Discuss Psalms 100 Page 7

  • Trudy on Psalms 100 - 9 years ago
    An acknowledgement for every thing and everyone to rejoice in the Lord God Almighty! For every thing that God has made should be happy and rejoice over Him. And praise Him in abundance with all of our being! With singing, gladness, and joy! With praises forever more! No matter where we are, and especially when entering into the house of the Lord and into His sanctuary. For the Most High is everything Good at all times! Praise His Holy Name!
  • ISAAC U. KAONYEUYOASO on Psalms 100:4 - 9 years ago
    Thanksgiving and praise are like username and password, that 's two key factors required to open and access through network for email, account, register etc. The same is applicable with God. So, no thanksgiving and praise, no free or easy link and comminication with God, because that 's the only principle the panel of trinity recognises and appreciate so very much.
  • Esther Frimpong on Psalms 100 - 9 years ago
    Praise the Lord o my soul for his mercy endure forever
  • Bibian on Psalms 100 - 9 years ago
    Giving GOD thanks Praise is the highest form of worship and from the scriptures GOD delights in them. So let us always give thanks praise. Psalm 100 summaries what gives GOD pleasure. Lets be mindful of this Psalm and practice it.
  • Tony on Psalms 100 - 9 years ago
    Offering thanks and praises to God Almighty is the most effective prayer and supplication. When we acknowledge him as our God irrespective of what the situation is in our lives, God will always listen to us as his children. No father will turn away his child that acknowledges and accords him with respect and gratitude.
  • Apostle Rooks on Psalms 100 - 9 years ago
    We need to bless God no matter what you are going through. We need to give thanksgiving back to the Lord for HE have gave us mercy. Let us start back in believing in the Lord. Don 't doubt the Lord.
  • FOLAKEMI IPAYE on Psalms 100:4 - 9 years ago
    praising God is more deeper than thanking God. We tend to thank God based on those things He has done for us and praise God when we acknowledge Him as God. That is why the Psalmist says he will enter God ' gate with thanksgiving and God 's court with praise. We should cultivate the habit of praising HIM for who God is and not only thanking HIM for what He has done.
  • Joni G on Psalms 100 - 9 years ago
    Thanks be to God always not just on Thanksgiving Day. Let us enter into His courts. Better is one Day in His courts than thousands elsewhere! Thank you God for for your unfathomable love, mercy, grace and forgiveness. Let us do likewise and practice the diamond rule from Philippians 2 3 4.
  • Luke on Psalms 100 - 9 years ago
    We should be thankful and always give praise to the Almighty God
  • Madison on Psalms 100 - 9 years ago
    This is my favorite chapter of the book
  • Iris Finnegan on Psalms 100 - 9 years ago
    Each day we should get in the attitude of giving praises to the lord for He is worthy of praise, honor and glory. He is the exalted Christ. Amen
  • Joe on Psalms 100 - 9 years ago
    Our entire purpose for being on this earth is to serve and paise God.
  • Jean on Psalms 100 - 9 years ago
    I memorized this Psalm when I was 8 years old.. Now I am 78 and the blessings of these words are forever etched in my heart and mind.. His Mercy has been perfection and His Love has lasted 7 decades and His truth has proven itself daily and will forever..
  • Dan Stevenson on Psalms 100 - 9 years ago
    I thank God for everything in my life, my grandmother,my grandfather,my father,my mother,my wife,my son,my daughter,my grandsons, my sisters,my brother,my uncles,my Aunts,my entire family. God is so Good to me all the time and that 's why I am so blessed. Thank God for his mercy and grace. Make a joyful noise to the Lord. Thanks and Amen.
  • Anonymous on Psalms 100 - 9 years ago
    Our God is precious and marvelous and this scripture is letting us know that he is worthy of all praises from the start of a brand new day till the close of it continuely praising his name...what a mighty God we serve as the end of the scripture tells us that his his mercy is everlasting...
  • Anonymous on Psalms 100 - 9 years ago
    Our God is precious and marvelous and this scripture is letting us know that he is worthy of all praises from the start of a brand new day till the close of it continuely praising his name...what a mighty God we serve as the end of the scripture tells us that his his mercy is everlasting...
  • Kate on Psalms 100 - 10 years ago
    We should serve the lord with gladness,
  • Charles Anene on Psalms 100:2 - 10 years ago
    We should be joyful because God have done excellent things for us. He truely cares for us. So I encourage you to always radiate with joy.
  • Dianne on Psalms 100 - 10 years ago
    Every day of our life we shall Give thanks until to The Lord because he is worth to be praise. Amen
  • MockingBird on Psalms 100:5 - 10 years ago
    Truly the Lord is Good !!! His mercy is everlasting Praise God !!!! His truth is to all generations. God 's word is always the same .He will never change , He is faithful. I love Him because he first loved me. I cannot live without Him and my every breath is from Him !!!!
  • Blessed on Psalms 100 - 10 years ago
    bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me.
  • Daniel on Psalms 100 - 10 years ago
    Giving thanks to God for all areas of our life is essential as well serving him and others with gladness is so rewarding. God,s grace and mercy is with us every minute of the day and we should be so thankful for a God that is perfect, just, fair to all
  • MockingBird on Psalms 100:4 - 10 years ago
    Thanksgiving and Praise unto God is the highest expression of our faith. A heart filled Praise and Thanksgiving !!!!
  • Olabode on Psalms 100:4 - 10 years ago
    This particular verse tells that, we should appreciate God for what he has done. If we want to do any thing, we should start with thanks, if we start with thanks, we will end with gladness. Our Lord Jesus Christ was our perfect example,at Lazarus grave, he gave thanks to God. Feeding about five thousand people, he gave thanks. So, to bring down the presence of God, we must thank him, praise him, serve him etc.
  • Rob on Psalms 100:4 - 10 years ago
    Thank you LORD God. I love you. You have been amazing to me, I 'm sorry I turned from you for a while but I 'm glad you sent Jesus and your Holy Spirit to bring me back. Amazing Grace. How sweet.
  • Ethelbert on Psalms 100 - 10 years ago
    Oh ! How GREAT thou are, the Father of ALL spirits and flesh...the mountains melt like wax before Him...fire goes before Him and consume His foes...the creator of all things visible and invisible, men and animals and called them by name...founded the earth upon the everlasting ROCK...you Lord counted the sands of the sea and knows the number and measureth the oceans and hold them in a spoon...oh! Jesus thou art a GREAT King, thank you very very much for saving me.
  • Anonymous on Psalms 100 - 10 years ago
    He is a great God, worthy of everlasting praise!!!
  • Ernest Powell on Psalms 100 - 10 years ago
    God loved a world of sinners lost, and ruined by the fall. Salvation full at highest cost he offers free to all! Who wouldn 't want to worship such a God. Worship speaking of God 's worth ship.
  • Marlene Morlan on Psalms 100:2 - 10 years ago
    I want to live for The Lord so when my time comes I will be with The Lord .i always help people and it 's always from my heart but I want to do more
  • Dianne Chalk on Psalms 100 - 10 years ago
    This particular Psalm 100 makes me see people in a different prospective. Rather they be Black or White, Asian, etc...mentally retarded, pretty or ugly, tall or short we are all created for his GOD 'S pleasure. We are his Sheep he made each of us according to his specifications. We should except ourselves and the world around us, be thankful unto God and Bless his Holy name, JESUS.

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