Discuss Psalms 92 Page 4

  • Melda on Psalms 92 - 8 years ago
    Oh thank you Jesus it's a good thing to give thanks unto our kings of kings and Lord of Lord for he is worthy to be praise his name will continue to be in my mouth father God i thank you and praise you because you are so good to me because when my enemies rise against me they will be destroy because i no you are with me. Hallelujah Amen
  • Mae on Psalms 92 - 8 years ago
    I give thanks praise to the holy spirit at all time reading the bible and praying often I found myself as I get older being encouraging and getting closer to my lord and savior because he is everything and worthy to be praise who wouldn't want to serve a God like that I do not worry about my enemies,because I know the lord will fight against those that fight against me trust in the holy spirit.
  • Jennifer on Psalms 92 - 8 years ago
    God blesses us and protects us throughout our lifetime and ensures that we can still produce excellent deeds and words even in old age and all He needs from us is thanks and praise and try to emulate His son Jesus.
  • Terease on Psalms 92 - 8 years ago
  • BSP on Psalms 92 - 8 years ago
    Even though we see the wicked popping up like weeds as verse 7 says, we know that these developments show that it so they can be destroyed forever.
  • Lilian on Psalms 92 - 8 years ago
    It's good to give thanks unto the Lord Jesus every moment of our life. We must thanked his blood, think his blood and talk about his blood that shed for us. God's grace are sufficient enough it is right to give thanks and praise Jesus alone for HE IS WORTHY TO BE PRAISE.
  • Judy on Psalms 92 - 8 years ago
    This takes even more importance at this time in history when many leaders prosper at the expense of others. God will always have our backs even in times of depravity. We can count on our God to deliver us to his kingdom and guide our hearts home. Glory to our God the king of kings.
  • Maureen on Psalms 92 - 8 years ago
    I thank God he has been very Good for me, may all praise and adoration be given unto him in Jesus name. I was inspired by verse 1 it is a good thing to sing praises to the Lord.
  • Patricia on Psalms 92 - 8 years ago
    Thanking God for his many blessings and his grace his mercy his forgiviness everyday, morning and night. He is my refuge my strength my glory my joy iunspeakable and i am blessed to wake up daily to his beautiful creation and know he protects me from my enemies and strenthen me in my old age to keep bearing good fruits for him in his glory.
  • Annette on Psalms 92 - 8 years ago
  • Annette on Psalms 92 - 8 years ago
    the Lord is my rock and there is none righteous but him
  • John on Psalms 92 - 8 years ago
    Verses 1 and 2 reminds us to meditate on blessings from our loving Father, Jehovah, that will fill our heart with gratitude and will move us to give thanks every day
  • Norm on Psalms 92 - 8 years ago
    Heavenly Father, my LORD, my Saviour, my God! Your thoughts are beyond comprehension that only those chosen to know will know. Thank You Father for Your grace, lovingkindnesses, tender mercies, forgiveness, truth, patience and everlasting life! In Christ JESUS our LORD and Saviour we give Thee thanks, O Father. Amen and Amen Psalms 92:5 O LORD, how great are thy works! and thy thoughts are very deep. 7 When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish it is that they shall be destroyed for ever:
  • Ebenezer on Psalms 92 - 8 years ago
    Live a life that will bring you blessing
  • Esmrna harris on Psalms 92 - 8 years ago
    This scripture gives strength and healing to the physical and spiritual. When one is down in the valley and need help. Thanks to God for his blessings
  • Joy juster on Psalms 92 - 8 years ago
    Know God's words first study your bible well so you will have a great understanding of the bible.
  • Peggy Farrell on Psalms 92 - 8 years ago
    This psalm offers comfort and peace during and after tribulatory times in one's life.
  • GeraldineCole on Psalms 92 - 8 years ago
    Praise The Lord Jesus who is the beginning and the ending of his children life he is owesome there is no one or nothing like him and when he give u his Holy GHOST he is a gift from The Lord Jesus The Christ praise The Lord Jesus
  • Emmanuel on Psalms 92 - 9 years ago
    The blessings of God gives rest of mind than of unrighteous man God is everything we've serve in him is our strength and hope
  • Gloria on Psalms 92:13 - 9 years ago
    When I read the comment regarding everything that is in the garden eats from the garden I think of what God said to Adam and Eve. Gen. 3:9-16 still studying this concept out as it applies in a practical way in our walk with God.
  • Shadrach muloki on Psalms 92 - 9 years ago
    from verse 11 through to 15 of this chapter,,one thing ESTABLISHMENT AND PROSPERITY comes in mind..there is everything in the house of the lord.but until you are planted in the house and become very solid to imbibe the nutrients for long you will not know prosperity.a palm tree flourishes for it is planted for a long time..GOD the father does not bless people on the streets,but those planted in his house,,. make a choice today to be planted today in a church and see prosperity come and overtake you...
  • Eaglesrock on Psalms 92 - 9 years ago
    12 The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: During a storm with strong winds the palm tree bends, but after the strong winds are gone it goes back to its original shape. The rightouse are like that.
  • Chinenye on Psalms 92 - 9 years ago
    My horn shall thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn, i shall be anointed with fresh oil continualy
  • Sharon on Psalms 92 - 9 years ago
    I know we can 't wake up without him or go to sleep at night with him. We have to thank him for EVERYTHING because without the breathe he gives us, we would be nothing. So with all that I have I give him the Praise and Glory
  • Lilian on Psalms 92 - 9 years ago
    Our Prayer must be thanking Jesus and praising God for his love and mercy endureth forever. He is God of Salvation, He is loving and forgiving God. We must put our trust to God forever rather that put our confidence to a man. For God is so faithful to his promises that he will never ever leave us nor forsake us. Whatever turbulence comes into our life we must improve our praising and thanking God for he is good all the time. Jesus loves you. Amen
  • James allaway on Psalms 92 - 9 years ago
    I think its a blessing to know Gods love and it let 's me know He is with me in every step
  • Evangelist Ch.V.Raju on Psalms 92 - 9 years ago
    Certainly touch the hearts of Millions of readers. As to myself is concerned I rejoiced a lot and came to know much more. Thank you in sharing for my edification. God may bless you.
  • Ronald W. DeWitt on Psalms 92 - 9 years ago
    Jesus Saves Always
  • OYEBODE JIDE on Psalms 92:12 - 9 years ago
  • Ann on Psalms 92 - 10 years ago
    I love singing praises to the Most High God. It brings His presence upon my life. Psalm 92 1 I remember working up one morning hearing the Lord saying to me "sing praises to the Most High God " and knowing that Psalm is full of praises I did not know which Psalm and God referred me to Psalm 92.

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