Discuss Psalms 18 Page 6

  • Anon on Psalms 18:2 - 10 years ago
    Everything here is a reference to war making, which David was no stranger to. If you 've ever been in the heat of a martial conflict, and heard the horns of desperately needed reinforcements rushing to your aid, then you know exactly what kind of salvation he 's referring to. It destroys enemy morale, boosts yours, and turns the tide. Your life is saved, your kingdom, your people, your women, your wealth, your bloodline... A lot rides on these engagements. I 'm not sure what these commentaries are talking about with horned beats and mountains. haha
  • Janet on Psalms 18:28 - 10 years ago
    The light of God wipes out darkness. Where the light of Jehovah God is, works of darkness will have no place.
  • Nicola on Psalms 18 - 10 years ago
    In times of difficulty and great opposition we ought to look and call upon God for deliverance or help. God hears us when we call. God is worthy to be praised for His faithfulness.
  • Pexy gawah on Psalms 18 - 10 years ago
  • Ginny Knotts on Psalms 18 - 10 years ago
    God is my high tower. My hiding place. Also my fortress.God watched over David because Saul was trying to kill him.
  • Michael on Psalms 18:2 - 10 years ago
    To understand this verse, you need to understand why David said it. He had just overcome his enemies and Saul, the jealous king, and he was so happy that he broke forth with this entire Psalm 18. It is a song of victory over one 's obstacles. These all are military terms, rock, fortress, deliverer, salvation, horn, high tower, buckler shield , strength but the enemy is figuratively a spiritual one satan and David is referring mostly to a physical enemy. He has not gotten to the spiritual enemy yet which caused him to fall later in his life. Enjoy this entire Psalm 18 whenever you have victory in your life over the enemy, especially the continued fight against satan, who by the way is out of the box for a short time here in the last days Revelations, Chapter 22...??
  • Judith simmons on Psalms 18 - 10 years ago
    psa 18 will see you thru whatever you are going. HE IS OUR ROCK DELIVERER I hear people say this one or that one is their rock. what happens when that person disappoints or dies, that 's all you have left, but JESUS is our Rock that has risen can never disappoint anyone ever.
  • Rev. Autrey on Psalms 18:30 - 10 years ago
    Everyone knows that only God can save us. So if we say that Jesus is not God, then Jesus can 't be save us. So how do we explain this? The answer is, Jesus and God are one and the same. Thomas knew this when he said to Jesus, 'My Lord and my God. ' Paul knew it, too, when he called Jesus 'God our Savior. John knew it also when he said in John 1, verse 2, '... and the Word was God. ' So why don 't we know it today. It is because we have been deceived by Satan. Satan knows that if we say that God did not fulfill his promise to by coming as Jesus, then by default, we are saying that he, Satan, is God. We only have two choices, God as Jesus or Satan.I can say it no other way. We can say this is not true, but it is. There is no other way to explain the stubborn resistance God 's own people have to the name of Jesus. I will give you Psalm 18, verses 30 and 31, to prove my point. 'What a God he is! How perfect in every way! All his promises are true. He is a shield for everyone who hides behind him. For who is God exect our Lord? Who but he is a Rock? The point is, Jesus is the Rock an which we build. But people will say, what about the Father? Isn 't he God? The answer is, Yes he is. He is the way God directs his affairs. Jesus said so. But Jesus is always the way God speaks to us and saves us. Ask God to help you understand!
  • Marie on Psalms 18:33 - 10 years ago
    Hinds feet! I instantly begin to praise him when I read that verse. God ALWAYS gives a way out. He gives us Hinds feet like the mountain animals to climb out of the valley, climb out of any situation that arise. What a wonderful God we serve.
  • Alicia Durrant on Psalms 18 - 10 years ago
    I accept this psalm as God 's word that He alone is my rescuer....
  • Rev. Autrey on Psalms 18:2 - 10 years ago
    "The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. " Psalm 18 2 David calls God his Rock. But in Matthew 8 24 27 Jesus says that he is the Rock on which we build. The answer to this mystery is that God and Jesus are the same. In other words, when God talks to us he always says He is Jesus. This simple fact is the key to understanding the greatest mystery of the Bible, who Jesus is. If we do not understand this fact, we will end up believing the JW heresy that there are two Gods, a big God and a lesser God. The problem with this type of believing is that it takes our minds off Jesus, the way God saves us. Let me put it to you this way. When Jesus told us to hallow our father 's name, he was talking about himself, the YHWH, or the I AM who spoke to Moses in the days of old. The reason he did not openly proclaim this fact is that it would have caused him to be killed earlier than he had planned. He had to wait until the third year passover to die. What we are talking about, here, is self identity or personality. Jesus is the self ideentity or personality by which God talked to us and walked upon the earth. This makes him our heavenly father. The Father is God 's other personality, the way God makes his decisions. But God does not talk to this way. He always talks to by saying he is Jesus. Let the Holy Spirit guide you!
  • Chris on Psalms 18 - 10 years ago
    God 's word s are always truthful and beneficial to the reader if your believe, have faith and understanding
  • Orimolade Tolu David on Psalms 18 - 10 years ago
    To God be the glory for I found God s mercy in the chapter and it verses When my immediate younger brother Orimolade Ayoola James died I started using this book of psalms to cast the spirit of death prevailing in my family I recommend this book for everyone Thank you Sir ma
  • Robin on Psalms 18:6 - 10 years ago
    This is my song of praise, thank you Lord for hearing and answering prayers. Amen
  • Rev. Autrey on Psalms 18:46 - 10 years ago
    (Verse 46) "The Lord lives! Blessed be my rock! May the God of my salvation be exalted!"

    Didn't Paul say in 1 Corthenians 10:4-5 that the rock who followed the Jews through the wilderness was Christ? Yet, in the next sentence he said the rock was God. And didn't Peter say in Acts 4:12 that "there is salvation in no one else! There is no other name in all of heaven for people to call on to save them." If David had salvation, and Peter had salvation, then it was Jesus who saved both of them.

    People of God, we must be consistent in our thinking. There are not two types of salvation. And there are not two Saviors. Jesus is the Savior now just as he was the Savior in the days of old.

    God bless you!
  • Swapnil on Psalms 18:10 - 10 years ago
    i think it's not hard work but is so easy in fly i think it is very simple. k.
  • Rev. Autrey on Psalms 18 - 10 years ago
    (Verse 48) "And (you Lord) rescues me from my enemies. You hold me safe from violent opponents."

    The enemy of man is sin. It has always been our enemy. This means that David is talking about God as Jesus, who saves us from sin by his death on the cross. Let's say it this way. David was a prophet looking into the future and seeing Jesus as our Savior. He saw Jesus as Paul saw him in Titus 2:13, "Our great God and Savior." And he pictured what Jesus would say in John 6:39, "But the Scriptures point to me."

    Jesus further said to two of his followers in Luke 24:25-26, "You are such foolish people! You find it so hard to believe all that the prophets wrote in the Scriptures. Wasn't it clearly predicted by the prophets that the Christ would have to suffer all these things before entering his time of glory?" Verse 27 reads: "Then Jesus quoted passages from the writings in Moses and all the prophets, explaining what all the Scriptures said about himself."

    Yes, the Psalms are about Jesus!

    God blesses those who understand!
  • Rev. Autrey on Psalms 18 - 10 years ago
    (verse 3) "I will call on the Lord, who is worthy of praise, for he saves me from my enemies."

    Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, made reference to this verse when he said in Luke 1, "Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has visited his people and redeemed them." This is translated, "He has come to his people to save them."

    Zachariah continues:"He has sent us a mighty Savior from the royal line of his servant David, just as he promised through his holy prophets long ago." Didn't Isaiah tell us in Isaiah 40, "Messenger of good news, shout to Zion from the mountaintops! Shout louder to Jerusalem-do not be afraid. Tell the towns of Judah, 'Your God is coming!"

    Then to make sure we knew this God would be Jesus he said, "Yes, the Sovereign Lord is coming in all his glorious strength. ... He will feed his flock like a shepherd. ..."

    The enemy referred to in Psalm 18:3 is sin. Jesus did this by dying in our place on the cross. That is, sin was trying to kill us, but Jesus died in our place. Now we can be given eternal life and live forever with him in heaven.

    God bless you!
  • George chimere jerry on Psalms 18:33 - 10 years ago
    He MAKES my feet like hinds feet and he SETS me upon my high PLACES...note these 3 key words.he makes which is a continous thing,he sets which is also continous.studying the hind thats the animal you would understand that it is a mountain animal and all its steps are calculatedto keep it from falling.remember the mountain is not a smooth path.and here it says he MAKES nd SETS.that means for every trouble we face he MAKES AND SETS.he doesnt stop there,he places us on our high places..not a place but places...for every trouble we face,he keeps us on high places..the places is plural .OH how wonderful.but remember that evry animal trusts his instincts,evry human beign trust his leg...we always have this assurance that when we stand we wont wobble and fall.that is how God wants us to trust him.remain hidden in christ brethren
  • Ordette Wels-Simmsl on Psalms 18 - 11 years ago
    This particular Psalm is relevant to me now. I have been through much and my enemies were great. I Kept the faith like my brother David....praised worshiped and gave glory to God. Your words were indeed encouraging, now I am getting ready to see the results of praying this great Psalm. Continue the great work of the Lord your reward is great on earth but greater in heaven. Heaven is real I visited the Gardens of Heaven by the Spirit of the Lord...unbelievable and breathtaking. God is real and He never fails!
  • Frank on Psalms 18:3 - 11 years ago
    its a psalm of assurance and trust in the potency of our Lord and God. its a good depiction that God gives the ultimate protection from those who oppose our course. the selective terminology builds in me a sentiment and sobriety that when i choose to surrender to the Most High and depend upon His power, i am placed in that position that He moves in to defend my course and life so that them who oppose my advancement are quitened. its a build up for peace for then He secures my borders.
  • P.Kiran Kumar on Psalms 18 - 11 years ago
    This chapter is very useful to every faith believer & son's of god & children & loneliness people -kiran
  • Gary on Psalms 18 - 11 years ago
    The praise and thanks and reliance on the Lord is great! But this Psalm is also about God's POWER that He exercised from heaven as well as through David because he was a legitimate son of God and walked in uprightness. He was eligible for God to empower him to do mighty and impossible feats by grace! He wants to use us and work THROUGH us mightily...not just for us! But how excellent are His works?!?!? You are AMAZING God!
  • Skawoo on Psalms 18 - 11 years ago
    Reminds me of 2 Cor 10:4 - the weapons of our warfare are mighty through God! David shows us that it is God who wars on our behalf, our rock and shield. We, however, have to be upright, faithful in order for God to be faithful to us. In crying out in our affliction, our Lord will bend down the heavens to come to our aid. Powerful stuff!
  • Gpaul on Psalms 18 - 11 years ago
    David praised, preached, exhorted, testified, exalted, and magnified God all in one chapter. Who is like God's servant David? David is our example. Amen.
  • Bless on Psalms 18 - 11 years ago
    Blessed be God, let my God arise and let all enemies be scattered, Brothers and Sisters, be not afraid of the enemies, pray trust God and He will deliver you all; He is the great I am.
  • SUZANNE on Psalms 18 - 11 years ago
    In quick summary- if God is for us who can be against us. I see my father watching over me as his precious child to protect. But at the same time, showing me how important I am to him, to never let go. Being raised without an earthly father, I get great encouragement and hope to continue on daily, when I listen to the voice of my Pa-Pa, God.
  • JIDE OREKOYA on Psalms 18 - 11 years ago
    This is scripture of thanksgiving to the Lord Jesus Christ and clearly the Jehovah of the Old Testament is Jesus Christ in the New Testament same attributes. HE WAS LEAD AS A SHEEP TO THE SLAUGHTER, HE OPENED NOT HIS MOUTH and King David said His GENTLENESS brings greatness just the same. Blessed be His Holy Name.
  • Kathay Allen on Psalms 18 - 12 years ago
    Psalms Chapter 18,shows the devoted heart that David had toward God! You can really fell how much David loved and honored the the Lord. I desire to have a closer walk with Him that I may grow to love Him more, and that it may show in the things I do , and say. That I too will be able to love Him , even as David did.
  • HARRY ALLISON on Psalms 18 - 12 years ago
    DAVID was always giving JESUS GLORY!MAY I ENDEAVOR TO DO THE SAME.EVEN in times of adversity,when others turn back,i will keep going forward towards THE PRIZE.IS JESUS pleased with me?

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