When someone needs a medical doctor, there are conditions upon wich, they should relate between them!
The doctor is not obliged to treat every one that thinks that he needs a doctor.
The doctor is obliged to treat well the patient that he accepts to be his patient.
Everything the doctor says, regarding his treatment, the patient must obey.
There is a uge responsability that obliges the doctor towords his patient.
When the patient dont obey, the medical obligation ceasses! The doctor may, still, explain the consequences, depending on the circunstances that drive the patientsmotivation.
Its written:- The Lord our God, is a consuming fire, and also that He says come and lets talk about your reasons, lets reason between you and Me.
When a man dies, terminates his oportunity, because its for the living that the gospel exists. There is no presching or reasoning with the dead, as its written on Eclesiates, chapter 9. 4 and 5. and on Isaias 8.20. Jesus rested while in the tumb, as son of man, like He said about Lzaruss that he was sleeping, or inconscient!
The secret things of God's are His. Man cannot know the things of God unless God himself reveals these things to man through His spirit. people that do not know God personally cannot understand the things of the spirit of God for these things are but foolishness to them. Once a man has entered into relationship with God through His Son Jesus he will begin to understand the things of the spirit of God through God's revealing things to him as God feels he is ready for it. Thus the question asking where did God come from? Cannot be understood by someone that does not know God. Until they have received Him; God does not equipped them with the ability to understand what it is that He reveals to us in His time and in His way. The secret things are God's alone. That is where faith comes in , believing in what i cannot see as God has said it to us we believe it even though we cannot see it. It is a heart thing. You will feel it in your heart and just know that the Words written in Gods book are true because they are spoken by Him. The Holy Spirit of God allows it. You do not question because your heart is at peace knowing that the God of the universe who existed before anything else existed just simply was and is. as He says He did and is. I don't know how else to say it.
But it literally happened to me. I always had to figure things out and break it down and determine how something works. But God has broken me of that in the areas of knowing Him at least, and trusting him, and understanding much of what He shows and says to me. I would have never in my wildest dreams ever thought something could be such as this. That a person that I cannot see could speak to me Even though I cannot see Him or hear Him audibly. Now I am blessed with being able to understand day by day little nuggets or Jules of instruction, guidance, corrections that I need to make, And a to do list of things I need to do in mY life. He feeds me what He knows that I need to hear or experience or do.
That is a great question. The bible teaches us that God is eternal, meaning He has no beginning and no end. By faith, we believe that God is the creator of all things. No one created God. He has just been in existence throughout eternity. That seems hard to conceptualize because we live in a time/space factor. But what would be easier, to believe He has always been in existence, or to try and figure out who or what God came from?
If we take the latter route, then we would have an endless cycle of trying to figure out who the one before God came from, and who came before that, over and over and over again. It would never end!
No one knows where God came from unless he has told someone. One thing to always remember nothing is impossible with God! That is like trying to explain why there are bones of animals that they say are millions of years old. God could have put them on the earth millions of years ago and did not like them, nothing is impossible. There is a lot to say about history when a day is like a thousand years to God. Jesus will have to judge billions of people when he comes down and I have always wondered how he would do that? Maybe one day we will know all the answers but more than likely will not care about that then. Nothing at all is impossible with God, nothing!
Brother Richard, may CHRIST IN US grace us with his wisdom and His understanding.
There is two groups of people in God's Kingdom. The ones being called NOW; resurrected with Christ, will be the ROYAL PRIESTHOOD.
Revelation 5:10
Daniel 7:27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, SHALL BE GIVEN to the people of the saints (priest) of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and ALL DOMINIONS SHALL SERVE AND OBEY HIM (being made one with Christ they will obey us also).
Those raised at the second resurrection are the ones under the authority of God's priest and judges.
Murray Codorwel Vengethasamy on Psalms 2 - 3 years ago
I am 72 years old, raised in a Communal home of Hindus, Muslims and Jehovahs Witnesses. All wonderful people.
I have read many hundreds of books, and have taught Mathematics and Computer Science to Secondary School and FET College learners. I still develop software and I have many certificates of achievements.
On reflecting, I am thankful that I have realized, just as the Apostle Paul did, that above everything in my life stands :
JESUS CHRIST and HIM crucified.
Read : 1Corinthians 2:2 "For I determined not to know any thing among you, 'save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified"
The BIBLE is the greatest BOOK that I have ever read, because I have learnt from it who GOD is:
Read : Jeremiah 9:23-24 "Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches.
But let him who glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD.
I would like you to know that I have experienced these WORDS in my lifetime and still do.
Therefore, I urge every person everywhere to hearken to the WORDS of GOD, for God is no respecter of persons.
The wonderful things that HE did and does for me and many, many other Christians , He will do for you.
I therefore, would like to put a loving challenge to you :
When you read the Bible, Humble yourself and sincerely ask GOD in JESUS' name to grant you the understanding and knowledge about HIM. You will be AMAZED!
When reading the king James version, you read who so ever believeth is there any different meeting to that word then believe that is used other places in the King James version of the Bible ?
You are correct. What happened I don't know. As I hit reply to a comment made by Bob. Which I still have the screen to though that comment seems to have been removed even though there is no history to it that we usually see. I did notice this after I made the post and if an e-mail was sent to William hopefully, by the contents, he notes it was to Bob.
As I'm not going to argue with anyone about this. Especially who will not converse maturely. I have to back up our Lord. As you do also very well with other brothers and sisters in Christ on this site. It really saddens me to see what some people post.
Maybe just some questions I would have asked Bob if He knows so much about the Lord:
Who is the King, on the Throne, in Heaven?
Who are we to stand before on the day of Judgement?
Who is the Light?
Who is all powerful in Heaven and in Earth?
Who has the power to forgive sins?
Who is our Savior?
Who's Spirit resides in us after we are "born again"?
Who baptizes with the Holy Ghost?
Not that I expect an answer from him to any of these questions. Maybe it will hopefully just get him to read his Holy Bible more and I pray his eyes shall be opened to the truth.
Don't let what you're not concerned about upset you,
There's nothing constructive when it leads to hate, When the truth of the word is working in us it brings on fruit. A friendly debate can be helpful, but on character is on display here.
Let's not let disagreements consume us. God bless.
Wow. You shall be in my prayers. You just stated the Father, the Son(Jesus Christ), and the Holy Ghost are confused? It is clear you do not believe the Scriptures and have your own carnal idea of God. Matthew 12:32, Matthew 12:36.
Also you do not believe, or understand, the words of Christ like John 10:30?
You know God says listen to His Son right? Matthew 17:5. Even further like the Angel of the LORD in the OT. Exodus 23:20-22.
Also to glorify the Son is to glorify the Father. As they are ONE. John 14:13-14. The only way to eternal life is through the Son of God. John 14:6. 1 John 5:11-13.
God is ONE. I pray the Lord leads you to leave your own beliefs behind and trust Him and His Word.
You seem to believe in the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Though you seem to doubt who the Lord is just like the Pharisees did. Bringing Him down to "just a man". Matthew 5:20.
Im assuming you are serious so Ill ask you a question... Have you ever talked to yourself? Who is talking and who is listening?
"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Rom 1:20"
God is who he says HE IS, whether we understand it or not.
That is hard to accept because pride and human reasoning get in our way.
Read Pauls answer to another question that cannot be answered by our frame of reference.
" Rom 9:20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?"
It's actually a good question from our point of reference. God asks us to believe, "That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God 1Cor 2:5". and "without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him Heb 11:6"
Understanding will be given to us if we are believe first.
By the way God does, has and always will agree with Himself. John 5:7-8. You will one day as well if you are saved.
May God bless his word and thank you for your sincerity.
Jacob's 12 sons in order of birth: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph and Benjamin.
Prior to the 6th trumpet, day of the Lord battle, 12 tribes of Israel, of many tongues, are sealed 42 months from death, and witnesses to antichrist's atrocities.
In the field of 14 tribes, 12 are sealed; Dan and Ephraim have been left out. Joseph still represents two tribes, but in this case, for their apostasy, he replaces both Dan and Ephraim . Their seal exclusion implies that the 144,000 elect will be pure and righteous, having a strong testament of God's word.
In Judges 17-21, before Israel had a king, and in their territories, Dan and Ephraim refused to conform to religious standards. Moreover, Dan was not pleased with the land God gave them, and they with Ephraim chased after idols.
Dear Martha, God is manifest in three persons, The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit. You are made in the image of God. Spirit Soul and Body. ( 1Th 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.)
Just as you are three beings in one person, God is three persons in one God. Objects in this world have three dimensions. Water can be liquid, solid and gas. It is water. Light can be felt (infrared) seen( visible) and damaging to your skin or eyes(ultraviolet) It is all light.
Yes Jesus is God and has a special function in what is called the Godhead. Acts 17:29
I understand your son's reluctance to work on a day set aside to rest in God. Have him read Romans 14:1-12
Those who are" in Christ", have entered into his rest (sabbath). Jesus said come unto me and I will give thee rest.
Jesus is the sabbath for those who believe on Him for salvation.
my daughter needs prayer for to pass all her classes in collage help her make the right desision in her relationship and her jobs help my daughter to be closer to god and keep reading her devotion
Dear heavenly father,. we come to you together as one body in Christ, for our brother in Christ Sean request, give him comfort and peace with the thought of his child traveling with his fiancee For we know your hands are upon the wheel , and your perfection of all knowing and loving week guide they're trip from here to there.
We praise you dear heavenly father for your complete protection upon this trip and ask the glory we lift up to you.
I'm asking for prayer today asking for our finances to get better we are in the bind when it comes to our bills like 600-700 for water bill for $500 for the gas etc etc we haven't received our stimulus nor our tax money and I pray that they come in this week we are in a bind to meet our bills I asked the guy just watch over us and keep us all safe heal our hearts keep in mind straight and to help us raise our grandkids amen
The doctor is not obliged to treat every one that thinks that he needs a doctor.
The doctor is obliged to treat well the patient that he accepts to be his patient.
Everything the doctor says, regarding his treatment, the patient must obey.
There is a uge responsability that obliges the doctor towords his patient.
When the patient dont obey, the medical obligation ceasses! The doctor may, still, explain the consequences, depending on the circunstances that drive the patientsmotivation.
Its written:- The Lord our God, is a consuming fire, and also that He says come and lets talk about your reasons, lets reason between you and Me.
When a man dies, terminates his oportunity, because its for the living that the gospel exists. There is no presching or reasoning with the dead, as its written on Eclesiates, chapter 9. 4 and 5. and on Isaias 8.20. Jesus rested while in the tumb, as son of man, like He said about Lzaruss that he was sleeping, or inconscient!
But it literally happened to me. I always had to figure things out and break it down and determine how something works. But God has broken me of that in the areas of knowing Him at least, and trusting him, and understanding much of what He shows and says to me. I would have never in my wildest dreams ever thought something could be such as this. That a person that I cannot see could speak to me Even though I cannot see Him or hear Him audibly. Now I am blessed with being able to understand day by day little nuggets or Jules of instruction, guidance, corrections that I need to make, And a to do list of things I need to do in mY life. He feeds me what He knows that I need to hear or experience or do.
That is a great question. The bible teaches us that God is eternal, meaning He has no beginning and no end. By faith, we believe that God is the creator of all things. No one created God. He has just been in existence throughout eternity. That seems hard to conceptualize because we live in a time/space factor. But what would be easier, to believe He has always been in existence, or to try and figure out who or what God came from?
If we take the latter route, then we would have an endless cycle of trying to figure out who the one before God came from, and who came before that, over and over and over again. It would never end!
There is two groups of people in God's Kingdom. The ones being called NOW; resurrected with Christ, will be the ROYAL PRIESTHOOD.
Revelation 5:10
Daniel 7:27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, SHALL BE GIVEN to the people of the saints (priest) of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and ALL DOMINIONS SHALL SERVE AND OBEY HIM (being made one with Christ they will obey us also).
Those raised at the second resurrection are the ones under the authority of God's priest and judges.
Revelation 2:26-27
Psalms 2:8-10
Revelation 3:9
Psalms 149:9
I have read many hundreds of books, and have taught Mathematics and Computer Science to Secondary School and FET College learners. I still develop software and I have many certificates of achievements.
On reflecting, I am thankful that I have realized, just as the Apostle Paul did, that above everything in my life stands :
JESUS CHRIST and HIM crucified.
Read : 1Corinthians 2:2 "For I determined not to know any thing among you, 'save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified"
The BIBLE is the greatest BOOK that I have ever read, because I have learnt from it who GOD is:
Read : Jeremiah 9:23-24 "Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches.
But let him who glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD.
I would like you to know that I have experienced these WORDS in my lifetime and still do.
Therefore, I urge every person everywhere to hearken to the WORDS of GOD, for God is no respecter of persons.
The wonderful things that HE did and does for me and many, many other Christians , He will do for you.
I therefore, would like to put a loving challenge to you :
When you read the Bible, Humble yourself and sincerely ask GOD in JESUS' name to grant you the understanding and knowledge about HIM. You will be AMAZED!
You are correct. What happened I don't know. As I hit reply to a comment made by Bob. Which I still have the screen to though that comment seems to have been removed even though there is no history to it that we usually see. I did notice this after I made the post and if an e-mail was sent to William hopefully, by the contents, he notes it was to Bob.
As I'm not going to argue with anyone about this. Especially who will not converse maturely. I have to back up our Lord. As you do also very well with other brothers and sisters in Christ on this site. It really saddens me to see what some people post.
Maybe just some questions I would have asked Bob if He knows so much about the Lord:
Who is the King, on the Throne, in Heaven?
Who are we to stand before on the day of Judgement?
Who is the Light?
Who is all powerful in Heaven and in Earth?
Who has the power to forgive sins?
Who is our Savior?
Who's Spirit resides in us after we are "born again"?
Who baptizes with the Holy Ghost?
Not that I expect an answer from him to any of these questions. Maybe it will hopefully just get him to read his Holy Bible more and I pray his eyes shall be opened to the truth.
Thanks Adam. God Bless.
Don't let what you're not concerned about upset you,
There's nothing constructive when it leads to hate, When the truth of the word is working in us it brings on fruit. A friendly debate can be helpful, but on character is on display here.
Let's not let disagreements consume us. God bless.
Also you do not believe, or understand, the words of Christ like John 10:30?
You know God says listen to His Son right? Matthew 17:5. Even further like the Angel of the LORD in the OT. Exodus 23:20-22.
Also to glorify the Son is to glorify the Father. As they are ONE. John 14:13-14. The only way to eternal life is through the Son of God. John 14:6. 1 John 5:11-13.
God is ONE. I pray the Lord leads you to leave your own beliefs behind and trust Him and His Word.
You seem to believe in the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Though you seem to doubt who the Lord is just like the Pharisees did. Bringing Him down to "just a man". Matthew 5:20.
God Bless.
You never answered my question from the last post.
Though you seem to have your own idea and don't think God can do anything He wants?
Again we use Scripture. It is truth. If you don't believe the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are ONE. You are just not believing Scripture.
Try not to think your earthly mind can understand the ways of the Lord. Isaiah 40:28, Isaiah 55:8-9.
God Bless.
Im assuming you are serious so Ill ask you a question... Have you ever talked to yourself? Who is talking and who is listening?
"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Rom 1:20"
God is who he says HE IS, whether we understand it or not.
That is hard to accept because pride and human reasoning get in our way.
Read Pauls answer to another question that cannot be answered by our frame of reference.
" Rom 9:20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?"
It's actually a good question from our point of reference. God asks us to believe, "That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God 1Cor 2:5". and "without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him Heb 11:6"
Understanding will be given to us if we are believe first.
By the way God does, has and always will agree with Himself. John 5:7-8. You will one day as well if you are saved.
May God bless his word and thank you for your sincerity.
Then if they always agree what's the need for 3 persons ?
It just don't add up !
The sealing of 12 tribes: The Elect
Jacob's 12 sons in order of birth: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph and Benjamin.
Prior to the 6th trumpet, day of the Lord battle, 12 tribes of Israel, of many tongues, are sealed 42 months from death, and witnesses to antichrist's atrocities.
Revelation 7 tribe sealing in order: Judah, Reuben, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin.
In the field of 14 tribes, 12 are sealed; Dan and Ephraim have been left out. Joseph still represents two tribes, but in this case, for their apostasy, he replaces both Dan and Ephraim . Their seal exclusion implies that the 144,000 elect will be pure and righteous, having a strong testament of God's word.
In Judges 17-21, before Israel had a king, and in their territories, Dan and Ephraim refused to conform to religious standards. Moreover, Dan was not pleased with the land God gave them, and they with Ephraim chased after idols.
Just as you are three beings in one person, God is three persons in one God. Objects in this world have three dimensions. Water can be liquid, solid and gas. It is water. Light can be felt (infrared) seen( visible) and damaging to your skin or eyes(ultraviolet) It is all light.
Yes Jesus is God and has a special function in what is called the Godhead. Acts 17:29
I understand your son's reluctance to work on a day set aside to rest in God. Have him read Romans 14:1-12
Those who are" in Christ", have entered into his rest (sabbath). Jesus said come unto me and I will give thee rest.
Jesus is the sabbath for those who believe on Him for salvation.
Hope this helps.. God bless you richly.
We praise you dear heavenly father for your complete protection upon this trip and ask the glory we lift up to you.
In Jesus precious name. Amen and amen.