King James Version (KJV)
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Hello, there's 2 common theories I've heard:
1. Noah had 7 others with him. Some believe people from the races came from these 8 people. But this theory doesn't leave much information about culture or how they found wives within the same race.
2. Tower of Babel. (after the flood). Genesis 11:1-9. It says 2 things: (1) languages were created, and (2) people were scattered across the earth. It's likely Chinese when to China, Africans went to Africa, Europeans went to Europe, Indians to India, etc. And with the languages were cultures. And even though the Bible doesn't specifically say it, races could have been created at this time. I believe this is the most likely answer, because I don't think all races came from 8 people who were already included family. And race, culture, language, and location are all unique and interconnected.
God bless...
My friends to come back to me. I have been deserted by my friends and relatives.
To find a good church to join.
Please help me!!!!
Thank you,
Mrs. J. Fanara
Even now, one person can stand up to Dead Apathy; and prophesy in the Name and The Power of the Blood of Jesus____to the dead bones in Sweden.
Your FAITH in God starts the shaking. The Holy Spirit makes the Bones stand up.
If revival is in your heart, it's there for a reason. God is looking for one person to take His WORD seriously. Don't let the nay-sayers grouch that it's "Old Testament".
Ezekial 37: It's written down for us to see it. Habakkuk 2:1-4, "that he may run that reads it"...
If the Lord places revival in your heart, that is your work. It's lonely but if that fire burns hot within your heart, run with it. You speak to the dry dead bones of revival.
Jesus sits at the right hand of God, right now, interceding for ALL SAINTS.
Write the vision the Bible. The Bible is alive, written on the flesh of our hearts. If others with the same burden want to join you to pray for revival, let it be.
Commit your works to the Lord.
Psalm 69:9, 69:13
You're the 1st person I've heard say they want to see a revival in their nation. May the Lord bless you. I agree with you for revival in Sweden.
Pray: " Come Holy Spirit. Help Me."
I pray against sickness in my coming and going. I pray against any form of sickness coming near me, my family, or near my vicinity. I claim my healing against: (speak your disease out now) in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I declare by the power and authority of the Holy Ghost, that no illness, spirit of infirmity or sickness attack from the enemy shall prevail against me in Jesus's mighty name. I am covered by the Blood of Jesus.
I confess Jesus Christ as my infinite Healer, and by His holy stripes and mighty authority, I declare that I am totally healed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. I render every satanic attack against me bound up and cast out by the Name of Jesus! every spiritual foundation of sickness, and I command every infirmities spirit to bow down right now to the authority that is in the name of Jesus Christ. Go into outer darkness. Do not return in Jesus of Nazareth name!
I pray against sickness in any form or shape. I say with confidence that I am the healed of the LORD Jesus Christ. I cover myself and family with Christ's precious holy blood of Jesus and I declare by His holy might and righteousness, dominion and authority that it shall continue to be well with me and my family in all dominion, and dimensional realms.
I forbid by the authority of the Holy Ghost any reoccurrence of sickness in my life. I claim immunity for me and for my family against every form of sicknesses with the atonement blood of Jesus Christ. I declare that we carry the mark of Christ Jesus; therefore, let no infirmities spirits ever trouble us!
In Jesus of Nazareth holy name and by His righteous authority I have decreed and declared! I stand in faith. Amen.
Copy this down and use it till your Faith stands up like King David did, to Goliath.