Discuss Psalms 69 Page 2

  • Jon on Psalms 69:1 - 10 years ago
    This is messianic psalm of David.It speaks of Christ pouring his soul to God the Father in the face of impendind death for the salvation of me and you. If christ the Son of God was able to pray to his Father, what makes you and me not to come boldly to the throne of grace to find mercy and grace during the times of our needs? Indeed the Father saved the Son from the sinking death and grave.Can our God stands afar from your grievous and sinking situations? Not at all. Those who has acknowledged and accepted Christ as their Savior, the Father surely will meet their needs.
  • Dorothy blair on Psalms 69:21 - 10 years ago
    jesus was given vinegar to drink instead of water, this was significant because during the last supper when he drank the wine that symbolized his blood, he told his deciples that he would not drink of this fruit again until he drank with them in heaven, the other drinks offered him was mixed with wine.
  • John Rhinem on Psalms 69:32 - 10 years ago
    ....Whom have I but Thee 0 Lord; and there is no other on earth or in heaven, that I desire nor love more than You. Amen & amen., *
  • John Rhinem on Psalms 69:22 - 10 years ago
    So let it be written, so let it be done., *
  • John Rhinem on Psalms 69:22 - 10 years ago
    So let it be written, so let it be done., *
  • Jacob on Psalms 69:9 - 10 years ago
    Gods word is true, alive and sharper than any two edged sword.blessed be the name of theLord.
  • T.k on Psalms 69 - 10 years ago
    verse of the day
  • Suansy on Psalms 69 - 10 years ago
    one does not have to offend people, before you can have enemies, sometimes they course you to acknowledge the almighty God. Jehovah saboah
  • Loang on Psalms 69:35 - 11 years ago
    Elohim save zion
  • TR Ahlstrom on Psalms 69 - 11 years ago
    This is a great mystery. It is the mystery of sin. The degree to which the sinless Son of God actually entered into our sins, "bearing our sins in his body on the cross" will never, in this life or the next, be fully known or appreciated. The total identification of Jesus with the shame and sorrow of sin has never been and will never be understood. Even writing this, I am amazed. What I know is that any shame I have ever felt, he felt many times over. Any reproach I have ever borne, he bore doubled and squared. He who alone bore the glorious name of God as his own became of "no reputation," while we who are but dust seek great names for ourselves, - and yet he loves us still. How can this be? What wondrous love is this, oh my soul.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Psalms 69 - 12 years ago
    The Lord Jesus Christ when he said "I Thirst" on the cross completed this Psalm. Jesus is the water of life, and we need to eat his flesh, and drink his blood to be saved. I pray that if anyone thirst today that he will receive Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. May the Lord bless you richly my beloved.
  • Audrie on Psalms 69 - 13 years ago
    I needed to read this chapter very powerful it speaks to me in everyway. This morning woke up depressed and sad been that way for a while at times I just want to cry. I'm going through some things and the way I'm dealing with them is not right. I finally had to talk to God and ask him for guidance, restore my happiness people are used to seeing, read my bible,go to church every Sunday. As I read this chapter it falls in place with how I was feeling my heart was just empty. I was feeling so alone I have close friends but I couldnt talk to them there's no way they would understand. Today is the day when I start to do whats right and keep Jesus in my heart, have faith and blieve only believe whatever going in my life he will fix it.I'm not a bad person but I do have low self-esteem,dealing with depression, unhappy with my life. I realize life is what I make of it and so far my making is terrible. Im trying very hard just pray for me.
  • Matie on Psalms 69 - 13 years ago
    This is my every day prayer to the ALMIGHTY LORD.

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