Discuss Psalms 92 Page 3

  • RLP on Psalms 92 - 6 years ago
    The Lord has already started to take care of my enemies so they are no more.Starting with the one first one that initially started all the trouble for me in a certain situation and will work his way down to the last and HE has gotten back at this person far more than I could ever do on my own.
  • BSP on Psalms 92 - 6 years ago
    Verse 7~When we start to see the wicked springing up all around like weeds, we know that very soon the time will come when Jehovah God will do away with such evil ones.
  • SONIA on Psalms 92 - 6 years ago
    Psalm 92 reminds us that we should exalt the Holy name of Jesus. We must worship and give Him thanks always. He has done soooo much for us. The least we can do is "give Him thanks"
  • BSP on Psalms 92 - 6 years ago
    If we are firmly planted in the truth and have strong faith then Jehovah God will make sure that we flourish.
  • Sheila on Psalms 92 - 6 years ago
    I have fallin in love with this psalms (92) i have never been committed to reading.i have been reading psalms (91) for a couple of months now.only God, can make you submit, and commit i fill awsom knowing how God's word , will protect you.A word amazing.Now I'm comttied to reading psamls 91-92.Amen.
  • Antonio Thompson on Psalms 92 - 6 years ago
    No evil can't come nigh my dwelling Psalm 91 no evil no evil can't touch me no evil can't touch me I am a mighty man of God no evil can touch me not ever not ever not now not tomorrow. His second not next year not forever not forever but they will not touch me he will not touch my son we will not touch my daughter you can't come around me he can't trust me and you can't touch me in Jesus name
  • Brad Marshall on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    It is a great thing to praise the Lord in song and in our lives! V.13 When we're planted in the house of the Lord we shall flourish! We will be fruitful in old age! What encouragement!
  • Funke Ogunsola on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    It is indeed a great thing to know the Lord. To praise him and acknowledge his love and wondrous deeds everyday. To know his purposes and promises for the lives of his children. PRAISE THE LORD!!!
  • Lifetime Missionary John E. Gunter on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    God saved me on May 2, 1949 and He immediately put a burning desire in my heart to serve and please Him. I am now 83 years of age and continuing to serve Him. I claim my future service on verses 14-15 "They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing; To shew that the LORD is upright: he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him."
  • Sharon jones on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    Praise The Lord, psalms 92 gives me great strength, in the name of Jesus.
  • Shannon powell on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    I Believe alllllll things R possible in Christ Jesus. I'm so grateful to know that I don't have to fight with in my spirit any more, because I'm able to cast alllll my cares upon the Lord, because he dress for me. Listen he gives me eyes to see the plots that the enemy tries to stagnate me with so that I can take another route to over come the plans which the devil tries to hinder me with. AmeN!!
  • Shenika Chapman on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    I know the Lord is working today, his want no to overcome anything not Godly to listen for his message. God is the one that wakes me up. He helps me with troubling feels and bad habits. He gives me protection to keep me out of harm's way. Working for the Lord is the best job I can ever work; God will not destroy me. He loves me enough to tell me about his strength that only he can provide.
  • Annette enjamin on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    I just love this first because the Lord is my rock he's my shelter be my everything Glory Hallelujah give him all the praise because he is so awesome to be praised
  • Irene123 on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    To Susie - I am 74, Jesus Name Apostolic. V. 14 was a real blessing to me, but then I already knew He can use me as His witness thru our Pastor's preaching. Unicorns - they were just a wild ox, as Karl said, and they have NOTHING to do with salvation - except to denote strength in our walk with Him. 'Subtle intent' can denote an idea change in God's word. God forbids changes in His word.
  • Felicia on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    Verse 1
    We give thanks to our parents, leaders, friends and above all to God. If thanksgiving becomes an integral part of our life we find that our attitude changes towards life. It is humbling. We become more positive, gracious and loving. Lord Jesus, it's indeed a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD and to sing praises unto thy name; O most High. Praise be to God. Hallelujah!
  • Irene123 on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    To Martha on Sabbath - The Lord bless you on your strong stance
  • Mari on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    To Irene, I agree. Jesus is our rest. Not one day, but every day. (In the Holy Ghost). Amen. Many places in the bible as you've stated explains. We must all study to show ourselves approved. I'm falling away from celebrating Christmas. We all must know by now that its not his true birth. I worship from the book of Acts church.
  • Irene123 on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    To Martha on Isa. 31:16 - Thank-you, Martha, for responding . We don't all agree, just as the Israelites didn't all agree. I don't know how or if you celebrate Christmas, but the Lord be with you and keep you and yours safe.
  • Karl on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    to Suzie -- the psalms can be uplifting and "strengthening can't they, a good message for you to pass along. Unicorns, well, easy and tough to answer, the Hebrew translation is "wild ox" but perhaps the translators of the KJV had a more subtle intent using the term unicorn, I still like their choice, even knowing that it may not be literally accurate, gives a reader pause for thought - any help?
  • Suzie Williams on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    This psalm brings me strength to know that even in our old age ,God will use us to bring others to Him thru the gospel! vs.10 surprised me,were there unicorns on earth?
  • Martha on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    @Irene123 Exodus 31:16 Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant.
    The definition of "perpetual" Never ceasing; continuing forever in future time; destined to be eternal; as a perpetual covenant; a perpetual statute. Nowhere in the Word does the Holy Ghost replace His own commandments.

  • Irene123 on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    Ps. 92:1 - (A Psalm or song for the Sabbath day); unquote. In the O.T. the Sabbath was a literal day; in the N.T. it is a spiritual rest, in the Holy Ghost - Acts 2:38; Mk.2:27; Matt.11:28; Jn 14:27 ('peace' goes right along with 'rest'); Isa. 28:11-12, "with stammering lips and another tongue" refers to the EVIDENCE of receiving the H.G. of Acts 2:38; Isa. 28:10 - "here a little .........."
  • Kish on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    Father God under your wings I reside, knowing that you are a forgiving and mercuful God. I cherish our moments daily. Thank you for the opportunity to worship, reverence you. Thank you for abundance.Father without you I am as a vapor but you in me and I in you, I'm all the works of your mighty hands. Thank you for deliverance, peace. I'll never forget all you,ve done, is doing. In Jesus Holy Name.
  • Rita on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    I love Psalms 92:14 I will still bear fruit in my old age. As the years add up, God's faithfulness keeps multiplying for me/us
  • Marcia on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    This is a powerful psalm Thanking and praising s faithful God in everything we must be thankful.
  • Joseph on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    I think the main idea of psalms 92 is about flourishing thing.
  • COLLINS on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    God loved me first, gave me such a great salvation, allowed me to enter into his holiest by his son Jesus Christ. Am not of them who draw back into perdition, but to them who believe unto the saving of the soul. My heart is in peace, happiness and joy because of the word of God which is the life and the light of all men. GOD YOU DESERVE HONOUR AND GLORY, YES LORD, YOU DO. HALLELUJAH
  • Helen on Psalms 92 - 7 years ago
    There is a great God who loves us.l count his love in the morning n His faithfulness in the evening.Lord God l Bless your Name Most High.All Glory an Honor is yours.
  • Yoli on Psalms 92 - 8 years ago
    I love you Lord Jesus Christ you are my rock and no evil weapon can hurt me thank you for fighting my battles you are my lord,counselor, judge, and mentor ext everything belongs to you you made the heaven and earth and everything in it Amen Love you and thank you for letting me one of yr children and being my lord and Savior father
  • Ruth on Psalms 92 - 8 years ago
    Beloved I would like to say that never seize praises and let it be like a telephone call God bless you

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