Discuss Psalms 45 Page 2

  • Son of Man on Psalms 45:2 - 10 years ago
    Hello children of the one true living God, please thank our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for his blessings and compassion.
  • Ese okposio on Psalms 45 - 10 years ago
    Psalms 45 verse6.. This is a conversation of God the Father and God the Spirit.. Who is also called the Lord of Hosts... The Spirit who sits on the Throne. Psalms 45 verse 7.. The One who loves righteousness is The Holy Spirit. Who are His fellows? Other Hosts Angels . He is the Lord or King or Captain of all the Hosts!
  • Elizabeth K Best on Psalms 45 - 10 years ago
    Re Thomason 's comment on Yshua during the millennial reign the passage clearly, by David refers to David 's wife, and though David is a foreshadow and type of Messiah he is not the messiah. A type is not the thing itself. When Messiah reigns with a rod of iron during the Millennium, he will not be less than he was in his earthly ministry. Recall the NT passage which discusses marriage and remarriage in heaven where Jesus, Yshua remarks that in Heaven we are not given in marriage the earthly institutions dissolve in the presence of God, who is Spirit. Recent movies and myths like to bring God 'down to size ' by attributing Messiah with human characteristics of an earthy sort such as being in love with Mary Magdalen ,etc. which are foolish and blasphemous. The all knowing, all loving, ever present and ever powerful God has no need of a wife, and Yshua his Messiah is one with Him, one in Him, and "the Word was with God and was God. " The passage of a mortal wife dressed in the gold of Ophir at best typifies the Messiah and his bride, Israel, the congregation of God.
  • Sandra Ogwuche on Psalms 45:2 - 10 years ago
    its loaded and soul lifting!
  • Clyde thomason on Psalms 45:9 - 10 years ago
    Does Luke 24 44 apply to Psalm 45 9? If so, Why wouldn 't Yeshua have a fleshly wife during his 1000 year reign? It stands to reason that if the Father has a son...why wouldn 't he have a daughter? ? I wonder if anyone has ever even thought about that. It seems very clear that Psalm 45 indicates that the Father has a daughter. Psalm 45 10,11. Think about it for a minute...what 's a King without a Queen? Scripture confirms this and doesn 't disprove it either. Your Friend, Clyde
  • Christi on Psalms 45 - 10 years ago
    Oh God, I so want to have peace of God. I fear death and hell daily. Please give me peace that I may leave this life with joy to see you. I really need a word from you. This is the chapter you led me to and I feel you were speaking to me in this verse please don 't let me be tormented by devils any longer. I know you will deliver us to the tormentors if we don 't forgive someone. I can 't remember of anyone I have not forgiven. Bring them to my mind if I haven 't and please give me grace. I do love you, Jesus. Help me to keep thy commandments that i may glorify the Father. This is the main reason I need peace, for I fear I will not glorify you, but shame you for I feel I can 't hold out if these fears continue.
  • M on Psalms 45 - 10 years ago
    what a mighty GOD that we serve,HE is more than words can ever explain.
  • Nichole on Psalms 45 - 11 years ago
    February 11 2014 When I saw Psalm 45 10 in a video in youtube with the words saying I Am God Psalm 45 10 I saw it in the video of The Gift by Jim Brickman music I am so blessed because as I was listening to that song I remember God giving me gift His love for me then i suddenly saw the verse Feb 12 2014 pass 10 pm there is a thought that came to me to look at the verse Psalm 45 10 then I saw the verse and it struck me It is all the words I am looking for from God that I am Hid daughter that I am beautiful I am a princess I am cared for treasured precious I just feel so so such different the way it sounds to me And I just felt like God is saying it s time for me to follow Him now
  • Rev. Autrey on Psalms 45:6 - 11 years ago
    (Verse 7) "Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever. Your royal power is expressed in justice. You love what is right and hate what is wrong. Therefore God, Your God, has anointed you, pouring out the oil of joy on you more than on anyone else." The last half of this verse can te translated, "Therefore God, your God, has made you Christ," because anointed is translated Christ in the Greek.

    But notice that the one anointed as Christ is spoken of as God, as in "Your throne O God." This is God or Jesus talking about himself, as a direct reference to the way he spoke of himself in Isaiah 7:23 where he says of himself, "Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and he will be called Immanuel, meaning God is with us." And we know that when God was on earth he was called Christ.

    The Jewish leaders knew this. They knew that according to the Pslams the Christ was God. This is why they accused Jesus of blasphemy, he was making himself out to be God.

    God bless you!
  • Rev. Autrey on Psalms 45 - 11 years ago
    Verse 6: "Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever. ..." The book of Hebrews identifies the "O God" here with Jesus the Christ. We know this because it goes own to say in Hebrews 8:9 that "You love what is right and hate what is wrong. Therefore God has anointed you, or has made you Christ. ...

    Then it says in verse 10, "Lord (God) in the beginning you laid the foundation of the earth." This definitely speaks of Jesus ( John 1:3) as the one, and therefore God, who created everything there is.

    It was always Gods plan to come to the earth in the personality of Jesus the Christ. This is exactly what he did when he was born in that lowely stable that Christmas morning. And as Paul often said, "I think God through Jesus Christ our Lord."

    God bless you.
  • Clement on Psalms 45 - 11 years ago
    The Law is Righteous and is the Character of GOD, however the Law in itself being righteous cannot save the guilty sinner but can point to the Saviour who can redeem you from Sin and not in Sin. We establish the law through christ who strenghtens me.

    Grace will be given according to the Faith that we have in Grace....
  • Clement on Psalms 45 - 11 years ago
    The Law is Righteous and is the Character of GOD, however the Law in itself being righteous cannot save the guilty sinner but can point to the Saviour who can redeem you from Sin and not in Sin. We establish the law through christ who strenghtens me.

    Grace will be given according to the Faith that we have in Grace....
  • Sue on Psalms 45 - 11 years ago
    The Lord is leading me to fix this temple. He began by healing a torn rotator cuff and then convicted me about being so sedentary and allowing the temple to be in such disrepair. Becoming the beautiful queen of this psalm is my goal.... to have a temple worthy of his dwelling.

    Harry, move beyond the vail into the Holy of Holies, and seek him first. His righteousness will clothe you and his spirit will bring the changes to your life as the Lord continues to sanctify and bring you to perfection (wholeness) in Christ. If you feel like you are beating yourself up, your guilt is false and a lie. Conviction from the Holy Spirit is always brought with grace to become what God wants you to be.

    God bless you with a crown of lovingkindness and grace.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Psalms 45:8 - 12 years ago
    Jesus left the ivory palaces of heaven, to come to this earth, and received gifts of gold, myrrh, aloes, and cassia to do the Father's will. He humbled Himself to death on the cross, and rose the third day victorious over sin and death. Wherefore God has exalted Him above all His fellows, because He loved righteousness, and hated wickedness. He is seated at the right hand of majesty from which He will come again to judge the living, and the dead. We sing with stringed instruments that have made Him glad, and praise Him for all the glory that is due His name.
  • Oluchi on Psalms 45 - 12 years ago
    very awesome, made m change my mind about something, Glory be unto the Almighty One!
  • HARRY ALLISON on Psalms 45 - 12 years ago

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