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Mt. 5:14-16 says about being the light, a city set on a hill, not to be hid. Those that are saved are to be seen and recognized for what God has done. We are to show through salvation from sin the example of what man should be. If your light is the same as those that are lost, how can it be seen? Through God's power I have become a saint, one that does not sin by salvation from sin and sanctified by the Holy Ghost. 2 separate acts that fully save a person. As said before, 1 Jn 3:8-9 says those in sin are of the devil or born of God sinless. I used to be under Satan's control. I used to sin because it was in my heart to do those sinful acts. Sanctification changes that sinful desire, it's rooted out, replaced with the Holy Ghost. It is a second separate act. The heart of man can't be left empty or you have the condition mentioned of in Mt 12:43-45.
We must accept that God as Creator could have set the rules for salvation to whatever He wanted. He requires us to repent to be forgiven. He needed us to be saved from sin or He can't fellowship as with Adam in the beginning. Sin always separates man from God. Is. 59:1-2 Sin keeps God from hearing your prayers except 1 of repentance. Being saved from sin is a way to see that person as different than others.
How many religions are there? Many. Are all right. No. God has one Church. It is listed in the Bible. Mt 16:18 Jesus said He'd build His Church, gates of Hell shall not prevail. Sin is not in His Church. Ac 20:28 1 Co 1:2 10:32 11:22 15:9 2 Co 1:1 Ga 1:13 1 Tim 3:5 1 Co 11:16 1 Th 2:14 2 Th 1:4 Church of God is named in the Bible, churches of God as there are more than 1 congregation but still the same standard in all. 1 Co 1:10 all speak the same. Same standard, doctrine for all God's congregations. Why the confusion of doctrine? Only 1 is right. Is your church named in the Bible? No then come out of Babylon Re 18:4.
I prayed for your nephew Avery and his parents.
I'm so sorry to read about this difficult time in your life.
May God give you peace and strength to endure it all.
I have lifted up your son, Joey's name in prayer for both healing and salvation.
May God bless you both.
Pray for healing from COVID
Thank you
Thank you
Sara J.
Sara J.
It's noteworthy, that in eastern cultures, certainly in times of the Old Testament, that when a guest comes to your house, he is regarded with the highest honour possible, both in receiving the best you have to offer as well as full protection. The only right thing for Lot to do when confronted by those depraved men at his door was to offer his daughters so that his guests would not be humiliated or hurt. I did wonder why Lot didn't offer himself - it would have been the more noble thing to do. I realize that this type of behaviour is a difficult concept for us to grasp & should not be used as an excuse for such sin, but that's how it was.
In regards to God dealing with Lot - we just don't know. Did God severely chastise him & judge him & ultimately relegated him to the abyss? Or, did Lot realize his great folly & cry out to God in repentance, having also been witness to his Uncle Abraham's sins of the past & possible repentance at the altar he made ( Genesis 12:12-20; 13:1-5)? We can only speculate, rather than condemn Lot & his daughters entirely. And we know that God never overlooks sin & judgement remains for those who spurn His Love by sinning. Yet His Mercy extends to all sinners & His Grace to fully forgive the penitent.
Re: The Way Prepared. At their subject, 'Our Greatest Hindrance', the major part of that was highlighting that the Sabbath Day should still be the day that believers meet for worship. I'm unsure where you stand on this matter, but I think you are happy to go to your Fellowship on a Sunday or do you insist it be a Saturday?
The other subject I looked at on that Site, was 'What are the Ten Commandments'. In the most part, the instruction was correct, though with the emphasis to keep the Commandments as a duty in the Christian walk was not properly addressed & balanced. The material failed to take in, to whom the Commandments were specifically given, why they were given, & the Apostle Paul's discourses on the cessation of the commandments upon the advent of the New Covenant through Jesus' Blood. We can indeed be taught about God's requirements for Holy living from the commandments & other instructions to us, but to rest on them for our salvation & entrance to the New Jerusalem, I find erroneous. I can't go into detail here about this as it would require many pages, though, if you search on this Site, you might see some of the discussions we've had on it - both for & against.
As well, I don't share your belief that sin is only a spiritual illness. That sin, which finds its home in the carnal nature in man, has as its products, sickness, disease & death. No sin nature = no sin, sickness or death. But I stop here as we've beaten this matter to death though it has served to show me how other believers regard scriptural Truths. Thank you for your time, David, you are one of the few who have stayed the distance.
I hope the grace of God will help you and your family get through this tough time.
Sara J.
Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
Psalms 22:27 All the ends of the world shall remember, and turn unto the Lord, and all the kindred of the nations shall worship before thee.
Psalms 65:2 O Thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come.
Psalms 66:4 All the earth shall worship thee and shall sing unto thee; they shall sing to thy name. Selah.
I Timothy 4:10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, WHO IS THE SAVIOUR OF ALL MEN, specially those that believe.
i was scared of covid19 to work now i have no car insurance, no phone, no internet because usps losts 4 money orders in 2 separate days
my older brother is blind and mom is trying to save her as checks for eye surgery
1 sister's living in sin and has a child
none of us has a good relationship
it feels like god is trying to obliterate us from the face of the earth. whenever this family comes to mind please beg god the creator of all things to have mercy though we deserve anihilation
god, please have mercy on us strengthen our faith in jesus name
thank you jesus hallelujah praise god
god you are holy, thine o lord god is the greatness. .
blessed are you lord god our father
thank you for praying for us
numbers 6:24 the lord bless you and keep you and cause his face to shine upon you and give you peace