Discuss Psalms 43

  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Psalms 37, Luke 12:2,

    Ask GOD for wisdom, James 1:5, Psalms 43:1,

    Proverbs 28:8, Proverbs 3:6,
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 43 - 2 years ago
    This Psalm is a continuation from Psalm 42 with the same author(s) according to experts on the subject. We see here a continuing sense of alienation from God as well as an unknown nation and their affects. It is unclear in these verses if there is a specific forced diaspora to other parts of the country or other nations. Clearly this was before the time the Kingdom was completely rendered; although it was near and David's sins had incurred promises from Nathan the Prophet that God was about to send enemies; and the continued rebellion of Solomon would end the united rulership of the nation under kings permanently.

    As others have mentioned; there are continuing exhortations to trust God in these Psalms; despite the feeling of estrangement from His presence. In Lamentations in particular we can see how the writer agonized over the state of Jerusalem when the sufferings to come were considered. This was true of the book of Jeremiah itself; as well as Daniel. There was always a realization of the sin of the individual (such as Isaiah in the presence of God); as well as the sins of the nation as a whole (seen in Daniel's prayer when the 70 years were up when he acknowledged that despite God's promises they had been in rebellion and unrepentant much of that time). We learn from this that in the end His promises to us will be fulfilled; as well as for all of God's people. We understand that He chastises His people as individuals as well as the nation of Israel in particular which will occur in the Tribulation to full fruition once national repentance ensues (see the last few chapters of Zechariah).

    One issue these writers wouldn't have is that of ancestor worship seeing how God's wrath had come on their father for rebellion against God. Such destruction as Jesus illustrated when the tower of Siloam came down; and Pilate's offering was tainted with blood of innocent Jews is the fate of all of us; in our sins we all perish apart from Christ's atoning blood.
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I was encouraged through your faith. Even through those tragedies: you proclaim love for Biblical Truth & trusting GOD's ways are always helpful.

    Your comment is very difficult to answer because of the severe troubles you've faced & currently living in. I've had to take time with GOD & through the Holy Spirit leading without emotional bias, etc. Know, I have lifted the whole situation up in prayer.

    Here are powerful scriptures to hopefully help emotionally, spiritually, with strength in faith & hope to endure; for each day or every moment you need them. Psalms 43:1,

    For wisdom : Proverbs 29:27, Zephaniah 3:5, Luke 16:10, Matthew 25:31-46, Luke 18, Proverbs 21:3, Isaiah 58 - Isaiah 59, Ecclesiastes 5:8,

    James 1:19,20,
  • Ronnette - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Sons of God:

    Galatians 2:20

    I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

    2 Corinthians 6:16

    And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people

    Psalms 43:4

    Then will I go unto the altar of God, unto God my exceeding joy: yea, upon the harp will I praise thee, O God my God.

    Psalms 56:4

    In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.

    Job 34:12

    Yea, surely God will not do wickedly, neither will the Almighty pervert judgment.

    Ephesians 5:17

    Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.

    Stay in the Kingdom of God:

    Romans 14:17

    For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

    1 Corinthians 4:20

    For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.
  • Robert J DeHaan on Psalms 43 - 3 years ago
    Life's daily trials can slowly erode one's hope and joy. Satan will always sneak up on the weakened Christian, using anything that rewards our flesh because we certainly deserve to be happy. Happiness always gives way to boredom or even depression. I struggled with depression much of my life and thought surely I did something horrible before God. If one dwells on this for so long and feels helpless. Suicide rates are at an all time high because the world seems to have no answers. This leads man to seek man's advice, but without a Godly man seeking to help us through God's Word then the answer are usually empty promises. Let the hope we have in Jesus Christ remind us that this life on earth is very short compared to God's Eternal promises. Lord sent out thy Light and Truth in 2022.
  • Sherill Gill on Psalms 43 - 3 years ago
    This psalm is most appropriate for my. I ask God to renew my strength daily because the enemy is like a roaring lion. Jesus is the Rock on which I stand.
  • David on Psalms 43 - 3 years ago
    Man will always disappoint us. Only the Lord God, Jesus Christ is true and faithful.

    Thank you for your faithfulness to your Word. May we learn to trust and walk with you, Lord. Bless our leaders and the authority over us. Bless those in harms way.

    September 1, 2021
  • BSP on Psalms 43 - 4 years ago
    Verse 3-He sends out light by declaring his purpose, by enabling his servants to understand it, and then by bringing to fulfillment what he has declared.
  • Disquieted Used in Scripture - In Reply on Psalms 42 - 4 years ago
    Read the Chapters these scriptures are in, to see what was going on at those times, to cause disquietedness in these people's lives:

    1 Samuel 28:15

    And Samuel said to Saul, Why hast thou disquieted me, to bring me up? And Saul answered, I am sore distressed; for the Philistines make war against me, and God is departed from me, and answereth me no more, neither by prophets, nor by dreams: therefore I have called thee, that thou mayest make known unto me what I shall do.

    Psalms 39:6

    Surely every man walketh in a vain shew: surely they are disquieted in vain: he heapeth up riches, and knoweth not who shall gather them.

    Psalms 42:5

    Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance.

    Psalms 42:11

    Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.

    Psalms 43:5

    Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.

    Proverbs 30:21

    For three things the earth is disquieted, and for four which it cannot bear:

    Disquieted in Proverbs 30, interestingly is a prophetic book speaking to the signs of the Times we are living in Now.

    Describing this Generation of people's living on the earth. Even describing the riots in our cities:

    the hatred of our young people against their own parents

    The hatred against racial injustice,

    Hatred against upper class, middle class, and lower class, that suffer need for everything.

    Hatred for generations that did nothing (in their perception) to save the earth, prevent global warming, killing animals into extinction, ethnic cleansing of whole nations of people to take their lands for their own greedy reasons.

    As they erupt in anger, so will the earth respond in kind.

  • Faith on Psalms 43 - 4 years ago
    Psalm 43 is amazing read I every morning it's my cup of coffee god will see us through it and protect us from the enemies
  • Rose - In Reply on Psalms 43 - 4 years ago
    I agree with Pixir. Eventhough people are wicked and some do abominable things to their fellow humans, I am saying we should find a place in our hearts to forgive them (and I am speaking to myself as well). Because believe it or not, the enemy is responsible for their acts. They do not know what they are doing until the act has been completed and then they regret ever doing it.

    The enemy do not want to go to shoal alone. He wants to drag as many of God's children along with him. So please instead of you to pray that God punish whoever has done any wrong to you, pray that the enemy's punishment should be increased by the number of those he is deceiving and dragging with him. I think we should also pray that God give us the ability to recognize the enemy's tricks and pray that we be not deceived.
  • James Collins - In Reply on Psalms 43 - 4 years ago
    Lovely. very Inspiring and YES. Always to all of that. Extraordinary & Amazing wow... Thanks for that. I enjoyed that Diane may GOD Bless You and Happy Funday and I pray you are still well #Psalm23

  • Marilyn T on Psalms 43 - 5 years ago
    My hope is in God. I will praise him all the days of my life. When my Enemies and my Friends waited for me to slip and fall, God just carried me until I could have strength enough to walk on my own feet. Praise God forever, and ever!
  • Shiloh on Psalms 43 - 8 years ago
    I have stray so far away from God because of disobedient and rebellious. I'm Praying and hoping I can return back to his feet and on fire for God once more. God has done so much for my life words cannot explain I daily thank him for his grace, love and mercy even though a sinful person like me doesn't deserve it
  • Mary Amoo on Psalms 43 - 8 years ago
    No matter how much the tempest, the torment of the enemy is maybe, God is ever there to plead the our cause and vindicate us. Be encouraged to in the power of the of God's grace strength.
  • Sharon on Psalms 43 - 8 years ago
    God WILL keep you in your distress.
  • Rose on Psalms 43 - 8 years ago
    When your enemies oppress you just trust in God and he Will see you through.
  • Diane booth on Psalms 43 - 8 years ago
    may 2015 I was driving my grandson from the group home he is deaf and as i was driving home 3 quarters of the away from my home I had a stroke while it still makes me nervous to talk about it but all i could say was Lord help me if I pull over I dont think I could start back a little blue car which must have been one of Gods angels guided me the rest of the way home always trust God
  • Sandy on Psalms 43 - 9 years ago
    After a lifetime of abuse and degradation, I have had very little faith in human relationships except for my children. Finally God used some amazingly unusual things to heal my heart. I still, but very seldom, can be tempted to fall back to the pain of my past. And I can see myself so clearly in Psalm 43:5 I see so clearly God patiently leading me back to green pastures, and spiritual health.
  • Patricia Jenkins on Psalms 43 - 9 years ago
    It means we should deal with the poor in a loving way. If we protect and give to God poor God will bless us.
  • Pixir on Psalms 43 - 10 years ago
    It means even if satan has crept into the heart of man to do me evil...my God will go with my thru the fiery furnace...even if my cross seems to heavy to bear and I call on him...he is there to help me carry my cross and fight my battles for me.
  • Evangelist Sylvia on Psalms 43 - 10 years ago
    David didn 't want to fall in the hands of his enemies and wanted God to vindicate him. He knew God was a God of mercy and truthand above all righteous. Somewhere within his soul he began to get weary because of thing 's being faced with and he needed God to also breathe a breath of life upon him again and lead him back to the house of God. That holy hill. When you stay away from the house of God too long, your soul dry up like a prune. Vs.3...O SEND OUT THY LIGHT AND THY TRUTH LET THEM LEAD ME LET THEM LEAD ME UNTO THY HOLY HILL, AND TO THY TABERNACLES. Amen
  • Winston on Psalms 43:1 - 11 years ago
    God is our Lord . God is the way, the light, the faith . The rock we lean on walk, live in the faithfull in good life fear no one. When we have
  • Jose G on Psalms 43 - 11 years ago
    the lord is my sheper I such not fear all ways trust in the lord no matter what you facing in this life or world his always with you
  • HARRY ALLISON on Psalms 43:1 - 12 years ago
    I Am RESPONSIBLE for what i do or not.thankYOU JESUS for YOUR LIGHT in my life,exposing darkness,even among friends.JESUS LOVES ME....
  • Timothy Wayne George on Psalms 43 - 12 years ago
    We need light and truth to guide us through the darkness of this world. Jesus is the light and truth, and he came to set us free. Many people are being cast down because they will not accept Jesus as their only hope. So if you suffer from depression, trust in Jesus, and he will give you the strength to overcome any situation that you find yourself in today. The Lord is my light, and my salvation I shall not fear what man can do unto me. Unto the Lord do we give all the praise and the glory.
  • Miguelq. on Psalms 43 - 13 years ago
  • Tammy on Psalms 43 - 13 years ago
    I think that it is the most ecourageing book in the bible and it is very helpful when your going through tough times in life you can turn to psalm and it will speak to you its as if it was written just for me even though its

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