Discuss Psalms 4 Page 5

  • Sam on Psalms 4:5 - 9 years ago
    Our sacrifice is any seed in our hand. The righteous sacrifice therefore is the seed in the hand of a Christian. Remember that Christians are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. A seed is down for a purpose. So after a Christian sows a seed for a particular purpose, he or she should back it up with faith a double minded person is unstable in all his way. Let such a person not think he would get anything from the Lord
  • Fred O'Neal on Psalms 4 - 9 years ago
    There is none like our God..His Love is incomprehensible. Not by power, nor by might, but by his spirit!
  • Eaglesrock on Psalms 4 - 9 years ago
    In times of distress we can still have the Peace of God. David knew that peace, even when he was being hunted down by king Saul.
  • DanaB on Psalms 4:5 - 9 years ago
    This verse is LIFE "in a nutshell. "Think right and do right, and you 'll come out alright. " Praise God for His loving kindnesS and patience toward His children.
  • Barbara on Psalms 4 - 9 years ago
    We have to trust God he is our refuge and hiding place he wii rescue us in the time of trouble
  • MINISTER LEON McGILL on Psalms 4 - 9 years ago
  • Alice on Psalms 4 - 9 years ago
    No matter what uncertainties may plague our lives, we must always trust and believe God will always see us through. Truobles come to pass, the Lord 's love is forever.Amen. '
  • Veronica on Psalms 4 - 9 years ago
    Thrust God and know that he is always there for us,all we have to do is call upon him.
  • Maggy on Psalms 4:5 - 9 years ago
    Christ paid it all on the cross. Lets be thankful to Him because we have been made righteous because of Him. Shalom
  • Daniel on Psalms 4 - 10 years ago
    For it means god has his own way of drawing his sons and daughters close to him,only if you believe that he still lves he never said goodbye.that when you ask for mercy he will pardon you.
  • Isabell Amparan on Psalms 4 - 10 years ago
    We all go through trials but God is always with us.Sometimes we feel we are all alone but God is always near.God hears our cries and reaching out he pulls us out of the pit of hell.He has chosen his people that will be used to enlarge his kingdom.We his people will give hope to the lost.We will say to them it 's ok sleep in peace God will watch over you.There is hope for us all.
  • Brenda Cade on Psalms 4 - 10 years ago
    Psalm 4, let the reader know that he wants us to stop looking to the world and trust Him. The book of Psalm, let us know that He loves us so much,that not only will we sleep in safety, but also in peace. When the world is struggling and even those that are doing well. His people will increase more than theirs. God will supply all, and more than enough to meet their needs. Also, He is listening to our cry .
  • Cynthia on Psalms 4 - 10 years ago
    I love psalms 4 it 's a great chapter it lets me know to put my trust in God not man. God will never leave us.
  • Geraldine cole on Psalms 4 - 10 years ago
    Verse 3 is letting God Children no he has set us apart for him self talking to his true believers the ones with his spirit he have known us from before we were born and we who are his know we are his.God Loves everyone but everyone Do Not Love Him some people are not God childern why because they have chosen the devil as there father God childern live in the world they are not of the world and remember sister and brother the ungoly watch the righteous to see what u really believe in by the way u live your life says a lot about U we must no the people we let into our life remember the devil came to kill steal and destroy the Lord came that u would have life. We are not to go around Judgeing people God is the Judge we are witnesses sent from God to this earth to tell the world Jesus die for them and he loves them and pray he will draw them to himself and they would accept him. You see if God don 't draw u and open up your spiritual ear u cannot come to him thats the word of God for everyone that want to hear it Amen
  • Eunice on Psalms 4:8 - 10 years ago
    It reminds me that God watches over me when am sleeping.
  • Huebl on Psalms 4 - 10 years ago
    Well this Psalm shows me that God is protecting us. He NEVER lleave us alone.
  • MockingBird on Psalms 4:8 - 10 years ago
    The salvation of God is 5 fold Healing Deliverance Safety Soundness of mind Preservation The peace of God so so Good There is such a tranquility and soundness and no disturbance at all in God 's Peace. I will both lay me down and sleep for thou Lord doest make me to dwell live in safety. God so so Magnificantly Good !!!!
  • AMEN JAY on Psalms 4:8 - 10 years ago
    we have to make dwelling a place of GOD where HE will always be our guard,becouse if not who ever guard us guards in vain
  • Blessed on Psalms 4 - 10 years ago
    Thank Father for thy word are true
  • Eunice on Psalms 4 - 10 years ago
  • Okoro, Keziah on Psalms 4 - 10 years ago
    Praise The Lord! This psalm is amazing. It is a complete surrender unto God. His protection for us is assured. He will continually grant us favor to our family heart desire. We believe God for His faithfulness for a complete deliverance. A men A men A men.
  • Timmy on Psalms 4 - 10 years ago
    God 's assurance our safety if we turn into Him.
  • Evelynbagley on Psalms 4 - 10 years ago
    Anytime I find myself having a sleepless night, I always remember this prayer of David, It really helps me to sleep
  • Geraldine cole on Psalms 4 - 10 years ago
    All I can say is sister and brother let us set aside things that trouble us give them to God he will and can deal with whatever it is Amen trust him I am a witness he will do what u ask him when u do what his word says
  • Edwin Ojala on Psalms 4:1 - 10 years ago
    the verse is inspiring
  • Agisogu Moses on Psalms 4 - 10 years ago
    I love
  • DonnaMarie on Psalms 4 - 10 years ago
    I am thankful to be so confident that the Lord watches over me. Stay close to Him and you will always feel His sweet presence
  • Samuel on Psalms 4 - 10 years ago
    Psalms . Am proud to be a child of God he is the solutions to all our problem .I love reading psalms
  • Martha on Psalms 4:8 - 10 years ago
    I Love this Psalms so much, it makes me think about how I sleep at night, by the grace of God. When the Lord took my son home to be with him, I thought I would never sleep at night but when I lock my doors at night, I ask the Lord to watch over me, and send a kiss and hug to my son. I sleep like a baby. Thank You Father in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Donald O. Driver on Psalms 4 - 10 years ago
    We must look to Lord God the Father our Creator in heaven to supply all our needs and to wait patiently for them

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