Lord even when I don't deserve Mercy you are always there for me. I see it through the thing you're doing in my life. For this I say thank you. Thanks for spreading the word. God bless you
Lord I know I'm sinners and I want to repent, Lord cleanse me and forgive me, O Lord have mercy on me, Lord I need you please come into within my heart and touch me with your holy spirit. Thank you Lord in Jesus name. Amen!
Jesus had no sin and being born is not sin, David even says he was born in sin like being born into a pool. That scripture also must be taken in context because David was talking to God about the sin he did and he basically was like I was born into this, I was shaped in immoral behavior the flesh Psalms 51: 5 "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me."
I am that Michael Isaac Dale on Psalms 51 - 5 years ago
Now, do Satan and his angels indwell many earthen vessels. Did not GOD save many spirits of his children which are all holy Angels? Now, if the wicked be the only spirit in a vessel, is he hidden? It is written, Whoso digs a pit shall fall therein: and he that sets a trap shall be taken therein. The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken.
What we have acquired in life, and what we are valued at in terms of assets has no value with God. We cannot serve God and mammon. The Lord our God repects no man and values what we have in our heart, not our bank account.Wealth is a hinderance to salvation as we will depend on it and not on the grace of God to deliver us.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, then follows His favour and mercy. Even in testing times always walk in His light and His absolute love shines upon you forever...
Being that God implores us to "Put Him In Remembrance" (Is.43:26) let us then boldly come before His Throne Of Grace, as we remind God that "His Mercy Is New Each Morning" -
( Lam 3:23)... expecting to be forgiven daily, as His faith completes us in every way .
No matter what fears may be bothering your mind. God wants to deliver you.He promises to keep us in perfect peace when we keep our minds on Him. Today, meditate on His goodness. On His perfect Love which casts out all fear. As you seek the Lord, He will answer you. He will deliver you and lead you in the path of peace and victory all the days of your life. Always fear the Lord. He is your answer!!
To have no fear, is to fear God. He is almighty to us-- for did not He create our world. Every morning should be special as we are here another day, not yet promised. Give God the Glory, y getting on your knees and praying to Him to help you in every situation you face. When the enemy is close, know He is near to help His children, as He did His Son Jesus. Gather strength from His Life. PRAISE HIM
Lord, I give you my heart,I give you my soul, help me Lord to live for you alone.I give you the right way to work in my heart and my spirit. Lord cleanse my heart and renew my spirit.Lord have your way in me.9n Jesus name I ask this. Amen! Amem!
2 Timothy 2:15: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Psalms 51:11: Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.
Does a Christian ever have to pray this in light of John 14:16? And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
We need to repent, some of us all day long. To thank God for not killing us in I crazy low down self. Because God is worthy of Horner !
I’m like Paul the things we say,that we will not say are do. We Do! And Say! Lord I Need You Every Time, My Heart Take A Beat ! Or I Take A Breath ! Help ! Help ! Help! Help ! And Please Lord! Don’t Take Your Holy Spirit From Me !
I love this chapter because it letse know that confession and repentance is very important to God admitting my guilt to him. Asking him to cleanse me and create in me a clean heart that mean alot to me because the only way I'm going to make it is asking for forgiveness and men and mice in and asking God to heal me and cleanse me from my iniquities.
Search me Cleanse me Wash me oh Lord Help me to know better, Do better, Talk better Walk better. I need you Lord, Oh how I need thee every hour......
Teresa: Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. ( John 14:6) In Matthew 19, the young rich man wasn't willing to give up everything to follow Jesus. Read Matthew 10:38, Romans 6:1-23, Romans 12:1, 1 Peter 4:1-11, 1 John 2:1-29, Matthew 5 (all of it) and if you doubt that mortals can live as Christ did, Philippians 4:13.
You cannot be saved unless you have been baptized The Holy Trinity is one with God.
This is what God requires us to do so that we
Can become one with him.
You have Faith so take the next step to complete your relationship with the Lord.
My God Bless you and Keep you safe in his care.
Let's all take note of what God desires most: The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit. He hates arrogance, He hates pride, always acknowledge your low estate, always make yourself available as His vessel for the Lord to use to the glory of His Name.
Theresa God did not give us the spirit of fear,shake that devil off and assemble yourself among other. If you afraid to be around people on earth, what about heaven.The place were we all will be praising god together.â€
Unholy life can take someone from the presence of God, the writer of the above scripture desires living in continuous holiness and yearns for constant ministration of the Holy Spirit.
Teresa, baptism is an outward sign of an inward change. First confess the fact that without Jesus you cannot make it to heaven and then trust in what He did on the cross. salvation is about trusting the finished work of Jesus on the cross. After you trust Jesus pray for God t guide you He will send someone to you to help you. I will be praying for you and God bless you
To Teresa, by reading your bible every day shows you're Truly seeking GOD. Just a suggestion don't allow people to distract you.
Attend church and praying as you search for a church home is most important. Get connected to a church family and a Pastor ask God to show you the way and he will. Believe that you'll found the right Pastor and the right church.
PrayingðŸ™ðŸ™ðŸ™ for you.
( Lam 3:23)... expecting to be forgiven daily, as His faith completes us in every way .
Psalms 51:11: Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.
Does a Christian ever have to pray this in light of John 14:16? And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
I’m like Paul the things we say,that we will not say are do. We Do! And Say! Lord I Need You Every Time, My Heart Take A Beat ! Or I Take A Breath ! Help ! Help ! Help! Help ! And Please Lord! Don’t Take Your Holy Spirit From Me !
1 Peter 4:1-11, 1 John 2:1-29, Matthew 5 (all of it) and if you doubt that mortals can live as Christ did, Philippians 4:13.
You cannot be saved unless you have been baptized The Holy Trinity is one with God.
This is what God requires us to do so that we
Can become one with him.
You have Faith so take the next step to complete your relationship with the Lord.
My God Bless you and Keep you safe in his care.
Attend church and praying as you search for a church home is most important. Get connected to a church family and a Pastor ask God to show you the way and he will. Believe that you'll found the right Pastor and the right church.
PrayingðŸ™ðŸ™ðŸ™ for you.