Discuss Psalms 49 Page 2

  • 7 on Psalms 49 - 7 years ago
    That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. though bad things can happen to christians. and good things seem to happen to bad people. though both the evil and the good die. the upright shall have dominion over the evil left in the grave because he trusted in Jehovah God!
  • Marshal Albritton on Psalms 49 - 7 years ago
    Psalm 49:15 This trully is a passage that creates confidence and peace in me concerning death. Along with 1 Thess. Ch. 4, I take a remarkable zeal against death, almost like the attitude that one boxer has toward his opponent.
    I am child of GOD, and like Jesus, my Father will also one day raise me up out of the power of the grave.
  • Nga Stanley on Psalms 49 - 8 years ago
    Life with the Almighty God is ever lasting than wealth of the world.
  • Annie on Psalms 49 - 9 years ago
    When we are faced with struggles in life it is good to know that where we find most comfort is in God. As much as I would love the devil to stay gone he is not going to . My comfort is in knowing like Lazarus he cannot take heaven from me.
  • Malachy Obeta on Psalms 49:12 - 9 years ago
    Waoo! wealth, Houses and good Name are important but we will one day leave them and go up there to our heavenly Father who have many mansions. therefore as col.3:1 urges that we that have risen with Christ should seek the things that are above.
  • Brianna on Psalms 49:10 - 9 years ago
    "You can 't take it with you " Jesus encouraged us to store up treasures in heaven, rather than the earth. As we can see we can cultivate a lot of material possessions, but in the end when we die, they go to other individuals. So, I think this scripture is helpful in encouraging us to be generous with the our resources. "share the wealth " so to speak, because when you 're gone, it 's gone.
  • Andrew on Psalms 49 - 10 years ago
    The conclusion of the matter is the last verse that is worth memorizing and meditating upon Man that is in honour, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish.
  • Tim George on Psalms 49:15 - 10 years ago
    No man can redeem me from the power of Sheol but God will receive me in heaven for to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord Jesus said I am the resurrection and the life he that believes in me shall not die We just change addresses from earth to heaven
  • Sheree on Psalms 49 - 11 years ago
    We will give an account of what God has given us to show the love of Christ to others. The use of our time, talent, and fiances.
  • REBECCA on Psalms 49:18 - 11 years ago
    I want to congratulate a man who has done very well for himself.He's not just a man but a very young man in his early 30's.I really appreciate and admire his achievements.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Psalms 49:10 - 11 years ago
    He seeth that the wise men, and the foolish die. The brutish together perish, and leave their wealth to others. Job asks the question: If a man dies shall he live again? The Lord Jesus answered it at the grave of Lazarus when He said I am the resurrection, and the life, he that believes in Me, though he be dead shall never die. Thank God that Jesus is the first fruits of all those that believe in Him. Blessed is he that shall be in the first resurrection. Be wise and give your goods to others for the glory of God, for we brought nothing into this world, and we will carry nothing out. The Psalmist said God shall redeem my soul from the grave, and I will be with Him. Praise God when we see Jesus we shall be like Him, fashioned like unto His glorious body. Everyone that has this hope, purifies himself. Death to the child of God is not the end, but a comma until Jesus returns for us in glory.
  • T. Robinson Ahlstrom on Psalms 49 - 12 years ago
    In some ways, this is the most sober of all the Psalms--but it is not somber. In it there is hope and life.

    Money, and the things money can buy, are, in every generation, the great pretenders. Ever after Eden, the things that are seen with eyes of flesh have been raised up, above the things that are seen only by the lively soul. Corporal things, though temporary, are amplified to the brutish and the dull. Through literally “fool’s gold,” they usurp the eternal as objects of our genius, toil, desire, allegiance and worship.

    The is why the First Comandment--and the Second Comandment are what they are.

    This is why Jesus said what he said about God and money.

    The one thing that threatens the vitality of the United States at this moment is its great wealth. The LORD has given us the power to become very rich, and now we have set our hearts on those riches. America is dying of success. In the "land of the Pilgrim's pride," true religion has given birth to prosperity, and now the daughter is choking the mother.

    My the LORD raise up a new generation whose eyes and hearts and minds are fixed on Him—and my I be a part of that generation.

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