremony. Plus He had to be 30 years of age to be legal.

  • GiGi on Numbers 4:13 - 1 year ago
    Numbers Chapter 4

    This chapter details how the items that together make up the tent of meeting/tabernacle are to be prepared for transport and then transported when the camp is to break and move according to the Lord's direction.

    It is interesting that the items are to be covered with blue cloth and then with badger skins. I do not know what the blue cloth would indicate, but the badger skins would protect the items from rain and sun. Also, the badger skins would prevent the items from being viewed by the anyone other than the priests. All items were to be carried either with poles going through rings or suspended on poles. It does not say how the planks and curtains are to be transported. Perhaps since, they are heavy and numerous, they are divided up evenly among the men of the tribe of Merari.

    Men between the ages of 30 and fifty were to do this work, most likely because they were in their prime and were strong and had the stamina to carry the items from one camp to the next. The terrain they traveled in was sometimes strenuous, going through ravines and hills and mountain passes. I wonder if they carried the items in shifts on the journey?

    Also, I wonder what happened to the glory Presence of the Lord on the ark of the covenant when it was covered and transported. And also, what about the fire for the altar of sacrifice which was to be be kept burning always.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Richard and Gigi.

    About that person who touched the ark and was struck dead by God ( 2 Samuel 6:5-7) named Uzzah, there was a commandment given to Moses by God, written in Numbers 4:15, "And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, as the camp is to set forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation.". That means that only the sons of Kohalth were allowed to carry/touch the holly things (including the Arc), for the rest the penalty was death. GBU
  • Jesse - In Reply on Luke 3 - 2 years ago
    Hello Guy,

    I can speak a little on Jesus' baptism. I do agree with the things GiGi has shared in that the triune nature of God was revealed during His baptism.

    But as far as Jesus being baptized to be cleansed of sin, you are correct in saying He has no sin. So we can rule out that as being the purpose for His baptism.

    If we look at Matthew Chapter 3, we see Jesus coming to John to be baptized by him. But John didn't want to do it.

    In Matthew 3:15, Jesus answers and says to John, allow it to be for now, for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he suffered, (or allowed) Him.

    Notice it says becomes "us" to fulfill all righteousness.

    It is the fulfillment of Exodus 29:4. to fulfill all righteousness! And there are some things that are very interesting about Jesus' coming.

    At 30 years of age, that is the age of the priesthood. According to Numbers 4:30, it was 30 years of age.

    The priest had to go through a MIKVEH, (a baptism). They had to be baptized from head to toe. The washing, or the MIKVEH of the priesthood is in Exodus Chapter 29 Verse 4.

    But, Moses was supposed to do the baptizing! That is interesting because here is John the baptizer standing there and Jesus says this is for "us" to fulfill all righteousness.

    And so John is stepping in the place of Moses and baptizing Jesus for the priesthood. The anointing of the priesthood is in Exodus 29:7. They were anointed with oil.

    Now all of this information is to bring us back to our text. Jesus was 30 years of age, and in order for Him to officially, according to the law, enter into His priesthood according to the Jews, He would have to be baptized.

    So that is why He was baptized, not to be cleansed from sin, as you rightfully said, but to fulfill a requirement for Him to enter into His ministry.
  • T Levis - In Reply on Amos 3 - 2 years ago
    Here are scriptures you can study, 1st asking for wisdom: James 1:5, Exodus 25, Exodus 26, Exodus 27, Exodus 29, Exodus 30, Exodus 35, Exodus 36, Exodus 38, Exodus 37:25,26, Exodus 38:2, - Exodus 40, Leviticus 1, Leviticus 3, Leviticus 4, - Leviticus 12, - Leviticus 16:33, - Leviticus 26, Numbers 1:53, Numbers 3, - Numbers 4:23, ( Luke 3:23 ) Luke 4:30, Numbers 4, Leviticus 16:18, = Hebrews 8, Hebrews 9, Hebrews 10,

    1Kings 6, 1Kings 7, 2Kings 11, 2Chronicles 3, 2Chronicles 4, Ezra 3, Isaiah 6, Ezekiel 41, Zechariah 6:12,13, Revelation 11, Mark 15, Matthew 27:51, Matthew 27, Psalms 118:27,

    Mark 11, Luke 1,

    Revelation 21:22,

    Hopefully these are all helpful in your study & search for answers
  • T. Levis - In Reply on 2 Chronicles 8:1 - 2 years ago
    I'm glad you asked!

    Exodus 25, is where/when the Bible 1st describes the Ark of The Covenant / Testament. Exodus 26 is the detailed description of it's strict rules of being set within the holy place and the most holy, sanctified, behind the veil Exodus 26:33, then Exodus 30, Exodus 31, Exodus 35, Exodus 37, Exodus 39, Exodus 40,

    Leviticus 16:2, is where the LORD warns, there are/were strict rules, even risk of life going before the Ark of The Covenant / testament,

    Numbers 3 & Numbers 4, explains the care of the Ark & all things regarding the Temple; had dedicated people, & their children, that specifically looked after covering for items, even carrying them. Example: Numbers 4:5-15 note again threat of death in Numbers 4:15, & Numbers 4:16-20,

    Note Numbers 7:89, Deuteronomy 10:5,8, Deuteronomy 31:26, Joshua 3:13-17,

    1Samuel 5, 1Samuel 6, 1Samuel 6:19, remember the rules, GOD specifically said. 2Samuel 6:3-7, 1Chronicles 13:10, 1Chronicles 15:2-3, 1Chronicles 15:12-15, there are more examples._..if you would like more, let me know.

    Significant that during the crucifixion of JESUS Christ our Savior that holy veil was torn: Mark 15:37-39, Luke 23:42-47, Matthew 27:50-51,

    * Hebrews 10, Hebrews 9,

    Please read Hebrews 10 whole chapter

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Tom Cooper - In Reply - 2 years ago
    One or two points I want to put forth.

    According to the book of ( Numbers 4:3, 30) the Levi's or Leviticus priests did not serve until they reach the age of 30 yrs., I believe. However, Numbers 8:24 - 26; says 25, and Ezra 3:8 says 20.

    Secondly, they retired at the age of (50) Fifty. Nevertheless, other books in the cannon also stipulate that Levite men age 25 yrs., or older could take part in the work at the tent.

    Hence, Samuel, was too young to become a priest. I don't believe Samuel in his young age was called to be a priest nor did he fulfilled any priestly functions.

    The Bible declares God regulated the priestly office and limited the age of the priests. Anyone younger or older was not eligible to serve. Also don't know of any specific purpose of this or these age limit.

    Nevertheless, military involvement age was 20 yrs., hence eligibility for priests would be that old likewise. That's the Bible.
  • BADGERS SKIN - In Reply on Numbers 4:13 - 2 years ago
    Gill's Exposition of the Bible

    And they shall put upon it all the vessels thereof,.... Upon the altar covered with a blue cloth; on that were to be put everything belonging to the altar:

    wherewith they minister about it; the priests, when they offered sacrifice on it:

    even the censers, the flesh-hooks, and the shovels, and the basins,

    all the vessels of the altar; of which see Exodus 27:3,

    and they shall spread upon it a covering of badgers' skins: to prevent the rains falling upon them, which being all of brass, would be apt to tarnish:

    and put to the staves of it; which were made to bear and carry it on such an occasion as this, Exodus 27:6. No mention is made of the laver, though there is both in the Septuagint and Samaritan versions, which add,"and they shall take a purple cloth and cover the layer, and its base, and shall put it into a covering of skin of a blue colour, and put it upon bearers:''but perhaps the reason why this is not mentioned is, because it was carried uncovered; the mystery of which, Ainsworth conjectures, was this, that it might be a lively representation of the grace of God in Christ, continuing and opened as an ever springing fountain, where always God's elect, having faith in him, may wash and purge themselves in the blood of Christ unto forgiveness of sin sanctification of the Spirit, and salvation; see Zechariah 13:1.

    from Bible Hub DOT com
  • Linnie Branton on Numbers 4:13 - 2 years ago
    The badger is an unclean animal. Is the badger referenced here the same animal that we know as a badger?
  • Jesse - In Reply - 3 years ago

    thanks for your response. Even though water baptism represents two things, cleansing and identification, I would agree that the water does not wash away sin. I would agree that only the blood of Christ removes sin. Cleansing is different than completely removing sin. That's why the Jews even to this day, they get water baptized. They hold a MIKVEH (Baptism) once a year, every year, right after what they call TESHUVAH. To them, it represents cleansing so that if the Messiah would comes during that year, they would be covered!

    Jesus was baptized, not because He had to, but He said it was to fulfill all righteousness. It is the fulfillment of Exodus 29:4. To fulfill all righteousness! It tells us that at 30 years of age, that is the age of the priesthood. According to Numbers 4:30, it was 30 years of age. The priest had to go through a MIKVEH, a baptism. They had to be baptized from head to toe. The washing, or the MIKVEH of the priesthood is in Exodus Chapter 29 Verse 4.

    So, from that point on, no one could say that He did not meet the requirements of the law to enter into His priesthood ministry!
  • David Williams on Numbers 4:13 - 3 years ago
    Thomas, badger then is not the current animal we know as badger. In the old days, badger was a sea cow.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Luke 2 - 3 years ago
    Hi Bonita,

    I agree with GiGi, I believe Jesus was 30 yrs old

    Luke 3:22-23. And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.

    ( AND JESUS HIMSELF BEGAN TO BE ABOUT THIRTY YEARS OF AGE, ) being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli,

    It may have something to do with serving as a priest.

    Numbers 4:3-4.

    God bless.
  • Thomas Allan Coates on Numbers 4 - 3 years ago
    i thought badg ers skin was unclean why was it used as a covering
  • Jesse - In Reply on Exodus 31 - 3 years ago
    Jesse Smith,

    In Matthew Chapter 3, right before John baptized Jesus, Jesus said in Matthew 3:15, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he suffered him.

    So Jesus answered and said to John, allow it to be for now, for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he suffered or allowed him. Notice it says becomes "us" to fulfill all righteousness. It is the fulfillment of Exodus 29:4, to fulfill all righteousness! And there are three things that are very interesting about Jesus' coming.

    At 30 years of age, that is the age of the priesthood according to Numbers 4:30. The priest had to go through a MIKVEH, a baptism. They had to be baptized from head to toe. The washing or the MIKVEH of the priesthood is in Exodus 29:4.

    But, Moses was supposed to do the baptizing! That is interesting because here is John the baptizer standing there and Jesus says this is for "us" to fulfill all righteousness. And so John is stepping in the place of Moses and baptizing Jesus for the priesthood. The anointing of the priesthood is found in Exodus 29:7. They were anointed with oil.

    So Jesus was 30 years of age. And in order for Him to officially, according to the law, enter into His priesthood according to the Jews, He would have to be baptized.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    In Matthew Chapter 3, when Jesus was baptized by John, it was in fulfillment of Exodus 29:4. Jesus answered John and said it becomes "us" to fulfill all righteousness. According to Numbers 4:30, 30 years of age is the age of the priesthood. The priest also had to go through a baptism, Exodus 29:4. Interesting because here is John the baptizer standing there and Jesus says this is for "us" to fulfill all righteousness. So John is stepping in the place of Moses and baptizing Jesus for the priesthood. Anointing of the priesthood is in Exodus 29:7. Jesus was 30, and Jewish law said you had to be 30, and be baptized. John's baptism was a baptism of repentance. Jesus' baptism was of righteousness
  • Solomon - In Reply on Numbers 4 - 5 years ago
    Try recalculating;
    Kohathites = 2750 (verse 36)
    Gershonites = 2630 (verse 40)
    Merari = 3200 (verse 44)
    which when you add these you total 8580
  • Brenda Holland on Numbers 4 - 5 years ago
    When I add the numbers given of the sons of Kohathites + Gershan's + Merari's it totals 8, 600. But the sum given in verse 48 is 8,580. What am I not counting correctly?
  • Artie vanlandingham on Numbers 4 - 5 years ago
    The Rams skins were dyed red and symbolic of the substitute Ram given by God unto Abraham. The Badger skins on top of the Rams skins was symbolic of gold, since the badger skins are the closest animal skins by weight compared to gold. In other words the slain Ram was precious. Also the badger can get bitten by a poisonous serpent and revive to attack, kill, and eat the serpent. Jesus
  • Stanjett - In Reply on Numbers 4 - 5 years ago
    They used badgers skin. Some here say that used cow skins. Not so. If it was He would have said it. Also badgers skins make more sense. Badgers skins shed water, rain. Have you ever had a leather coat and wore it in the rain? If you did its no good any more because it will draw up two sizes too small.
  • Irene123 on Numbers 4 - 7 years ago
    The covering of God's tabernacle/ark, etc.; badger skins/KJV; sea cow skins/Niv. KJV was ordained of God as His TRANSLATION (NOT interpretation) in 1611 by the order of King James. God was therewith the ministers/scholars who made this translation over a period of 7 years. Under the threat of death from King James if it didn't suit the church. These men prayed MIGHTILY during the 7 yrs.
  • Dewey J on Numbers 4 - 9 years ago
    Wanda, I believe this is more than the first time you have asked this question. Though presently it's now almost a year later I by the Holy Ghost will attempt to shed some light on this issue. Num. V6 and 10 in the NIV says sea cow's skin and the KJV says badger's skin. I believe either could have been used in that service. God bless us all in reading and understanding his Word. Glory be to God in the highest through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen!
  • Allen E. Carter on Matthew 7:14 - 10 years ago
    Acts 10:10, acts 11:5, acts 22:18 Peter fell into a TRANCE and had spiritual vision. Numbers 4:4 16 Balaam falling in a TRANCE even with his eyes open, seeing the Almighty. Psalms 46:10 Be still and know that I am God means your mind by meditation,stopping the carnal thought until you enter into a TRANCE . The Webster definition for TRANCE is a narrow passage, a narrow pathway A NARROW GATE I hope this helps all of you. It 's God 's way or no way at all.
  • Insight 777 on Numbers 4 - 10 years ago
    Verses 6 and 10, a badger is rarely seen during the day as it hunts at night to avoid predators. I think badgers may be the symbolic term used for the secret service, like the mossad which is the national intelligence agency of Israel, which protects the ark.
  • Wanda Smith on Numbers 4:6 - 10 years ago
    I read one bible and it said that they use sea cows to cover the ark and another said they use Badgers skins, so which one did they really use.I would like to know the true answer. thanks
  • Kopham makunga on Numbers 4:9 - 10 years ago
    Theres no light it cannot function propaly by our willng to do it wht we want need to them.
  • Prophet on Numbers 4 - 10 years ago
    Many are needed to clean, maintain and make safe the tabernacle. Do your share of the work and keep your house in order. Be ready.
  • Jesse sparks on Numbers 4:13 - 12 years ago
    this is tell us to forget and cleanse our mind of old things. and give it to the LORD.

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