Discuss Numbers 7

  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Numbers 7:67 - 1 year ago
    That theme on praising the Messiah then one week later crucifying Him certainly cannot be ignored or understated. I find it interesting the parallel between seven days for that to come to fruition and the seven years in the Tribulation. In particular; there is a similar pattern with everyone on earth under the earth etc to praise God apparently after the Rapture when we stand at the throne and the subsequent attempt once more to kill Christ at Armageddon. In the interim, the world turns to running away from God and fearing Him in the 6th Seal. Antichrist of course is the man with the power to deceive; as God Himself will cause their delusions (I'm sure you know the verses).

    This seems to clarify in my mind how there will be no "secret" rapture; the Resurrection will open many graves worldwide so the simultaneous event cannot be explained away. To believe "THE LIE"; of course aliens or some other invention will be used to justify the erroneous conclusion as to why many confessors of Christ remain afterward; and everyone else as well. We also have parallels with the 3 1/2 years of ministry of the 2 Prophets followed by Martyrdom and Resurrection 3 days later; as well as the False Prophet imitating things much as the Egyptian magicians did with Pharoah.

    Many no doubt will think Antichrist is Christ; in whatever imaginations religion has given to those of all persuasions sans the true Gospel. I tend to think that Psalm 40 and later sections of Romans indicate the Rapture will help promote jealousy; and/or be the trigger mechanism for Israel to go through the process of purging and the 1/3 of the Nation to go through the fire and come out finally believing in the true Messiah as later chapters of Zechariah indicate.

    I appreciate your continued faithfulness with your detailed analyses. The Lord has blessed me with a nursing home ministry; I started Genesis 1 Sunday; and will see how far i progross.

    Agape; Rich P
  • GiGi on Numbers 7:67 - 1 year ago
    Numbers Chapter 7

    This chapter tells of the dedication of the tabernacle. Each prince/leading elder of each tribe brought their offerings to the tabernacle to Moses and Aaron. There were six wagons, each drawn by an oxen. There were two princes per wagon. These were given to the Levites. Every prince brought the same utensils, animals and meal for each of the proscribed offerings/sacrifices listed in Leviticus 1-6. No one gave more or less than the other. Therefore all of the tribes shared equally in the offerings to YHWH.

    The gifts for the offerings were staggered over twelve days with one tribe per day bringing their offering. Everything was done in orderly fashion. This is how we should approach God in worship, in an orderly, reverent way.

    The last verses are most touching. Moses approached the tabernacle and he heard a voice come from between the cherubim on the mercy seat of the ark of the covenant. YHWH was having the last word. We, too, must tarry in the sanctuary a bit in worship to catch God's response to us.

    Moses was familiar with the voice of YHWH. Let us pray to have such familiarity with the speaking of the Holy Spirit to us through His word and to our hearts. Jesus is the good shepherd and His sheep hear His voice. Listen for Him. His sheep will not follow another shepherd. Follow only what His Word says. (John Chapter 10) God wants to interact with us. We do not have a dry, lifeless relationship with God. It is full of life and truth and comfort and grace and mercy. It is full of assurance and hope and faith and confidence. it is full of joy, satisfaction, and gratitude. It is full of forgiveness, righteousness imputed, and provision. How wonderful is the richness of God's design for our relationship with Him.

    Today is Palm Sunday. He road into Jerusalem knowing it will be His last time being there; knowing that, although the people that day hailed Him as the Messiah King, In a few more days they will cry out, "Crucify Him", rejecting Him.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Leviticus 16:2, Numbers 3, Numbers 4, Exodus 37:1, Exodus 40:20, Numbers 7:89, 1Samuel 5:11, 1Samuel 6, 2Samuel 6:3, 1Chronicles 13:10, 1Chronicles 15:2, 2Chronicles 8:11,

    Deuteronomy 10:8, Jeremiah 3:15,16,

    Hebrews 9:8,

    Revelation 11:19,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T. Levis - In Reply on 2 Chronicles 8:1 - 2 years ago
    I'm glad you asked!

    Exodus 25, is where/when the Bible 1st describes the Ark of The Covenant / Testament. Exodus 26 is the detailed description of it's strict rules of being set within the holy place and the most holy, sanctified, behind the veil Exodus 26:33, then Exodus 30, Exodus 31, Exodus 35, Exodus 37, Exodus 39, Exodus 40,

    Leviticus 16:2, is where the LORD warns, there are/were strict rules, even risk of life going before the Ark of The Covenant / testament,

    Numbers 3 & Numbers 4, explains the care of the Ark & all things regarding the Temple; had dedicated people, & their children, that specifically looked after covering for items, even carrying them. Example: Numbers 4:5-15 note again threat of death in Numbers 4:15, & Numbers 4:16-20,

    Note Numbers 7:89, Deuteronomy 10:5,8, Deuteronomy 31:26, Joshua 3:13-17,

    1Samuel 5, 1Samuel 6, 1Samuel 6:19, remember the rules, GOD specifically said. 2Samuel 6:3-7, 1Chronicles 13:10, 1Chronicles 15:2-3, 1Chronicles 15:12-15, there are more examples._..if you would like more, let me know.

    Significant that during the crucifixion of JESUS Christ our Savior that holy veil was torn: Mark 15:37-39, Luke 23:42-47, Matthew 27:50-51,

    * Hebrews 10, Hebrews 9,

    Please read Hebrews 10 whole chapter

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Chris - In Reply on Numbers 7:67 - 4 years ago
    Can you check your reference again? I also looked at Numbers & there are instances where God is written on its own without using LORD: Numbers 12:13, 14:2, 15:40, 16:9,22, etc.
  • Steven Spencer - In Reply on Numbers 7:67 - 4 years ago
    Hi Carl, he's not referring to the Lord in this verse, he's referring to the character Ahiezer in verse 66.
  • Carl Gaines on Numbers 7:67 - 4 years ago
    Why did Moses not refer to God as the Lord in this verse? Throughout numbers he refers to God as Lord except here, can anyone tell me why?
  • Annysia on Numbers 7 - 4 years ago
    God teaches us to be generous in our gifts to Him. The tribes offered luxurious materials for twelve whole days, but they all gave the same things. This is to show that we don't need to give something that stands out, but something that matters deeply to us. Whatever we give, as long as it's made with the right intentions, God notices what we present to Him, and I think that's great.
  • Frank - In Reply on Numbers 7 - 5 years ago
    You go girl. Amen , bless you.
  • Norm on Numbers 7 - 8 years ago
    John speaks truth here. Also, both Psalms 12:6 7 along with Ecclesiastes 8:4, God the Father makes His obedient to know the 1611 King James version is pure and tried taking 7 years to translate. And give diligence to the "hidden" scripture or "Apocrypha" which is of Almighty God and makes the whole leavened: see Psalms 51:6, 1 Corinthians 2:7 and Revelation 2:17. Be blessed in Christ Jesus our LORD and SAVIOUR. Amen
  • John Noll on Numbers 7 - 8 years ago
    Where did God promise to preserve His word in the originals only? Especially so since the originals no longer exist. Psalms 12:6-7. And who makes you the arbiter of what is and is not a mistake? I do not believe that it is too hard for Perfect God to use imperfect man to get across what he has to say for all generations.
  • Omale Roseline on Numbers 7 - 8 years ago
    I love the closing remark. After the dedication and the offering God spoke to Moses from the mercy seat.It tells me that if i get it right, God will speak to me. what a pleasure it is to Him speak to one.
  • Rachel on Numbers 7 - 10 years ago
    There is no mistaking the audible voice. This is why he could write for God.. Numbers 7:89 And when Moses was gone into the tabernacle of the congregation to speak with him, then he heard the voice of one speaking unto him from off the mercy seat that was upon the ark of testimony, from between the two cherubims: and he spake unto him. John 1:1c ...and the word was God..
  • Joel ashley on Numbers 7 - 10 years ago
    It explains the goodness of sacrifice.
  • Gamal mudd on Numbers 7:54 - 10 years ago
  • ASHLEY on Numbers 7 - 10 years ago
    i think that number 7 sounds really cool because we have bibles in are house and we read them together and we are on chapter 7 now so where the same
  • Marge Plantier on Numbers 7 - 11 years ago
    God's Word is Truth. The original was perfect, we do not have any originals. Error has crept in when men have translated it and put what they thought was God's Word. But 2nd Peter 1:21 Says "For the prophesy came not in old time by the will of man: but Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
  • Marge on Numbers 7 - 11 years ago
    God's Word is truth. The original, when "Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the holy spirit", ( 2nd Peter 2:21) was perfect. Men who translated it put their own doctrine in it. They are the ones who made the mistakes, not God.
  • Nene on Acts 2 - 12 years ago
    To answer Stephen question from 10-16-12, Yes Sir you are correct about the thief on the cross he was not baptized, But this was before the death of Jesus, the Holy Ghost was not yet giving to anyone Jesus stated that after he depart he will send the comforter which is the Holy Ghost in ( John 14:26) . In the Old Testament, they had to bring goats and lambs for a sacrifice for an offering and be cleansed for a whole year ( Numbers 7:15-17). In the New Testament when Jesus came as a lamb in flesh ( John 1:29), to shed his blood for the whole world that we may have a chance to be saved. Jesus stated that we must be born again of the water and the spirit ( John 3:3-7) or we cannot see the kingdom of God. In Acts 2:38, it is when the door was opened by Peter the man whom Jesus gave the keys to the kingdom ( Matthew 16:18-19). We are to obey his orders to be saved. Lots more scriptures but here is one more for now, 1Peter 3:21-22. God Bless!
  • Sean on Numbers 7 - 13 years ago
    They're both flawed in a great many ways. Most notably because of the hideously immoral teachings of both 'holy' texts. We would all do well to think for ourselves a little more.
  • Bible Girl on Numbers 7 - 14 years ago
    Ezra 2:65 isn't the same subject as Numbers 7:67. Any "errors" in the Bible are because you don't understand something. If you want to take the word of a man that couldn't control his lust and would marry a little girl over the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, you may do so for now but one day "And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2:11 You'll do that on bowed knees!
  • Anonymous on Numbers 7 - 14 years ago
    Are numbers 7:67 and Ezra 2:65 talking about the same thing? Why are you talking bad about the word of God without any reason. Repent from the
    idol worship of the arab god allah and the self pronounced prophet muhammad and accept Jesus, the creator of heaven and earth as your saviour. Then your blindness will disappear and you will see that the quran is full of errors.
  • As1 on Numbers 7:67 - 14 years ago
    I don't know which verse shoukd I believe !!
    Numbers 7:67 or Ezra 2:65 ?
    Different numbers!!That's an error
    God is the perfect God is so complete How could he say such things and do such mistakes??
    Quran is the word of God .anyway even if i were not a Muslim I will not believe in the Bible as the word of God !! it's full of errors !!!
    I love Jesus as a Holy prophet .

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