Discuss Psalms 91

  • Pnovello - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Heavenly Father, I agree with RicoUS. We need the break through now. Our timing is not Your time, but many of Your children have been crying out for years. We trust and have faith in You Father God. You sent Your son Jesus to destroy satan's works.

    We need healing, jobs, broken relationships to be mended, cars.in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.

    Father God, You said in Psalms 91:15 "I will answer" So please answer RicoUS prayers. Deliver and honour him. In his solitaire have him feel Your presence, love and mercy.

    As George Muller cried out "O Lord God now"

    God bless you RicoUS, from your sister in Christ.
  • Ladybug76 - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 1 year ago
    we have been commissioned by Christ to preach the truth. The Bible tells us to be instant in season it out tell the people the truth when they want to hear it and when they don't and be not weary in well doing for if you'd be not weary in well doing if you faint, not the Lord, will bless you. As a Christian, I will never throw a rock and hot my hand. David stood before a giant and threw a rock and he's laid him. He did not hide his hand.
  • Jema - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 1 year ago
    I believe that all Christians today make up the Kingdom of God , we are not however , filling the earth with the Glory of the Lord . The Kingdom will be fully realised when Christ returns and all flesh shall see the Glory of the Lord . In the last chapter of Luke , Jesus talks quiet a bit about the Kingdom to come . All things will be made new , the kingdoms of this world , THIS WORLD , will become the Kingdoms of God and if His Son , then the meek shall inherit the earth and the temple in Ezekiel shall be the centre of God's Kingdom which shall be in Jerusalem in the land that was promised to Abraham and his descendents forever , who's descendents we are if we are Christ's , then we are Abraham's and heirs to those promised made to Abraham and his seed . We shall be like him , overseeing and guiding and ministering to , the humans that are left alive after the wrath of God has been poured out .
  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 1 year ago
    Hello again, Charlie,

    I meant to say "walk by the Holy Spirit.

    By doing this we will follow Him in our daily lives with power to obey what is good and righteous. Before we were regenerated by the Holy Spirit we did not have this power that comes only from the Holy Spirit to those who desire to live as Christ did.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 1 year ago
    Thank you, Giannis.

    I really hate the way so many believers have taken sides on this matter and instead of being gracious and affirming the faith in God in others, accuse other believers of being wrong, uninformed, lacking in faith, or less spiritual than those who chose the way they did not. We must stop trying to shame one another on this matter. You are so right, it is a medical matter, not a spiritual one and the sooner we shed the pointing, wagging finger attitude of judgment the better off we will be as the body of Christ.

    I refuse to spend my time and energies being concerned about what choices others made in this matter to see if their choices measure up to my position or not. That is counterproductive, divisive, and unkind. Let others live with their own choices peacefully without the strife of others second-guessing them, their faith, and their rightness or wrongness of taking the vaccine or not.

    That said, I do hate that some have suffered harm from the vaccine. Most people have not. I do hate it that so many were hospitalized with severe illness from Covid and many did die. I hate that what measures we were advised to take to stay well did not, in the eventual analysis, help. And I especially hate that this issue was so politicized. We saw that it was in May-June of 2020 when Republican gatherings were said to be "superspreader" events and the protests with people shoulder to shoulder in the streets were not termed so and their lack of masking was defended by the media and many politicians. I knew then that this is being exploited by the left to the detriment of our country and especially to vulnerable people, business owners, and so many employees who lost so much as a result of knee-jerk decisions of government.

    But we are now on the other side of the pandemic and so we go forward instead of rehashing it yet once again.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 1 year ago
    Sorry Charlie, but what you are saying here is not true. We can trust God AND be led to take certain measures in particular circumstances that may in the end help us or not. The point is to walk by spirit in such matters and be determined to obey God.

    Whether we wanted to or not, the whole world participated in this "social experiment" of Covid escaping the lab in China, whether on purpose or accident. Those of us who followed guidelines given to us from doctors, the Secretary of Health, and others in leadership in our government, including the President at the time the vaccine first became available. We each made our choices for our own reasons and it is not a matter of acting in faith or in lack of faith, as you say.

    So let's all stop politicizing this issue and show compassion and extend the grace of Christian liberty to each of us no matter our choices.
  • Giannis - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 1 year ago
    Hello GiGi

    I completely agree with you.

    A man has to do everything he can to protect himself from any kind of danger and leave the rest (that he cannot do ) to God. The latter is a rule in our christian lives. Many have misunderstood what faith represents. It is not living without trying to avoid dangers. It is not like crossing a road with blind eyes just because God protects us. In such a case He will not protect us, and He will teach us a lesson. Isn't that what satan said to Jesus? Fall down from here and God will send angels to pick you up in their hands, The same he does to us. One of the important things I have understood in my christian life that has to do with our relationship with God is that there is always a part which is for us to do and a part that God does. "We do what we can and God does what we cannot do." Of course there may be many times that we can not do anything really. In such a case we leave everything to the Lord.

    About vaccines. Many, in my country as well, had come to the church leaders and asked them what to do, to get the vaccine or not. What my church did was to tell us that this is not a spiritual matter for the church to give advice. It is a medical matter. And for medical matters one has to visit his dictor and discuss it, this is what doctors are for. Pastors and elders are not doctors., it is not their job to advice about things they couldn't possibly know.

  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 1 year ago
    Hello BFR

    I am one who fasted and prayed for those who were ill from Covid, for it to mutate into a milder strain that was less deadly, that He would keep me from contracting it.

    After praying to God about it, I got the vaccine. I have 5 high risk factors, two of them being severe illness from any respiratory virus due to asthma and weakened immunity. I have not had Covid. God has kept me through all of this and the virus has weakened as it has mutated, just as I prayed.

    Although it seems the vaccine has little positive effect of protection from Covid, I took on faith, not in man, but in God.

    Please do not portray those who did get the vaccine as not trusting in God, as Psalm 91 says. There is nothing in this psalm that says we are not to medically treat illnesses or attempt to prevent contracting illnesses. My husband and I pretty much self-isolated through the first year of Covid, ordering groceries online, taking drives to places that were not crowded, like the beach or mountains to have a day out with picnic lunches, only associated with a few people who also took precautions.

    Was it lacking faith to do these things? I don't think so, just as it wasn't lacking faith to take the vaccine. Nor is it lacking faith to get treatment for other illnesses or to take other preventative measures such as flu and other vaccines, using inhalers for asthma symptoms, taking allergy medications, blood pressure meds or diabetic meds or anti-seizure meds, etc.

    I do think that there were millions of Christians praying and fasting for God to intervene in this situation. He did.

    Your questions come off as accusatory rather than encouraging. I think you may have underestimated the faith of believers and their commitment to walk in the Spirit in these matters. There have been many plagues throughout human history that have killed far more than Covid has. Many Christians did die in these plagues. Does this mean that they did not fast and pray or have faith in God? Not so.
  • BFR on Psalms 91 - 1 year ago
    The global spread of SARS-CoV-2 and the thousands of deaths caused by coronavirus disease (COVID-19) led the World Health Organization to declare a pandemic on 12 March 2020. To date, the world has paid a high toll in this pandemic in terms of human lives lost, economic repercussions and increased poverty.

    Question: How many Christians or religious people FASTED AND PRAYED?

    Question: How many preachers and teachers came forward to call a FAST and repentance from sin?

    Question: Where were all those great teachers of knowledge who preached about healing and The Holy Spirit

    Question: Who did the Church of God listen to, was it their earthy master or Heavenly Master?

    Question: Did you read Psalm 91 and trusted and had faith or took the vaccine?
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    2 of 2

    Did he have any books that he might read & study to receive a better understand of what God was up to, No.

    He had learnt the practice of the ancients, "the better part' Psalm 46:10, sat still & waited in silent prayer, which truly is a cross to self, until God was please to arise, reveal Himself & comfort him in his afflictions, Psalms 12:5-7 strengthening his faith to endure, while working in him a character of godliness that's not to be repented of.

    Joseph could not have come to his end, without the lessons God had taught him through this journey, which God was please to bring him through, thus enabling Joseph to fulfill God glorious plan. Meaning Joseph could no have the one without the experiencing the other, it was his preparation for the call that God had place on his life. This happens to all of us in our everyday ordinary experiences in life, which sometime are more riveting than others

    In this stillness & quietness of soul, waiting upon the Lord he found Psalms 91:1 He was given the a understanding

    1 John 5:20 He came to know Daniel 2:22,23

    Ronald, that which gave you a sight of these things, is He that will lead you into the literal, spiritual experiential truth of them.

    In love & truth
  • Mary on Psalms 91 - 1 year ago
    Morning how many Johns

    are in the bible
  • FAY JOY on Psalms 91 - 1 year ago

    This a perfect psalms for this season of trials and various temptations

    Thank Jehovah God, for giving his Angles charge over us.

    Blessed; be our Lord God that range for ever and ever.

  • Chris - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    Hello Eula. I can't recall anything as specific as your question being answered in the Bible; but the following Scriptures relate to giving honor & care to parents, family & others near to you.

    Exodus 20:12; Ephesians 6:1-4; 1 Timothy 5:8.
  • Eula Womack on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    Can you tell me where in the Bible where it says the sons are the oldest son supposed to take care of mother
  • Adam - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    Hi Vince, God blessed us with the ability to have fun and happy lovable pets. While the Bible doesn't answer this specifically, the Bible describes heaven as an amazing place full of love, joy, and probably every possible positive emotion on earth we experience times a million. Those who described the visions of heaven seemed to lack the words to even convey how awesome it is. Total love and happiness with no downside. So, basically, you have nothing to be concerned about. Many of these answers will only be revealed then.

    This verse suggests there could be animals in heaven:

    "And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever." Revelation 5:13 KJV

    On the other hand, I don't think people who died of dog attacks, snake bites or shark attacks, etc will be forced to live in fear with those same creatures in heaven. I think God has it under control where people have nothing to worry about. To me its not like looking for an apartment. There's only one super obvious positive choice, and one super horrible choice.
  • Ruby Lea Read - In Reply on Revelation 3 - 2 years ago
    Using the angels:

    When we were resurrected with Christ, Christ is LIFE ( John 14:6), we became the BODY of Christ, each person is the church, the seven churches in Revelation is symbolic of MAN.

    John 1:51 ....Hereafter, (when Christ was resurrected and became the life IN YOU, his Body) ye shall see heaven open, and the angels (ministering spirits) of God ascending and descending upon the son of man ---- Christ and YOU his BODY, HIS CHURCH .......

    Psalms 91:12 They (the angels) shall bear thee up (Christ and YOU his body), lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.

    God Bless YOU!
  • Vince on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    Will our pets be raptured with us? I love my little Tzh Zu. He's the sweetest loving dog. He loves every body ....I hope there's a scripture somewhere that includes our pets because if it was possible, he would be a Christian dog...
  • Mel8 - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    Hello Margaret . I'm sorry that no one else has replied to you , I hope you don't mind getting stuck with me . I wish I could take away from you whatever it is that is distressing you but I can't . There have been times in my life when I have been very distressed and there was no one around for me to talk to or offer any help . I'm glad you came on here and I hope that reading this site has been of some help to you as it has been to me . Do you have a Bible that you can read ? I hope so . In the Bible there's a man who had many troubles in his life and every time he did , he turned to God . He also wrote about his experiences in the book of Psalms , it's a great place to go if you need a reminder of how much God loves you and is willing to help you if you call out to him in prayer . How about we say a prayer together now ?

    Dear Heavenly Father , thankyou for this lovely day and thankyou for bringing me to it . Great God Almighty I know you know me better than I know myself and I know that you are always with me . You can see all my trials and tribulations and you know how much I am hurting right now . Please if it is your will , ease these burdens from my shoulders . Please lift me out of the mire and plant me some where safe . Please refresh me with your love your mercy and your blessings and please , keep tight hold of my hand as I walk through this life and keep me close to you always . I ask these things through the name of Jesus Christ the Righteous , Your precious Son and my sinless Redeemer . Amen .
  • Margaret Bazemore on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    God I am tired of going through what I am going through please help me I can't take it anymore please help Me I really need your help
  • Digman - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    As Yeshua anointed the man at the Angel's Well, may Your eyes once again perceive crystalline. Though the sins of the past may break out into health troubles, yet Our Lord said: Mind not the culprit, but look up to me for a miracle because He pardoned you. Amn.
  • Raincloud on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    Prayer for cataracts.God bless n shalom. Robert
  • Alex1939 - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    Hi Donna...I think the secret place is our hearts and minds that is prone to evil...But thats y God wants to give us a new heart and a new spirit....A new innerman....The H.G....Thats y we must be bornagain of an incorruptible seed.ok GBU
  • T Levis - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    Hello Donna Maben,

    The secret place: Psalms 91, = 1Samuel 22:1, 2Samuel 23:13, Psalms 57:1, Psalms 142:1,

    Another secret place : Matthew 6,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Donna Maben on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    Where is the Secret Place?
  • Browneyes878787 - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago

    Psalms 91 some believe it's written by David. But others attributed to Moses due to its content and textual similarity to Psalm 90, its use of Deuteronomic language, and various
  • Browneyes878787 - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    Psalms was authored by multiple writers

    we know David wrote the most of the psalms-73 that we're sure of. These ones are his, specifically:

    Psalms 3-9

    Psalms 11-41

    Psalms 51-65

    Psalms 68-70

    Psalm 86

    Psalm 101

    Psalm 103

    Psalms 108-110

    Psalm 122

    Psalm 124

    Psalm 131

    Psalm 133

    Psalms 138-145

    The family of Asaph wrote 12 psalms:

    Psalm 50

    Psalms 73-83

    The sons of Korah wrote 11 psalms:

    Psalm 42

    Psalms 44-49

    Psalms 84-85

    Psalms 87-88

    Heman the Ezrahite coauthored Psalm 88 with the sons of Korah.

    Solomon wrote two psalms:

    Psalm 72

    Psalm 127

    Moses wrote Psalm 90.

    Ethan the Ezrahite wrote Psalm 89.
  • Stuart Cato on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    Who wrote Psalm 91 ?
  • Cindyt - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    Dear Moises, greetings! I too am deaf. I started losing my hearing while a teenager and lost it all by around age 30. I understand what you're going through. I am so sorry this is happening. I advise you--if possible--to walk away from these toxic people.

    1 Corinthians 15:33 "Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners." Clearly says "bad company corrupts good character." Based on this passage of Scripture, I believe it is okay to cut anything toxic things of your life, including people. Cut out the bad company. Cut those who would cause you to stumble, fall into sin, or affect your faith.

    If for some reason it isn't possible for you to walk away from these toxic people, set boundaries between them and yourself. Ignore their comments. Devote yourself to God. Pray for God's help when they make fun of you. And pray for them--pray that God will convict them to stop harassing you. Pray that He will convict them to come to Him for salvation or restoration. Don't allow these toxic people to cause you to sin.

    God bless and protect you!
  • Sammi - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    If you are being bullied you need to get away from these people , physically keep out of their way . Pray to God and ask Him to put you far away from them and ask for some good Christian friends in your life , start going to church , reading your Bible and saying your prayers . God is with you all day every day , ask for His help , put your trust in Him and be patient .
  • Moises de la mota on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    My name is moses hello let you know i m deaf i need of god protection with me because paulettte mckibben and ashley mckibben against and insult me often i need peace please pray for me

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