Discuss Revelation 12 Page 29

  • Austin - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    God will take control of your live and family issue
  • Sara J. on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for my brother that he will obey his authorities like the government, the law, obeying what the rules are to drive, and that most importantly he will obey Jesus. Please pray for him. God bless.
  • Georgia esparza on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for my brother Carl for he is going through difficult times in his life he needs more guidance in life I ask as well that you pray for me I have medical problems I live in a nursing home off Kingsley ave in orange park I want to live with my sister but she always has excuses I don't know what to believe any more help me find away for me to live pray for everyone living within a nursing home an out prayers go out to all my children an gran children god bless you all
  • David W Black - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Chris, A few things to consider about salvation and sanctification, and how these do create a person that is fully sinless: remember this is a person who repented to be saved and later got carnality removed by the power of God. Sin is a spiritual illness not a physical one. Afflictions and illness do happen to saints like myself. Being physically sick is not a sin, and will happen to every one of us.

    Ps. 34:19 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all."

    I Peter 5:9 "Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world."

    James 5:13-16 "Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.

    Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

    And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

    Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

    Here, we have a few examples of afflictions mentioned. Sickness can occur in saved or unsaved, the difference is those that are saved can call on God to heal them through faith. See the progression in this passage in James? Vs 13 Afflicted? Let him pray. Vs 14 then call for the elders, as in the pastor of your local congregation to pray for you after anointing with oil. 15 Something to keep in mind is that the word sin, as defined in Webster's dictionary, can be a fault, there are sins against God or against fellow man. Salvation is to remedy that sin committed against God only. This doesn't correct your faults, or these trespasses, transgressions, sins against another person. Mat. 6th forgive trespasses.

    Think of the 1 lying in the bed Jesus healed of sin and illness, Mark 2. Jesus healed and saved him. 2 separate miracles.
  • Claire - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for your reply, the scriptures, your words of encouragement & for checking out that site "The Way Prepared" for me. Could you please be a bit more specific about your concerns with their teaching as I'm struggling myself to understand the scriptures & with me being a fairly new Christian, it's hard for me to know what's true and what's false.

    Thank you for your sharing your knowledge regarding the church & the body of Christ. I, do say that I'm off to church meaning a building/location, but I know now that it's really the Body of believers.

    God bless you & your family.

    Kind Regards

  • Shawn on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for divine health and healing in my body. No diseases of any kind that I may celebrate and share the gospel of Jesus.

    Pray for my soon to be husband that he always puts God first and leads our home in such a wife that are lives together will glorify God.

    Pray for our children from previous marriages that they will be blessed all the days of their live.
  • Tricia on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    prayers for me as im goin thru a difficult situation rite now.

    prayers foe mi famly as our relationship wil get stronger.

    pray foe mi spiritul walk and reading and prayer with god.

    prayers foe mi sister as she was in a car accident and is not doin wel.

    pray foe me please. im struggling.
  • Shelby L Fanning on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for me my family , William and Norma Combow and their families and Our fire and EMTs ,,Nures and Doctors.
  • Tricia on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    please pray for my walk with jesus. i am struggling to read everyday and understand his word.

    please pray for my friend who is healing from breaking her foot badly.

    pray for everyone in this world to be saved.

    pray for all the people during covid19 who are affected and separated from their loved ones.

    pray for all the people who have lost loved ones through covid19.

    pray for my family that our relationship with each other will get stronger each day.

    our father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name that kindom come thy will be done on earth which is in heaven. give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. and lead us not into temptation and forgive us from evil. for thine is the glory, and the power, amen.

    thank you all. have a blessed day.
  • Claire - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Hi Amelia,

    Thank you for wishing my daughter 'A very happy birthday'. I told her what you said, she said thank you.

    God bless you & your family.

    Kind regards

  • Claire - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Hi Advise to Single Christian MinistersMishael

    I believe that being alone and isolated is Satan's best tool against us, because I suffered from depression & anxiety for about 30 years until it got to the point where I didn't want to wake up & I prayed in my heart for God to give me some peace & within a few mins I felt peace. (Praise God !!!)

    I will do some research & see if anyone knows of any of these types of things going on anywhere because I don't know of any church in my area that do anything like this. I told my pastor a few weeks ago about this guy that sits outside Aldi pretending to be homeless. He always has different clothes, shoes, & coats on & I've seen him with at least four different sleeping bags too. He's better dressed than me sometimes. Anyway, long story short my pastor said that someone asked him for money once & he told them that if they listened to the gospel for a few mins then he would give him some money & that the guy just walked off. He went on to say that if we don't work we shouldn't eat. I was very offended by this because I haven't been able to hold a job down for more than a few weeks here & there for over 20 years, due to suffering from depression & anxiety which led me to being on benefits most of my life. (Praise God that I no longer suffer from depression & anxiety !!!) but I am yet to find employment as I have only just ended my recovery period when the Covid 19 pandemic came along.

    Thanks you for your advice, the scriptures, & your words of encouragement.

    God bless you & your family.

    Kind Regards

  • Claire - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Hi Donna,

    Thanks for your reply. I believe that the Holy Spirit is dealing with me too. I think that I may even have the gift of discernment because I've suffered from anxiety all my life until people laid their hands on me & prayed for me at my old church. I've always been able to sense good or bad about people & situations, for example I can meet someone new & I either get a good, bad, or neutral feeling about them or go somewhere & get the same feelings about them too. I have no idea what triggers this feeling, but in every case I can think of it usually turns out that I'm right. My friends use to say that I was paranoid when I said that I had bad feelings about things, but the times I didn't listen to my gut instincts I ended up it trouble. I now trust my own instincts, rather than people.

    I will continue to pray and read the Word of God, and ask the Holy Spirit to teach me the things that I don't understand.

    Thank you for your prayers & your words of encouragement.

    God bless you & your family.

    Kind Regards

  • Givemore Maguju on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    I need to develop a strong relationship with God.
  • Lena on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Prayers for Paul as God is leading him forward-Thank You and God Bless
  • David A. on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Please keep me in your Prayers may GOD bless all that prays for others
  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Thanks for your reply, Claire, & I'm sure there are many who are lifting you up before the Lord including about your place of worship, the people there & your family situation. The Lord hears you & as you keep your heart & mind affixed upon Him & express full faith in spite of your circumstances, you will find the Lord opening up the way before you.

    Faith is what moves the Hand of God. Mark 9:23, 24: "Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief."

    I took a cursory look at the "The Way Prepared" site, particularly on 'Our Greatest Hindrance' & 'Ten Commandments' & though they gave a thorough dealing with the subjects, I had some serious misgivings with their teaching as they don't conform entirely to what I understand are scriptural Truths.

    Just one more point on The Church. I picked up on this conversation you were having. To state, that 'Church' in the Bible always points to 'a group of people, a congregation, a gathering for religious purposes'. The Greek word is 'ekklesia'. It never speaks of a building - the Church is a living organism: the Body of Christ: 1 Corinthians 12:27, "Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular." And verse 28, describes some of the appointments & functions within this Body, the Church. However, it wouldn't be wrong to say that 'we're off to Church today' as applying to a building/location but the meaning is essentially to the Body of believers. Every blessing to you as you wait on the Lord.
  • Lionjudah - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Hi Claire, I pray u recieve Jesus as your husband. I pray u have the strength to keep walking in the spirit & that your feet stand ferm on the rock. Jah bless..
  • Cb on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Pray for my Grandma and Grandpa. Pray for their health. Pray that everything is ok. Also pray for meand my depression. I thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS
  • Belinda on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    I ask for your Prayers for my sister, Diana Dupree (from Forrest Park, GA).

    Prayers are so powerful. Please pray she doesn't continue 2 suffer any more pain.

    Also, please pray a Miracle, that we know only our GOD & Savior can provide.

    She's suffered over a yr of Unimaginable Pain. She has a Stage 4 Open Wound, so deep the bone's exposed (from a Dunwoody, GA rehab). Since it's huge & is on her lower back, it causes constant infections. She was discharged from a hospital, where she was already scheduled for a surgery & rehab, which would've allowed her 2 live with family. Instead, she was discharged 2 a nursing home... Parkside Nursing Home in Jasper, GA. The surgery would've helped her & our family, since her organs had lost bodily waste control.

    My sisters & brothers are doing all we

    can 2 help her... but can't bring her home

    since the surgery we expected didn't happen.. so there was no waste bag put on the front side of her.. We could've handled that as a family. Now we can't even bring her home 2 lovingly care for her, & all pray 2gether with her.


    I thank our GOD 4 His Sacrifice, when he sent his one & only son JESUS, from the

    Heavens, 2 spread Christianity across the the Good earth he had created. & 2 teach

    the gospel of God... so his people would recognize the Evil that that surrounded them; so they'd repent & receive GOD'S

    forgiveness & be given the Grace of being

    allowed 2 entry n2 his Glorious Heaven.
  • Shane on Revelation 14:4 - 4 years ago
    The Remnant, also called the 144,000, the elect or a part of the chosen. They are from the twelve tribes of Israel but scattered abroad among all nations. The 'women' term mentioned in Revelation 14:3 is the symbolic term for the church such as 'the women'. The church part is proven in Revelation 12:17. The 'virgins' term in Revelation 14:3 is from the Parable of the Foolish Virgins in Matthew Chapter 25 meaning they are bridesmaids not physical virgins and in summary are meant to be 'undefiled by church'.
  • BeLin on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    I ask for your Prayers for my sister, Diana Dupree (from Forrest Park, GA).

    She's suffered over a yr of unimaginable pain. She was discharged from a hospital, where she was already scheduled for a surgery & rehab, which would've allowed her 2 live with family. Instead, she was discharged 2 a nursing home... Parkside Nursing Home in Jasper, GA. The surgery would've helped her & our family, since her organs had lost bodily waste control.

    So our sisters & brothers are doing all we

    can 2 help her... but can't bring her home.

    I thank our GOD 4 His Sacrifice, when he sent his one & only son JESUS, from the

    Heavens, 2 spread Christianity across the the Good earth he had created. & 2 teach

    the gospel of God... so his people would recognize the Evil that that surrounded them; so they'd repent & receive GOD'S

    forgiveness & be given the Grace of being

    allowed 2 entry n2 his Glorious Heaven.
  • Amelia - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Dear Claire's daughter,

    Have a very happy birthday!
  • Advise to Single Christian MinistersMishael - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Being Alone and Isolated

    Satans best tool against anybody, saved or unsaved, is ISOLATION. You are vulnerable because of it.

    The Humility of Jesus is shown in how he cared for people who came to Him for help. It was spiritual and practical.

    There are many, many ministries who could use an extra pair of hands, and a friendly smile.

    You aren't going to have a husband ring the doorbell. You need to make some calls; call your church for advise. Be VISABLE. Try to break out of solitude, doing one of these following ministries:

    Feeding ministries (packing or distributing

    Benevolence (Clothing,toys,shoes)

    Collecting coats for Kids

    Helping with blue or brown Santa

    Writing out Holiday greeting cards for shut-in's or elderly

    Your local civic organizations (paint scenery for Christmas plays, find costumes, etc

    Help Habitat for Humanity

    A Christian man may be out in the midst of all that: being his kind and caring self. As long as you're isolated you will not be in range of meeting. (Mission accomplished by Satans crummy helpers.) Conversation in public only.

    If your church doesn't do these kind of things; find a church with a big singles ministry. No rule says you can't visit other singles ministries and attend your regular church.

    John 10:10

    "The thief (satan) cometh not, but for to steal (your joy and peace), and to kill (your faith that God loves you), and to destroy (you! Piece by piece). I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (Jesus)."

    You have to fight back like a warrior, Ephesians 6.

    Amos 3:3

    Can two walk together, except they be agreed? {Pray to receive a life partner, or spouse.}. This doesn't work unless you feed your faith. Have an inner attitude of praise and worship towards God. Participate in life outside of your house.

    Refuse violently when demons of doubt come to shred your faith. Eph.6

    You need to print this out or copy. Tape it to the back of your closet door.
  • Amelia - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Amen. God bless you both. God bless you all to.
  • Ruth on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Please pray and ask for healing for my mum, Rosemary. Her feet, specifically.
  • Amelia - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Amen. God bless you Jhordyn.
  • Amelia - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago

    I will pray that the Lord will give you wisdom to follow Him in the right path.
  • Ben T. on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Please pray that the Lord blesses me with temporary housing after I leave my current apartment. Thank you.
  • Michael Atinga on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Pray for me and my family for we are in danger and I have a swallowed legs and it's paining me terribly so pray for me.
  • Christopher slade - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    I just read all of your prayer quest and I will pray to all okay! .....

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