Discuss Psalms 94

  • T Levis - In Reply on Psalms 94 - 1 year ago
    Psalms 25:4,5, Psalms 37, Matthew 6, Psalms 86:11, Psalms 143:10, Isaiah 26:3, Romans 12:2, Luke 11:1-13

    2Corinthians 13:11, Romans 10:17,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Robert Dotstry on Psalms 94 - 2 years ago
    It has been a very challenging year for me, possible divorce, i was suspended for 8 days without pay my director is stressing me out not my job i want to get to know god more now than anything. i cannot do it by my self i want to know how to pray daily to him for strengh, peace happiness just a happy lift without the extra stuff
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Fake gods come from rebellion against GOD ALMIGHTY. Acts 19:26, 2Kings 19:18,

    1Timothy 2:5,

    The imagination of man; to ignore the obvious all around: that the earth, our very being, molecules that aren't created, only slightly manipulated by man, asks an answer beyond some comprehension.

    The question itself seems to derive from rebellion. Isaiah 55:8, Isaiah 29:15,16, Psalms 94:5-15, Psalms 139, Job 38:2-41, Job 40:7-13,

    GOD gave some of us very deeply inquisitive minds, to invent witty things, Proverbs 8:12, some build imaginative creations, that in ourselves deep questions of consciousness & core beginnings arise at times. In these gifted minds of power & powerful thinking, faults sometimes into arrogance of belief to define The CREATOR & make a beginning. Because in limited understanding we have beginning & perceivable ending in flesh. Yet in our core perceive there is more in the supernatural, outside the flesh. 1Corinthians 1:27,

    We as humans are like gods ourselves we can choose to do mighty evil or good in our days, we can cause other's to cry in distress or rejoice with gladness but in the end we will all answer to GOD ALMIGHTY the maker of heaven & earth. Psalms 82, Leviticus 25:17, Romans 14:12,

    It's also amazing that a creator would care so much for what HE has created that HE would still have a plan of redemption even after rebellion: John 3:16
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 2 years ago
    Romans 5,

    Here are scriptures for experience: Genesis 30:27, Ecclesiastes 1:16,

    Teacher/ teach; Psalms 25:4,5,9,12, Psalms 32:8, Psalms 94:12, Proverbs 9, 1John 2:27, John 14:26, Proverbs 22:6,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Rick Colombe on Psalms 94 - 2 years ago
    As I read Psalm 94, all I could see is the evil of the Biden administration, while they march towards Marxism, and destroy everything good about our nation. They continue to kill the fatherless through abortion, and call it choice and and a women's right! Please pray that God will show us favor and fight and destroy this evil in our land. Yes, pray for those in the Biden administration, yet recognize evil for what it is.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please read:

    Jeremiah 9:23-25, Zephaniah 1:9,

    Promise of punishment to Hebrews if they did not reform; Leviticus 26:23-25, Amos 3:2,

    GOD's punishment; Jeremiah 44:13, Hosea 12:2,

    Ezekiel 25:14,17, Jeremiah 51:11,36,37, Psalms 94:1, Jeremiah 50:15,18, Luke 21:22, Isaiah 63:4, Micah 5:15, Isaiah 61:2, Psalms 149:7, Jeremiah 11:20, Isaiah 47:3, Isaiah 34:6-9, Psalms 99:6-9, Ezekiel 25:12,

    Isaiah 59:16-21, redemption & recompense, Jeremiah 51:6, Jeremiah 30:20, Zephaniah 1:8,

    2 Thessalonians 6-9, Hope of GOD's recompense, it is "righteouss" Isaiah 35:4,

    Romans 12:19, Hebrews 10:28-31, Deuteronomy 32:35,

    Jude 1:5-7,

    Nahum 1:2, ''GOD is furious"
  • Lisa on Psalms 94 - 3 years ago
    Asking for prayers for healing mercy and grace for my family, both physical and spiritual. May God have all the glory! Amen.
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Brother Chris, You can never make the words of God have continuity as long as you believe God is going to send his creation to hell.

    The Parable was to the house of Judau, if they didn't understand the gospel they would suffer death, if they understood the gospel they would never see death, but be translated to the likeness of Christ, the kingdom of God.

    If the saints are going to judge the world in righteousness, what would be the purpose of that Judgement.

    Psalms 94:10 He that chastiseth the heathen, shall he not correct? he that teach man knowledge, shall he not know?
  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 94 - 3 years ago
    Christopher, your prayer as been heard and the Holy Spirit will confirm in your heart that you are forgiven and a child of God. I will pray for you., that the peace of Christ will fill your heart as you confess with your mouth that Jesus ihas saved you from your sins. Amen
  • Christopher Glaspy on Psalms 94 - 3 years ago
    i need your help father please hear my cry a sinner saved by grace. Christopher glaspy
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Sister GiGi, you are right, one belief is wrong and one belief is right.

    I am well aware that the vast majority of Christian believe the very God that tells them they have to love their enemies is going to do the opposite of what he tells his children to do, and send them to HELL. I am in the minority that believes God also loves his enemies.

    Matthew 5:43-44

    Psalms 94:10

    Proverbs 16:6
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Brother Adam:

    Jesus came to save us from death and the grave.

    God wants children, sons and daughters.

    Death and the grave separate God and his children.

    Jesus DESTROYED DEATH and the GRAVE at the cross.

    God is calling out a PRIESTHOOD, before he resurrects his children back to LIFE, these CHOSEN will govern and rule over God's creation and bring ALL his children into KNOWLEDGE of God. Then Jesus will turn the kingdom back to the Father who gave it to him and GOD WILL BE ALL IN ALL.

    You can't have the Word of God saying two opposite things.

    You can't have verses that say all creation will worship God and other verses saying creation will be separated and not worshipping God.

    The error is in translation. Correct the error and the verses agree with each other.

    Our KJV was translated from the Latin Catholic bible, the translator used the words that had been changed by the Catholic church instead of going to the original Greek and Hebrew scriptures.

    Also meaning of words change, 500 years ago hell meant a covered place, the English farmers kept their potatoes in HELL (a covered place or cellar)(like a grave).

    Christ tells us to rightly divide his word, seek out contradiction and correctly apply other scriptures to have complete continuity.

    Repent (turn) from what you thought was correct doctrine to correct doctrine. In this walk we will have to Repent many times, because God's word is LIVING and keeps revealing himself to us.

    Psalms 94:10 He that chastens the heathen, shall he NOT CORRECT? he that teacheth man knowledge SHALL MAN NO KNOW?

    ALL IS GOD'S WORK man is just the vessel (body).
  • David on Psalms 94 - 3 years ago
    Thank you Lord for your promises and your faithfulness. Help us to pray and walk in your precepts.

    I pray for salvation on the lost souls in the world. Open the hearts of our leadership, that they will receive Jesus as their savior and govern our country in the fear of the Lord.

    Thank you Jesus for hearing our cry on this day October 27, 2021
  • Jeanette on Psalms 94 - 3 years ago
    Thank you jesus

  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on Luke 5 - 3 years ago
    Brother David, may CHRIST IN US grace us with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding.

    God divides eternity into different AGES. God CAUSES certain things to happen in those AGES.

    In the Previous AGE; the AGE of THE LAW and Prophets. God caused THE ONES HE APPOINTED to leave a written record of the AGE TO FOLLOW.

    It was written that in the AGE TO COME God would APPOINT (call out) a FEW to be PRIEST in his KINGDOM.

    This is what we see now. Most want be called now; BUT there are more AGES to come. Christ and his priest will judge the world and the world will LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS.

    God has a PLAN:


    Isaiah 32:1 Behold, a king shall rule in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgement.

    Psalms 94:15 But judgement shall TURN INTO RIGHTEOUSNESS ....

    Proverbs 16:6 By MERCY and TRUTH iniquity is PURGED ...

    Psalms 85:10 Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.

    Psalms 22:29 And they that be fat upon the earth shall eat and worship (first resurrection): and they that go down to the dust (second resurrection) SHALL BOW BEFORE HIM: and none can keep alive his own soul.

    Psalms 22:30 A seed (priest) shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation (age).

    Psalms 22:31 They (priest) shall come (at the second resurrection), and shall declare his righteousness to a people (at the second resurrection) that SHALL BE BORN (AGAIN) that he hath done this.

    Revelation 2:26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth MY WORKS unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:

    Revelation 2:27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessel of a potter shall they be broken to shivers, even as I received of my Father.

    Revelation 10:11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy AGAIN before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.

    This is what the parable of Lazarus and the rich man is about.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Norman,

    I believe that suggestion is a insult to our Lord,

    The creation shows his Glory! God spoke this universe into existence! God made these vessels of clay live! God has no beginning or ending, Knows our thoughts, Stands outside of time looking in!!


    Isaiah 46:9-10. Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,

    Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:


    Psalms 94:8-9. Understand, ye brutish among the people: and ye fools, when will ye be wise?

    He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? he that formed the eye, shall he not see?

    Psalms 139:3-4. Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.

    For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether.

    Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalms 119:105,




    And little created man can out smart God by scrambling the inspired scripture and derail his plan for salvation. That thought is disrespectful.

    God bless.
  • Chris - In Reply on Psalms 94:20 - 3 years ago
    You're quite right, John. I doubt if we will ever see a candidate that upholds biblical Truth & values, giving full honour to God & rejecting all that is stained with evil. If such an one even made it to office, he would either soon get shot down or never move any further. I think we will have to wait for Jesus' millenial rule from Jerusalem to see righteousness being performed & not before.
  • John ChavezThe Lord says that we should on Psalms 94:20 - 3 years ago
    The Lord says we should be wise as serpents and gentle as doves, when dealing with unbelievers. Maybe we should be discerning when it comes to something like voting. It is difficult to find candidates that reflect the Lord's virtues.
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on John 3:13 - 3 years ago
    Richard, may CHRIST IN US grace us with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding.

    I DON'T BELIEVE the scriptures can contradict themselves.

    There are hundreds of places in the scriptures that say ALL will worship GOD.

    They can not worship God if they are in Hell.

    In Ezekiel 5 and Zachariah 13 it says a third will be brought through the fire; Revelation 9:18 says a third are killed by fire, smoke and brimstone. These have to be the same third as in Ezekiel and Zachariah because verse 20 says the rest repented not. This same third is the ones in Revelation 8.

    Revelation 19 The whole chapter is about the ones called to the marriage supper. Before we can come to the supper we have to be cleansed. We are cast into the lake of fire (vs 20). We have our flesh destroyed (vs 21). God is no respector of persons. Have we ever been fearful, unbelieving, liars. Revelation 21:8 says all these will have their part in the lake of fire. Did not Christ have victory over DEATH AND THE GRAVE Revelation 20:14 says DEATH AND THE GRAVE were destroyed by the lake of fire.


    Ecclesiastes 3

    I believe ALL things are by the will of God; good and bad. His will is always carried out by man; but THE WORKS ARE OF GOD. Therefore GOD will have mercy on ALL; but in HIS appointed TIME.

    Jeremiah 2:19 Thine own wickedness shall CORRECT THEE ......

    Jeremiah 46:28 ......but I will not make a full end of thee, but CORRECT THEE in measure; yet will I not leave thee wholly UNPUNISHED.

    Psalms 94:10 He that chastiseth the heathen, shall he not CORRECT? ......

    FOR MEDITATION: If the damned have a natural body at their resurrection; literal fire will kill them in a few seconds. If they are resurrected with a glorified body: literal fire can't hurt them.

    SPIRITUAL FIRE CAN hurt both; natural and glorified.
  • Richard Duff - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 15:5 - 3 years ago
    Hello again, Chris,

    Thank you for the response! Before yesterday I had never even discovered this website-format, much less written in it. I found it in Internet-looking up the KJV for purposes in helping another person in pulling it up on-line if they did not have a KJV, so as to try to show them things that would lead them to that Wonderful Saving Knowledge of our Blessed Savior, Almighty God Jesus Christ!...and here we are!

    Please tell me a little about yourself, and your relationship with Jesus Christ and your interest in studying His Bible! What are some of your favorite Scriptures?!

    I am 68 and received Christ when age 17, growing up in Miami, Florida. I came out of a quite strong and dedicated Catholic background - Catholic schooling and being an "altar boy", and "knowing" Catholicism was the "only true religion" - when someone in my junior year of high school, now in a public school, showed me Ephesians 2:8&9, John 1:12, and II Corinthians 5:17. Catholics never teach, recommend, or at all emphasize individual Bible learning, and being able to buy my own copy and read it was revolutionary to me! They emphasize Catholicism-only, what the priest says, completely missing and denying the need for what God says in the last clause of Deuteronomy 8:3 and the related Matthew 4:4 and Luke 4:4.

    Big to me also then quickly became Isaiah 26:3, Psalm 119:11, and Romans 12:1&2. That Glorious Grace Salvation of Ephesians 2:8&9 I immediately saw completely destroyed Catholicism's evil doctrine of works-salvation, and that Truth greatly spoke to me. Seeing that and all these beginning Truths in my life greatly blessed and thrilled my heart and understanding! Another few of my favorite Scriptures in and of life have become III John 2 & 4, Jeremiah 15:16, and Psalms 94:19, 103:3&4 & 111:2 which says, "The works of The Lord are great, sought out of all that have pleasure therein"!!

    Best regards, which is always Jesus Christ Himself! Richard.
  • Carleton - In Reply on Titus 3 - 3 years ago
    This hymn verse speaks to me: When He shall come with trumpet sound, O , may I then in him be found; Clad in His righteousness alone, Faultless to stand before the throne.

    On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand.

    "The Solid Rock" verse 4

    Edward Mote 1797-1874

    The Lord is my defense, and my God is the rock of my refuge- Psalms 94:22
  • Rob on Psalms 94 - 4 years ago
    I was enjoying this chapter tonight and was blessed .

    Our God is my defence and rock of my refuge.
  • David a man after God39s own heart on Psalms 94 - 4 years ago
    Psalm 51

    1 Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.

    2 Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.

    3 For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.

    4 Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.

    5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

    6 Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.

    7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

    8 Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.

    9 Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.

    10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

    11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.

    12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

    13 Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.

    14 Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, thou God of my salvation: and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness.

    15 O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise.

    16 For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering.

    **17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

    If God is the Alpha and the Omega: He saw our sins already. But we live inside the Law of Time.

    I find it quite humbling to be standing upon the precipice of sin and I remember___God already knows which way Im going to choose. What do I do now?

    I use my own freedom to choose right; not wrong, to not sin. To Repent.

  • What is psalms 94 about on Psalms 94 - 4 years ago
    What is psalms 94 about
  • BSP on Psalms 94 - 4 years ago
    Verse 9-Our loving God has created the eye so that we can see in many beautiful colors and the ear so that we can hear various sounds.
  • Blessed Quietness John 1416 on Psalms 94:16 - 4 years ago
    "Blessed Quietness" Manie P. Ferguson 19th Century

    Joys are flowing like a river, Since the Comforter has come;

    He abides with us forever, Makes the trusting heart His home.

    Blessed quietness, holy quietness, Blest assurance in my soul!

    On the stormy sea Jesus speaks to me, And the billows cease to roll!

    Everything is turned to gladness, All around this glorious Guest,

    Banished unbelief and sadness, All is perfect peace and rest.

    Blessed quietness, holy quietness, Blest assurance in my soul!

    On the stormy sea Jesus speaks to me, And the billows cease to roll!

    Like the rain that falls from heaven, Like the sunlight from the sky,

    So the Holy Spirit given, Falls upon us from on high.

    Blessed quietness, holy quietness, Blest assurance in my soul!

    On the stormy sea Jesus speaks to me, And the billows cease to roll!

    What a wonderful salvation, Where we always see His face!

    What a peaceful habitation, What a quiet resting place!

    Blessed quietness, holy quietness, Blest assurance in my soul!

    On the stormy sea Jesus speaks to me, And the billows cease to roll!
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Psalms 94:16 - 4 years ago
    Psalm 22

    Isaiah 53

    Mathew 26:2 Mathew 26:14-16 Mathew 26:21 Mathew 26:31 Mathew 26:47-50

    John 15:15

    James 2:22-23

    John 8:39-40

    Hope this helps your question.
  • Cynn Cincy on Psalms 94:16 - 4 years ago
    Please explain: Zechariah 13:6 And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends. ????
  • Charles Pineda Jr - In Reply on Psalms 94:16 - 4 years ago
    The Lord Almighty and His son Christ Jesus know that we appreciated your biblical supported comments.

    Our family is like Noah's during the great flood. Since February 2020, we have been housebound, but spreading the Good News of Christ Jesus can still be done. The other day while using my credit card to buy a product I had the opportunity to speak to a fellow named Tony or Antonio in Romania. I had an opportunity to share Christ Jesus with him, and as I suggest to the persons, many who are homeless, who attend the evening services at the Sacramento Union Gospel Mission, if they accepted Christ Jesus and are in need of direction to not only read the Proverbs, but to internalize them and make them a part of their decision making processes, Antonio indicated he would look for them when he got home.

    Reading is easy. Many people tell me that they have read the entire bible a few times, but many times their lifestyle and deeds don't support their reading and application of the scriptures to their own lives.

    Therefore, it is necessary,again, to internalized the instructions in the Proverbs that the Lord Almighty gave to King Solomon and a few others to give to us. The Proverbs of the Lord Almighty allow one to address any issue while on planet earth. Again, reading is easy, but internalizing of the instructions of the Proverbs are challenging and difficult, especially in the areas of the flesh. After eight years, I am still learning to INTERNALIZE THEM.

    While growing up no one ever stress the importance of God's Proverbs, but now as a man I fully understand their importance in our lives. If we had them in Grammar, Middle, and High school our society and nation would be much better. And for sure Satan's profanity would be taking a beating, and his movies and Dvd's would be soundly curtailed.

    Charles Pineda, Jr. UGM preacher and California Parole Board Judge (Ret.);

    Former Democratic, family values, candidate for Governor of California,1986-2010.
  • Things To Come Upon the Earth-Mishael - In Reply on Psalms 94:16 - 4 years ago
    Do not be dismayed, for what is happening. True believers are the Bride of Christ, and Jesus knows who are His. He will bring us through this. Like Lots wife, do not ponder on what will happen to those who choose to stay in their sins and reject Gods Son.

    The nations are much like Ezekiels dry bones. Laying in the valley of indecision. Many will stand up. Don't despair. Just prophesy (which means, to speak Gods Word) to the bones.

    Even unsaved people are beginning to feel that something extraordinary is happening.

    All remaining prophesy must happen first.

    The secret agenda of Antichrist is not so secret now. He will take over governments, the many churches will become just one, that the False prophet will oversee.

    50 million Acres of USA farmland belongs to other nations. Areas of food growth will be controlled by Antichrist. Who did this? Unbelieving corrupt industry that lives to hoard money off the backs of the innocent and poor.

    There is no reason to fear or succumb to heart attacks because control is being transferred. Soon Jesus will come to pull us out of here. Stay strong in that thought and do not fear. Compel friends and neighbors to grab onto Jesus as well.

    The fact that things are speeding up is a good thing. We are to be looking up, looking for Jesus in the clouds.

    There are many people who come to the Prayer Request room every day, for all kinds of reasons. If we can help someone who has willingly come here for a moment of prayer or encouragement; we can reach out also to people in our neighborhood, the grocery, the drugstore, old friends in our address books. We can share our testimony and tell how we came to trust Jesus. Pray with them. Overcome the fears of living in a brand new place someday: with the Lover of our souls. The Holy Spirit comes alongside in those conversations and helps us get through to the person. Even over the phone. Miracles like that give our hearts, wings like an eagle; eyes on Jesus.

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