Discuss Psalms 70 Page 8

  • Deloren Allen on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    I thank God for waking me up this morning I thank God for food for a roof over my head I thank God for my children and my grand children I thank God for comeing in my life save me chang me deliver me from when I was younger running away from home I was selling drugs I was hanging with the wrong crowd I had a child at the age of 16 and my kids father and I got married in 2002 and we had more children and we went our separate ways and I had a child by that man I thank God for changing me to a better person cause I had so much hurt inside that I found love in all the one wrong places I thank God that he protected me I was abuse by my first husband and was abuse by my second husband I thank God for healing my son from cancer I thank God for healing my other son from front heart disease I thank God for healing my body from a bad goal bladder that busted on me I had to get 6 ponds of blood tranfulstion I thank God for changing me I thank God for my paster silvester Morris and his wife first lady Morris old fashion church of God in christ I thank God everyday for coming in my life and save me and deliver me from the drinking
  • Shereese ANN clark on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    I need godto bless me my unemplorment money to come threw and i need the extra 600 dollars to come threw also so i can pay bills and rent and to buy food
  • Carl - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Jesus loves children! Remember how he blessed them when the disciples wanted to turn them away. Let's be like Jesus. We don't have any record of how Jesus' influence affected those children, just like we don't know how we will influence the children we love today. But no doubt it can only be good! Blessings to you and your family.
  • Kim b - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Melinda praying, I'd you will stay in Gods word, pray and read, and keep your eyes on God. He said I will never leave you or forsake you. I'm telling you this from experience,during all this God has given 2
  • Diann Rodgers - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Are you reading and researching the Bible? This will help you get closer to the Lord your God.
  • Diann Rodgers - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    I believe the best was to start is to know His word. And the best way to do that is to read His book.. over and over again. And as you are reading take notes, jot down questions. Then research those notes and questions.

    God will help you the best after you know what He is all about.

    It will take work to get to the point where you can help others. You can't expect God to wave his hand over you and by magic you are ready to help others. Now you and your friends can work on this project together. Remember that God said where 2 or more are gathered in his Name there He will be also.
  • Diann Rodgers - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Perhaps you need to find a project to do. Think back to your school days and summer breaks. We're you down then too? Or did you participate in projects.

    These projects can be creative or research. You can look outside. Write down all you see out of a window.


    Draw- doesn't have to be a masterpiece

    Paint- same

    Sew, knit, crochet, embroidery, needle point, tat, hairpin lace, etc. .... same

    Build- same

    Put together or take apart- same

    Cook, Bake- same


    *Start with an object then see how you can change it. Or why it is growing. How does it grow. Or if not living research how it was created and formed in the manner it was. If you see a flying object.

    *Answer all the w questions ... Who. What. When. Where. Why. Then an H... How.

    Now you develop;

  • Diann Rodgers - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    God may be telling you to do something about this situation.

    Perhaps you should show them the way to God.

    You can take them to Sunday School.

    You can do some research and find games and coloring for them to do. God will help their minds if you pray to God. Only He will know what will spark the beginning of their interest and curiosity. You supply the SPARK.
  • Margaret on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    My grand children live in a very dysfunctional home. they are not taken to church ,nor are they taught about God. They are hooked on the games on their tablet and computer so much so that they spend like 12 hours a day on them. The games are not all age appropriate for them. they play all night , sleep all day. Do no chores , I believe the electronics are an escape for them . an escape from the coursing, yelling ETC. I, THE GRANDMOTHER , WOULD LOVE TO TAKE THEM AND TRY TO BRING THEM UP IN THE FEAR AND ADORATION OF THE LORD. I ASK YOU TO PRAY THAT God will open the door for me to be able to work with the children, to give them the love I so want to give them and allow me to teach them about how much God loves them, how precious they are. I am so concerned about their out come as they grow older if someone doesn't take them under wing please pray for the chains of bondage be broken for these children.
  • Hugo leo Sierra on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Let.s pray for Chile in these difficult times of pandimic. This will reach far away in distance phyisically but close in spirit.
  • Bridget aldea on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    pls lord send me my future husband man will never cheat will ove me and these kids spoil me move us out of this small apt
  • Melinda Amburn on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    I am a christian and i have been very depressed during this time of locked down on this colona virus out break. I have talked to my doctor and have all the things she suggest i do so far they are doing so far.. But still have times of sadness and blue feelings that over come me at times. I am asking that i may have peace and control to over come these feelings i am experince ing at this time. And strenght to over come and begin to feel stronger and better. God Bless Melinda
  • Nana on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Yes, and I'm very much grateful and thankful for the message on giving your life to Christ Jesus of Nazareth Thank you so much for the teaching and explaining every step to repentance and SIN Please, I need prayers for my family, I'm the grandmother here over 5 young Boys and one granddaughter I live with my daughter and her husband and grandsons I have pulled away from the worldly things and have decided to follow Lord Christ Jesus of Nazareth I'm in so need of prayers for strengthening of myself, I'm weak at times, I'm the only person in the home that has pulled away from the worldly habits and things of the world I have no one to teach me, pray for me, I'm in prayers daily, Cummins, I do my best to listen to channel's that seems to be teaching the word of God The Lord has given a message to a Sister in Christ Jesus that I just came out of the wilderness this past February 2020. Hallelujah hallelujah Praise God Any help in prayers will be Sincerely appropriate and grateful God bless you dearly and the Ministry Sincerely thankful Teresa
  • Elivod on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    I was lost but I came to decision of wanting to devote my life to Him. Please pray the Lord to save me and my closest friends and family, help me change to the will of God, to become more stronger in expressing the word of God, to push away the sins and temptations, to live a life that God wants me to, to follow Him completely, that I come closer to God and that I receive the peace and confirmation of my salvation through Holy Spirit. Thank you.
  • Katie Bradford on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago

    If you can hear me ask that you protect my mother when I can't, she doesn't believe in you but i'm hoping that my love for you will be enough to protect her when i'm not there
  • GLENISE Holmes on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Pray for the head,they falling how could the followers stand.
  • Ebony Burke on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Prayer for myself and my children prayer for a better understanding prayer to getting closer to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Prayers for all of Gods children in Jesus name Amen
  • Scott 3939Spiritual Awakening3939 Old Soul trapped in this body the vessel which on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    I open my heart to my lord in savior to ask for mercy on me to restore the light of righteousness to encouragement and bless my body and soul for guidance of being more positive vibrations coming from what my mind thinks to lead more positive to less vocal toxic when someone triggers my inner thoughts that comes out of my mouth to speak more of being a humble person when I speak the lords name to others that laugh to mock or turn a blind eyes.

    I'm a little under stress and fear that my beloved pet who is almost 13 and is under the weather to where days are good some days are bad. My best Friend Poodle mix with spaniel named Meatix aka Meathead who kept me out of the darkness to bring me closer to my lord for 13 years and I'm scared and fear to lose him...I made a commitment to him to be there and to be loyal through sickness to getting old where he is getting weak and asking for a miracle for him to be blessed with a healing of light pass through his body to get well and strength to have him here for more years even though there life spand is short,please my lord I'm asking for a miracle...He needs me and I need him in these trials of test to world current events to keep me focus on the right path..Dylan needs a miracle and asking you to guide him and bring him out of a coma to be with his family..he's to young to die..Have blessing on my family to give faith to be close to our heavenly father to awaken the hearts to a spiritual awakening and bless them from getting sick to any health issues may occur daily to give them the light of encouragement to bring us closer as off now the family is not speaking to one another and it burdens me..I request for you to have mercy on his soul to rest peacefully that my friend Brad who passed away last july 7 unexpectedly where his girlfriend and I did everything we could to bring him back not knowing the cause of health issue before the ems got here to them doing everything ....I carry a burden on my heart Amen..
  • Amanda on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Prayer Request

    I'm trying to move home but really I want to stay where I am. I am having a wonderful time at work, but my home life is completely trash. I have not been able to find a comfortable place to live in the city and state where I live. I live in Murfreesboro TN which is outside of Nashville, so the cost of living is beyond my means. I have had to have roommates each time that I have been in an apartment. The habits of the other people and my desires don't mesh well and I am not well liked because I am not overtly friendly because I want to be respected. Each time I have moved the roommates have been unscrupulous and I end up being a victim to the other people whom live there. I have been chewed out and told that I am nitpicking when having to clean up after the other roommates or listen to the constant moving and noise.

    My lease at this place is about to be up on July 15 and I'm trying to go home or find somewhere else to live. I don't have many belongings but I just talked to a moving company and they are saying to move one room of things it will cost 3200. I'm just tired of the conflict between me and this other young lady. We share a bathroom and it causes conflict because of the cleanliness of the house. The girl is very manipulative and thinks that the whole situation is funny and is entertaining to her. I received a text message from the owners of the house saying: Manda why in the world he's picking a fight over toilet seat being up?It is literally the most minor thing in the world.Please stop making your point of causing anxiety and discomfort. I feel this is wrong because the other young lady has been leaving the seat of the toilet up intentionally for weeks. I have had to ignore her for weeks and had to buy ear plugs because the girl is loud rude and obnoxious. She even went to the length of placing socks that she worked in on the island counter in the kitchen. And the people are defending her. I told the owners of the house and I am the o
  • Sandra M on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    PLEASE pray for a complete healing of body for James B. He has rectal bleeding and digestive problems. THANK YOU & GOD BLESS YOU.
  • Leih on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    When I went to sleep about 2 months ago something attacked me for about 6 hours. I felt my soul go elsewhere and I was lost somewhere. I saw 4 horses scatter in 4 different directions of the earth. I couldn't tell what was real or fake. My heart had been hurting as if I were dying before that night. I was crying out to God and staying up until 4am reading the Bible. That night I didn't do it. My mom & sister spoke tongues over me & I came back but then I sang "Messiah" & I cried but it was blood that came from my eyes. Then it stopped. I had been having a lot of dreams before that where I would end up crying & I was scared to sleep. I'm doing better now but please pray that God keeps me safe. I love God & I always will. I don't know why that happened but I never want it to happen again. Thank you.
  • Sue on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Pls pray for my daughter. She has such a world view of things going on and just thinks I am wrong and wants to argue and thinks she is right about everything. She is only 26 and think she knows everything now because she went to college and is extremely smart. I am finding myself not talking too much because I don't know what to say anymore. I can't bring up anything that is going on right now because she just tells me that I am wrong. I keep praying for I am getting very sad at her thought process and feeling discouraged.
  • Dan on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    My prayer request is to pray for this country , the USA.
  • Mishael on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago

    Jesus Christ is the Son of God

    His Virgin birth

    His perfect sinless life

    His Death on the Cross

    Resurrected after 3 days

    Witnessed by his disciples and at least 500 people in town who SAW him with their own eyes and gave testimony of it.

    If anything is added on or taken away, then that is heresy.
  • Mishael on James 217 on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    If someone is starving or about to lapse in a diabetic coma, and you stand on your vow not to feed bums... what good is your faith?

    Got some good faith verses in Galatians too.
  • Ana on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    For a lady father name Jose that he can be free from homelessness and addiction that God can send an angel to speak to him and protect his live from evil also protection for his family who are trap or curse from their generation to generation
  • Arissa Nolastname on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Protection.For Shavuot 2020/Hebrew year 5781. For revelation, knowledge, understanding, application, & fulfillment of Holy Scripture in my life, as I commit to reading/meditating on it as often as needed.

    Pray against the python/Jezebel/anti-Christ, opposer/adversary, antagonist that tries to stop all things relating to the move of God in my life.
  • Gwen HOWELL on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for me as I am believing God for my health, physical as well as mental. I am still grieving the loss of my husband in July of 2018. Pray that God continues to give me strength to endure, and make wise decisions.
  • Rebekah - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    I have complete and utter confidence in the resurrection and that you will see your son again. You and your wife will be healed physically and mentally in God's new Kingdom. Believe what Jesus tells us and draw near to him, he will turn all your sorrows into joy.

    I am praying for you both.

    God bless.
  • Veronica on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    This is indeed a difficult time. I find myself at a loss for words and emotions everywhere as the world and people are in a state of defiance, fear and uncertainty. Some are turning to the word and others don't know the word. I am a Christian. During this time I have been reading the word, seeking peace and understanding. I have a job but I will not returning to it as things reopen. It is a hard decision a lack of stability, income, medical and life insurance is so fearful, but the decision had to made...covid just happened. Change is something I do not do well with. I am asking for prayers to help me with my fears, to find calmness and peace of mind with the changes I have to except as the world enters a new norm. Thank you

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