Racheal Ashiley-Quartey on Proverbs 31:10 - 11 years ago
I think a virtuous woman is a woman who walks in the righteousness of Christ; because out of that, you can exhibit all the qualities expected of a virtuous woman. A virtuous woman is a woman that fears God.
A woman who fears the Lord, regarding her external appearance, is such a blessing to her husband. He wakes up everyday just to find out she is wiser, beautiful and satisfying that is ever increasing! He who fears the Lord, wholeheartedly, will be blessed by a godly woman. For the secret of a successful man is in the secret of a God-fearing woman.
Timothy Wayne George on Proverbs 31 - 12 years ago
Many daughters have done virtuously, but though excellest them all. What a blessing to have a wife like this. My Fe, to me is this woman that is that kind of wife. My two daughter call her blessed, and I praise her all the time. We have been through many trials, and when I became disabled she really took over the affairs of the household.
She works, and still has time to care for the things at home. The most beautiful thing, is she has that inner beauty of a meek, and quiet spirit. I call it the silent gospel, where she preaches with her pure, and holy life style. She is my accountability partner. I stay on the straight, and narrow way with her giving me the encouragement that a husband needs from his wife. Now that our first born daughter is about to get married, I am thankful that she has her mother to look up to for how to be a wife. I thank God for my wife, because the bible says he that finds a good wife has favor with God. I prayed for my wife, and God gave me the wife that I needed. Thank you for 25yrs., and many more to come. The best is yet to come for she will be rewarded in due time.
I used to take this passage literally (completely) and feel that the standard of being a "virtuous woman" would be difficult to achieve and maintain. It's not. Proverbs 31 is is explaining the beauty of two WHOLE people building a life together. Think about it- her husband sitteth among the elders of the land. That's good.
"She considereth a field and buyeth it; with her own hand she planteth a vineyard." WOW. Her Husband is smart and strong, and so is She.
Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband too, and he praiseth her. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. That's RESPECT.
Give her the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates. Look- her husband is important, and in her chosen field, she is just as good. He does not have to SAY anything about her, even though he does, which is good. Her works, her spirit, speaks for itself.
- Marian Nealy, philosopher and amatuer theologian
Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life...let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. Proverbs 4:23,25.
I was listening to a woman sing in a worship gathering on television. Behind her were the leading men of the organization. They were standing as she was singing.
The television camera would show her singing, and behind her the men were visible too. What struck me, was their eyes. I am not judging their behavior, but, I could not help but notice their eyes. They would look at her at times as she sang. It was the way they looked. I am not sure if they were guarding their hearts, or if they were peeping from their hearts. I am reminded of the words of King Lemuel (symbolic name of Solomon meaning belonging to God) that his mother taught him: It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine; nor for princes strong wine. ( Proverbs 31:4)
Maybe they were not drinking wine; maybe a cup of wine was there; maybe it was pure wine, maybe the wine was red in the cup. ( Proverbs 23:31)
Knowing the cunning devices of Satan, let every man examine his own heart and make sure there is no serpent in the cup. ( Proverbs 23:32)
being born in a christian home we learn many things from the bible, an as a woman its a huge responsibility to do things and follow the will of God, why am saying this its because something happen when i was 16 and till now i could not erase it but deep in my heart i know am not alone and that one day everything is going to be fine as in verses 7 i will have my strength and hopefully God will not abandon me again.
"Lest they drink, and forget the law..." ( Proverbs 31:5)
The word forget means to mislay. I live near a state highway and our mailboxes are alongside the road. When I go to get our mail, I look down the highway to see what traffic is coming. Sometimes tractor trailers can be coming side by side down the highway. When I see this I do not go up to the mailboxes, instead, I wait until the trucks have passed; the mailboxes have been replaced at least twice due to someone plowing through them.
The other day I was walking up to the mailboxes. I was - just walking up to get the mail. I was not at the highway yet, but I heard a transfer truck. The noise perked up my ears which inturn perked up my mind: wake up, be alert, you are close to the road.
We can forget and mislay the law. It's not that the law of safety was not in my mind before I heard the truck, but, at that time it was not on the front of my mind. I know I would have had safety on the front of my mind before I got to the mailboxes even if I had not heard the truck, but it was a reminder that the law can be mislayed. (not on the front of the mind) Many times we may not want the burden of carrying the law on the front of our minds, but it is a reponsiblity that we cannot mislay, especially, if safety of lives depends upon us keeping that law. If we mislay the law, in this case safety, we may find ourselves guilty of negligence. In the case of man's law, if the law is mislayed while driving, we would find ourselves guilty of reckless driving; or vehicular manslaughter, or other forms of manslaughter if someone was killed while the law was mislayed.
If someone is intoxicated with drink, they forget the law. A drunk driver most likely has the law of not drinking and driving in their mind, but at the time of an accident because they are drunken they are not keeping that law. They actually mislayed that law when they made the decision to drink, and then to drink and drive.
Sometimes mislaying the law may not be so obvious; its more like falling asleep at the wheel. In whatever case, the mind has departed from that which it should be keeping.
When we forget the law something has taken its place. Accidents can be the result of the law which is in our mind being mislayed.
Spiritually speaking, Jesus admonishes us to be sober and alert. It is not enough for us to know the Word of God, we must be keeping the Word of God.
We are exhorted to gird up the loins of our minds; to have the mind of Christ.
If we mislay the law, referring now to the Word of God, we may find ourselves guilty of drinking and driving with deadly consequences. The mislaying of God's Word results in sin which ends in death.
Why do mother's tell their children the law over and over again? Are they not trying to engrave the law into their minds? Are they not seeking to keep the law on the forefront of their childrens' minds? Yet each child must grow up and keep the wisdom themselves.
Everyday should be Mother's Day in respect to do not despise thy mother; or,in other words, do not despise the law of thy mother for it is your life.
Lest we forget, remember: honor thy mother...that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
FOR ME,MY WIFE is AN INSPIRATION FOR me how to love UNCONDITIONALLY.LAW WAS THE WAY ,now GRACE IS ...WE COMPLIMENT each other ,in that, our individual strengths and weaknesses fill each other .JESUS did me EXCELLENT with MY WIFE SHIRLEY.JESUS LOVES US ALL>>>
Hi Reggie! Amen to your commentary on proverbs 31. I totally agree with your perception of it. I like this. It is also applicable in the natural, wives ought to work with their own hands, not to eat of the fruit of idleness and to let their works speak for them. to be faithful and true so that the husband's heart can safely trust in them.
I love this chapter. Although the standards of this virtuous woman are held very high, we should strive as Christian women to meet them. Being a Christian is being Christlike. Christ's standards are high, but he still loves us when we fail to reach them. Our obedience to God's will is praise to God. Never stop praising Him!
Proverbs 31 outlines the "idealistic" characteristics of a woman (wife) not only for her husband and children but also for the society to see. These "ideals" are really tough for the women specially of today's generation; however, women can live up to this if they want to with the help of constant PRAYERS. nevertheless, proverbs 31 does not give a luxuriant life to husbands, it also tells us (husbands) that we should LOVE our wives. without our support they (wives) would have difficulty in achieving these "ideals."
The thesis of "the strange woman" flows tru proverbs, as a constant theme of warning. Note just a few 2:16 - strange woman; vs18 - for her house inclineth unto death.5:3 Lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb. vs5 - her feet go down to death her steps take hold on hell.6:24 - To keep you from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman. And 7:10 a woman with the attire of a harlot.
It is a constant flow tru proverbs, as wisdom warns of this strange woman. I know that this will speak of warning men against physical adultry; but i don't believe that is the heart matter as wisdom cries out so intense!! because all sisters would be exempt from a large portion of proverbs! The warnings are for both men and women, for there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.Gal.3:28 The "strange woman" is false religion, which intices both men and women to drink of her wine and indulge in her doctrine, of works without faith; a form of godliness without any power. Ch 7:27 Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death. Check out Rev. 17&18 This strange woman is "Mama Babylon the Mother of Harlots.
The crescendo builds to the final clairion call, in Ch 31:10 "Who can find a virtuous woman?" I thought Kelly's comment was very funny! If one is to only look at scriptures in a natural view, then seeing this as a jewish mother's idea of a perfect daughter-in-law, was indeed funny! But we see Jesus and we compare spiritual things to spiritual. We see a pearl of great price. The hidden treasures of God hid in Christ before the foundation of the world. The answer to the question in vs.10 is no one but Jesus!! For her price is far above rubys!! Yes it was the precious blood of the Son of God. And all the good works the church does is from the heart of her husband The Lord Jesus Christ. Vs 14 She is like the merchants ships bringing her food from afar. This speaks of going into all the world with the Word of God Mt28 Great Commission! Vs. 16 Jesus said,"pray the Lord of the harvest send forth laborers into fields & vineyards. agape --reggie--
A mother should teach her son to aim to achieve the high standards of life, love and marriage, and most importantly, Godliness. It is not for kings (our sons) to be drunk with wine and to pervert themselves in sexual and other immorality, but to adhere to a standard of life that a woman can respect. His choice of a bride should be one that would enable him to maintain that standard; a woman who would reverence him and whom he would love, trust and respect. Mothers should also teach their daughters to be that woman.
I always hated this chapter! It would be preached as if women were actually supposed to live up to some perfectionistic idea. Now I get it! It was just a Jewish mother's idea of a perfect daughter-in-law. I feel much better now.
B J of CHAFES Ministries on Proverbs 31:3 - 13 years ago
Heavenly Father, I have a great concern that my personality is not Christ and hard to control, when the Bible claims that man can do all things through Christ that encourages him, that noting is to hard for God, and all though we must reap what we have sown, if we truly repent God takes our shortcommings, and faults that are sin which smell in His nose and cast them into the sea to be remmbered no more, that we might be at peace with all men as much as possible. Lord bless me to be at peace with all men as much as possible ever time You allow some temtation to remind me that the best of what I have is of dirt, because I am nothing without Christ, so I need the victory over sin daily. Lord please give me the victory over loud taking and rudenss that is droving people away from me as single all though so times You have to stand alone,amen!
proverbs 31 is an eye opener,it tell of habits that look to youths very simple, but highly distructive especially that once began,its very dificult to give up. we must go beyond self to carying out campaigns against alcohol,sex out of wedlock. etc
That woman who will be the boasting of her husband, a priced treasure and a true blessing to him is the one who fears the Lord. Beauty and charm, do not promise that, instead they flatter only to dissappoint.
As I struggle today for peace.. Proverbs 31:30 give the answer. A woman who fears the Lord can be trusted and her children will listen to her because she lives what she learns.
She works, and still has time to care for the things at home. The most beautiful thing, is she has that inner beauty of a meek, and quiet spirit. I call it the silent gospel, where she preaches with her pure, and holy life style. She is my accountability partner. I stay on the straight, and narrow way with her giving me the encouragement that a husband needs from his wife. Now that our first born daughter is about to get married, I am thankful that she has her mother to look up to for how to be a wife. I thank God for my wife, because the bible says he that finds a good wife has favor with God. I prayed for my wife, and God gave me the wife that I needed. Thank you for 25yrs., and many more to come. The best is yet to come for she will be rewarded in due time.
I used to take this passage literally (completely) and feel that the standard of being a "virtuous woman" would be difficult to achieve and maintain. It's not.
Proverbs 31 is is explaining the beauty of two WHOLE people building a life together. Think about it- her husband sitteth among the elders of the land. That's good.
"She considereth a field and buyeth it; with her own hand she planteth a vineyard." WOW. Her Husband is smart and strong, and so is She.
Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband too, and he praiseth her. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. That's RESPECT.
Give her the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates. Look- her husband is important, and in her chosen field, she is just as good. He does not have to SAY anything about her, even though he does, which is good. Her works, her spirit, speaks for itself.
- Marian Nealy, philosopher and amatuer theologian
I was listening to a woman sing in a worship gathering on television. Behind her were the leading men of the organization. They were standing as she was singing.
The television camera would show her singing, and behind her the men were visible too. What struck me, was their eyes. I am not judging their behavior, but, I could not help but notice their eyes. They would look at her at times as she sang. It was the way they looked. I am not sure if they were guarding their hearts, or if they were peeping from their hearts. I am reminded of the words of King Lemuel (symbolic name of Solomon meaning belonging to God) that his mother taught him: It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine; nor for princes strong wine. ( Proverbs 31:4)
Maybe they were not drinking wine; maybe a cup of wine was there; maybe it was pure wine, maybe the wine was red in the cup. ( Proverbs 23:31)
Knowing the cunning devices of Satan, let every man examine his own heart and make sure there is no serpent in the cup. ( Proverbs 23:32)
The word forget means to mislay. I live near a state highway and our mailboxes are alongside the road. When I go to get our mail, I look down the highway to see what traffic is coming. Sometimes tractor trailers can be coming side by side down the highway. When I see this I do not go up to the mailboxes, instead, I wait until the trucks have passed; the mailboxes have been replaced at least twice due to someone plowing through them.
The other day I was walking up to the mailboxes. I was - just walking up to get the mail. I was not at the highway yet, but I heard a transfer truck. The noise perked up my ears which inturn perked up my mind: wake up, be alert, you are close to the road.
We can forget and mislay the law. It's not that the law of safety was not in my mind before I heard the truck, but, at that time it was not on the front of my mind. I know I would have had safety on the front of my mind before I got to the mailboxes even if I had not heard the truck, but it was a reminder that the law can be mislayed. (not on the front of the mind) Many times we may not want the burden of carrying the law on the front of our minds, but it is a reponsiblity that we cannot mislay, especially, if safety of lives depends upon us keeping that law. If we mislay the law, in this case safety, we may find ourselves guilty of negligence. In the case of man's law, if the law is mislayed while driving, we would find ourselves guilty of reckless driving; or vehicular manslaughter, or other forms of manslaughter if someone was killed while the law was mislayed.
If someone is intoxicated with drink, they forget the law. A drunk driver most likely has the law of not drinking and driving in their mind, but at the time of an accident because they are drunken they are not keeping that law. They actually mislayed that law when they made the decision to drink, and then to drink and drive.
Sometimes mislaying the law may not be so obvious; its more like falling asleep at the wheel. In whatever case, the mind has departed from that which it should be keeping.
When we forget the law something has taken its place. Accidents can be the result of the law which is in our mind being mislayed.
Spiritually speaking, Jesus admonishes us to be sober and alert. It is not enough for us to know the Word of God, we must be keeping the Word of God.
We are exhorted to gird up the loins of our minds; to have the mind of Christ.
If we mislay the law, referring now to the Word of God, we may find ourselves guilty of drinking and driving with deadly consequences. The mislaying of God's Word results in sin which ends in death.
Why do mother's tell their children the law over and over again? Are they not trying to engrave the law into their minds? Are they not seeking to keep the law on the forefront of their childrens' minds? Yet each child must grow up and keep the wisdom themselves.
Everyday should be Mother's Day in respect to do not despise thy mother; or,in other words, do not despise the law of thy mother for it is your life.
Lest we forget, remember: honor thy mother...that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
It is a constant flow tru proverbs, as wisdom warns of this strange woman. I know that this will speak of warning men against physical adultry; but i don't believe that is the heart matter as wisdom cries out so intense!! because all sisters would be exempt from a large portion of proverbs! The warnings are for both men and women, for there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.Gal.3:28 The "strange woman" is false religion, which intices both men and women to drink of her wine and indulge in her doctrine, of works without faith; a form of godliness without any power. Ch 7:27 Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death. Check out Rev. 17&18 This strange woman is "Mama Babylon the Mother of Harlots.
The crescendo builds to the final clairion call, in Ch 31:10 "Who can find a virtuous woman?" I thought Kelly's comment was very funny! If one is to only look at scriptures in a natural view, then seeing this as a jewish mother's idea of a perfect daughter-in-law, was indeed funny! But we see Jesus and we compare spiritual things to spiritual. We see a pearl of great price. The hidden treasures of God hid in Christ before the foundation of the world. The answer to the question in vs.10 is no one but Jesus!! For her price is far above rubys!! Yes it was the precious blood of the Son of God. And all the good works the church does is from the heart of her husband The Lord Jesus Christ. Vs 14 She is like the merchants ships bringing her food from afar. This speaks of going into all the world with the Word of God Mt28 Great Commission! Vs. 16 Jesus said,"pray the Lord of the harvest send forth laborers into fields & vineyards. agape --reggie--