Discuss Psalms 28

  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi John Ray.

    If you're going through some trials and declare yourself a wimp, Join the crowd.

    The Apostles had to learn this lesson as well. We see it in the Apostle Peter.

    Our strength is in the Lord.

    Psalms 28:7-8.

    Listen to Paul here in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

    Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

    God bless you.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Psalms 28 - 2 years ago
    Joshua 24:15 (I think) "as for me and my household we shall serve the Lord."
  • T Levis - In Reply on Psalms 28 - 2 years ago
    Isaiah 40:11, Psalms 61:3, Psalms 1:1-3, Matthew 6, Luke 11, Psalms 22:24, Timothy 6:6-19, 2Timothy 2:15,

    Psalms 139, Psalms 37,

    Matthew 18, 1Kings 7:4,5,6, Proverbs 30:8,9,

    Psalms 84, Psalms 28, Psalms 18:32,

    Isaiah 26:2,3,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T on Psalms 28 - 2 years ago
    What would be a verse in the bible to pray everyday for me and my kids, and for our well being, and for strength to keep me strong to keep a roof and everything for me and my kids.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 28 - 2 years ago
    Hi Richard, I love this Psalm especially. It reminds me that God is only a breath away from us in any troubles we may have and that we should indeed turn to Him for help, protection, and deliverance from evil and the people who do the evil to us. I love how David immediately turned to praising God with song and uplifted hands when God answered his prayers. It is so easy for us to earnestly seek His help in times of danger and great need, but we can easily forget to be more earnest in our gratitude and praise when our life turns for the better. This Psalm is a good reminder to me of that. I also love how David turns from thinking about himself and prays for salvation for God's people. The last two verses (8-9) are especially wonderful:

    The LORD is their strength. And He is the saving refuge of His anointed. Save Your people, And bless Your inheritance; Shepherd them also, and bear them up forever." (NIV)

    How lovely and encouraging are these words. Not only was David praying for the people of his kingdom then, but also for all of God's people, even you and me. God answered David's prayer for our salvation. We never know how far reaching our prayers can be, even across thousands of years!
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 28 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 28 is alluding to an imprecatory mindset; in regard to verses 3 through 5 which basically states that the wicked should be allowed by God to be judged according to their deeds (like works in Great White Throne Judgment in Rev. 20:11-15.

    The Psalm begins with a plea that God will not be silent; or perhaps that the Spirit of God would remain with David. In some ways today as we are sealed with the Spirit there is the promise that He will never leave us nor forsake us that is different than the role that the Holy Spirit had in the O.T. times where it tended to be more transient. It is hard scripturally to know what is referring to a temporal manifestation of the Spirit just as we sometimes experience now; and the permanent presence. Today; of course we no longer go to "Sheol" where all the dead went in the O.T. (see end of Luke 16). It is certain; however that a prayer not to be drawn away with the wicked (verse 3) is good advice even today as if we are not gazing upon Him we will be distracted by the world; flesh and the Devil and their voices.

    The assurance of God hearing David (v. 6) gave him hope for that time and all eternity (v. 9).

    The trickly part in verse 8 when he uses a plural term "their strength" could represent all anointed or a characteristic of all saints; it seems odd with the surrounding verses. Perhaps someone can look up the original languagae for clarification.
  • Made2Prayze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Psalms 28:7 - The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.

    Psalms 34:4 - I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on 2 Thessalonians 3 - 2 years ago
    2Thessalonians 3:10-16, Proverbs 13:4, Job 34:11, Psalms 28:4, Psalms 62:12, 1Thessalonians 4:11

    Exodus 20:9,10, Exodus 23:12,

    Even to build the house of GOD takes work, 2Kings 12:11, 2Kings 22:5,9, 1Chronicles 9:33, Nehemiah 4:21,

    Proverbs 26:16, Proverbs 20:4, Proverbs 6:6-11, Proverbs 10:26,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Psalms 28:8, Deuteronomy 1:6-8, Deuteronomy 1:20-46, Numbers 14:22-24, Numbers 32:11-12, Joshua 14:6-15, Isaiah 25:3-5, Proverbs 8, Psalms 18:32, Psalms 138:3, Psalms 144:1, 2Samuel 22:33, Proverbs 24:5, Psalms 46:1, Psalms 71:16, Proverbs 10:29, Psalms 19:4, Psalms 37:39, Psalms 99:4, 1Chronicles 16:11, Isaiah 12:2, Psalms 68:35, 2Corinthians 12:9,10, Psalms 18:2, Ecclesiastes 10:17, 1Chronicles 16:25-36, Psalms 28:7, Isaiah 26:4, 1Kings 19:3-8, Psalms 27:1, Habakkuk 3:19, Isaiah 40:31, Nehemiah 8:10, Luke 10:27, Mark 12:30-33,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Gloria Y on Psalms 28 - 3 years ago
    Amen Amen and Amen. That Blessed my soul. I never heard it told like that. I really enjoyed that.
  • Donna - In Reply on Psalms 28:7 - 3 years ago
    Don thank you for your testimony. It is a blessing. You reminded me of how much prayer makes a difference. And I struggle with isolating myself. I need to get out. The pandemic has made me isolated even more. I need to stop wasting moments and opportunities to be a witness for the Lord. God bless you. And keep you. And cause His face to shine upon you and give you peace. Amen
  • GiGi again - In Reply on Psalms 28:7 - 3 years ago
    Yes, Don,

    Thanks, I had to quit work two years before I expected to retire due to arthritis in my lower back and asthmatic problems that exacerbated with flu infections I would get from my students. When Covid ramped up, I stayed home and have been cautious, though I do venture out to get what I need from the store. There are much better treatments available now with covid, and it seems the Omicron variant is less severe of an infection. Even so, I have such a hard time with the flu, I do not wish to get covid at all. So I am prayerful. My husband works from home, now permanently, so I have company during the day when he comes out of his office. Our adult son lives with us, too. So thankfully, I am not isolated. I go for drives to see the beauty of nature and visit a few friends who already had covid. I help my 88 year old mom when needed.

    So, I have done well with retirement so far. It has allowed me to study the word more, pray more, and support others.
  • Kent Dupree Bass - In Reply on Psalms 28:7 - 3 years ago
    Amen Don YASSSS! Yah is good. He is a healer. He is a deliverer. I am glad to hear that you are strong in the faith. Great testimony.
  • Don - In Reply on Psalms 28:7 - 3 years ago
    Thank you for your response it was very much appreciated. I pray the Lord will uplift you on your retirement. May He show you the wonders of His beautiful creations. Enjoy Life, Live Life,as the water in a stream flows by that second it passed it will never return. Every second you let pass and you did nothing or if you are angered that second is gone, be joyful in the Lord. Please be safe as you venture out, to much uncertainties outside anymore. God bless you
  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 28:7 - 3 years ago

    Thank you for a lovely testimony. May your retirement continue to go well. I am just beginning mine.
  • Don on Psalms 28:7 - 3 years ago
    This verse has helped me in my walk with the Lord. I was bedridden for around four years, I couldn't do anything for myself. I thought wow I retire from my job and instead of enjoying life with my wife I'm stuck in bed. That was in 2007, I met an elderly woman who was a missionary along with her husband,I was in a Veterans nursing home. She prayed for me and encouraged me to pray to the Lord from the heart. A heart who truly believes Jesus Christ is the Son of our Heavenly Father,God Almighty. I didn't know how to pray and I learned it's just like talking to my wife etc. I put my trust in the Lord and I talked to Him and I started feeling so comfortable with spending time talking with the Lord, praying became easier. I still have fear that I do it wrong, but within four months I put my trust in the Lord and He became My strength and my shield. From not being able to do anything for myself I was able to sit up, to bath some what by myself, I was able to sit and to transfer to my wheelchair. Elation so great, people would say I knew you could do it or you worked hard for this. I never accepted credit for my new abilities but gave all praise and glory to the Lord our God. I knew that the Lord had and still does gives me the strength and shield to do things I thought I would never do again. The Lord is my shield protecting me from Satan and his evil angels. If not I would have returned back to feeling sorry for myself. I know for a fact that because of myself being opened to the Lord and His love I was given the strength to do all that I now do. I know I am protected knowing He is my shield and buckler, my God in Him I trust. I believe in prayer and I tell people to pray to the Lord for He hears our prayers. My heart trusted in Him and I was definitely helped. Praise God forevermore, Glory be to our Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen I hope this is okay but this verse has so much power in it. Thank you
  • Theresa Jean Neely on Psalms 28 - 3 years ago
    Awesome word!
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on Psalms 28 - 3 years ago
    Sister Laura, may CHRIST IN US grace us with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding.

    To understand the Father, the Son Jesus and the the rest of us (sons and daughters) you have to understand SEED and how it MULTIPLIES ITSELF.

    Luke 8:11 Now the parable is this: The SEED is the WORD of God.

    The Father is the WORD; therefore, the Father is ALSO the SEED.

    When you place a SEED in fertile soil the SEED sprouts (a body). That growing sprout (body) looks nothing like the SEED planted; but when that SEED matures, the sprout (body) dies and the SEED is harvested. This harvested SEED is EXACTLY like the SEED that was planted.

    The FIRST SEED was the FATHER, the FIRST SEED that came from the FATHER (SEED) was CHRIST. NOW there are TWO SEED; but the TWO are EXACTLY ALIKE (ONE), there are one in the sense that when that SEED is planted again in fertile soil it will bring forth SEED EXACTLY like the SEED planted.

    GOD, the FATHER, the WORD, The SEED was FIRST BEGOTTEN in Christ; therefore, Christ became a SEED. He became the fullness: God, the FATHER,the WORD, the SEED.

    When this SEED (Christ in you) is mature and HARVESTED at death of the body, the you become a SEED EXACTLY like THE FATHER and CHRIST.

    John 17:21 That they all may be ONE (SEED); as thou Father, are in me, and I in thee, that they ALSO may be one (SEED), even as we are one (SEED).

    1 Corinthians 15:38 But God (SEED) giveth it (SEED) a body as it has pleased him, and to every SEED his (SEED) own body.

    You are going to be EXACTLY like CHRIST and ready to be planted in fertile ground and bring forth more SEED.

    Isaiah 59:21 And as for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD; My Spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I HAVE PUT in your mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy SEED, nor out of the mouth of thy SEED'S SEED, saith the Lord, from henceforth and for ever.

    We can not began to comprehend the glory awaiting us.
  • Bob - In Reply on Psalms 28 - 3 years ago
    It's important to understand who Jesus is . Or you could have the wrong one . It's all in the Bible . He is the Christ , Son of the living God . Those are Peters words and Jesus congratulated him as being taught by the father . Amen
  • Dianne - In Reply on Psalms 28 - 3 years ago
    Dianne I agree The word trinity is not in Bible and God did not raise Himself from the dead, and the scriptures say no man has ever seen God, Jesus Christ Displayed the word and will of our and His Father. It's an individuals priviledge to agree or disagree respectfully yours.
  • Dianne - In Reply on Psalms 28 - 3 years ago
    Laura There are Christians who believe He's Son of God and God the son, and there's others that believe just son of God I know historically that the Trinity did not start until constantine decreed the nicene creed. Now here's what Gods Word says Jesus said I am my father are one, also I can do nothing without my father, no man has seen God at any time, God is spirit, the word trinity is not in the bible. Personally I don't go down the road because depending on the individual its discussed with it can be very contentious. Also there are clergy and scholars who debate this. So work the word.
  • Bob - In Reply on Psalms 28 - 3 years ago
    You are right , Jesus is the Son of God , that's the testimony of God and Jesus and most everyone else . Within the Bible . There are doctrines that appear to say Jesus is God , but no Jesus was made by God the father in close reading .

    It pleased the father that all the fullness of the God head should dwell in Jesus . An example of Gods sovereign work in Jesus His Son . Jesus the Son received from the father many things he did not have . It's simple but confusion is not hard when truth is not heard . Men intentionally confuse truth and many are duped . Study the Bible and truth will set you free .
  • Laura l Gress on Psalms 28 - 3 years ago
    i am confused, their is the father. the son and the holy ghost. some say that Jesus is God, although he said he will be seated at the right hand of the father, how can this be?
  • Alex - In Reply on Psalms 28 - 4 years ago
    Comments by Alex directed to BILL . THANK YOU FOR READING ME BILL, But the scriptures cannot be broken,Jesus told the pharisees that to whom the WORD came it made them Gods. Being bornagain of an incorruptible seed produces a NEW INNERMAN WHICH IS that NEW HEART AND NEW SPIRIT the H.G. WHICH IS God in us ,God is spirit Bill and Jesus says that which is born of the spirit is spirit as GOD IS SPIRIT. Jesus says if any man hears my WORDS ( his seeds ) and keeps them my FATHER and i will come and take our abode with him, As Jesus is able to propagate very God with his good seed the living WORD . The H.G is the CHILD of PROMISE that is gonna be born in US. Via the seed of Christ. GBU BILL
  • Mild Bill - In Reply on Psalms 28 - 4 years ago
    Alex, your teaching diminshes Christ. The Son of God was, is, and ever will be unique. Lost people, in their pride, follow Satan in wanting to be gods. By definition, you can't multiply unique. If you read the Bible carefully you will see that humanity fails, even at the end of the Kingdom of God on earth for a thousand years. " we are gona birth a new innerman which is the H.G." That's heresy, believers are born OF God, not into gods. The Holy Ghost is a third person of the triune God, who has revealed himself as such. Never to be duplicated or multiplied, ever. "IMPLING"(implying), that word demonstrates your faulty understanding of scripture.
  • Alex on Psalms 28 - 4 years ago
    Comments by Alex on Praise, Outa of the Mouths of babes and sucklings thou has PERFECTED Praise, man's hearts are too carnal, Remember Jesus said out of the hearts of man proceeds all manner of evil,thus we need a new heart and a new spirit which is the result of the word of God th seed of the sower being bornagain of an incorruptible seed even by the word of God that liveth and abideth for ever the living WORD, Thus we are gona birth a new innerman which is the H.G. And Jesus is the father of that heavenly Child simply b/c its his seed that brings on this new heavenly being born in our hearts.Jesus said that satan is the father of the tares b/c he is the one who sows that evil seed thus its Christ that is the Father of the wheat simply b/c its Christ who sows that heavenly seed which is the very seed of God to whom the word came it made them Gods which makes the H.G the Granson the beginning of n ISRAEL OF GOD, behold me and the CHILDREN His offspring . Christ is not impotent he has a seed to sow in humanity, US SINNERS But his seed is not the seed of humans he sows the very seed of God in US SINNERS, the Child is the H.G. that CHILD OF PROMISE ,Whosoever receiveth one such Child in my Name Receiveth Me Remember he said the FATHER is gonna send the H.G IN MY NAME IMPLING HE IS THE FATHER OF THE H.G. the manchild that is gonna rule all nations,Thats how he will rule ALL NATIONS he is gonna be born in the hearts of ever man, remember Jeremiah saw all men in travail and birth PAINS in fact 27 times in the O.T. the prophets saw the WORLD in travail and birth pains.Even in the natural we come into this world in our fathers NAME. Thats y we keep our fathers last name . its indicative of our bloodline. Isaiah wd not refer to Christ as everlasting Father if he were not the FATHER of the H.G. The Children of PROMISE. The Original Promise was the multiplcation of Christ, Thats y he is saying whosoever receiveth one such ChilD in my name receiveth ME. Our new birth etc.
  • Mild Bill on Psalms 28 - 4 years ago
    God is at work drawing people,and to see becoming like them that go down to the pit,is to recognize a difference in perspective of people in this world.Only salvation halts the progression of any sinner on their way to a deserved damnation.What hope/expectation do you have because of your relationship with Christ?Has he paid for your sins,and then you add your efforts to his?God has forbidden this false pride filled gospel.Ephesians2:8&9 God hears,helps and holds his believers.Each saved heart has a unique song of praise,which pleases Almighty God for eternity.
  • Sophia Hobbs on Psalms 28 - 5 years ago
    David was being pursued by Saul because God ordained David to be king and Saul became jealous and angry and set out to take David's life. David had lots of opportunities to kill Saul but he wouldn't because he said Saul was anointed. God doesn't want us to avenge wrongs done to us. He wants us to rely solely on Him. David wanted Saul to be punished for his evil and wicked endeavors.
  • Edifyoneanother - In Reply on Psalms 28 - 5 years ago
    There are many gods however, our heavenly Fatther is GOD, our Savior Jesus, It is important to give GOD His glory by distinguishing His name with a capital "G" for He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. He has all power in His hands. Without Him nothing is made. Let's put Him in His proper place and let all men which god you serve -- The GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
  • Jason bertam on Psalms 28 - 5 years ago
    god is real I believe god is my shelter and my shield

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