Discuss Proverbs 26 Page 4

  • OLUGBODI EMMANUEL TAIWO on Proverbs 26:2 - 11 years ago
    1. it teaches against unnecessary anger
    2. faithfulness
    3. There are people one can not curse
    4. Curse wandering about until it lands on someone or something due to
  • Byron Culp on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    Response to John's Genesis ch. 1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." - Hebrews 11.1 You said most Christians, which eludes to you, John, you are not one. Therefore, "Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit" - Proverbs 26:5
  • Woody on Proverbs 26 - 11 years ago
    The danger of looking inward... When we don't fish We fight; Instead of casting nets, We cast stones!; Instead of helping the hurting, We hurt the helpers; Instead of becoming fishers of the lost, We become critics of the saved; Instead of lending helping hands We point accusing fingers.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Proverbs 26:17 - 11 years ago
    We must be careful not to meddle in the affairs of others, as it is like catching a dog by the ears, and suffering wrath. It is better to wait until you are asked to give an opinion on a matter, than to bud in without being asked to. The scripture tells us to study to be quiet, and to do your own business. When we do this we reap the peace that comes with trusting in God to work out our business to our good. When we take care of God's business first, he takes care of ours. Being a witness for Christ should be our first concern, and not bringing reproach upon the name of Christ.
  • Clay on Proverbs 26:20 - 11 years ago
    If people could understand that sometimes just letting things go is the easiest way to stop strife and contention.How many arguments are kept going simply because neither party will just keep silent?
  • Jay on Luke 21 - 12 years ago
    @Timothy comments towards doubting Thomas:
    1. I agree with Clint that you cannot argue with an unbelieving such as Thomas appears to be, he will most likely be doubting until he comes face to face with Jesus himself and sees the hole in his side and nail scarred hands;
    2. There is enough evidence to prove that the King James Bible 1611 is the only holy spirit inspired word of God to the English speaking people and God knowing that English was going to be the language of the world in the last days, ordained this perfectly preserved Bible in 1604-1611 by a king ( Psalm 12:6,7), and is the seventh bible translated into the English speaking language;
    3. We are not suppose to answer a fool according to his folly ( Proverbs 26:4) and cast our pearls before swine ( Matthew 7:6);
    4. Last week I took a few minutes to demonstrate the King James 1611 compared to the NIV to a young person in the lord, a disciple of mine and he understood immediately because he is open to truth, unlike doubting Thomas;
    5. I have come across people like doubting Thomas many times, and the only thing this person is interested in doing is vacillating his intellect for others to witness just like the Pharisees and Sadducees;
    6. The Sadducees deny the resurrection that's why they were sad-u-see, and the resurrection alone verifies the virgin birth ( Romans 1:4; 8:11);
    7. So let doubting Thomas alone to wallow in his intellect and turn him over to God for the destruction of his unbelieving spirit;
    8. There is nothing wrong with being an intellectual, but do not allow the intellect to undermine the simple faith that comes from Christ Jesus, our savior ( 2 Corinthians 11:3).
  • Anonymous on Luke 20 - 12 years ago
    This chapter is loaded; in verses 1-8, Jesus teaching Christians how to answer the gainsayers that really have no interest in biblical truth, but just wanting to trap, make fun of, ridicule, or embarrass a person into saying something falsely.
    A. Answer not a fool according to his folly ( Proverbs 26:4);
    B. Give not that which is holy unto dogs, neither cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you ( Matthew 7:6).
  • Bereket on Proverbs 26 - 12 years ago
    Verse 10 is so special from King James Bible Version.
  • Bereket on Proverbs 26:10 - 12 years ago
    How great I feels to read this special chapter from King James Bible Version.
  • Biodun Williams on Proverbs 26 - 12 years ago
    The only way of becoming truly wise is purely through the mercies and grace of God. The reason being that, as created us human beings, we can't be wiser and smarter than the LORD God Almighty- and that is the raw truth about it, and it is worthy of acceptance. You see, we must know and recognize that, God is infinitely and immeasurably wiser- therefore, if we must become wise, righteousness demands that we get to that through obedience to the dictate of the Word of God. Anything less down that is foolishness in disguise. It then comes to this infallible truth that as Christians we must see ourselves as agents of righteousness, godliness, holiness and uprightness to the glory of the Eternal God. Hence, diligence as a precious possession requires daily cultivation and practice, as we read, reflect upon, research, pray, speak, practice and act on the Word of God, who through Jesus Christ has delivered and set us free from the curse of the law. The truth is that, despite what the LORD has done some of these things can be mistakenly and sometimes carelessly ignored and over looked, even in the circle of those that have been in the gospel for years. Therefore, the scriptures in this 25th chapter, are meant to serve as reminders. It thus simply connotes that, combined with the fruits of the Holy Spirit, such virtues with great commitment, high level of discipline, determination, concentration and constant practice, when put in place, would yield accordingly- and that is, unto God, as they should, to the glory of His name; for He is forever trustworthy and constantly dependable.
  • HARRY ALLISON on Proverbs 26 - 12 years ago
    TAKE JESUS SERIOUSLY>my life depends on it.
  • Susan Dalton on Proverbs 26:12 - 13 years ago
    "Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? There is more hope of a fool than of him." ( Proverbs 26:12)

    Like the prominent cravings of the presidents of the United States of America coming forth out of Mount Rushmore, is a man wise in his own conceits. For out of his inner mind onto his outer appearance is seen an outcropping like unto the carvings of the presidents seen protruding out from the mountain.

    It says, "I am wise, I am wise without God; my wisdom is wiser than God."

    The Word of God says, "...there is more hope of a fool than of him."

    Though in his mind, his wisdom is seen like the carvings coming forth out of Mount Rushmore; he will die a fool: he chose not the Wisdom of God.
  • Reggie on Proverbs 26 - 13 years ago
    Chapter 26,"From unbelief to total Ruin" Ch. 26, to me is most stunning, the most negative discourse, thus far in my journey in Proverbs. It begins with the thesis of a parable of chaos denoting what happens when fools are given honor. And the chapter ends on the word "RUIN"! There is a 3-fold progression to hell. Sadly i see this happening to America. Our founding fathers gave America the thesis of "FAITH" in God. Fools in the Word denotes "UNBELIEF" ps.14;1. And that unbelief has been the antithesis which is now being honored in our land, producing the synthesis of every negative warning ch.26 heralds.
    The Word warns us not to mix the two. 2Cor.6;14-18. Like the old southern saying, if you do something foolish it is like sh#tt#ng in your grits! This metaphor was experienced by the prophet Ezekiel, in Ezekiel 4;9-17 He was told to eat a dung cake! On the exterior the cup cake looked fine; but my o my that pudding was rough to take! In America, "UNBELIEF" is that dung that has given honor to fools.
    1. Vs. 1-12; The word fool or fools apppear 11 times. This is so revealing! 10 represents order and 12 represents government, in the Word. 11 represents chaos and confusion and America is now full of it. Check out vs. 8 - "As he that bindeth a stone in a sling, so is he that giveth honor to a fool." This is now our national policy! It is the disarming of our nation. Under the leadership of a fool, we now have to hitchhike rides to the space station, at the tender mercies of atheistic Russia.
    2. Vs.13-16; Following the way of a fool, produces a lazy, lying, conceited, & dependent society.
    3. Vs.17-28; We have now grabbed that dog by the ears, in Irac, Afghanastan,& now Liba. Our discourse is contentious promoting strife. A nation full of hatred for the truth, and covered up by deceit. Check out vs. 25- Do you know anyone who can give "FAIR" speeches? God's word says,"Don't believe him! Vs 27"Foolish leaders have dug a pit of debt that America is falling into.And a fool's lies ad bullsh#t I.E. FLATTERY lead to "RUIN", I.E. "HELL!" agape --- reggie ---
  • Linda on Proverbs 26 - 13 years ago

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