Discuss Psalms 51 Page 3

  • Martinus Kudumo on Psalms 51 - 4 years ago
    Greeting Jesus name!!!

    What does Zion mean, or stand for? in that psalm 51:18

    Thank you
  • Chris - In Reply on Psalms 51 - 4 years ago
    To understand 'iniquities' in Psalm 51, indeed the whole Bible, we would need to look at the other similar words as well. So briefly:

    a. Iniquities. Heb: awon. Refers to the inner character of a person and points to an intentional twisting of a given standard (by God).

    b. Sin. Heb: chatta'ah. Means 'to miss the mark'. As when God sets a standard for us to follow & we fall short of it or miss it entirely (as when an archer fails to hit or misses his target altogether).

    c. Transgression. Heb: pesha. A wilful rebellion against a given standard. Similar in meaning to Iniquities but one of rebellion against God's Standards rather than a twisting of them.

    All similar in meaning, yet specifically shown as separate words & meanings so as the readers will know what is meant.
  • M on Psalms 51 - 4 years ago
    What's an iniquities
  • Deacon Ced - In Reply on Psalms 51 - 4 years ago
    After reading the comment and finding so many things that apply to our world today. I am always amazed at how God is using people to fish for people in the quest to save souls. Encouraging for me
  • Carleton - In Reply on Psalms 72 - 4 years ago
    More scriptures on Repentance and Conversion:

    Luke 18:13 ; Matthew 9:13 ; Psalms 51:17 2 Corinthians 7:9-11 ; 1 John 1:19 ; Luke 15:18 ; Matthew 3:5-6 ; Acts 19:17-18 ; Romans 6:2 ; 2 Chronicles 7:14 ; Luke 19:8 ; 1 Thessalonians 5:22 ; 2 Corinthians 7:11 ; Romans 8:13 ; Colossians 3:5 ; John 5:24 ; Ephesians 2:1 ; Romans 8:2 ; John 3:5-8 ; Ephesians 5:26 ; Titus 3:5 ; 2 Corinthians 5:17 ;

    Romans 12:2 ; John 1:29 ; John 3:14-15 ; 1 Peter 3:18 ; Romans 5:1-2 ; Romans 8:1 ; Philippians 4:7 ; Romans 8:2 ; Romans 8:11-14 ; 2 Corinthians 5:17 ; 1 John 3:19 ; 1 Peter 1:23 ; Psalms 119:11 ; 1 John 4:7 ; Romans 5:5 ; Matthew 5:44 ; 1 John 5:4 ; John 16:33 ; James 1:27 ; 2 Corinthians 4:10 ; Acts 11:26 ; Romans 8:29 ; Ezekiel 36:26-27 ; Ephesians 2:2-3 ; Ephesians 2 4-6 ; Matthew 18:3 ; Acts 3:19 ; Ephesians 4:22-24 ; Colossians 3:1-14 ; Romans 8:29 ; Romans 8:29 ; Romans 6:1-2 ; Matthew 1:21

    Likely there are more that are missed here.

  • Carleton on Psalms 51:12 - 4 years ago
    Dear fellow traveller, sometimes it is good to remember that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is for all who believe. It does not matter at all what you believe in this world as true or false, because the world is not part of the Kingdom of Christ. Seek and you shall find, knock and His door will open. In the world it is getting more and more difficult to complete another day without fear gnawing at one's heart. Freedom from fear is faith and true repentance in Jesus Christ (pour out your unrighteousness before Jesus Christ and turn away from sin and become a new creature in Him). Do not be dismayed by those who may claim the same faith and yet walk without peace and love and most importantly forgiveness and reconciliation in our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. There will be no excuse before the Lord not to have personally come to Him and have let Him (Jesus) wash away your sins by His finished work at Calvary. His blood and water spilt there that fell back to the dust of the earth gave us a second chance to inherit an eternal life in peace and praise, if only we would believe unto Salvation. We cannot do this work ourselves and we must recognize that our very selves, our very hearts and minds are polluted and need the Lord's gift of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide His people, His Holy people, His eternal Tribe to the Last day. In the Last day, he will come for the believer, he will lift the believer up and away from the earth they live in and on. He will change the believer to an eternal state with a Holy eternal Body. Likewise on this same last day the earth and firmament will also be change to a state of eternal darkness and despair. The sinners left will cry out for judgement and try to confess their sin but there will only be despair. They, the devil, Satan and the un-holy fallen angels will along with the burning earth and firmament will enter into the eternal fallen state in eternal darkness in the lake of fire.

    This day will come like a thief in the night.
  • Bob Grove on Psalms 51:12 - 4 years ago
    Read a lot of verses starting at Gen 1 26 , Gen 3 v 22 , John 5v7 was the closest but certainly not specific enough to take seriously.

    John 10.30 , Malachi 3 v 16, 17 , acts , let's face reality there is not a single verse in All scriptures that even Mention the trinity , in context for a God head namely The father , Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit!

    God never changes , do you understand how that could be ?

    Sorry but I don't believe in Christian evolution.
  • Mari B on Psalms 51:12 - 4 years ago
    Jesus said you must be born of water & the Spirit to enter into the kingdom of God. This is part of the gospel.

    PLease read 2nd Thessalonians 1:7-9.

    We must know our God & obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ or be punished w everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord & from the glory of his power.
  • Bob Grove on Psalms 51:12 - 4 years ago
    Read a lot of verses starting at Gen 1 26 , Gen 3 v 22 , John 5v7 was the closest but certainly not specific enough to take seriously.

    John 10.30 , Malachi 3 v 16, 17 , acts , let's face reality there is not a single verse in All scriptures that even Mention the trinity , in context for a God head namely The father , Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit!

    God never changes , do you understand how that could be ?

    Sorry but I don't believe in Christian evolution.
  • Onyekachukwu Ogechi Levinus Alaka on Psalms 51:12 - 4 years ago
    Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation. Salvation he had known, and had known it as the Lord's own; he had also felt the joy which arises from being saved in the Lord, but he had lost it for a while, and therefore he longed for its restoration. None but God can give back this joy; he can do it; we may ask it; he will do it for his own glory and our benefit. This joy comes not first, but follows pardon and purity: in such order it is safe, in any other it is vain presumption or idiotic delirium. And uphold me with thy free Spirit. Conscious of weakness, mindful of having so lately fallen, he seeks to be kept on his feet by power superior to his own. That royal Spirit, whose holiness is true dignity, is able to make us walk as kings and priests, in all the uprightness of holiness; and he will do so if we seek his gracious upholding. Such influences will not enslave but emancipate us; for holiness is liberty, and the Holy Spirit is a free Spirit. In the roughest and most treacherous ways we are safe with such a Keeper; in the best paths we stumble if left to ourselves. The praying for joy and upholding go well together; it is all over with joy if the foot is not kept; and, on the other hand, joy is a very upholding thing, and greatly aids holiness; meanwhile, the free, noble, royal Spirit is at the bottom of both.
  • Howard Coston on Psalms 51 - 4 years ago
    The sin in us grows inside of us as a seed that mutiplies inside of us hiding within us as small but as we grow in statute and age on the outside the hidden seed of sin grows inside our souls setting the sinner up to dominate and control the man as his slave or servant not down in Egypt but within the man's life who is not aware of who or what is working inside of him because sin is deceptive and blinding living inside the man soul only can the light of Gods word expose this dark nature through the fruit that is manifested and reveal through choices decisions made within the man life the word declares that if God be 4 us who can be against us the sinful nature that is created in us at birth is within us but is also against us which is against God so Jesus was made in likeness of sinful flesh to condemn sin within our mans flesh but only the word of God which was in the beginning was God and only that same word was made flesh and men beheld that Glory that same word which was in the beginning is still present now for the word is Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end can save set free and deliver man even in the middle of time from the shackle and grip of the practice of sin which holds men in prison tight but men can only be delivered through God's might only through and within the word of God hallelujah Thank you sir God Thank you Lord Lord Jesus Thank you Holy Spirit the liberator of men spirit and soul God the word is the invisible Jesus the word was the visible made into flesh The Holy Spirit is the invisible within men who is also called the greater one inside of us than he the wicked one who is the god of this world the enemy who sowed the tares at night when men were asleep Look at the past present and future conditions which is a messed then now and forever here on earth unless he the Son is allowed welcomed invited inside of men lives where sin was birth dwells and is raging throughout within man like the covid 19 by his stripes is Healing
  • Alan on James 2 - 4 years ago
    Augustine (354-430) first shaped the doctrine of original sin,[7][5] seeing it as based on the New Testament teaching of Paul the Apostle ( Romans 5:12-21 and 1 Corinthians 15:21-22) and the Old Testament verse of Psalms 51:5.[8][9][10][11][12] Tertullian (c. 155 - c. 240), Cyprian, Ambrose and Ambrosiaster considered that humanity shares in Adam's sin, transmitted by human generation. Augustine said that free will was weakened but not destroyed by original sin.[5] Augustine's formulation of original sin was popular among Protestant reformers, such as Martin Luther and John Calvin, who equated original sin with concupiscence (or "hurtful desire"), affirming that it persisted even after baptism and completely destroyed freedom to do good and proposed that original sin involved a loss of free will except to sin.[13]

    My question is. What did the early church (Before Agustine) believe? Clearly, they did not have Augustine's view.

    Also, are we saying Jesus was plan B?
  • Hazel Carty on Psalms 51 - 4 years ago
    create in me a clean heart O Lord and a right spirit I pray,
  • Jr on Psalms 51 - 4 years ago
    When you're free from iniquity is when you cn humble yourself before god and openly confess your sins before him. deliverence comes from open confessions.
  • Jim on Psalms 51 - 4 years ago
    Repent first before you do your daily prayer. So that your prayer can get to the lord.ask the Lord for forgiveness, of all of your sins. If you think for a second that you didn't sin, remember born into sin shape out of iniquity psalms 51.
  • Aretha on Psalms 51 - 4 years ago
    Beautiful scripture so glad He forgives us our sins.Thankful because He's a Just God..
  • Isiko jared on Psalms 51:11 - 4 years ago
    This verse reminds me of how God is gracious for his servants.If you repent and turn to him with your whole heart.
  • Mm - In Reply on Psalms 51:10 - 4 years ago
    Amen Chris!
  • Fred Scanlan - In Reply on Psalms 51 - 4 years ago
    Mr.Bodi, You will see the word "sanctification" in the scripture, and there is nothing wrong with your memory. In the process of sanctification, there is a cleansing process taking place in you. Romans 6:5+6, teach you what is happening to your body. Every time you read the scripture ,the holy spirit is directing you into truth and is teaching you what is most needful. read the parables that Christ teaches.Christ will use nature to describe himself and who He is.The gospel are the first 4 books and the most needful.There is nothing wrong with your memory.Understand that you have been born into sin, and your flesh is opposed to anything that is of God, including His words. always eyes on HIM!
  • Jordan Olayemi - In Reply on Psalms 51:4 - 4 years ago
    Wesley's Notes for Psalms 51:4

    Justified - This will be the fruit of my sin, that whatsoever severities thou shalt use towards me, it will be no blemish to thy righteousness, but thy justice will be glorified by all men. Speakest - Heb. in thy words, in all thy threatenings denounced against me
  • Mickey on Psalms 51 - 4 years ago
    Genesis. God said his work was Good. People who get surgery to be another sex are out of order. It's unnatural. Even tho they are mangled they can repent of their sins, forever walk away from that lifestyle, and come to the Cross of Jesus for forgiveness and spiritual restoration. Tell them. Jesus is strong enough to forgive and love them into the Kingdom of God. Pray for them.
  • Olabode on Psalms 51 - 4 years ago
    Lord Jesus, I know I be sin against you and all humanity,please,Precious Father,iam requesting,through this website and my parents to seek for complete transformation of my lifestyle towards your Holy temple ⛪ and other areas of my lifes.Thank you for listening and granting me this morning requests. Father I give u all the Glory in peace and honor.🙏.I love ❤ you Jesus!!!
  • Bode on Psalms 51 - 4 years ago
    Sir,what can I do,in other to improve my memory power? I forget what I read,and when I remember,they are gone. Secondly, I need the following: Wisdom knowledge and understanding of the almighty Jehovah words.Thank you.Remain
  • Bob Hilt - In Reply on Acts 2 - 4 years ago
    if one can not lost their salvation and the Holy Spirit can not leave...then why this?
    Psalms 51:11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.
    Exodus 32:33 And the LORD said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book.
    (one can have their name blotted out of the book of life and yes I know they are not saved yet)
    Revelation 3:5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.
  • Ponchita on Psalms 51 - 5 years ago
    I have experienced transformation in Christ
    This scripture describes the process of deliverance through AA ..... but these scriptures are not written in the book but AA is based on Spiritual a Principles!!!
    With both books my soul is free.....!!!
  • Zoba otegbulu on Psalms 51 - 5 years ago
    lord plss have mercy
  • Ralph Waller on Psalms 51 - 5 years ago
    A true repentance by David. When we need to repent knowing God already knows our sin. Nathan gave one of the best way to understand the Lords purpose YOU ARE THE MAN DAVID. And sinners we are the one. Humble yourself and acknowledge your sin!
  • Ijeoma Otigbuo on Psalms 51 - 5 years ago
    God forgive me, a miserable sinner.
  • Marvelene Covington on Psalms 51 - 5 years ago
    I know l sin every day l ask God to for give me if I say or do anything that displease him and I pray Ps 51 love the Lord want to see God when my time is up here Ps51 I pray every day in Jesus name Amen
  • BettyAnn Street on Psalms 51 - 5 years ago
    We would sing it every Sunday in the Lutheran church this my favorite Bible verse

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