Discuss Psalms 2 Page 16

  • Deborah on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for me and my family that we stay CORVID- Free, healthy,and safe. Let no weapon , the enemy prosper or have success. Send financial blessings, undeserving blessing, my way. Lord, the mountains that are in my life, that are so hard to climb, move them Lord. Move now Lord, Please move now. Hear my prayer, Lord

    Thank you for the many times you've seem me through and thank you for continually blessing me and my family.
  • Tijuana Rice McNeil on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    I just want the Lord to help me with my addiction and my financial income and for my daughter and granddaughter to get their own place and
  • Lameko Taumuli on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    Please pray God strengthen me to reject all that is sinful and to do good always. Thank you!
  • Joy on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    Please pray asking God for mercy and grace to bring me back To himself 100% cleanse me and renew my faith. Pray for grace to make it.
  • Lianna on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for me. I think I either sprained or broke my hip. I can walk, bend over slightly. I can't run, or bend over fast. I can sit down, but it is hurting. Please pray for me today.

  • Susan Snider on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    There are some situations that are going on and a family member is putting pressure on me about them and I don't have a job at this time.
  • David on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    Thank you JESUS praise your holy name, Thank you for all you do for us , thank you for watching over us , thank you for the promises you make for everyone of who believe , watch 0ver Kristie and myself today , LORD help us , the walls that have separated us be removed once and for all thank you JESUS and may

    GOD bless each and everyone on these pages and those that pray for them
  • Adam - In Reply on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    Hi Christine, I hope you do experience eternal life, that's what Jesus would want for you and those around you.
  • Listening To The Wrong Voices on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    Today you may want to take a look at the ALCJ dot com website and consider the petitions that need signatures; regarding various issues; some of them concerning CHURCH FREEDOMS.

    If we neglect to use our support of Issues concerning Church and our freedoms under constitutional law, to worship and assemble: there will be no one to blame except ourselves.

    The Church can't Arise and lift up the Standard against the enemies of our soul, if we don't draw together as the Body of Christ, stand on our most holy Faith against the evil encroaching upon this nation...and say NO with our signature.

    Evil prevails when good people do nothing.

    Consider the WOES that God warns us of in:

    ( Isaiah 3:11-12, Isaiah 5:8,11, Isaiah 20-23, Isaiah 6:5-10, Isaiah 10:1

    The simplicity of the Woes is this= if we don't obey Gods known will in our lives, we'll suffer the woes. It takes CORPORATE PRAYER of Christians, to please God and turn back to Him, quickly. Agree with Him!

    Stop listening to the voices of unchurched FOOLS. (Nat'l TV)

    If we listen to fools, ascribe to what they put forth..... and we NEGLECT to check the Bible to see what GOD says about it ???

    Our nation is due for some Reaping of the things we sowed for. Stop turning deaf ears and blind eyes to Gods Word.

    There is no thing such as basic "Fire Insurance" as a, "Get Out Of Hell" free card." It cost Jesus His life to pay for our sins. Turn back to Him, and He will turn back to hearing your petitions; prayers.

    Satan can play the politics game too. If you can't discern that "voice", you build your house on quicksand. That's why the 'WOEs' are in the Bible. Turn back to God and he will welcome your return. If you feel "less than blessed", you need to assess your life and figure out WHEN you strayed off course.

    Spiritual warfare against your MIND happens when it's not full of Bible and faith in what God says; and in what Jesus did for us. Kick satans lying demons out of your head !!

  • Christine Knight - In Reply on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    Adam Psalms 2

    I have prayed for all you have mentioned Adam, especially that the sixteen year old run away, be protected and shield by our Lord Jesus Christ, and that whatever his problems are, he will return to his family to sort things through. God Bless you Adam, as I have only recently myself returned to Jesus Christ, only begotten son of our Father, OUR LORD GOD. AMEN.
  • Vicky Noble on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for my health and stability,during this time.I really need more bible time and less focus on trying to be perfect.I feel empty,like a failure .I'm truly struggling in my faith, I feel like a hypocrite wearing my cross, Am I one of those Christians that can't walk the walk .I complain about ministries.If I find a flaw then I don't have to make a commitment.Pray for me to make a commitment to Jesus Christ.
  • Karen on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for my studies and my school so I can make my parents proud
  • Marilyn Morange on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for my son, Drew Brown. He has been sober for two months (from methadone) and one month (from alcohol/vodka).... after 19 YEARS of drug and alcohol abuse. He's only 34! Please pray for continued sobriety and joy in it. He is a believer. Praise God! Please pray for strength and patience for Drew. Please. And for God to take away his desire for things that are not His will or of Him. Thank you very much!

    God bless
  • Pauline on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for our family's health healing and wellness for Mom who is being tested for Alzheimer's and dementia, Sonya who's suffering from cancer and is now hospitalized for covid, for her husband children and grandchildren. For Roy who's hospitalized after a car accident. For his children and Nana who is under his care. Now it's my sister who is under medical care and household now being tested for coronavirus because they are sick. Lift them in prayer and faith to the Lord

    Thank you
  • David Koch on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    sudden foot problems and pain strong enough to keep me off my feet. i can't have this. this is an attack. please pray for a complete healing. thanks DL. Koch
  • David Allen on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    please keep me in your prayers today
  • David on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    please keep Kristie and myself in your prayer please pray that the walls that have separated us be removed once and for all
  • Wes Taylor on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    We live in a smal village cudgee in VIC AUSTRALIA ,WE HAVE NO CHURCH,And the community is quickly expanding I myself have resided in Cudgee some 50 yearsWE ARE ,IN THESES LAST DAYS ,CONCERNED ,YES CONCERNED, THAT MAYBE THEY HAVE NOT met Jesus,I AM DISABLED,I AM RETIRED ,I HAVE RUN A BUSINESS for 54 years,EXCUSE ALL THAT,I AM 84 And love Jesus ,I have a Loving wife and 12 grand children on our property we have 4 more in Brisbane plus 4 great grand kids we have 3 sons in law ,one of which is the C E O of keneth Copeland Ministries in Brisbane,we all have a relationship with our Lord

    I do not want to impose my self at all ,I ask for direction from the Father ,I pray about the possiblilty, and I ask,Ihave a grandson (21)who has a special gift of communicatirreon re the Bible

    Can you help
  • David on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    please continue to pray for Kristie and myself Please pray that the walls that separate us be removed once and for all
  • Adam on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    Hi, someone named Richa is on a ventilator in a hospital in India. She has low tuberculosis low blood pressure and increase in sugar also lung infection.

    There's someone named Claire who's doing drugs and has a 3 year old.

    Someone named Sandy who's neighbour has terminal lung cancer and is admitted to hospital.

    There's someone who has a cousin who has stage 4 colon cancer.

    A male named Brendan is suffering from psychosis and it's mentioned that he needs to be admitted to a secure mental health facility.

    Another male named Dave has prostate cancer and it's mentioned that it's in the early stages.

    There's someone named Baeya who's battling demons and there's a 16 year old named Isaiah who has ran away. It's also mentioned that he's been very depressed. Is anyone willing to pray that God intervenes in the lives of the situations mentioned above, that they get healed and they all get saved including those around them in Christ Jesus please?

    Thank you very much.
  • MARK HALEJKO on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    I need prayers for a friend Joe. He has very bad family problems and I pray that he can see what God can do in his life. I brought him to the Lord 25 years ago , so I thought, but he is either not saved or fallen away. He knows many things about the bible but I dont want to sufficate him. I turn his situation over and need prayers.
  • Trenton Patty Wilson on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for those people who have loss loved ones, their jobs, their homes and for all nations?
  • Adam on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    Hi, is anyone willing to pray for Sarah and those with Covid-19 that they get healed and saved/ repent through Christ including those around them please?

    Is anyone also willing to pray for someone's aunt from what I've read possibly still is dangerously ill that she gets healed and saved including those around her please?

    Thank you.
  • Chris - In Reply on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    The verse that came to mind while reading your comment, was Luke 18:28, "Then Peter said, Lo, we have left all, and followed thee." When in ministry in another country, & reading a similar verse in their language, "follow Me" shows up as: 'come behind me'. I think this rendering of "follow Me" brings out further clarity. It is one thing to follow Jesus, but that could end up getting a little vague as we put other things in our lives, in-between us & the Lord, but still have Jesus in the distance, thus comforting ourselves that we are indeed following Him.

    Even Peter said that the disciples had left all to follow Jesus & we know from the various narratives they did so. But they ensured that they were 'close behind' Jesus, suggesting their continual focus & Reason for their decision was walking right before them. Jesus did speak of leaving all behind to follow Him (vv 29,30) as the disciples did as they were physically in His presence, but the question arises, how do we do that when Jesus is not physically here? In some cases, people have done as the disciples did & left home & family to serve in a foreign land for the length of their natural lives, whereas others (most) who want to obey the Lord in this, have put Him first in everything they set their hearts & hands to do. There may be things that are necessary to attend to & may appear as obstructions to following the Lord, but when we are right behind the Lord, even these 'other things' will fall into their rightful place.

    But if we find that we have lost sight of the Lord, then we would have to ask what has come in the way to bring that about. And it's not just sin (which breaks fellowship with Him), but it's the proper, necessary things that have been given more of our time & energies & therefore forming a fog that causes us to lose sight of Him. To believe in Him is meritorious, but that belief is also mixed with deep love as well - resulting in our desire to continually resort to Him & follow Him.
  • Chris - In Reply on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    To understand Psalm 2:12, we have to take in the other verses as well. Starting from verse 6, the Psalmist speaks, under the inspiration of the Spirit, about a coming King to set up His Kingdom in Zion (Hill of Jerusalem). God refers to him as a His Son, & One Who is begotten (the Hebrews writer quotes this in Hebrews 1:5 when writing about the superiority of Jesus over the angels).

    And to this Son, all of Earth will be His possession (in that day) & so the solemn instruction & warning to the "kings & rulers of the Earth" (v 10), to be wise & not foolish. The wise one will "kiss the Son" (v 12): not a literal kiss of affection, but as in Eastern cultures, one of homage/obeisance to one who is greater than them (it may be a bowing down, or a kiss on the hand or garment). So when the Son (Jesus) is acknowledged & worshipped, the one doing so will not experience His Anger or rejection as those who show Him disdain. But it is one thing to acknowledge the coming King, but another to put one's trust & love upon Him. There will be a time in the future, when Jesus will not only be acknowledged as the Messiah & King by all, but will also receive the love & trust that His rightfully His from those who are witnesses of this, turning their unbelief & rejection into belief, trust & deep love for the One Who comes in the Name of LORD. Psalm 118:26 and Mark 11:9,10 show the first cry of joy at Christ's coming.

    So, the Psalm 2 is a prophetical Psalm - maybe unknown to the writer, but now revealed to us in Jesus.
  • Samuel john Elder on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    "Trust is the Characteristic" Expline me if you know about Psalm 2:12
  • Sarah Lucas - In Reply on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago

    I am willing to pray for you. Will you pray for me please? I have COVID-19.
  • C on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for LTK to find his way in life. May God find him and lead him to pastures green. May my love reach him.
  • David on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    Please continue to Pray for Kristie and myself , Please pray the the walls that have separated us be therefor removed once and for all
  • Pearl on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    Prayer requests for my son and law Stage 4 breast cancer. And my daughter and grandson. Entire family. The family members that have passed away with Covid.

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