Discuss Revelation 11 Page 18

  • Essoun on Revelation 11 - 9 years ago
    The two witnesses in Rev 11 are both Isaiah and Paul. The olive tree is always remembered with the mind set on Isaiah. A lampstand represents church in Rev 1:20. Then Paul comes into mind when the churches are mentioned. Many witnesses come to mind when the olive tree and the lampstand ref. Rev 11:4 are mentioned. But the greatest of these witness of Jesus Christ were Isaiah and Paul. The death of Isaiah and Paul remains a mystery till now. The death of the two will be seen by all. These two witnesses if they are dead or were taken to heaven must have been written in the Bible. The two witnesses are Isaiah and Paul and they have the power do signs and wonders ref. Rev 11:6 . Remember Paul 's sayings: "I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me " ref Philippians 4:13 . Read: Isaiah 45:7, 1 Thes 4:13-18, John 21:22-23. God bless you for reading. Jesus is the answer
  • Word on Revelation 11 - 9 years ago
    The two that will come as witnesses are Moses the Law giver and Elijah the prophet and they will turn many away from antichrist which means instead of Christ. Satan will have the whole world worshipping him as Christ except the elect and the two witnesses who will stand against Satan as he sits in the temple claiming to be God and when Satan kills the two witnesses that will end the first tribulation 3 days later when they rise at the sound of the 7th trump. Satan will be here 2 and a half months so them that believe the truth there will be no buying or selling so stock up and pay your rent. When the 7th trump sounds our Lord Jesus the true Christ will return and crush Satans head and you don 't want to be caught worshipping the false Christ that comes first.
  • John on Revelation 11:9 - 9 years ago
    And they of the people of kindreds,tongues, and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and a half. This verse among many others proves the bible to be the infallible word of God, since for the their bodies to be viewed by nations means they 'll be seen on news networks. Therefore, modern conveniences was foreseen by God since the beginning of time. May God and his son Jesus receive all the power and glory!
  • Geoff on Revelation 11 - 9 years ago
    It is my conviction that the two witnesses are the first to be "born again ". After three and a half days the spirit of life entered them and they stood upon their feet. In verse 13 it says that 7000 names of men are killed. These are the men to who it was said in Romans 9:26 "you are not my people ". They are the sons of the living God who will also be "born again ". After that they are to bring the 10th part of the city into the storehouse - see Malachi Ch3. The same 10th part of the city that fell. Does the number 7000 fill the requirement in Revelation Chapter 6:11
  • Geoff on Revelation 11 - 9 years ago
    The two witnesses are Judah and Joseph. Read Genesis Chapter 49 to confirm this. There really are twelve sons of Jacob in the final part of the days! Why though, are only two of them standing before the Lord of the earth? The other ten give away their power to the wild beast. Also confirm in Zechariah that it is also only Judah and Joseph who are saved and not cast out. Zechariah therefore infers that the other ten ARE cast out. When you read the blessing due to Joseph in Genesis Chapter 49 notice the similarities to branches by a fountain Olive and Golden Liquid. Also notice that Joseph is to be a "helper " that God sends forth in the final part of the days. Now read John Chapter 15 and notice that Jesus Christ asks the Father to send forth "the helper ".
  • Wycliffe on Revelation 11:18 - 9 years ago
    According to this scripture,the bible is clear, it 's talking about those who destroyed the earth. The question is, how can we destroy the earth,well some people can understand it in different ways but let everyone know that the earth is being destroyed by the act of human and their characters. If you contributed in fornication ,you 're part of the people who destroyed the earth, wars destroying the beauty of the earth,all kinds of evil,all those people are part of those who destroyed the earth. Also called sinners who did not turn from their evil ways . Be careful hat you will not be one of them who will be destroyed.
  • Word on Revelation 11 - 9 years ago
    Victoria your right and the elect will be here and are delivered up and when they are delivered up the Holy Spirit will speak through them and they will turn many away from worshipping anti-Christ which means instead of Christ. Daniel 8 vs 23 to 25 and Daniel 11 vs 21 to 32 tells us that Satan the vile one coming as antichrist comes and obtains his kingdom on earth in peace and flatteries. The two witnesses and the elect are here to turn us away from the deception that Satan is playing as he is acting as instead of Christ. Keep in the scriptures and dig the truth out and be saved by the word of God. If someone tells you come Jesus is here and he is going to fly us out. DON 'T GO! Wait for the true Christ. Truth, 75 days after the 6th trump the 7th will sound. The 2 witnesses will be killed by antichrist so all can see and will lay out in the open and 3 days later the 7th trump will sound. Rev. 9 tells us the time Satan and his disguised ministers will be on earth.
  • Victoria on Revelation 11:3 - 9 years ago
    Thus, TWO-WITNESSES: God WORD i.e. Greek NT Bible and The Holy Spirit. KJV REV 1-13 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. The Greek reads more literally, ". . . the two witnesses of me. " While this rendering also imparts the idea of possession, it adds a vital element: that the Two Witnesses testify about God Himself. They are God 's direct representatives in the crucial last years of man 's civilization. And they represent Him, not just in words, but in everything they do during their prophetic ministry. " And I - Christ. Will give to my two witnesses... " These two witnesses are witnesses for the Lord. They shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days. They shall bear witness for 1260 days, the forty-two months the Holy City is trodden down Re 11:2 . During this time they shall prophesy clothed in sackcloth, a symbol of sorrow and mourning. It implies that these witnesses shall be in tribulation during the period named.
  • Ar on Revelation 11 - 9 years ago
    To Victoria 's chapter 11 remark. The two witnesses will come after the church 's Rapture. When the Church goes, so will the Holy Spirit, as the HS is in the Church and in the believers and in the Word. God, though loves the sinners even then and specially His people, that 's the reason why He sends the two witnesses, to support them.As for the NT it is here now and will be here then, but I doubt if it will have any power then to save . The two witnesses will replace the HS and the NT
  • Victoria on Revelation 11 - 9 years ago
    BIBLICAL TWO- WITNESSES GOD S WORD, NT AND THE HOLY SPIRIT " And I - Christ. Will give to my two witnesses... These two witnesses are witnesses for the Lord.
  • Word on Revelation 11 - 9 years ago
    The two witnesses get here 10 days before antichrist and stand against antichrist for 2 and a half months. The world will hate them but the elect will stand with them. And that 's the truth!
  • Reinarudo Watanabe on Revelation 11 - 9 years ago
    REVELATION 11 COMMENTS 3 16 2015 2:35 PM The two witnesses prophecy. The one witness, find in 1 Ki.17:1 17:48 and the other one witness in Ex.7:19. By the glory of God, the kingdoms of this world was given to our Lord Jesus Christ that will reign for ever and ever. A-men.
  • Evang. Robinson on Revelation 11:3 - 9 years ago
    These two witnesses represent those who God has called, chosen to bring forth his word righteousness and his will here on earth. They have suffered wrongfully by many devils . Satan tried his best to wear them down thru sickness and etc. What they have been through overcame the average person would have given up, died spiritually and physically. Many thought it was and is over, you or I was down to the last count BUT GOD! Remember, God always has a witness. God is my witness. Is he yours? Jesus reigns forever, not to mention He is the resurrection and the life. It 's not over till God says it 's over and it 's not over till the victory is won. It 's written at the end we win. It doesn 't matter what it looks like, feels like or sounds like because we walk by faith and not by sight. Faith believe and obey God. He is not a man that he should lie. Amen
  • Word on Revelation 11 - 9 years ago
    The two witnesses haven 't got here yet! They stand against antichrist and when satan kills them 3 1 2 days later they will stand up and the 7th trump will sound and hail stones mixed with fire will crush Jerusalem. Warning is to Flee from it because the wrath of God is coming. The Lion of God will come to destroy Antichrist and his followers.
  • Vina on Revelation 11 - 9 years ago
    This chapter represents the old and new testament that was hated during the French revolution. The Bibles were taken away from the Christians and burned in the streets of the city. The testimony of the two witnesses pointed out the sins of the people that is why they were Killed with fire. The burning of the two witnesses was celebrated in France, gifts were sent to other countries in honor of the killings. That is how America acquired the statue of liberty. This lawlessness lasted for 3 1 2 years until the prodestant reformation, which brought life to the Bible the old and new testament.
  • John Murphy on Revelation 11:4 - 9 years ago
    The Bible does not indicate by name who the 2 witnesses shall be, but it most likely will not be anyone already deceased. Would be Elisha and Enoch by my understanding.
  • Word on Revelation 11 - 9 years ago
    Robert it 's the Law and the prophet or Moses and Elijah I think because they showed up with Christ on the mount in front of the disciples and because they are powerful in faith and strong in doing what God wants done. They are can do people but who ever God sends the elect will know.
  • Insight 777 on Revelation 11 - 9 years ago
    Olive trees and candlesticks and witnesses are all symbolic representing the same things. It is logical to think the witnesses are therefore not men but ideals. The witnesses are opposing sides of conflict that voice their opinions before God and man concerning rights to religion, laws and land. They are clothed in sackcloth meaning mourning over perceived injustice. They are the cause of World War 3 as shown in verse 5, they will kill for their beliefs. Today nations have the ability to manipulate weather but I think the ability to cause it not to rain means the ability to work out problems peacefully so that missiles and bombs do not rain from the sky. The beast that rises out of the bottomless pit is a nuclear weapon. Nuclear destruction can last for centuries. A nuclear bomb is not like the atomic bombs that were used in Japan. The areas around a nuclear blast can not be built upon and remain desolate because of fallout contamination, their destruction is bottomless meaning unmeasurable. They lie dead in the street is also symbolic meaning the time during which the peace treaty is on the table, the great city meaning conflict. The death of war is peace. People will rejoice when peace is declared and it will be shown on the news around the world. However, the peace treaty terms are not fair and the spirit of God, opposing beliefs in God, cause war to erupt once again and fighter jets take to the sky to fight for justice.
  • Duane on Revelation 11:8 - 9 years ago
    Correct translation in last part of verse is "their Lord was crucified ". This means their own Peter, the one crucified by Nero, upside down. They, Rome, deify men, and make them "as gods " to be worshiped and this is where preterist stumble, thinking the translation is "our Lord ". Preterism is a doctrine of Jesuit design to throw the focus of the Historicist view of the Pope 's role as Antichrist.
  • Robert Franchetti on Revelation 11 - 9 years ago
    The "Two Witnesses " I 've heard so much as to who they might be. While in a recent class on Revelation whereby all the usual candidates were discussed, I was caused to consider by the Holy Spirit I believe that the witnesses may actually be Adam Eve, the first and perfect "man " God creating them "male and female " . They knew God most intimately, being created without sin. Adam Eve had a perfect relationship with the Creator. No wonder Satan hated them and wanted to destroy that relationship. So, who better to be His witnesses in Revelation than Adam and Eve. A clear example of what the relationship with God was intended to be. A clear condemnation of all this world has done to destroy God 's design via divorce, domestic abuse, homosexuality, lesbianism, etc. No wonder Satan hated Adam Eve. Although Satan thought the design was destroyed by sin, Adam and Eve may have been brought back again in Revelation to show an evil world the perfect union that man male female was destined to have with God. A union that can 't be destroyed as again proven by their appearance, apparent murder, and resurrection before the eyes of this evil generation. Let us never hinder what God 's Holy Spirit may teach us when reading His glorious word. Praise God!!!
  • Doris Early on Revelation 11 - 9 years ago
    Peter was not the ROCK ...Jesus was pointing to HIMSELF as he spoke to Peter about Peters confession that Jesus has the Word to eternal life. Jesus...pointing to Himself says to Peter..and Upon this Rock Jesus I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against etc....
  • Amankwah Evans on Revelation 11:3 - 9 years ago
    No wonder Elijah came back from Heaven to earth as John De Baptist,these two prophets are those that was slain for the gospel of Jesus christ i.e Peter was the buldozer among the disciples because Jesus said to Peter that,He would build His church on him whom death nor hades cannot overcome. In all,i think Peter will be one of the two witnesses.
  • Doris Early on Revelation 11 - 9 years ago
    The two witnesses are described. oNe had power to pray and it did not rained and pray and it rained Elijah . the other candle stick has power to turn water into blood and plagues Moses Moses wss buried by God. elijah was raptured.It is a picture of the Rapture. For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout ....The dead like Moses will rise first and those alive and remaining like Elijah will be caught up to be with THEM. It may even be the rapture ..The voice says come up Hiter ...Some say one is enoch he was old testament and was translated.But when did encoh turn water to blood and have power over plagues?
  • Tim George on Revelation 11:12 - 9 years ago
    These two witnesses will be raptured in the cloud when the voice come up hither, just as in Rev. 4 1 come up hither for the Church to be raptured.God will then seath144,000 Jewish Evangelist to preach the gospel until Jesus returns in the second coming to set up His kingdom.
  • 1stof7 on Revelation 11 - 9 years ago
    The answer to who one of the witnesses is at least comes in the previous chapter final verse rev 10 11 And he sayd vnto me, Thou must prophesie againe before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. There is apparently no record of Johns death! there it is right in front of all to see yet no one else seems to have noticed it? I also overlooked this for years yet there it is I also believe the previous verse in regards to the little book are speaking of the sweetness of the words of God that will be put forward and the bitterness it will leave in men 's hearts who will not accept them. Just my humble opinion.
  • Munawar Athwal on Revelation 11 - 10 years ago
    accarding to chapter 11 the two witnesses are not any person but two witnesses are two testament of holy bible old and new .because they are the witnesses of God which still standing in front of earthly god devil see zak 4 john 5 29
  • Katie on Revelation 11 - 10 years ago
    Tasha. Verse 11 means that the Spirit of life from GOD will enter the two witnesses that lay dead in front of everyone. The will be raised from the dead just as Christ did. The people that see this will be paralyzed with fear. The word fear in the greek means "epipipto " which means a PARALYZING FEAR that comes over them. They are so full of fear because are starting to realize that they have been deceived.
  • Vicki on Revelation 11:3 - 10 years ago
    I am am still learning about this, but could the two witnesses be angels?
  • James Lyman on Revelation 11:19 - 10 years ago
    God, Yahweh is well aware of what happened to the temple in Jerusalem Destroyed Defamed , but here, and as yet,the Holy Spirit hasn 't shared enough to put it properly, but I think that this Ark,is not the saviour of animals and a few men, but it is Jesus, the saviour of the world, who when crucified, caused the drapes to give way to the holy of holies in the temple, opening the direct dialogue to God the Father and His Son, Jesus, the Saviour to the entire world, and that through the gentile church, all mankind will, through this very ark, find salvation forever. Maybe the lightnings and associated thunderings are the celebratory announcements from the heavenly realm, while the earthquake and hail are cleansing mechanisms. As I said, this is just a "spur of the moment " thought...prayer to follow! Jim
  • Mark on Revelation 11:4 - 10 years ago
    Notice in the verse "standing " is the clue to who might be the 2 witnesses. They are most likely John the Baptist spirit of Elijah Matt. 11 14 and Elisha 1 King 17 1 18 15 2 King 3 14 . Notice they stand by the Lord of the whole Earth. They will prophesy for 1,260 days wearing sackcloth, representing mourning. Other possible witnesses are Moses, Enoch and James the brother of John.

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