Discuss Psalms 34 Page 9

  • MockingBird on Psalms 34:4 - 9 years ago
    Fear is a spirit God does not give fear and He is not fear There was a time I was afraid of many things and from time to time I still have fear come against me . Fear activates the devil I have learned Faith activates God on my behalf I Praise God that when I seek Him He delivers me from all my fears .I know He hears me .
  • Blessed on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
  • Frankline on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
    Great reading its inspires
  • Andrew on Psalms 34:19 - 9 years ago
    To Russell I 've been through something similar I pray god will help You ,and he will
  • Kathy on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
    AMEN, GOD watches over us but still lets us be our own person. Allows us to make mistakes. And to learn my our mistakes. I know GOD loves me. I am so glad He is in my heart, mind, body soul.
  • Sister on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
    Amen,praise You Lord,You are worthy to be praise! We love You!
  • Debbie landry on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
    i say this verse everyday and it has help me to over come my problems at work, the verse will give you strenght to keep going, all you have to do is BELIEVE IN GOD.
  • DC on Psalms 34:18 - 9 years ago
    G d alone want 's close personal contact with us. This verse reveals this. Often we are sadened by life and knowing He understands and cares is so amazing. He knows our every worry and pain. Knowing that He wants to be with us when no one elsewhere does, gives us hope.... especially as we see him answer our prayers afterword. .. proving we can trust Him. He loves us most. How sweet is that...
  • Maria on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
    Yes,I believe that no matter what we go threw that He is always there.for all of us.
  • JULIE Paulvin on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
    He is so good for everyone who believe in him.
  • Blessing amos on Psalms 34:20 - 9 years ago
    He guards all his bones to revive there life becuaes his word say, in the book of john 10 vs 10b that he have come that they mayhave life he is the way truth and life, not one of the is broken means no matter the troubles all will walk for our good so that we may rejoice in him.may God bless.
  • Godwin Emeruwa on Psalms 34:19 - 9 years ago
    Psalms 34 19,it is for everyone but most especially people passing through difficulties and challenges.Never give up,Jesus had said it that we will pass through many difficulties,but we should be of good cheers, for He has overcome the world.He will surely grant us victory.
  • Belisa Kirk on Psalms 34:1 - 9 years ago
    No matter what we go through always remember to blessed God and he will bring us out alright
  • Vusi Ndlovu on Psalms 34:10 - 9 years ago
    Powerful scripture that propels me to cling tenaciously unto the Lord no matter what comes my way.
  • Eunice on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
    Thank God for his great love.
  • Mark Mckissick on Psalms 34:19 - 9 years ago
    Is there anything to hard for God.
  • Tyna Boynta on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
    God Pays Attention To Those Who Called On Him.
  • Nathan Cole on Psalms 34 - 10 years ago
    To Robert my soul shall make her boast in the Lord is a figure of speak
  • Benjamin on Psalms 34:15 - 10 years ago
  • SUSAN VARUGHESE on Psalms 34:19 - 10 years ago
    Nothing in life happens without the Lord 's knowledge.If Jesus went through those afflictions and came out triumphant ,so shall we ,as we are his most beloved.
  • Barbara jackson on Psalms 34:2 - 10 years ago
    8 31 2014 my eye was open today it has been years since I have fill out of god word but today the pastor read psalms 34 today I read this verses again when, I got home and I didnot just look at the words but I felt the words be true.It was like god was talking to me,it say that he will delivereth me out of all my feares. So as I will read the bible now I read like god is talk to me I hope you will get a blessing out of his word . So same time take a minute to read and understaning what god is say. I love you all my god bless you.
  • Mary Sexton on Psalms 34:1 - 10 years ago
    the verse teaches me regardless of the good or evil we must continue to bless God. with the death of my two sons, one son 7yrs ago age 20 and the other son will be 1 yr gone this Oct.age 28. God is my strength and peace. If i did 'nt know God with the hurt pain I went through I don 't believe I could have made it this far. God is my everything.
  • Ann Richards on Psalms 34:19 - 10 years ago
    When we know who our God is and what great things He can do,there is nothing we face that He is not able to deliver us out of,even when we put ourselves in messes at times.He is God yesterday,today and forever.He changeth not,and He is able to deliver.
  • BUKKY on Psalms 34 - 10 years ago
  • Ajaja Joseph Olusoji on Psalms 34:19 - 10 years ago
    psalm 34 19, accept Christ does not stop satan to set his calamity and trouble on your ways but, Jesus will surely intervene to the matter and put enemies into shame forever.
  • Issac.sangadi on Psalms 34:4 - 10 years ago
    if we search at the presence of God, for any thing in anytime,he will give the reply. And he will also delivers from all the fears.
  • Rob on Psalms 34:18 - 10 years ago
    This verse was on display at church today and it helps me remember how amazing it was at the lowest point of my life when I was broken and lost through amazing signs and wonders God sent his Son and Spirit to open my eyes to His love. To know that God loves me, and that He cares enough to reveal Himself and give me victory in Jesus has healed my broken spirit. Thank you Lord, I pray that your children throughout the world see your hand in life believe in Jesus and are blessed with your Grace. Amen
  • M on Psalms 34 - 10 years ago
    Thank you Lord for your word is so sweet to read Spalms 34.. He is Lord and King I praise Him because he teachers me the Basic to Forgive people who hurt me and receive his word to live a good relationship with him. Amen
  • NILESH KUMAR on Psalms 34:19 - 10 years ago
    Good people suffer many troble but the lord saves them all from them
  • Irene on Psalms 34 - 10 years ago
    Verse15 is clear, live according to his teaching and he solves all your worries, God is soo merciful to his people.God bless!

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