Discuss Psalms 13 Page 3

  • Elaine on Psalms 13 - 9 years ago
    Like David I often feel lost and alone with no one to tell my troubles to. But then I began to think this is the time I should really turn to God and tell Him all about my troubles,because He is the only one who can and will help me get through the storms.
  • Lucinda on Psalms 13 - 9 years ago
    In this psalm, David began to express the loneliness and desertion that he felt due to the trials and suffering from his enemies and everyday life. Feeling overwhelmed and depressed, he began to call out to god to help him because he knew that he couldn 't make it by himself. David began seeking to hear a word from God to bring him out of his troubles mentally, physically, and spiritually. Remembering what God had done for him in his past, he begin to rejoice knowing that the same god that brought him out of his past ups and downs, that god will bring him out of this situation.
  • Leonard booker on Psalms 13 - 9 years ago
    one of my darkest,weakest time of my life was put to rest by daily reading the 13th psalm,this psalm is truly life spiritully saving, for me it was anyway, and ti this day still is a strenghtening tool
  • Debra on Psalms 13 - 9 years ago
    I know that I have made a lot of mistakes in the pass, and still do now, I am trying by the grace of God to do better every day. I have been praying about a situation for the past 20years, and as in psalmists in psalms 13, I sometimes feel alone, and forgotten. I know God hears me, Sometimes I see people who does not serve the Lord go through life so smoothly, LORD please help me!!!! I still trust in the Lord,I know he has been good to me, bountifully good to me!! I just need that situation to be resolved.
  • Eric Dzaku on Psalms 13 - 9 years ago
    Feeling forgotten by God
  • Ahebwa on Psalms 13 - 10 years ago
    God is always at our side sometimes we feel like left alone even though the world is sorounded us he 'll never ever leave us.
  • Edith on Psalms 13 - 10 years ago
    I just want to say when you feel like God is not there read his word and talk to him, Phil 1:6 give me the confidence that he will finish the work in us.
  • Sgt joseph kaba on Psalms 13 - 10 years ago
    Almight father how long will you hear me and make a use of my prayers?i know you the only God who can put my pains and my suffering to happeness,put ear to me when i prayer and answer my prayer,dont let my enemies to over drow me e because i know you are inside me and you already know what i 'm in needed,so lord hear me and answer and i command this in the name of our almight GODwho create heaven and earth AMEN
  • CONSORCIO G. BAUTISTA on Psalms 13 - 10 years ago
    God is our loving Savior from our sins...!!
  • Sean on Psalms 13 - 10 years ago
    This seems to be a lament from David during his time as comander and chieftain while in charge of Isrial. As a poem it is beautiful and soulful as a lament it speaks to all of those who take on the burden of leadership during difficult, seemingly impossible times. Have faith, complain to the One who will listen and keep to God 's plan of action.
  • Olabode on Psalms 13:5 - 10 years ago
    If we trust in the Lord, he would has mercy on us and our heart shall rejoice in His salvation no matter the problems that are surrounding us, God will give us victory over them and we will rejoice over them if and only if we trust in him.
  • MockingBird on Psalms 13:5 - 10 years ago
    Truly God 's mercy is Great And yes my heart does rejoice in His salvation !!!!! I am so Blessed of God I make my boast in the Lord God Almighty. He is my salvation and my strong tower. I exalt thee O Lord.!!!! Great is thy name and Great is thy strength and power. You uphold all things by the word of your power. Praise God !!!! Praise God Forevermore !!!!
  • Blessed on Psalms 13 - 10 years ago
  • Molly K on Psalms 13 - 11 years ago
    Its all about having faith and complete trust in in our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
  • Cheryl.. C. on Psalms 13:5 - 11 years ago
    The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear Him. The tender mercies of the wicked are Cruel !!!! I Praise God for His tender mercies that He gives. Therefore I am not consumed.
  • Josephat Barasa on Psalms 13:3 - 11 years ago
    It reminds us that we are weak and empty of God's protection if we try to do or go according to our own ways and wish.
  • Mykeal Sterling Ackah-Menlah on Psalms 13 - 11 years ago
    The verse 3 of Psalm 13 Appeals to me. Most Christians are sleeping the sleep of death because they've grieved and quenched the fire.
  • Niibi on Psalms 13 - 11 years ago
    Indeed! God is always there to give a helping hand when we feel weary and think all is lost. We always have to trust in his mercies and rest in his grace to deliver. Amen
  • Sheree on Psalms 13 - 11 years ago
    In dealing with our enemies and problems, being adopted in the family of God is a blessing. We are not alone and there is nothing new under the sun that our God can not handle.
  • Ishmael dzitiro on Psalms 13:5 - 11 years ago
    There is none likeYou. Noone else can touches my heart like You do. I love You Lord
  • Sheri on Psalms 13:4 - 11 years ago
    Lately I feel a huge shift in paradigm happened for me when I was born again and felt Jesus breathe eternal breath into me one night. I was told to get up very early, before dark if possible, and read the Bible and ask God what is truth (like Pilate asked Jesus). I always thought the Bible was so bloody, and David so vengeful and fearful of people (which, of course, as a human king he had every right to be), but then it struck me one day that "enemy" in the Bible is our inner demons that keep us sinning, and God's grace (which David begs for constantly) is the only way we can obey God's laws and do His Will. WE must give up our will, as Jesus did in the Garden, for God's Will. If the "enemy" triumphs, then, like David did when he saw Bathsheba. "My enemies surround me" and all that kind of talk is truly about giving into sin and just how much we need God's help when in Satan's territory, which earth is for now. I like how one writer put it: Satan is a lame duck and he knows his days here are numbered. Anyway, I read all of Psalms much differently now. And Job. And Esther. Whenever there is gross slaughter of men, women and children and no bootie taken, think of the spiritual battle within us. So many people take the Bible at surface value and thus miss the point! Remember, the disciples often had to get alone with Jesus and ask him what the parable meant. The Bible is also a parable. So ask!
  • Stacey on Psalms 13 - 11 years ago
    Helps me rememebver that even in my darkest hours,,,when i felt all alone God is always standing by verse 6...reminds me that he keeps doing great things for me even though I dont deserve his many blessings....he will be your closest friend...O magnify the Lord!!!
  • B. J. Manuel on Psalms 13 - 11 years ago
    Sometimes we get tricked by the Devil and fall into one of his traps. Sometimes we trap ourselves unwittingly. Sometimes we are trapped by others. No matter who the trapper may be, God is still the most blessed, wonderful Deliverer we will ever have. No trust in Him is ever lost.
  • NanaSarpong on Psalms 13 - 12 years ago
    God is always on time, He is just the Father nobody beside him. Baba, we are in your presence let rain fall on us.
  • Emmanuel akunor on Psalms 13:5 - 12 years ago
    man of God.............
  • Mary ester berdeja on Psalms 13 - 12 years ago
    My efforts to serve God with all I am fall so short sometimes. this reminds me that his mercy is not limited, that his forgiveness rises up continually to meet me where I am
  • HARRY ALLISON on Psalms 13 - 12 years ago
    JESUS NEVER FORGETS US ...........period.
  • HARRY ALLISON on Psalms 13:6 - 12 years ago
  • Pam on Psalms 13 - 12 years ago
    I needed this scripture as I am trying to locate employment and have been unable to ascend the hiring ladder. Feeling very frustrated. Needed reminding that God is still in control. Praise Him!
  • Phil on Psalms 13 - 14 years ago
    This scripture came at the right time this morning, Iwaslooking for encouragement, and it brought tears to myeyes,,I have trusted in thine mercy, O Lord..amen..

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