It's the LIVING WORD that teaches us by studying his written word: He wrote it; he will CAUSE you to understand, his word.
You have not, because you ASK NOT, and when you ask, you ask amiss; things to be consumed by the flesh.
To whom much is GIVEN ....The LIFE of Christ ....much more will be GIVEN .... the MIND (knowledge and wisdom) of Christ.
Stand firm in what the SPIRIT teaches YOU.
Psalms 82:6 I have SAID ( Isaiah 55:11) Ye are gods, the children of the most high.
John 10:35 If he (the written word) called them gods, unto whom (unto Francesco) the (living) WORD (Christ in you) came, the scripture CANNOT be broken.
God bless YOU, the body of CHRIST, and Christ is the body of GOD, OUR Father.
I'm responding to your reply without reading any of the responses, so my thoughts will stay focused. Just incase there's repeating._..
Being you're still alive, it's not final judgement: Matthew 4:17, Acts 17:30, 2Peter 3:9, in context read whole chapter. Psalms 48:14, Proverbs 10:12, Proverbs 13:14, Ezekiel 33:11, Ezekiel 18:32,
it could be warning from GOD: Psalms 118:18,
or attack not from GOD,: Ephesians 6:12,
Psalms 90,
Jeremiah 18:8,
Psalms 37,
You are angry because of injustice it seems: Exodus 21, Exodus 22, Leviticus 20, Numbers 35, Proverbs 8:36, Genesis 18:19, Proverbs 21:3,
Psalms 73, Jeremiah 27:7-18, Isaiah 58, Isaiah 59, Matthew 25:31-46, James 2,
You are conflicting 2 different seeds; Psalms 82:6 does not mean we are GODS but we all belong to GOD. All souls belong to GOD; Ezekiel 18:4
Luke 8:11 Is a parable; and a very different seed=Gr. sporos (seed planting eg) where our English word spores come from. Seed of Abraham Romans 11:1 is Gr. sperma
Galatians 3:18 For if the inheritance be of the law, but it (the inheritance) is no more of PROMISE, but God gave it to Abraham by PROMISE.
We have to know what this PROMISE is.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the WORD (THE SEED), and the WORD (THE SEED) was with God, and the WORD (THE SEED) was God.
Now we know Christ is the SEED, but Christ is also the ANGEL of the Lord; therefore HIS SEED, those born of GOD will also be an angel, because we have become ONE.
Ephesians 2:15 ....for to make IN HIMSELF ONE NEW MAN.
Isaiah 63:9 ....and the ANGEL of HIS (the Father, SPIRIT) presence SAVED THEM.
Christ is the ANGEL.
A SEED always duplicates itself, wheat seed always makes wheat seed, it's a LAW of GOD.
When Christ the SEED is planted in you; at maturity you will be the exact same SEED: two; you and Christ, become ONE.
Galatians 3:19 Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added for transgressions, till THE SEED (the WORD, Christ); could come to whom the promise was made; and it (the SEED) was ordained by angels (THE SEED of the SEED) in the hand of a mediator.
1 Timothy 2:5 For the is ONE GOD (ONE SEED), and ONE MEDIATOR, between God and MEN; the MAN Jesus Christ (the SEED).
Psalms 82:6 I (the WORD, the SEED) have said ye are gods (SEED made like the SEED planted), all of you are the children of the most HIGH (the SEED).
1 Timothy 6:16, ...who (the SEED) only hath immortality, dwelling in the light ....
The Holy Ghost (the SEED) came upon Mary and INPREGINATED her, and Jesus (the SEED) was born.
You are INPREGINATED by the WORD (Christ in YOU) and the IMAGE OF CHRIST will be born, when you depart this body of flesh (a spirit in a glorified body, an angel, a minister of FIRE)
Psalms 104:4 Who (the SEED) maketh his angels spirits; his (the SEED) ministers a flaming fire.
Psalms 104:30 Thou sendest forth thy spirit (the SEED), they are created, thou renewest the face of the earth.
Psalms 82:6 Behold I (the WORD) have said, Ye are gods, the children of the most high (the image of Christ)(SONS OF GOD just like Christ).
Beautifully put. I believe some misunderstand, the "Coming of The LORD, Return of The LORD, THE Day of The LORD " as I did also, as dearly loved fellowship of Believers would pray for it. Maybe by Philippians 3:20, eagerly awaiting, & Colossians 4:2, That misinterpreted.
Then one day I read: Amos 5:18-24,
People long for Mercy, Justice, correct judgement that may be the root of the plea, prayer.
However Jesus instruction was pray "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven " Matthew 6:9-13,
Daniel 7:27, Psalms 145:13, John 17, note John 17:15-16, Luke 17:20-21,
Manuel: The day of the Lord began when John the Baptist came preaching the kingdom of God is at hand.
This ONE DAY, a day called TODAY has been going on now for two thousand years.
Zechariah 14:6 And it shall come to pass in that day (of the Lord), that the light shall not be clear, nor dark:
We are somewhere inside the hours of that day now and the light is neither clear, nor dark.
Zechariah 14:7 But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time (the end of that day and the beginning of the next day) IT SHALL BE LIGHT.
Revelation 21:22 And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are THE TEMPLE OF IT.
Revelation 21:23 And the city (you are the new Jerusalem), had no need of the sun, neither the moon, to shine in it; for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.
Zechariah 12:7 The LORD also shall save the tents of Judah FIRST, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of (new) Jerusalem do not magnify themselves against Judah.
Matthew 27:52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
Matthew 27:53 And came put of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city (new Jerusalem, and appeared to many (as ministering spirits).
Zachariah 12:8 And in that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of (new) Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David (Christ); and the house of David (Christ) shall be as God, as (the image of) the angle of the LORD before them.
Manuel, Christ is giving you great insight to his truths, so I hope you take what I write as encouragement and not criticism.
In you comment, you said Christ would raise them up the last day.
Manuel, the ones that God gave to Christ to be priest in the kingdom were resurrected with Christ.
Revelation 20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection, on such the second death hath no power, but they shall shall be priest of God and Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
When you depart this flesh, in the twinkle of an eye you will put on immortality, and reign with Christ.
This ONE DAY (as a thousand years) began on penecost, when we could have the SEED indwell us. You WILL BE the exactness of Christ.
Luke 20:35 But they (the ones God gave to Christ) which shall be worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection of the dead .....
Luke 20:36 Neither can they die anymore (you died on the cross): for they are equal unto the angels (you become a ministering spirit); and are the children of God, BEING THE CHILDREN OF THE RESURRECTION.
Manuel Marques Teixeira on Psalms 82 - 2 years ago
You are gods, plural. It's written on the word of God . There is only One GOD Jesus said I AmThe bred of LIFE whosoever who believe in me sahl have Eternal LIFE. GOD IS SPIRIT ... The ONLY ONE WHO Has IMORTALity in Himself By His nature, He answered Moises , I AM WHAT I AM. Jesus was acused by his felow men for acting and speaking as GOD, and revealed to John in Apocalypse thsat Jesus is the Alfa and Omega.
The Bible teaches, that GOD can give Imortality to whom HE wiches, and Jesus said the He wil ressurect all who accept Him as GOD's SON, on the last day, when Jesus shall return in Glory to give His reward.
Jesus said :- Let the dead put the dead ones in the grave, you come and follow me
jesus teaches us who accept Him as the Begotten Son OF GOD, tha we wil have imortality, being like the angels of GOD. The diference is that only GOD is worthy of Adoration. The angel on apocalypse 19 .10 declined being adored saying to John that He should instead Adore only GOD. How Great Is GOD! He is LOVE and LIGHT and LIFE, it wil take us all eternity to know WHO GOD Is and stil, it's writen on the Bible that He IS Wonderfull and we can relate and love Him, but He wil remain Wonderful for ever and ever more eternaly. The point i'm trying to bring to our attention is that extraordinary truth from Jesus own lips , that we may receive imortaslity through eating His flesh and drinking His blood, receiving His Spirit by faith on Him and the wonderful work of God transforming our mind to be like Jesus's mind as man amongst us. salvation is the bigest God's Miracle, by His Mercy and Jesus Faith as man and GOD's SON, when we accept Him as our personal savior and Master and Commander until the end of times and to die for ourselves and that He might live in us by His Spirit. men!
Sister Donna, may God grace us with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding.
God is Spirit, spirit cannot be seen.
God wanted to be seen.
God created a BODY that can be seen, and he filled that body with himself. He called that first BODY; MAN, our LORD, Jesus Christ. (God in a body)
The MAN, Jesus Christ, through the POWER of the unseen Father in HIM, created all other things.
Jesus Christ, through the works of the cross, is now creating in each of us this KNOWLEDGE, that we are A BODY, just like he is a BODY, that is filled with HIMSELF, as he is ONE with the FATHER, we become ONE with HIM and the FATHER.
Colossians 1:27 ...this mystery... CHRIST IN YOU ....
Philippians 2:13 For it is GOD that worketh IN YOU (HIS BODY) TO WILL and TO DO his good pleasure.
Ephesians 4:4 One body, and ONE SPIRIT ...
Ephesians 4:6 One God and Father of all, and above all, and through you all, and IN YOU ALL.
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are the children of the most high.
Psalms 104:30 Thou sendest forth thy Spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth.
Sister GiGi, here are more scriptures that say we are going to be gods. In the Hebrew text the words were never capitalised.
Exodus 7:1 And the Lord SAID unto Moses, See, I HAVE MADE thee a god unto Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.
Joshua 22:22 The LORD God of gods, the LORD God of gods ......
Psalms 82:6 I have SAID ye are gods, children of the most high.
Psalms 86:8 Among the gods there is none like unto thee, O Lord, neither are there any works like unto thy works.
Psalms 95:3 For the Lord is a great God, and a great king above all gods.
Psalms 97:7 Confounded be all they that serve graven images, that boost themselves of idols, worship him, all ye gods.
Psalms 97:9 For thou, Lord, art high above the earth: thou art exalted far above all gods.
Psalms 136:2 Give thanks unto the God of gods: for his mercy endureth forever.
Psalms 138:1 I will praise the with my whole heart; before the gods will I sing praise unto thee.
Zechariah 12:7 The Lord also shall save the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnify themselves against Judah.
Zechariah 12:8 In that day shall the Lord defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the HOUSE OF DAVID shall be as God, as (the image of) the angel of the lord (that is) before them (the gods).
Lucifer was thrown out of heaven because he wanted to be God. Lucifer was God's right hand angel until he thought he could be God. Here are some of the verses that show where Lucifer was cast out of Heaven and on to the Earth where he (Lucifer) set up his kingdom.
Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;
17 That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?
And in Luke chapter 10 verse 18 Jesus said I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. ( Luke 10:18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven). Lucifer is Satan and Lucifer / Satan is the prince of this world. Jesus never called Satan the King of this world Jesus just called Satan / Lucifer a prince of this world.
Hi Dorothea These are the scripture then you decide I choose to let Gods Word speak for itself. In the Gospel of luke 4:6 The devil says to jesus Christ all this power and glory of them speaking of the kingdoms of the world will I give thee for that was delivered unto me. Carefully notice it does not says ownership it says ruler there is a major difference. Also in 2 Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of those that believe not. Also Ephesians 6:12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers again notice power. Now in Genesis Gods arch enemy satan knew that God gave dominion and power to Adam and in Genesis 3 that dominion and power was handed to serpent [figure of speech magnifying his slyness] i.e. the devil by making them believe his lie so he stole the power and glory of creation from Adam because they believed His word instead of Gods Word. Meaning God said thou shalt surely die the serpent thou shalt not surely die. They died spiritually they lost there spiritual connection with God and power over His Creation. He DID NOT INHERIT THE POWER OF THE WORLD. Now with what Jesus Christ accomplished for the believer when born again that power has been bought back for us in Christ Jesus when we walk by the spirit. Ephesians 3: Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the POWER that worketh in us.
Brother Adam, may CHRIST IN US grace us with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding.
1 Thessalonians 4:17
The born again of SPIRIT, starting with the apostles and all thereafter, until the present, are ALIVE AND REMAINING NOW, in the PRESENCE of SPIRIT clothed in the BODY OF CHRIST. ( 1 Corinthians 15:54)
He who is born of SPIRIT is SPIRIT.
God is SPIRIT, Spirit is GOD.
Psalms 82:6
John 10:34-35
John 17:21-22
Isaiah 27:12
The DEAD awaiting the resurrection back to flesh, can not be caught up in to the clouds (born again of Spirit) until they are judged and die the SECOND DEATH (Truth, Life, the Way), then they CAN ALSO become SON'S OF GOD.
Isaiah 26:9
Romans 8:19 For the earnest expectation of the CREATURE waiteth for the manifestation of the SONS OF GOD.
Romans 8:21 For the CREATURE ITSELF shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption (flesh) into the glorious liberty of the SONS OF GOD (Spirit).
Brother adam, may christ in us grace us with his wisdom and his knowledge.
the spirit is the god. everything after this is by inheritance.
christ was the firstborn. the firstborn received the inheritance of the father. his father is the god (source of life, truth, etc. christ became a god through inheritance.
christ came to give us this same inheritance, we also will become a god through inheritance.
Brother S Spencer, may CHRIST IN US grace us with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding.
1 John 3:2 (NOT GODS) I assume this is because of my response to Chris.
I BELIEVE that everyone on this site is here because God has CAUSED them to be here.
I BELIEVE all on this site are seeking TRUTH and God has CAUSED them to be here for that TRUTH.
We just SHARE God's Words; it's the SPIRIT that reveals the TRUTH.
Ephesians 4:4 There is one body, and ONE SPIRIT.....
John 4:24 God is SPIRIT....
There is only ONE SPIRIT (GOD)
Christ was the Firstborn of that ONE SPIRIT, being born again of that ONE SPIRIT we are Joint Heirs with Christ.
Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Philippians 2:6 Who, being in the FORM of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God.
Mark 12:20 .... The Lord our God, is ONE LORD.
2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass (mirror) the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same IMAGE from glory to glory, even as by the (ONE) Spirit of the Lord.
1 Corinthians 6:17 But he that is joined into the Lord is ONE SPIRIT.
Ephesians 4:4....ONE SPIRIT....
John 4:24 God is SPIRIT
Joshua 22:22 The Lord God of gods, the Lord God of gods .....
John 10:34 Is it not written in you LAW, I said, ye are gods
Matthew 5:17 ....but to fulfil (the LAW).
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods, the children of the most high.
Psalms 136:2 O give thanks to the God of gods: for his mercy endureth forever.
It's the LIVING WORD that teaches us by studying his written word: He wrote it; he will CAUSE you to understand, his word.
You have not, because you ASK NOT, and when you ask, you ask amiss; things to be consumed by the flesh.
To whom much is GIVEN ....The LIFE of Christ ....much more will be GIVEN .... the MIND (knowledge and wisdom) of Christ.
Stand firm in what the SPIRIT teaches YOU.
Psalms 82:6 I have SAID ( Isaiah 55:11) Ye are gods, the children of the most high.
John 10:35 If he (the written word) called them gods, unto whom (unto Francesco) the (living) WORD (Christ in you) came, the scripture CANNOT be broken.
God bless YOU, the body of CHRIST, and Christ is the body of GOD, OUR Father.
Man DOES NOT have free will.
Man was made to be a BODY; or a vessel.
Vessels, or bodies, have NO LIFE.
Bodies, or vessels, were made to HOLD the LIFE of GOD.
God is Spirit.
Spirit cannot be seen.
God created a BODY; Jesus Christ, that can be seen.
The body of Christ HOLDS the Life of the FATHER.
Christ came, as sinful flesh, and sinful flesh DIED on the cross, three days latter the Father resurrected, HIS (the father's) BODY, Christ.
1 Timothy 6:16 Who (Christ) ONLY hath immortality dwelling in the light .....
All mankind took part in that resurrection.
At some point in time God's creation will become the IMAGE (the body) of Christ.
Colossians 1:27 ...this mystery .....Christ in you .....
Philippians 2:13 For it is God (Christ in you) that worketh IN YOU (his body) both TO WILL and TO DO his good pleasure.
1 Corinthians 15:38 For God GIVETH IT (his creation) A BODY as it hath PLEASED HIM, and to every SEED HIS OWN BODY ( the Father's body Christ).
HIS WILL, not man's free will, because man has NO LIFE outside of GOD, man is just the BODY of Christ (Life and Truth).
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye (his body) are gods, the children of the most high.
Psalms 136:2 O give thanks unto the GOD of gods (God's body) .....
Daniel 2:47 .....of a truth it is, that your God is a God of gods ....
John 17:21 That they (the bodies) may ALL be ONE, as thou, Father are IN ME (the body), and I in thee, that they (all bodies) may be ONE IN US ....
Ephesians 4:4 ..... ONE BODY ....ONE SPIRIT .....
Ephesians 4:6 .... ONE GOD ....FATHER OF ALL ....above ALL ....through ALL ....and IN YOU ALL .....
Hosea 4:6 For my people are destroyed for lack of KNOWLEDGE: because thou has rejected KNOWLEDGE, I will also reject thee (his body) ......
Amos 3:3 Can TWO (the LIFE and the BODY) walk TOGETHER without being agreed?
God Bless you, his body!
Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of KNOWLEDGE .......
Most DO NOT have knowledge of the Kingdom of God.
Ephesians 4:4 ......ONE BODY and ONE SPIRIT ......
Ephesians 4:6 ....ONE GOD and Father of ALL ....above ALL ....through ALL ....and IN YOU ALL .......
John 14:6 ....I AM TRUTH .....I AM LIFE ......
John 17:21 That they may be ONE; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in you: that they may ALSO BE ONE IN US .....
Christ is a BODY that HOLDS the LIFE of his Father.
John 5:19 ....the SON can do NOTHING of himself ....
John 5:30 ...I can of mine own self DO NOTHING .....
WE are a BODY that HOLDS CHRIST (the life and truth of our Father).
John 15:5 .... for without me you can do nothing .....
What happen at the CROSS of Calvary?
Sinful flesh was crucified (all mankind died that day); three days latter all mankind was raised a NEW CREATION.
Matthew 8:22 ...let the dead bury the dead ......
They now have the LIFE OF CHRIST:
1 Timothy 4:16 Who (Christ) ONLY hath immortality dwelling in the LIGHT .....
1 Corinthians 15:38 But God GIVETH IT (the new creation) a body as it hath PLEASED HIM: and to every SEED HIS (Christ's) OWN BODY.
Colossians 1:27 ....this mystery .....Christ in YOU ....
Philippians 2:13 For it is GOD (Christ in you) that WORKETH IN YOU (his BODY) both TO WILL and TO DO his good pleasure.
To be BORN AGAIN is to come to TRUTH and KNOWLEDGE and LIFE.
Christ is the LIFE IN YOU, and Christ CANNOT SIN.
Revelation 12:9... and Satan who deceiveth the whole world was cast out ....
You are either the TEMPLE of SATAN: dwelling in deception, with no knowledge.
You are the TEMPLE of God: dwelling in truth and light and the LIFE OF CHRIST.
Psalms 82:6 For I have said: Ye are gods, the children of the most high.
Psalms 136:2 O give thanks to the God of gods .....
We die daily to deception and are daily being born again of truth.
God Bless you!
You ask, how powerful is that darkness?
How powerful is that light, there are from the same source?
That light is TRUTH.
That light is LIFE.
Flesh and blood CANNOT inherit the kingdom of God.
The kingdom of God, is a kingdom of gods, IN THE AGE TO COME. We are being brought to TRUTH (to Christ) in this AGE of GRACE.
Psalms 82:6 For I have said, Ye are gods, the children of the most high.
Psalms 136:2 O give thanks unto the God of gods .....
Daniel 2:47 .....Of a truth it is, that your God is a God of gods .....
John 14:6 Jesus said unto them, I am the way, the TRUTH, and the LIFE: no man (flesh and blood) cometh to the Father but by me.
1 Timothy 16:6 WHO (CHRIST) ONLY hath IMMORTALITY, dwelling in the LIGHT which no man (flesh and blood) hath seen, nor can see ........
Shane, flesh and blood, has to be DESTROYED by HIS COMING (truth and life): TO YOU.
LIGHT, truth and life, hath SHINED INTO DARKNESS (MAN).
The OLD, flesh and blood, MAN; DIED on the cross of Calvary, the NEW; flesh and bone, MAN arose from DEATH.
YOU, when you depart this flesh and blood body, YOU will be a NEW CREATION: LIFE AND TRUTH, just like Christ.
Colossians 1:27 ....this mystery .....Christ in you .....
Philippians 2:13 For it is God (Christ in you, truth and life, in you) that worketh IN YOU (his body) both TO WILL and TO DO his good pleasure.
1 Corinthians 15:38 But God GIVETH it (the NEW MAN) a body as it has pleased him, to every SEED HIS (Christ's) OWN BODY.
All of this is A GIFT, given to us, by the WORKINGS of the CROSS.
God Bless You!
Flesh and
Colossians 1:27 .....THIS MYSTERY ......Christ In YOU ......
Hebrews 9:24 For Christ is not entered into the HOLY PLACE made with hands, but into HEAVEN ITSELF .....
Philippians 2:13 For it is God (Christ in you, heaven itself) that worketh in you both to will and to do his good pleasure.
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods, the children of the most high.
God Bless YOU; his body.
As the father and I are ONE, that they may be ONE with us.
God is LOVE; but how do you know what love is, without knowing what hate is?
God is LIGHT; but how do you know light, is without knowing what darkness is?
God is LIFE; but how do you know what life, is without knowing what death is?
God is TRUTH; but how do you know what truth, is without knowing what deception is?
God is WISDOM; but how do you know what wisdom, is without knowing what ignorance is?
The tree of KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and EVIL, are in the same TREE, when we eat the FRUIT we HAVE KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and EVIL.
Genesis 3:22 And the Lord God said, Behold they have become like ONE OF US (Gods) to KNOW GOOD and EVIL.
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods, the children of the most high.
Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate, to be conformed to the image of his Son (God) ....
Philippians 2:5 Let this mind BE IN YOU, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Philippians 2:5 Who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be EQUAL with GOD.
Isaiah 66:9 Shall I not bring TO BIRTH, and not cause to bring forth? ......
Isaiah 66:8 ....for as soon a Zion travailed, she brought forth her children (gods: in the AGE TO COME).
God Bless YOU!
Man doesn't go to a PLACE, heaven of hell.
John 3:13 No man has ascended up to heaven, except he that came down from heaven, even the Son of Man which now IS IN HEAVEN; IN MAN.
Colossians 1:27 ...this mystery .......Christ in you ....
We are JUST A BODY; THE NEW HEAVEN, where the LIFE of CHRIST dwells.
When he pulls THE LIFE out of the BODY (human flesh) that fleshly bodies dies.
The LIFE goes back to God who gave THE BODY LIFE.
When we depart this fleshly body we instantly are GIVEN a NEW BODY, the BODY of CHRIST.
The kingdom of heaven is IMMORTAL LIFE.
The only man that has IMMORTAL LIFE is Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:38 ...and to every SEED, HIS (CHRIST) OWN BODY ......
John 14:6 I am Life ....
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods, the children of the most high,
Psalms 82:7 But ye (flesh and blood, this earthly body) shall die like one of the princes ...
LIFE can never DIE, only this body of flesh DIES: LIFE continues in a NEW BODY.
God Bless YOU!
The Father lives where his throne is, in heaven.
Revelation 1:1 ...and he SIGNIFIED it ....
Matthew 13:34 And these things (his words) spake he unto the multitude in PARABLES, and without a PARABLE he SPAKE NOT unto them.
Matthew 13:13 Therefore spake I to them in PARABLES: because seeing, they SEE NOT, and hearing they HEAR NOT, neither do they UNDERSTAND.
You see the word heaven and you know heaven is a place; But, seeing you see not, neither do they understand.
Heaven is SIGNIFIED, and a PARABLE, a high meaning than the literal.
Heaven is were God dwells, God is LIFE, God dwell IN YOU, God is THE LIFE IN YOU. God is SPIRIT.
John 3:6 .... that which is BORN of Spirit is Spirit: God is Spirit.
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods (born of Spirit) the CHILDREN of the MOST HIGH.
Flesh and blood CANNOT inherit the Kingdom of God, so we are BORN AGAIN into Spirit, and God is Spirit, THE KINGDOM of GOD.
The NEW CREATION, of two, You and Christ, to MAKE ONE. The Spirit Man, Christ.
God Bless YOU!
I'm responding to your reply without reading any of the responses, so my thoughts will stay focused. Just incase there's repeating._..
Being you're still alive, it's not final judgement: Matthew 4:17, Acts 17:30, 2Peter 3:9, in context read whole chapter. Psalms 48:14, Proverbs 10:12, Proverbs 13:14, Ezekiel 33:11, Ezekiel 18:32,
it could be warning from GOD: Psalms 118:18,
or attack not from GOD,: Ephesians 6:12,
Psalms 90,
Jeremiah 18:8,
Psalms 37,
You are angry because of injustice it seems: Exodus 21, Exodus 22, Leviticus 20, Numbers 35, Proverbs 8:36, Genesis 18:19, Proverbs 21:3,
Psalms 73, Jeremiah 27:7-18, Isaiah 58, Isaiah 59, Matthew 25:31-46, James 2,
Ephesians 6:10-18, Ephesian 4:26, Psalms 82:3, Ecclesiastes 5:8,
Hopefully these are helpful
Luke 8:11 Is a parable; and a very different seed=Gr. sporos (seed planting eg) where our English word spores come from. Seed of Abraham Romans 11:1 is Gr. sperma
Galatians 3:18 For if the inheritance be of the law, but it (the inheritance) is no more of PROMISE, but God gave it to Abraham by PROMISE.
We have to know what this PROMISE is.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the WORD (THE SEED), and the WORD (THE SEED) was with God, and the WORD (THE SEED) was God.
Now we know Christ is the SEED, but Christ is also the ANGEL of the Lord; therefore HIS SEED, those born of GOD will also be an angel, because we have become ONE.
Ephesians 2:15 ....for to make IN HIMSELF ONE NEW MAN.
Isaiah 63:9 ....and the ANGEL of HIS (the Father, SPIRIT) presence SAVED THEM.
Christ is the ANGEL.
A SEED always duplicates itself, wheat seed always makes wheat seed, it's a LAW of GOD.
When Christ the SEED is planted in you; at maturity you will be the exact same SEED: two; you and Christ, become ONE.
Galatians 3:19 Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added for transgressions, till THE SEED (the WORD, Christ); could come to whom the promise was made; and it (the SEED) was ordained by angels (THE SEED of the SEED) in the hand of a mediator.
1 Timothy 2:5 For the is ONE GOD (ONE SEED), and ONE MEDIATOR, between God and MEN; the MAN Jesus Christ (the SEED).
Psalms 82:6 I (the WORD, the SEED) have said ye are gods (SEED made like the SEED planted), all of you are the children of the most HIGH (the SEED).
1 Timothy 6:16, ...who (the SEED) only hath immortality, dwelling in the light ....
God Bless YOU!
Genesis 2:7 ..... and breathed into his (man's) nostrils the BREATH OF LIFE
John 14:6 I (GOD) am the way, the TRUTH and the LIFE.
God is the ONLY LIFE.
John 4:24 God is Spirit ....
Job 33:3 The Spirit of God hath made me (the vessel), and the BREATH of the Almighty hath give me (the vessel) LIFE.
Job 34:14 If he (God, SPIRIT, LIFE) set his heart upon man (the vessel), if he (Spirit, life) gathered unto himself HIS SPIRIT and HIS BREATH (LIFE),
Job 34:15 All flesh (vessels) should perish together, and man shall turn into DUST.
1 Corinthians 5:5 To deliver such a one TO SATAN for the DESTRUCTION OF THE FLESH, that the SPIRIT may BE SAVED in the day of the LORD.
Ephesians 4:4 There is ONE BODY ......
1 Corinthians 15:37 ....thou sowest not that body THAT SHALL BE ...
1 Corinthians 15:38 .....but to every man (the vessel) HIS (GOD'S, SPIRIT'S) OWN BODY ......
The body that was raised at (the first) RESURRECTION.
John 11:25 ....I AM THE RESURRECTION ......
Ephesian 4:4 There is ONE (resurrected) BODY, and ONE SPIRIT ....
Ephesians 4:6 ONE GOD (is SPIRIT) and FATHER OF ALL ...(children of the Spirit).
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods, and all of you the children of the most High.
Psalms 82:7 But ye (vessels of flesh, dust) shall die like men (no life of yourself) and fall like one of the princes (of this world).
God Bless You!
A SPIRIT can procreate.
God is SPIRIT; in the Body of Christ.
Christ is the Holy Ghost.
God is the WORD.
Christ is the WORD.
The WORD is the SEED.
The Holy Ghost (the SEED) came upon Mary and INPREGINATED her, and Jesus (the SEED) was born.
You are INPREGINATED by the WORD (Christ in YOU) and the IMAGE OF CHRIST will be born, when you depart this body of flesh (a spirit in a glorified body, an angel, a minister of FIRE)
Psalms 104:4 Who (the SEED) maketh his angels spirits; his (the SEED) ministers a flaming fire.
Psalms 104:30 Thou sendest forth thy spirit (the SEED), they are created, thou renewest the face of the earth.
Psalms 82:6 Behold I (the WORD) have said, Ye are gods, the children of the most high (the image of Christ)(SONS OF GOD just like Christ).
God Bless You!
Then one day I read: Amos 5:18-24,
People long for Mercy, Justice, correct judgement that may be the root of the plea, prayer.
However Jesus instruction was pray "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven " Matthew 6:9-13,
Daniel 7:27, Psalms 145:13, John 17, note John 17:15-16, Luke 17:20-21,
Proverbs 21:3, Isaiah 56:1, Psalms 82:3, Isaiah 59:4, (context Isaiah 59), Jeremiah 22:15, * Isaiah 58,
2Samuel 8:15, 1Kings 10:9, Ezekiel 45:9, Micah 6:8,
We even as 1 person can bring justice, mercy, truth, hope, deliverance, through faith, endurance, prayer, action & being a living example
Romans 1:17, James 2, Hebrews 11, 2Corinthians 5:7, Mark 11:22-26,
We are called to bring Justice, Judgement, Mercy.
Ecclesiastes 5:8, Jeremiah 23:5, Matthew 24:3-51, Mark 13:5-37, Matthew 25:31-46, Luke 6,
Psalms 102:17, * James 5,
Hopefully these are helpful, please share these scriptures with those whom you feel led as a tool
Ephesians 4:4 There is ONE body, and ONE Spirit .....
Ephesians 4:6 One God, and Father of all, who is above all, and through you all, and IN YOU ALL.
WE do not have LIFE apart from God.
LIFE can't be seen because it is Spirit, and no one has seen God.
John 14:6 .....I am LIFE and TRUTH .....
What is the only thing left when we PUT OFF THIS BODY of flesh.
SPIRIT, which is LIFE.
John 3:6 That which is born of flesh (man) is flesh (man); and that which is born of SPIRIT (GOD) is SPIRIT (God).
Luke 16:4 The disciple is not above his master: but everyone that is PERFECT WILL BE AS HIS MASTER.
You are made PERFECT when you depart this body of flesh, because the only thing that is left is LIFE AND TRUTH.
1 Timothy 6:16 Who (the MASTER) ONLY hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto .....
1 Corinthians 15:53 ......this mortal shall PUT ON IMMORTALITY ......
Only Christ has IMMORTALITY, only Christ is LIFE, DWELLING in the LIGHT.
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and ALL OF YOU are the children of the most high.
God Bless You!
A parable is hidden inside the physical creation describe in the first chapters of Genesis?
We know from the parables in the new testament that we are the garden of God (garden of eden).
The tree of THE KNOWLEDGE of good and evil was in the midst of the garden (we are the garden).
THE FRUIT of the tree IS KNOWLEDGE of good and evil.
This same KNOWLEDGE exist in the FATHER and the SON.
Genesis 3:22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man has become like ONE OF US (gods) to know good and evil ....
Psalms 82:6 I have said. Ye are gods: and all of you are the children of the most high.
WHAT IF? Through TRUTH and KNOWLEDGE you are being created in to THE IMAGE OF CHRIST.
This ONE DAY, a day called TODAY has been going on now for two thousand years.
Zechariah 14:6 And it shall come to pass in that day (of the Lord), that the light shall not be clear, nor dark:
We are somewhere inside the hours of that day now and the light is neither clear, nor dark.
Zechariah 14:7 But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time (the end of that day and the beginning of the next day) IT SHALL BE LIGHT.
Revelation 21:22 And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are THE TEMPLE OF IT.
Revelation 21:23 And the city (you are the new Jerusalem), had no need of the sun, neither the moon, to shine in it; for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.
Zechariah 12:7 The LORD also shall save the tents of Judah FIRST, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of (new) Jerusalem do not magnify themselves against Judah.
Matthew 27:52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
Matthew 27:53 And came put of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city (new Jerusalem, and appeared to many (as ministering spirits).
Zachariah 12:8 And in that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of (new) Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David (Christ); and the house of David (Christ) shall be as God, as (the image of) the angle of the LORD before them.
Isaiah 26:19 Thy dead men shall live, with my dead body shall they arise ......
In you comment, you said Christ would raise them up the last day.
Manuel, the ones that God gave to Christ to be priest in the kingdom were resurrected with Christ.
Revelation 20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection, on such the second death hath no power, but they shall shall be priest of God and Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
When you depart this flesh, in the twinkle of an eye you will put on immortality, and reign with Christ.
This ONE DAY (as a thousand years) began on penecost, when we could have the SEED indwell us. You WILL BE the exactness of Christ.
Luke 20:35 But they (the ones God gave to Christ) which shall be worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection of the dead .....
Luke 20:36 Neither can they die anymore (you died on the cross): for they are equal unto the angels (you become a ministering spirit); and are the children of God, BEING THE CHILDREN OF THE RESURRECTION.
The Bible teaches, that GOD can give Imortality to whom HE wiches, and Jesus said the He wil ressurect all who accept Him as GOD's SON, on the last day, when Jesus shall return in Glory to give His reward.
Jesus said :- Let the dead put the dead ones in the grave, you come and follow me
jesus teaches us who accept Him as the Begotten Son OF GOD, tha we wil have imortality, being like the angels of GOD. The diference is that only GOD is worthy of Adoration. The angel on apocalypse 19 .10 declined being adored saying to John that He should instead Adore only GOD. How Great Is GOD! He is LOVE and LIGHT and LIFE, it wil take us all eternity to know WHO GOD Is and stil, it's writen on the Bible that He IS Wonderfull and we can relate and love Him, but He wil remain Wonderful for ever and ever more eternaly. The point i'm trying to bring to our attention is that extraordinary truth from Jesus own lips , that we may receive imortaslity through eating His flesh and drinking His blood, receiving His Spirit by faith on Him and the wonderful work of God transforming our mind to be like Jesus's mind as man amongst us. salvation is the bigest God's Miracle, by His Mercy and Jesus Faith as man and GOD's SON, when we accept Him as our personal savior and Master and Commander until the end of times and to die for ourselves and that He might live in us by His Spirit. men!
Psalms 82:6, 1Corinthians 8:5, John 10:34,35, Luke 17:1-10, Matthew 18:4-20,
Matthew 25:31-46,
God is Spirit, spirit cannot be seen.
God wanted to be seen.
God created a BODY that can be seen, and he filled that body with himself. He called that first BODY; MAN, our LORD, Jesus Christ. (God in a body)
The MAN, Jesus Christ, through the POWER of the unseen Father in HIM, created all other things.
Jesus Christ, through the works of the cross, is now creating in each of us this KNOWLEDGE, that we are A BODY, just like he is a BODY, that is filled with HIMSELF, as he is ONE with the FATHER, we become ONE with HIM and the FATHER.
Colossians 1:27 ...this mystery... CHRIST IN YOU ....
Philippians 2:13 For it is GOD that worketh IN YOU (HIS BODY) TO WILL and TO DO his good pleasure.
Ephesians 4:4 One body, and ONE SPIRIT ...
Ephesians 4:6 One God and Father of all, and above all, and through you all, and IN YOU ALL.
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are the children of the most high.
Psalms 104:30 Thou sendest forth thy Spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth.
God Bless You.
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; ye are the children of the most high.
John 10:34 Jesus answered them, is it not written in you law, I have said, Ye are gods?
John 10:35 If he called them gods, to whom the word (truth) of God came, and the scripture CANNOT be broken;
There is no twisting or interpreting this scripture.
You either BELIEVE or DON'T BELIEVE what it says.
The doctrines of men don't believe, I believe the doctrines of WORD.
God Bless You.
Exodus 7:1 And the Lord SAID unto Moses, See, I HAVE MADE thee a god unto Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.
Joshua 22:22 The LORD God of gods, the LORD God of gods ......
Psalms 82:6 I have SAID ye are gods, children of the most high.
Psalms 86:8 Among the gods there is none like unto thee, O Lord, neither are there any works like unto thy works.
Psalms 95:3 For the Lord is a great God, and a great king above all gods.
Psalms 97:7 Confounded be all they that serve graven images, that boost themselves of idols, worship him, all ye gods.
Psalms 97:9 For thou, Lord, art high above the earth: thou art exalted far above all gods.
Psalms 136:2 Give thanks unto the God of gods: for his mercy endureth forever.
Psalms 138:1 I will praise the with my whole heart; before the gods will I sing praise unto thee.
Zechariah 12:7 The Lord also shall save the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnify themselves against Judah.
Zechariah 12:8 In that day shall the Lord defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the HOUSE OF DAVID shall be as God, as (the image of) the angel of the lord (that is) before them (the gods).
Lucifer was thrown out of heaven because he wanted to be God. Lucifer was God's right hand angel until he thought he could be God. Here are some of the verses that show where Lucifer was cast out of Heaven and on to the Earth where he (Lucifer) set up his kingdom.
Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;
17 That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?
And in Luke chapter 10 verse 18 Jesus said I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. ( Luke 10:18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven). Lucifer is Satan and Lucifer / Satan is the prince of this world. Jesus never called Satan the King of this world Jesus just called Satan / Lucifer a prince of this world.
I hope this helps you understand
God Bless
Stay prayed up and ready to go up
1 Thessalonians 4:17
The born again of SPIRIT, starting with the apostles and all thereafter, until the present, are ALIVE AND REMAINING NOW, in the PRESENCE of SPIRIT clothed in the BODY OF CHRIST. ( 1 Corinthians 15:54)
He who is born of SPIRIT is SPIRIT.
God is SPIRIT, Spirit is GOD.
Psalms 82:6
John 10:34-35
John 17:21-22
Isaiah 27:12
The DEAD awaiting the resurrection back to flesh, can not be caught up in to the clouds (born again of Spirit) until they are judged and die the SECOND DEATH (Truth, Life, the Way), then they CAN ALSO become SON'S OF GOD.
Isaiah 26:9
Romans 8:19 For the earnest expectation of the CREATURE waiteth for the manifestation of the SONS OF GOD.
Romans 8:21 For the CREATURE ITSELF shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption (flesh) into the glorious liberty of the SONS OF GOD (Spirit).
the spirit is the god. everything after this is by inheritance.
christ was the firstborn. the firstborn received the inheritance of the father. his father is the god (source of life, truth, etc. christ became a god through inheritance.
christ came to give us this same inheritance, we also will become a god through inheritance.
psalms 82:6
john 10:34-35
john 17:21
1 John 3:2 (NOT GODS) I assume this is because of my response to Chris.
I BELIEVE that everyone on this site is here because God has CAUSED them to be here.
I BELIEVE all on this site are seeking TRUTH and God has CAUSED them to be here for that TRUTH.
We just SHARE God's Words; it's the SPIRIT that reveals the TRUTH.
Ephesians 4:4 There is one body, and ONE SPIRIT.....
John 4:24 God is SPIRIT....
There is only ONE SPIRIT (GOD)
Christ was the Firstborn of that ONE SPIRIT, being born again of that ONE SPIRIT we are Joint Heirs with Christ.
Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Philippians 2:6 Who, being in the FORM of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God.
Mark 12:20 .... The Lord our God, is ONE LORD.
2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass (mirror) the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same IMAGE from glory to glory, even as by the (ONE) Spirit of the Lord.
1 Corinthians 6:17 But he that is joined into the Lord is ONE SPIRIT.
Ephesians 4:4....ONE SPIRIT....
John 4:24 God is SPIRIT
Joshua 22:22 The Lord God of gods, the Lord God of gods .....
John 10:34 Is it not written in you LAW, I said, ye are gods
Matthew 5:17 ....but to fulfil (the LAW).
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods, the children of the most high.
Psalms 136:2 O give thanks to the God of gods: for his mercy endureth forever.