Discuss Psalms 14

  • Heir on Psalms 14 - 11 months ago
    The most high Yahweh has seen his children living in the ways of the heathen, so he has leadath Israel into captivity for disobeying his laws, and he wants his children to realize that it is never to late for Israel to return through faith and works by obeying his laws Israel will be saved
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Knowledge of Good and Evil (part 3)

    What is good and evil? To get a definition we must first adhere to God's standards rather than our own; while acknowledging that His ways are higher than ours. For instance; we are not commanded to fight against the whole world of wicked man and the Antichrist and False Prophet and usher in God's Kingdom. There are some Dominionists who seem to go pretty far in that direction though; acting like Christ coming in vengeance ( Isaiah 63:3) is going to somehow be preceded by a red carpet welcoming mat of a world that is subjugated to Christianity. That isn't even what Post Mil reformers are saying! In any case a mass slaughter of most of the surviving earth at the end of the Tribulation isn't something that would be classified as good for anyone but the King of Kings. No doubt; of course Antichrist will beforehand attempt to justify his wars of conquest as a "man of peace" and when that is proven to be wrong; as the only one who can fight God who will be; to put it mildly called unjust.

    To the world; Psalm 2 will seem like a way to "loosen their fetters" so to speak; this will seem like the ultimate revolutionary act to do for the world against those "aliens" attempting to invade the earth!

    The other side of the coin; of course is the concept of what exactly "good" is. We know that God Himself can do no wrong; and is love itself ( Job 34:12; 1 John 4:8). We know that no one does good and all are estranged from the womb ( Romans 3:12; Psalms 14:3). Christ mentions this with those who are "evil" that give good gifts to their children. ( Luke 11:13). Therefore; the action may be the same among the regenerate and unsaved; but the motivations will be different; for instance pride of self or family; or an attempt to appease God and men through behaviors. This may be why the young man wasn't disputed when he said that he obeyed certain things since a youth. ( Matthew 19:20 and elsewhere). Hidden covetousness was thus exposed.
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 14 - 2 years ago
    This Psalm is focusing on those who would be what we call today "atheists." They are said here to do terrible things; as well as go after God's people. Verses 1 and 3 remind us that there is no one who does good. We see this sort of behavior in the end of dispensations of time when "judgment comes to the full" starting in Genesis 15:16; and it continues to the transgressions of Babylon at the end of the 70 years of captivity as well as the time in Revelation in the example of a few instances.

    Lest we entertain the tought that this state is only for those who deny that God exists; we surely have to realize the admonitions in 2 Thessalonians 2:10 about those who did not receive the LOVE of the truth. Ultimately; as Romans 1 and Psalm 19 indicate there is enough evidence in Creation that men are without excuse; also including evidence of the godhead ( Romans 1:20). We are reminded that because God does not execute judgment right away men get complacent in Ecclesiastes 8:11.

    We are reminded here in verse 6 of the treatment of the poor of Proverbs 21:20 where "a fool and his money are soon parted." Some; thankfully will repent when humbled enough; sadly others not as Revelation makes all too clear. The last verse once again looks forward to the salvation of the nation of Israel; related to the last days return of His people. Israel for now is far nationally from repentance; and it won't fully repent and come to the true Messiah until the Lord is returning ( Zechariah 12:12 and surrounding verses). Let us all test our hearts to make sure that we are worthy to escape all the things that are to come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man ( Luke 21:36 see also Rev. 3:10).
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    Proverbs 19:17,

    Exodus 22:21-27, Exodus 23:1-12, Deuteronomy 24:12-15, Psalms 14:6, Matthew 25:31-46, Psalms 41:1, Psalms 82:3,4, Psalms 112:9, Proverbs 14:31, Proverbs 21:13, Matthew 19:21, Mark 10:21, Luke 14:13,14, Luke 18:22, 2Corinthians 9:9,

    Proverbs 13:7,

    Hopefully helpful
  • Streetpreacher - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 1 - 2 years ago
    Psalms 14:1 and Psalm 53:1

    (To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.)

    The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on James 2 - 2 years ago
    Here are a few scriptures that really rattled me: Psalms 10:10, in context: Psalms 10, whole chapter.

    * Leviticus 19:15, Amos 2:6-7, Amos 5:12, Amos 8:4, Habakkuk 3:14,

    Scriptures about the poor: Exodus 22:25, Exodus 23:1-11, Leviticus 19:10, Leviticus 23:22, Deuteronomy 24:14,15,

    Job 29:11-17, Job 30:25, Job 31:13-40, Job 34:19-28,

    Leviticus 25:25-55, Deuteronomy 15:1-15,

    1Samuel 2:7-8, Job 24, Matthew 19:21,

    Psalms 9:18, Psalms 12:5, Psalms 14:6,

    Galatians 2:10, Zechariah 7:10, Luke 14:12-14, may want to keep reading Luke 14,

    Matthew 5:3, Luke 6:20,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Mishael - In Reply on Psalms 14 - 2 years ago
    Study evangelism; street ministry. :) Which can be carried out anywhere, like where you live.

    I leave tracts that I purchase (Chick Tracts, online)

    on the ground at Lowes, Home Depot, Goodwill, Subway sandwiches, anyplace with a lot of foot traffic. Bus benches, park benches, bleachers.

    If anyone ask questions of you, tell of the faith that YOU have personally. Our testimonies are heart-crafted by Jesus.
  • Peggy on Psalms 14 - 2 years ago
    Psalms 14:1 The KJV puts "There is" in italics which means the translators added those words. That renders a completely different meaning when you write is as in the original Hebrew. When "there is" is left out, the fool states "no God". In other words, the fool refuses to accept what God is telling him to do and says "no God". I do not believe what you are saying and refuse to do what you are instructing me in your Word. That makes a really BIG fool and leaves the one refusing lost and undone. Just like the Hebrew children at Kadesh Barnea when they refused God's instruction to enter into the promished land. They did not believe God--why did they NOT enter in?-----Unbelief. How sad............................

    God's Word is true and every man a liar.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks Giannis.

    In the past I've used that analogy of the puzzle pieces. The Gospel paints a picture starting from Genesis.

    The problem often comes when one have a picture in mind and try to fit pieces of the puzzles together that don't belong so they have to reshape the surrounding pieces to there liking, usually by spritualizing all the pieces/scripture, or they take one piece of a puzzle/scripture that represents their picture and try to fit it in a 1000 piece puzzle that it doesn't belong to, so they reshape the 1000 pieces by spritualizing.

    Here's an example.

    Who's the writer referring to here?

    "Therefore my people" are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst.

    Isaiah 5:13.

    I've heard it taught that this was all of creation. ( A piece of puzzle that don't even fit the chapter or anywhere else in the 66 books. )

    But if they would let the scripture say what it is saying you would find the answer throughout the chapter, especially verse 7.

    "For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah his pleasant plant: and he looked for judgment, but behold oppression; for righteousness, but behold a cry"

    Isaiah 5:7.

    Here's just a few of many other puzzle pieces.

    Exodus 3:10.

    Exodus 5:1.

    Exodus 8:23.

    Leviticus 26:12.

    1 Samuel 2:28-29.

    1 Kings 6:12-13.

    Isaiah 1:3.

    Isaiah 10:24.

    Isaiah 14:25.

    Jeremiah 1:16.

    Jeremiah 2:11.

    Ezekiel 11:20.


    There's hundreds that reference Isaiah 5:13. to Israel!!

    And Hosea 2:23 suggests God's not done with them. Also Romans 11:1.

    God is in the generation of the righteous. Psalms 14:5.

    We become his people by seeking him, not everyone will do this.

    Zachariah gives a distinction between between the heathen nations and God's people. Zachariah 8:7.

    Another distinction.

    Mathew 7:21-23. You can't be his people and he not know you.

    Heresies are built this way.

    God bless.
  • Charles Robert Northup - In Reply - 3 years ago
    NO, God has grace on us we are to have grace on them, we are told to live peacefully as much as is possible. Psalms 14:1

    "(To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.) The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good."

    King James Version (KJV) Vengeance is my saith the Lord I will repay the deeds of the unrighteous and the righteous shall inherit their wealth. love thy enemy. now to except it no we are not to. They are lost souls like any other is

    Fuuny because it disgusts me and guess what God did, put me ministering to homosexuals. I have to say so many are trouble souls in despair it's truly said, pray for them. confusion is of the devil that evil snake.
  • Charles Robert Northup - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Psalms 14:1

    "(To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.) The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good." King James Version (KJV). by this verse I'd say no, but we reap what we sow, and it rains on the evil and the good, so wealth or prosperity doesn't equal godliness or protection
  • T Levis - In Reply on Exodus 1 - 3 years ago
    Genesis 25:23-28, Genesis 32:1,24,25,26,27,28, Genesis 35:10, Genesis 46:2, Genesis 46:5, * Genesis 50:24, Exodus 1:1-5, * 1Kings 18:31, * Psalms 14:7, Psalms 105:10, interesting how this scripture is broken down like this 'And confirmed the same unto Jacob for a law,' 'and to Israel an everlasting covenant ' 2 Samuel 7:7,

    They are descendents, of Jacob aka "Israel' the lineage of CHRIST Jesus, Matthew 1,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Psalms 14 - 3 years ago
    Please read the books of: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John,

    2 Corinthians 6:2,

    Hopefully this is helpful
  • Dale K. Van Buren on Psalms 14 - 3 years ago
    When did Salvation intercede ???
  • David munuve on Psalms 14 - 3 years ago
    why must you believe that God exist
  • Shaunnah on Psalms 14 - 3 years ago
    Helll everyone.. this is my beautiful testimony of how God changed my life !

    I was raised in Christian home. My parents were both saved and they loved Jesus Christ so much! I loved their zeal as a child and they always taught us that God was the most important thing than anything in our lives.

    Though I was brought in a loving home, there were times where my mother took me and my younger siblings around her family. She didn't know their intentions, but between the ages of 4-10 I was molested and raped by many of my cousins. This led to so many poor choices I made in my life.

    I was addicted to all types of pornography, sex, I was very disrespectful to my parents, prideful and I hurt others in ways unimaginable.

    I was a very hurt kid growing up.. but God always called me through my parents. My desire to live in the world was much bigger than living for Jesus. It wasn't until i made the biggest mistake in my life by giving my virginity willfully. After that I lived with a lot of shame and guilt depression.. God started to do something through me though. Between the years of 2017-2018 God took everything away from me in order for me to hear his voice. He told me that many things I've done was wrong and if I didn't repent I would make it into heaven. It was out of fear first that I repented.. but after finding about God the more I spent time with him I desired a relationship with him.. 2 months later he saved me and filled me with his spirit. Today I'm healed ! Because of what Jesus has done for me. He has changed me and made me into a new creature and for all who don't believe in Christ I can tell you that I'm a loving testimony that he is real. God bless
  • Copy How Jesus Does Things - In Reply on Psalms 14 - 3 years ago
    I was 4 yrs old when God began showing me what he was like. We can glean the same tender instruction now, through the Holy Spirit. If we seek Him, he will come to us. It's a matter of desire within us. The world crowds in, often, and interrupts us. I've been a single most of my life. Saved at at age 34. Often in gridlocked traffic I can draw close to God and listen to counsel and wisdom. Speak peace over traffic around me. We can use the authority of Christ to bring Him into any situation we care about. If we don't care, we should draw closer to God.

    Even as a child, I found God to be most precious and desirable as a friend. I didn't know who he was; but I heard Him. He'd teach me through His creation. He'd bring the most unusual learned people into my path to reveal secrets of rocks, etc. I think this is how Heaven is going to be. All the angst of the world will be gone. We'll be able to hear Fathers revealed wisdom.

    We witness meanness and pure evil around us every day. We're called to be peacemakers. Our words and prayers can effect change. We have to learn from scripture how it works. WHO it is that stands alongside of us as we pray. Always pray the known Will of God. Avoid wordy books. Get our info from the Lords Bible.

    Satan knows the Bible too, and tries to use it against us in the court of Heaven. We have the best lawyer: Jesus!

    Jesus used scripture to shut the devil down. That is what works. Knowing our authority in Jesus. If we spend our time doing the Do's; we can avoid the snares and traps of satan. Be quick to Repent. We make mistakes. How fast we are to make adjustments is sensitivity to the Holy Spirits leading of us.

    We can all have a closer walk with Jesus if we will follow in his shoe prints. I tear through the Bible often in search of: HOW did Jesus do this? He's the son of God. We cannot fail, if we follow His examples. One being: he did not skimp on prayer time. He was actively communicating with his Father, every day.
  • Lauren - In Reply on Psalms 14 - 3 years ago
    That is a beautiful testimony and it really blessed me today. A true testimony leads us straight to

    the Lord, which yours did. Sending you blessings!
  • DALE E STAHLBERG on Psalms 14 - 4 years ago
    I have read the first 10 chapters of the Psalms,

    seems as though you could apply the same to todays political scene.
  • Charlotte - In Reply on Song of Solomon 1:5 - 4 years ago
    1 Corinthians 6:5

    I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man amongst you? no not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?

    Psalms 14:3

    They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no not one.

    Acts 17:26

    And hath made of one blood all nations of men, for to dwell on all the face of the earth,
  • Richard in Christ on Proverbs 1 - 4 years ago
    It is truly heart breaking to see how believers in Jesus Christ can become so divided. Calling one another sinners, cursed, or condemning them because they have slightly different views.

    Psalms 14:1 reads: The fool hath said in his heart, "There is no God". They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. Seems to be aimed toward atheists or ungodly people. Not Christians.

    I really don't think it's a big deal if people call Jesus Christ "God". I don't think our Father minds as long as we believe in His Son. It is our Fathers intention that we worship His son. He is the only way to the Father.

    As Chris stated there are many, many, Scriptures that prove Jesus Christ and God Almighty, our Father, are not the exact same. Though they are One. If that's too hard for some to comprehend I'm sorry. As Jesus Christ always points to His Father and the Father always points to Jesus. They are not selfish but meek. Just as His Word teaches us to be.

    Here's one verse from the NT one From the OT. And there are so many more but I'm ending with these. Please my brothers and sisters. There is no problem in seeking the truth. That's what our Father wants us to do. Please don't curse, or condemn, one another because your views of the Lord may be a little different. God Bless Everyone!

    Psalms 110:1 The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

    Mark 10:18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Psalms 14 - 4 years ago
    God bless you for sharing. I pray your testimony will help others who are in the Valley of Decision.
  • Rolando Martinez on Psalms 14 - 4 years ago
    Psalm 14 pertains to me because I have been that fool who says "there is no God". At 17 years old, while spouting my unbelief, I experienced the power of God's word (Hebrews4;12) when my classmate, Diane Garcia, showed me Romans 6;23 in her Bible. I read "the wages of sin is death" and that shut my mouth. I could say no more. From that moment until now, my life became a living testimony to the truth of those words. In the following years my life was like that of the prodigal son: a downward spiral. I ended up like the demoniac in Mark5;1-20: horrible depressions, violent temper (though cowardly), foul thoughts, (Read Romans 1;28 to 32).

    Just as Jesus came to rescue the demoniac hiding in the tombs, Jesus rescued me. By then I was becoming suicidal but, one night, as I held a gun to my head I thought "then what?" and fear made me put the gun away. That's when I called on God, in ignorance because I did not understand the gospel, hoping against hope that there was a God because I had said for so long "bah, there is no God!" my soul was in total darkness. Hoping that He would help me. May this confession serve as testimony to the goodness of God because He saved me in spite of my blasphemes, the corruption that my life had become. I did not deserve God's mercy nor His salvation yet He began to heal my soul, to bring comfort to me. He brought Christians into my life who shared God's word which convicted me until I openly admitted "I am a sinner". I said that to Ron Norton when he asked if I was a Christian. He admitted that he was a sinner and showed me Ephesians 2;8,9 in his pocket bible. I finally understood: our salvation is a gift and not by our well doing because Jesus suffered the penalty for our sins at the cross.

    Bless you Lord Jesus and may all who read this testimony be encouraged to trust in you!
  • DLOVE - In Reply on Romans 8 - 5 years ago
    You do not have to correct atheists, the father has already said what they need to hear...it is a fool who said in his heart...there is no god. psalms 14:1
  • Wayne goldsworthy on Psalms 14 - 5 years ago
    The people of Israel where mixed with the Christian countries for a portion of time and returned back to Israel still without a heart for the truth about the Lord and only became subjects to the worldly corruption which disappointed God
  • Eddie jean LEE on Psalms 14 - 5 years ago
    it shed light on don't care how you try to be it is God who is good and He wants His children to reflect His nature and character of good in everything we do
  • Patricia wilson on Psalms 14 - 5 years ago
    Psalm 14 mean a lot to me because I will do good for the poeples and give to my father who blessed me with Life .I'm a giving love to bless others . thanks you Jesus .Amen
  • Vanessa on Psalms 14 - 5 years ago
    We allow immoral things go on as well, are we serving God, or are we guilty just as well?
  • Vanessa on Psalms 14 - 5 years ago
    we live in the day that people deny there is a God , because it makes them feel better about their sinful ways, they are fools and those that follow them as well, dont get caught up in the worldly advice stick with God's word, do not condone their actions either. We sit by now an watch allowing live born babies die what are we doing?We vote such people into office, sad aren't we
  • Standaman on Psalms 14 - 7 years ago
    The fact that there is "none that doeth good, no, not one." proves that the only ones who do good and are saved are those who believe in Jesus. Cause since all of us are evil sinners undeserving of eternal life ( Romans 3:23) then that means the only way to be saved is to have your sins forgiven and righteous imputed upon you by faith and the only way that could happen is by believing in Jesus.

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