The first half of the psalm is the lnscription on the fishermams monument in Gloucester ma.Many ships have sailed out of Gloucester some never to return as they are in the safe haveh with the loard.
I went away to sea as an engineer in the British merchant navy, in the mid 50 's to mid 60 's and learned much about myself. Now i am 78 and have never forgotten the men that i sailed with or those succeed. next Sunday 13th July is Sea Sunday, and I have been asked to lead the intersession prayers, and in order to get my mind in gear I have read through this beautiful passage which has certainly done the job.
The Word of God is powerful, when filled with the word, no sickness can prevail in one's life, It was sent for our healing, deliverance and comfort. To God alone be the Glory, Honor and Praise, now and forever more.
After open heart surgery, as my doctor (Jeff Travis) released me told me this. Mr Colquitt I have fixed your problem, but I can't heal you, only God can do that. WOW How true is that. Thanks Dr Travis.
The grace and mercy of GOD who bless you to overcome the chains of bondage that kept a slave to the sin in your life ,set you free from that sin because he loves you.and by his he show us through Christ Jesus. Amen
The theme of this Psalm O that men would praise the Lord, for His goodness, and wonderful works to the children of men. Over and over we find ourselves in trouble for the past mistakes we have made, but when we cry to the Lord in our affliction, He delivers us from all our trouble. Always praise the Lord, for He is good, and His mercy endures forever.
Psalms 107:4-5 talks about those who cannot find their place in life, verses 10-11: those entangled in bondage ad trapped in darkness, verse 19-22: those whose sin reduces them to fool, verse 23-24 those who veered off course after all the good things God has done for them, they give the reward to themselves instead of being rewarded by God. Any difficult situation that they faced GOD still came through for them. We might be born again children of God but if we don’t understand the love of God, we are going to live a miserable life. These people spoken in this chapter know that it is God who could save them; when they cried to the Lord he heard them. What does the Lord mean? The Lord means owner, we don’t own our lives but Jesus owns them. We are going to face challenges in life and if we understand how much he loves us, life will be full of joy. And to know the love of Christ, which passeth all knowledge, that ye might b filled with all the fullness of GOD, Ephesians 3:17-19.
Read this commentary on this scripture, I found it helpful:
Verse 20, Recovery from sickness must be ascribed to the Lord, and gratitude should flow forth because of it. But the text describes spiritual and mental sickness. Notice, the Patient in his extremity. He is a fool: by nature inclined to evil. He has played the fool (see Psalms 107:17 ), "transgression", "iniquities." He now has lost all appetite and is past all cure. He is at death's door. But he has begun to pray. The Cure is in its simplicity.
I believe that mans personality ,sinful nature,and self-preservation attitude has not changed much if any over the centuries.i have a tendency to get BLESSED by JESUS ,lose my gratitude ,and go my own way too..JESUS still LOVES me back into HIS PROTECTING ARMS like a MOTHER HEN.DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN?
His Word, HEALED
Rest Assured,
His Word work in 2013,
His Word will work in 2014
And FOREVER more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13 Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses.
14 He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and brake their bands in sunder.
15 Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!
16 For he hath broken the gates of br***, and cut the bars of iron in sunder.
Verse 20, Recovery from sickness must be ascribed to the Lord, and gratitude should flow forth because of it. But the text describes spiritual and mental sickness. Notice, the Patient in his extremity. He is a fool: by nature inclined to evil. He has played the fool (see Psalms 107:17 ), "transgression", "iniquities." He now has lost all appetite and is past all cure. He is at death's door. But he has begun to pray. The Cure is in its simplicity.