I think that Proverbs 31 is a great chapter and young girls should read it.This chapter helps teach young girls such as I learn how to be a good wife and a good mother.
This passage reminds me of relatives and other women I am blessed to know in an age where work is considered by many a bad thing this Passage certainly shines light on the truth and upon the immeasurable value of a Virtuous wife Thank U Heavenly Farher for Mine
Give her the praise and love that God has told man that she is deserving of, because at that time she has fulfilled her part as her husband helper in taking care of the family.She is do those praises.
I have always believed in this verse and tried to live accordingly even though I am not married. In as much as many will I am in no position to talk about marriage. This verse talks about a faithful woman. I think is a shame for people to use this verse to blame people. The Bible ask men to love their wives as Jesus love the church and women to have the fear of God. If both parties in a marriage understand this and of course put God as the pillar of their marriage, marriage would not look like prison or someone oppressing the other. If the husband is week is because the partner did not offer that support likewise the wife.
I think if a lot of women took this chapter to heart there would be a lot less divorce I am not saying divorce is all a woman s fault it s not but there are so many women instead of wanting to stay at home and nurture their husband children and home they work to have the biggest car the finest house etc not all women some have no choice but to work just to be able to feed and clothe their family my mom worked all of my life because of a need and we were still very poor Women today seem to want to rule their husbands and that is no God s way I think our children would be so much better off today if they had more parent time
a virtuous woman maintains and holds fast to her christian world view She is not easily persuaded by excessive demands of the apparent post modern woman s rights and equality she respects Biblical authority and is governed by the principles of God s eternal wisdom
It is wise to understand the knowledge of the Lord in selecting a mate..Do not be deceive by the world standards.. God knows what satisfy the soul..I had to learn that lesson the hard way..
I seriously have issues with todays females in regards to being a woman,further more few if any understand the position an power god has given woman. You can preach all day long as to what a womans job is but it the older woman who are to teach the younger how to live an behave thusly we have dropped the ball an allowed the world to come into our lives/churches distorting the truth. I have all the freedom an liberty via my relationship with God I need not have the world define it.A male who understands his position before his God an wife need not have anyone define him. Marriage is not a prison that a husband holds the keys an the woman toils after him rather it is a union of working together for the good for the Kingdom of God. An if you cannot do that remain single an chaste an see to those who are need of love clothing food,see to the youth who are lost an confused an see to the truth which as a believer you are held accountable for.
I have married such a woman. Just reading this passage brought tears to my eyes. I've been married for over 38 years and never realized the full impact of the woman God led me too. What a blessing she has been. And what a blessing for God to point that out to me. I only pray that I can love her,"even as Christ loved the church".
on this verse is big observation for man according to the organogram of GOD first GOD-JESUS-HOLYGHOST-MAN AND LAST WOMAN so man now they want be understood rather to understand the wife they lost there control and the power, and there dim in eye even blind and this is really destroying a lot of family,church,and the country
obova all sin have blind all man kind we need to repent. 90% woman are taking power from the husband or now living in evil way man are to weak. man go back to GOD and take your resposabilities has man with praying.Aman
Also father I can see like if someone is rebuked It's because of your truth and wisdom and grace and our Lord Jesus Christ..Am i right father..Am I...?
Father thank you for proverbs...It really helped..2516 with a classic..And when I got up to their the way I felt was only a great father to do for son thank yout..And in jesus Christ name I pray amen...beautiful. you are..
I definitely believe a virtuous woman is one who loves and fear God and loves and honor her husband. She not only cares about her needs but the needs of others..
I like Proverbs 31:10 and 31:30. The scripture asks 'who can find a virtuous woman (wife)? I, personally feel that I cant find it or my parents or my friends or anyone can find it for me. I believe the Lord can find the best and virtuous wife for me.
Verse 30 says "... a woman who honours the Lord..." is far more than rupees. Then the question that I pose is, how do I know a woman honours the Lord? My personal thinking and feeling is that only my Lord Jesus Christ knows the woman sho honours Him truthfully.
Whoever God gives me is the one that my Lord has found for me and the one He knows honours him truthfully. Sorry, its a bit hard to feel the same as me. The Lord has given me the wife of my life and this is my testimony.
Living entire life in Constant tranquillity of mind set.. is phenominal!! It can only be acheived by having a just confidence in God's gracious providence. I trust you God..I trust you God. When lust, pride, arrogance, hatred, unforgiveness, jeolousy comes after me everyday.. I trust you I trust you I have tranquillity of mind.
I think that Proverbs 31 is more an instruction in wisdom of a mother to her son in what to look for in a wife,than it is about how a woman should act. This virtuous woman is(not perfect) but she is a woman who strives to live a Godly life. And the result is a wonderful blessing to her husband,and Children,and to herself. I thank God for this type This type of woman. P.S. You won't find her being portrayed on TV soap opera's or ABC's the Bachelorette.
Timothy Wayne George on Proverbs 31:6 - 11 years ago
Give strong drink to him who is dying, and to those who have heavy hearts. It is not good for rulers to drink, less they forget the law, and pervert judgment of the poor. Strong drink should be given to those with terminal illness, and who are of a heavy heart. Let them drink to forget their misery, and ease their suffering. Paul told the young minister Timothy to drink a little wine for his stomachs sake. There are clear medicinal benefits to wine, and as long as it is done in moderation, this is a good thing. We pray for all those who are suffering from cancer, and other illnesses that God will send His Word, and heal their deceases. By His stripes we are healed.
The bible nowhere states that red wine in moderation is ok, on the contrary there are many instances where the bible says not to drink at all, zilch, nada, zero. And the cons vs pros for red wine are like how far the east is from the west. The text speaks in Ephesians 5:18-20, Proverbs 23: 29-35, Proverbs 31:6 and many more verses...
obova all sin have blind all man kind we need to repent. 90% woman are taking power from the husband or now living in evil way man are to weak. man go back to GOD and take your resposabilities has man with praying.Aman
Verse 30 says "... a woman who honours the Lord..." is far more than rupees. Then the question that I pose is, how do I know a woman honours the Lord? My personal thinking and feeling is that only my Lord Jesus Christ knows the woman sho honours Him truthfully.
Whoever God gives me is the one that my Lord has found for me and the one He knows honours him truthfully. Sorry, its a bit hard to feel the same as me. The Lord has given me the wife of my life and this is my testimony.