Discuss Psalms 34 Page 8

  • Jerry on Psalms 34:14 - 9 years ago
    The first step to peace is to seek the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ. He alone can bring peace to your heart and one day soon peace to this world. You will search in vain to find peace anywhere else.
  • Omoloyin Williams on Psalms 34:17 - 9 years ago
    How wonderful is it to know that God hears the cry of His people! God cares for us and we don 't need to fear. In any situation, just remember to cry unto to Him,He will answer!
  • Sharon on Psalms 34:13 - 9 years ago
    This verse is part of my weeks lesson on taming the tongue. Going through the different definition of evil and guile, searching out my heart and applying the blood of Jesus for cleansing.
  • Angela gardner on Psalms 34:17 - 9 years ago
    Psalms is the truth
  • Kiran on Psalms 34:19 - 9 years ago
    yes Lord is the only who dilivereth all our trouble....
  • Jerry korkoskke on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
    If anyone wants to find a real good commentary on the book of psalms please go to the story behind the psalms by Jack Hyles . when you type this in the search box then it will pull up all the others sites,so when you see the story behind the psalm click on baptist city then you will have the correct one. This book tells about what David was going through when he wrote this psalm s ,and how Gods people used it. I know this will be a great blessing and an encouragement to those who choose to read it thank you all!
  • Daniel Addy on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
    Truly the words have power and it has manfested in me before when i fell from a height. Need to pray now to get me out my trouble because are many. Will need help from God to save my soul
  • Anonymous on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
  • JEANNA on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
  • Blessed on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
    GOD delivers continually worship praise him and cry unto him for deliverance.
  • MockingBird on Psalms 34:17 - 9 years ago
    When I call cry upon the Lord : I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus : He delivers me out of all : not just a few : ALL of my troubles : He hears me when I call. So in return : When God calls me : I should hear and answer with : Yes , Lord , here am I !!
  • Olanrewaju Morenikeji on Psalms 34:17 - 9 years ago
    The Lord answers the righteous when he cries. It is required of the righteous to cry to God when he is in trouble having this assurance that Jehovah hears and He is there to save in trouble. A righteous man will suffer and die in his trouble if he does not cry to God. Hence we have this assurance that when we cry as a righteous person, God hears us and He is ever willing to rescue and deliver us from all troubles. Food for thought: What happens to the unrighteous?
  • Lucy on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
    verse 22: God says as long as we trust in Him we shall never be desolate....therefore we should always trust in the Lord no matter what because He will keep us, protect us and grant us victory.....
  • Antoinette on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
    Here the emphasis is on the righteous. Yes indeed God created all things. He make the rain fall on the righteous and the unrighteous. Yet it 's the righteous that god saves when they call out, because they are His children and they do Gods bidding. Once you are a child of God, His seal of love and protection is upon you and there 's no way God will turn His ear to you when you cry out to Him. He has a duty to you to hear your cry.
  • MockingBird on Psalms 34:15 - 9 years ago
    I have been made righteous through the blood of Jesus Christ : Praise God forever more . Jesus Christ is my righteousness. Not of any good that I have done. My righteousness is as a filthy rag to Him. Therefore because of what Jesus has wrought for me , when I cry unto Him , His ears are open unto my prayers. Praise God forever more.
  • Kaye on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
    This is an awesome scripture verse 1 really encourages me to keep praising God no matter what the circumstances in my life, whether good or bad He deserves our praise... Once you have tasted of His goodness it 's a taste that nothing else in this world can fulfill.
  • Ch. Swamy Moses on Psalms 34:4 - 9 years ago
    Psalm 34:4 is very much encouraging word. I had my own experience when I was filled with fears, I used to pray and remember this verse. God heard my prayer and delivered me from all of my fears on many occasions. I was a converted Christian from Hinduism way back in the year 1990
  • BSP on Psalms 34:8 - 9 years ago
    By experiencing Jehovah God 's power in our life we will see that He is good. We can experience this by applying and practicing what we learn in His Word, the Bible.
  • MockingBird on Psalms 34:8 - 9 years ago
    We have an invitation to taste and then see that the Lord is Good. When I : we : turn ourselves and taste what the Lord has prepared at His table : I : We : will be nourished and will be Blessed when I : WE : Trust in Him . His table is spread and ready for us to taste. Come !!!!!
  • Petal on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
    I love this passage, it gives me hope and comfort in the Lord it makes me know that I can trust Him to the end and in all matters. Hhas been my strength, shield, fortress since that day I accepted Him as Lord of my life, I am so glad I did and I invite everyone to come taste and see thatHe is good and they will be blessed when they put their trust in Him.
  • Kevin godfrey on Psalms 34:8 - 9 years ago
    Had a nightmare I was floating upside down and whatever was makein me float was tryin to drown me tryed to stick my head n the bath tub then the toilet so I started praying n right wen I said Jesus is my savior I woke up prayed sum more was trying to read a bible verse on my phone I dnt go to church and I don 't own a bible n this poped up I jus said how good god is.please pray for me n lord thank you for everything you do for me and help me conqure my demons in Jesus name I pray amen
  • Sherry hall Chase on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
    I think psalm 34 is powerful, and full of hope. Seek the Lord for help and he will deliver you out of your afflictions, He will protect you when your enemy comes up against you. be righteous in your ways, and he will hear your cry. He is the deliverer, the way maker and I thank him for his amazing grace.
  • MockingBird on Psalms 34:19 - 9 years ago
    And it came to pass !!!!! Trials and afflictions are surely to come we should not help them to come. I believe that as long as I do the best I can and if I find myself in an affliction or trial that when I call on my Lord that He will deliver me. Sometime it takes a while and at other times it is instantaneous . The Lord will deliver me out of them all. The Lord is faithful He will meet me where I am at and will deliver me . I have to want Him to and I have to make the change. I hated it because I smoked for 18 years after I got saved. It took me a while I got delivered and been delivered now for 20 years. Praise God !!! When I decided that I wasn 't going to let cigarettes rule me any more I got delivered. I had to stand on the word of God for a while to make sure I got that deliverance and even now being around cigarette or smelling them is sickening to me. I even got delivered from alchol. I was an alcoholic for 2 years. I was backslide at that time so when the Lord called me to come home while I was still drunk I accepted and instantly was sober and been clean since. God will and does deliver and is still on His throne working on our behalf when we I believe Him !!!!
  • AMEN JAY on Psalms 34:19 - 9 years ago
    psalms 23 explain it all,leave your battle for THY LORD HIS ALWAYS ON GUARD for our life covering all HIS BLESSINGS toward us
  • Issak on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
    ...The fear of the Lord is clean and endured forever, Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling..!
  • Jennifer on Psalms 34:19 - 9 years ago
    To Russell I have an addiction problem I still struggle with. I have to pray. But I have found I have to pray deep down from the heart. Not candy coated what I think I should say or what the Lord wants to hear. What I feel, the despair that I feel that I may never completely kick it. The Lord knows your heart be honest with him and yourself. That 's when the true help comes. I will pray for you. I 'm saved and the devil tries to beat me down with my addiction. But in the end I can cry to the Lord for help and he hears me. The Lord says He 'll never forsake me.
  • Trevor on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
    In Psalms 34 I learn that if you praise God regardless of your circumstances he will do things that you never thought possible. There is no limit to what God can do.
  • Nisha 313 on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
    FEARING OUR HEAVENLY FATHER is the best thing that can ever happen to us, Let 's just go through a few benefits that come with fearing the one and only true God. He always remain the same, He 's always with us and never forsaking us, He is alwalys available when we need Him, never sleeping. Nothing is ever too much for HIM to handle, or too hard for Him. He is full with mercy, grace, and compassion. He don 't stay angry very forgiving, Very Faithful, don 't have respect of a person. basically if he did it before for anyone He will do it for you. He also is our creator and He have chosen us and wrote all our life story and only He can take us to where we are suppose to be. This is just a few benefits of fearing the Lord, Our Heavenly Father. In return all He want us to do is to fear Him, study his word, follow his law, and to Love Him and others. Love is very very important. Be Blessed
  • Frenz on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
    Praise our Lord Jesus Christ Almighty! This is the only things God wants from us, whatever happened, whatever circumstances we faced TRUSTING GOD ALWAYS WILL NEVER DESOLATES US! Proverb 3 5 6 Godbless us all
  • Blessing on Psalms 34:4 - 9 years ago
    this is a very good psalms to be memorise and to be used daily when in distress.I personally will from today memorise this psalms.Thanks a lot!

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