What woderful Loving advice Jacob and full of Godly Wisdom you are indeed a Man of God, Praying He will Bless you Greatly for your Love for Him and for His Children all ages and for your willingness and Faithfullness to share His Truth, Hope and Love. Thank you. Anne - or as often called Grannie Annie.
True GHI, all who do evil like Satan does without Heart Repentance will reap what they sow and if they Reject Jesus the Unforgivable Sin it's Blaseming The Holy Spirit by calling Him a Lier than they have no Hope but if not we don't Judge their Eternal Salvation even if they hurt us they may Repent on their deathbed we also don't seek revenge we Pray for them and do good to them. Blessings - Anne.
My Heart cannot accept this Scripture as Loving God tells us to Love those who Hate us to Pray for them and seek to do good to them I have been suffering Persuction again I'm hurting physically and emotionally but I Prayed to be able to forgive them and not seek revenge after reading like I did before the Scriptures below that God lead me to Matt5:43-48 Luke6:26-38 and others on this Website.
The adversary spoken of throughout the whole Bible is anyone who delights in wickedness and does not serve the Father. The adversary is Satan and his children, not by bloodline, but anyone against God or his Son is Anti-Christ Adversary. Our own spirits can take on demonic spirits without being under the Father's hedge of protection daily and seeking the Holy Spirit.
Is the adversary spoken of perhaps a wizard, warlock, sorcerer or witch?? Someone who purposely chooses to curse Believer s of the One True God Almighty. Otherwise, our adversaries are demons persons without bodies . Correct??
It's powerful I was staying with a friend of mine but hardly said anything to me while my daughter and I were there but once I said this prayer she sorta tried to talk but her ways were off i hope she receives the help that she needs
Aw ,dear Sis. Monique ]-: , i wish i could help you, my heart hurts for you. . yet im trusting God is bringing you thru.
If i can think of any advice,it is ~ keep on with the name of Jesus.. we have authority in His name.!
It might sound tough right now,but make sure to forgive those who did you wrong ok? God can give you this strength. And a key ive found is to pRAy for enemies(! it works)
I've been going through trials for years. My sister and cousins have tried to destroy me, a meter maid in NY put a failed curse on me, two Messianic Jews hate me, my ex-husband's family are wiccans and a banker has tried to bankrupt me!!
That's really true. Those who fought against us without any good cause shall be dealt with by God. He will fight our battles for us and keep us safe. He will not leave us nor forsake us. Because He lives we are victories over anything that may come our way. And the strong power to connect with HIM is our FAITH. I'm always blessed by Him and with HIM all things are possible.
The Holy Spirit showed me this passage,about 3-4 years ago What does this mean? Now, I'm reading this passage more than ever. God will never forsake his ppl. Thanks be to God!
We must not judge unbelievers because they are condemned already unless they repent. But we are commanded to judge others within the family of believers when they are in error or sinning.
Is there a difference between a lost sheep gone astray, and devoured by beasts of the wilderness; and one who willfully turns to be the Lord's enemy and a traitor? To Peter the Lord said, "..But I have prayed for thee; and WHEN thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren." But He gave no such words to Judas Iscariot. To the woman who came in and washed His feet with tears He said, Go in peace!
Psalm 109 does pertain to praying for the punishment of the wicked and is completely Biblical, regardless of your relationship or feelings about/with that wicked person. Peter quotes both Psalm 69 and 109 in Acts 1:20. This prayer clearly places the matter in the hands of our Just and Holy God. When you pray "Thy Kingdom Come" this includes the destruction of the wicked.
The Key Concept Believers, and Disbelievers Alike, Think That anyone who prays psalms 109. Take it to be a curse when it simply states, And I Quote Let Another Stand In His Office. This Enemy Who Hates David Without A Cause. Has Taken The Role Of Being, Who God Sent To Bring David Down, But God Did Not Send Them. His Adversaries, Enemy 's Had seemed To Kill David. The Agony Of David Running And Hiding, and Worrying About His Family 's Safety. Was The Reason For The Statement Hold Not Thy Peace Oh God Of My Praise. Davids Sins Were Against God. It Is Not Our Place To Sentence Anyone, Or Place Them in Condemnation. Judge Not Least Ye Be Judged, With That Same Judgment...
PSALMS CHAPTER 109 COMMENTS 5 03 2015 4:05 PM The chapters about king David, he prays a curse on his enemies.1Sam.19:4,5 Ps.35:7,20 John15:25 Ps.38 :20 Pro.28:9 Acts1:20 Ex.22:24 Jer.18:21 Gen.4:12 Job18:9 Ps.37:8 Ex.20:5 Neh.4:5 Job18:17 Lord, we thank you for saved us by abundant mercies. A-men.
To a believer in God....Even Jesus didn 't go anywhere anytime. He had enough wisdom to know the enemy and protect Himself until He was to lay down His life. Beinging a believer doesn 't make you stupid....necessarily!
Samuel Olayinka Ogunrinde on Psalms 109 - 10 years ago
I give all glory to almighty GOD because if it not the one that care for my needs l will not be able to be alive and living soul.And I pray that the LORD will raise help for us in JESUS name Amen .
My understanding is that King David was faced with a crisis at the time he wrote chapter 109.
Because there were evildoers. Selfish violent greedy thieves who were willing to lie kill and steal the peace of the righteous. So when I'm faced with a crisis, l pray this psalms 109 to maintain my faith focused. Shalom to all and praise King Jesus. By a servant of Christ by free will.
If i can think of any advice,it is ~ keep on with the name of Jesus.. we have authority in His name.!
It might sound tough right now,but make sure to forgive those who did you wrong ok? God can give you this strength. And a key ive found is to pRAy for enemies(! it works)
I've been going through trials for years. My sister and cousins have tried to destroy me, a meter maid in NY put a failed curse on me, two Messianic Jews hate me, my ex-husband's family are wiccans and a banker has tried to bankrupt me!!
Bug off Satan in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ.
Because there were evildoers. Selfish violent greedy thieves who were willing to lie kill and steal the peace of the righteous. So when I'm faced with a crisis, l pray this psalms 109 to maintain my faith focused. Shalom to all and praise King Jesus. By a servant of Christ by free will.