I Love U Father God In Jesus Name U Are so good to all of us we have not done things some time the way u said but Father God in Jesus Name to day I want to say we are sorrow for the sin we have commetted against U Please For Give Us we will do better a prayer to Father God in Jesus Name from A Child Of God praying for the Saints of God Amen If U agree type Amen
This psalm lifted my heart! Just to know that God is with us he is for us and not against us!!! Knowing that we have a great inheritance in heaven and being with him one day. The joy and happiness we will have. No more tears or suffering. We just have to keep him first! I love u Jesus praise to u!!
"Thou maintainest my lot " I have seen this, God has done this for me in a very specific way. Recently v.3 of Psalm 125 fitted in with this experience and encourages me, "For the rod of the wicked shall not rest on the lot of the righteous, lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity ".Thanks be to God.
God is always in our side and he goes before us. Praised God for his love and mercy endureth forever. Praised God forever and thank him for everything he have done into our lives. Thanks to Jesus precious blood that shed for us, His Resurrection and his Ascencion into heaven. Thanks to Jesus for sending us the Holy Spirit.Amen
I will set the Lord : His word always before my face : He , His word is on my right hand that I should not be moved. Great is the Lord and Greatly to be Praised. He is the solid Rock that I stand on. He is my foundation that my house cannot fall . Praise God forever more !!!
With the days of destruction of the USA,this chapter 16 of Psalms is truly what Christians feel. Verse 8 is were our strenth is in Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
The Lord is with us Emmanuel. He never leave us nor forsake us. As long as we trust in HIM, our lives are safe and secure in the midst of valley of shadow of death. Why because HE is our shepherd.
I think this message is particulary for believers, Be careful when waiting on God to answer your request and its taking long,do not give your money to palm readers,so call spiritual leaders,vodoo person,malam etc.
The Lord has my life already mapped out for me : All I have to do is walk in it : I can find it in His word : As I do in His presence : You can find Him in His word :Is fullness of Joy : In thy right hand , which is spiritual prosperity there are pleasures forever more .The pleasure that my Lord God gives out weighs the pleasure that the world thinks that they have . God 's pleasure is life and the worlds pleasure leads to death.
Jesus is a loving God and always faithful to his promises that he will never ever leave us nor forsake us. We need to believe in him only that he is the Son of the Living God who have redeemed us on the cross and have given us life in abundance. We must obey his words and keep his commandments. For he is God who can save us and give us everlasting life. Jesus loves you. Amen
Faith in the Word realize our inheritance Once we believe God,everevery thing will begin to fall in place.The path of faith wis the only path of certainty.
Don 't worry 'bout how it all comes together!! Trust God because He is the begining and the end. He has the blue print of our lives and everything will altimately workout for our good to the glory of His name. To me this psalm is like an awakening, a realization because it seems the psalmist from the unset forgot he is of a godly heritage until the lines fell in pleasant places
PSALMS 16:2-3 COMMENT 2 11 2015 6:54 In 2 verses refers to life that our soul is for unto the Lord Jesus, that our goodness is not only for him, but also to our brother in Christ. As written in PHILIPPIANS 4:13. God bless us through our Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour, A-men.