I've been struggling with feelings of inadequacy as I try to strengthen my relationship with God. I feel that the devil keeps reminding me of my terrible past. My Pastor told me to read this chapter of Psalms. Verses 8-12 ASSURE me that it is my GOD-given right to be happy in my salvation & my christian life. My Pastor told me that once we ask for forgiveness, God doesn't want US to keep bringing it up.....Good point. Wonderful scripture....
This chapter paints a picture of what true repentence is all about. It is a reminder to me of how weak and fragile I am. Hence to always look to Jesus for power over sin. Helps me to be humble
This chapter is for me the template for a truely repentant heart looking for redemption and healling. Being ever so mindfull of my origanal sin rather than the actual sercumstance that brought about distruction.