Discuss Psalms 91 Page 13

  • Hannah on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    Please pray that I will receive 38 more dollars before the last week of February. I have a job, but the money they give per day and per week is super low, and as of right now, I don't know how I'm going to get enough money for a living. Please pray.
  • David Allen on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    please pray for me today
  • Valerie on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    I am praying for everyone who requested a prayer's request within God's will. May the Lord Bless you May the Lord keep you May the Lord give you peace, and may the Lord comfort you. Overall I pray that when you speak the name of Christ Jesus/Yeshua HE will send the Holy Comforter to you and your households. Hold on to HIS hand because HE will never let you fall. Trust in HIM when things don't seem like they are not getting better. There are seasons in all our lives but God brings us out of them. Keep the faith and know that Elohim/God loves all of us no matter what. Shalom and peace to you all.
  • David on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    Please keep Kristie and myself in your prayers today , please pray that walls and things that separate us be removed , once and for all thank you and GOD bless you
  • Lena on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    Prayer for my daughter Stacey in the hospital-Dr. not sure if it's the Virus 19
  • David on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    please lift me up in your prayers today
  • Ephraim Kalorib on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    I thank you for providing this Bible verses to strengthen me. I have been a Christian but have continued to fall. I want be strong in Christ. Thank you
  • David Allen on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    Please Pray for Kristie and myself , Please pray that the wall's that separate us be removed once and for all
  • BettyJ on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    prayerfor my husband&frDeath/protection from satans evil works.ty.bless
  • Renee Reed on Psalms 91:1 - 4 years ago
    Thank god for divine protection, definitely in this climate!!!
  • Charles maki on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    Deliverance from alcohol addiction
  • Shenett stevens on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    pray for the Stevens family and me and my child and my son he's droping him self on the floor.
  • Marcus on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    My God; in him will I trust
  • Adam - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    First, remember God wiped everyone out in the flood except for 8 people.

    Hello, there's 2 common theories I've heard:

    1. Noah had 7 others with him. Some believe people from the races came from these 8 people. But this theory doesn't leave much information about culture or how they found wives within the same race.

    2. Tower of Babel. (after the flood). Genesis 11:1-9. It says 2 things: (1) languages were created, and (2) people were scattered across the earth. It's likely Chinese when to China, Africans went to Africa, Europeans went to Europe, Indians to India, etc. And with the languages were cultures. And even though the Bible doesn't specifically say it, races could have been created at this time. I believe this is the most likely answer, because I don't think all races came from 8 people who were already included family. And race, culture, language, and location are all unique and interconnected.

    God bless...
  • Charles on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    Since Adam and Eve was the first man and woman, where did all the other races come from.
  • Dorothy - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    Some times God allows us to be alone, so we grow closer to Him. I have been where you are, and discovered that the more time I spent praying and building my faith, the more I realized some of the people in my life were not really good for me. Perhaps God is trying to show you that He has wonderful plans for your life, and change is not such a bad thing. one goo friend is worth more than a thousand who cause grief. Prayers and hugs. Stay close to God, and pray for wisdom to know God's will for your life. You are loved! Peace
  • Steven Spencer - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    Hi Ashley, I have prayed for you and your baby girl, as well as others on the site, continue to without ceasing
  • Ashlee on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    Lord please heal my baby girl spinal cord injury, please mighty lord have regain movements and feeling. Please forgive me and my family from our sin and restore my girls functions. I pray she is just under spinal shock and this is just temporary. Please give us all the strength to keep going, please look over us all and break our curses. In Jesus name , amen.
  • Ijeoma otigbuo on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    Please help me pray for the unity of my family, children, sisters especially my daughters Chi and Didi. Also my sisters Onyeka and Azunna.

    My friends to come back to me. I have been deserted by my friends and relatives.

    To find a good church to join.

    Please help me!!!!
  • David Allen on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    Please keep me in your Prayers today
  • Julie Fanara on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for my son Gregory that he would get victory over drug use of Meth. He is 35 years of age and married but his wife wants a divorce because of his habit. I believe that God can restore their marriage and help him with this craving of drugs. Please pray for this situation.

    Thank you,

    Mrs. J. Fanara
  • JOni on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    God Bless Everyone and every living thing, every creature, every plant, shrub, mighty tree, blade of grass and flower, every ocean river pond and stream and the deepest seas and the planet itself inside and out. May we and all living things be Miraculously Blessed, Miraculously Healed, Miraculously Saved, Miraculously LOVED and Miraculously Protected by the Hand of GOD Now and for all of Eternity. May we all be Miraculously safe and Miraculously saved from all evil and evil presences may all of GODS' Creation be Now Miraculously safe from all evils and may all evil in all of its forms be rendered harmless against all of GODS' children, all of GODS' Creatures, all of GODS' creation now and forever. GOD BLESS YOU ALL Now, at Christmastime, at New Years and for all infinity and for all of Eternity in GODS' HOLY NAME, AMEN. PEACE on Earth. GOD BLESS US EVERYONE, Amen.
  • Chris Steward weedor on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    I want for God to use me to work for him
  • R Stephens - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    Pray for healing for my wife Kim and me.
  • Mmasichhukwu on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    I want it in an easy way
  • Receiving Favor Giving Favor - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    The favor of God can be described as "tangible evidence that a person has the approval of the Lord." When we favor someone, we want to be with him or her. We delight in him/her. We connect with him/her in a way we don't connect with everyone else. We usually favor people who also favor us. IN THE SAME WAY, God shows favor to the ones who delight in, connect with, and give honor to Him. Isaiah 66:2 says, "These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word." 2 Chronicles 16:9 says, "For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong on behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him." To be "perfect" toward Him means we seek His favor more than we seek the favor of anyone else, even ourselves.
  • Praying for Revival - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    Nothing is hopeless. Ezekiel 37, ONE Prophet of God, listened to God; believed Him; did what God said to do.

    Even now, one person can stand up to Dead Apathy; and prophesy in the Name and The Power of the Blood of Jesus____to the dead bones in Sweden.

    Your FAITH in God starts the shaking. The Holy Spirit makes the Bones stand up.

    If revival is in your heart, it's there for a reason. God is looking for one person to take His WORD seriously. Don't let the nay-sayers grouch that it's "Old Testament".

    Ezekial 37: It's written down for us to see it. Habakkuk 2:1-4, "that he may run that reads it"...

    If the Lord places revival in your heart, that is your work. It's lonely but if that fire burns hot within your heart, run with it. You speak to the dry dead bones of revival.

    Jesus sits at the right hand of God, right now, interceding for ALL SAINTS.

    Write the vision down...in the Bible. The Bible is alive, written on the flesh of our hearts. If others with the same burden want to join you to pray for revival, let it be.

    Commit your works to the Lord.

    Psalm 69:9, 69:13

    You're the 1st person I've heard say they want to see a revival in their nation. May the Lord bless you. I agree with you for revival in Sweden.
  • Steven Spencer - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    Goodmorning Dale, im sure you know, just pray your own prayer, and we will be praying for you in silence.
  • Prayer For Deliverance and Healing - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    Speak faith when doubt raises its head.

    Pray: " Come Holy Spirit. Help Me."

    I pray against sickness in my coming and going. I pray against any form of sickness coming near me, my family, or near my vicinity. I claim my healing against: (speak your disease out now) in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I declare by the power and authority of the Holy Ghost, that no illness, spirit of infirmity or sickness attack from the enemy shall prevail against me in Jesus's mighty name. I am covered by the Blood of Jesus.

    I confess Jesus Christ as my infinite Healer, and by His holy stripes and mighty authority, I declare that I am totally healed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. I render every satanic attack against me bound up and cast out by the Name of Jesus! every spiritual foundation of sickness, and I command every infirmities spirit to bow down right now to the authority that is in the name of Jesus Christ. Go into outer darkness. Do not return in Jesus of Nazareth name!

    I pray against sickness in any form or shape. I say with confidence that I am the healed of the LORD Jesus Christ. I cover myself and family with Christ's precious holy blood of Jesus and I declare by His holy might and righteousness, dominion and authority that it shall continue to be well with me and my family in all dominion, and dimensional realms.

    I forbid by the authority of the Holy Ghost any reoccurrence of sickness in my life. I claim immunity for me and for my family against every form of sicknesses with the atonement blood of Jesus Christ. I declare that we carry the mark of Christ Jesus; therefore, let no infirmities spirits ever trouble us!

    In Jesus of Nazareth holy name and by His righteous authority I have decreed and declared! I stand in faith. Amen.

    Copy this down and use it till your Faith stands up like King David did, to Goliath.

  • Steven Spencer - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    I've prayed for you Dan

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