My God can move mountains, he has deliver me from problem. All I can say he is almighty God ,and there 's none like him. Trust him he always listens. The bible says with faith we could do anything. Just trust.I thank him so much there are no words.
God is too faithful to fail! The righteous never grow old bringing forth fruits in season and out of season like the palm tree. The righteous goes from strengths to strength even in the face of impossible, barrenness, delay,frastruction, lack and want, he will still flourish and grow.
Psalms 92, Is praises desire and desrve of our God, an honor when He allow you to feel how He is 24Hrs 7 days a wk. When flesh want to cry, when flesh wants to dwell in sorrow, when flesh wants to give up. Praises! Praises belongs to our God. He is our Praise morning and night. Worthy is He.
Psalms 92 is one of giving God the highest note of praise with all our being. In spite of what our greatest needs, fears or challenges are we must constantly keeps our praises up
Psalms92 13 tells us that in order to achieve our things from God we need to be groomed in the garden of God because every thing that is in the garden eats from the garden and its rooted in the garden,when you take a vegetable out of the garden its mean you killed that vegetable even a person if he she is taken out of God presence he is dead
to question #14,this speaks of all believers, but primarily of Israel in her "OLD AGE" HAVING BEEN AWAY FROM God, for so long, and finally brought back to him,she will then begin to
"bring forth fruit",during the Great Millennial Reign, she "SHALL BE FAT AND FLOURISHING"
Deep thoughts produces great works. This is just the direct meaning of psm 95vs2. God thought is profound and outstanding and so also God expects us to produce greats works from our thought through the help of Holy Spirit working with our thought.
What I think of Psalms 92:14 is that getting older does not mean you stop working. When you are in Christ and you have your health and strength and your right mind. You can encourage, be a light to someone with the works of thy hands in Jesus name.
It the best ever!!!I read this ps when i want to praise Papa God for the wonderful work, he has done in my life and how awesome he is.......Wow Papa God is the best in my life............!!!!!
Jeff. "planted by the rivers of water" mean: When you plant a tree your 1st expectation is to watch it grow and bear leaves, right. But if you do not water it, it will not grow. For us that would mean:If Christians do not bear fruit in their season the tree (which is us) will wither away and cause the tree to die (our interman the Holy Spirit). If you are not walking in your purpose and using what God gave you, then you become just like a tree without it's fruit. You should be excerising your right as a Christian and walking in your calling by helping others and spreading the Gospel and let people know what God has done for you and what he has brought you through. Sometimes Christians are fearful of what the Lord wants us to do but we cannot approach our calling in "FEAR". If you are struggling in this area or maybe you know someone that is study these Bible verses; Isiah 61:3/ Proverbs 11:28/ Psalms 92:12/ Jeremiah 14:1/ Ezekiel 47:12/ Jeremiah 39:18 and Job 29:19.
"bring forth fruit",during the Great Millennial Reign, she "SHALL BE FAT AND FLOURISHING"